This section describes in detail the programming environment setup and configuration to ingest data into this pipeline. This is specifically relevant to the researchers that will contribute data to this project, particularly the researchers at Janelia Research Campus.
Regular users who will be using the code for querying/analysis should
checkout the source code from git and install the package using python's pip
command. For example:
$ git clone
$ cd map-ephys
$ pip install -e .
This will make the MAP pipeline package available to your python interpreter as 'pipeline'. For example, to import the MAP experiment module, users can import pipeline.experiment:
>>> from pipeline import experiment
and so on. Please see the respective documentation for more on pipeline code contents and DataJoint schemas.
Direct installation without a source checkout may be desired for non-interactive machines - this can be done directly via pip:
$ pip install git+
The python module pipeline/ contains utility functions to trigger file ingest for behavior and ephys ingest, a facility to launch a basic python environment with the various schema modules loaded, and a utility to generate ERD diagrams from the current code, and other administrative tasks.
These functions are also made available in the
which can be used as a command line utility for common tasks.
This chapter is written with the stand-alone method in mind. If you wish to use the shell as a module, please see's 'actions' variable for the functions corresponding to the shell commands.
Account setup, test & usage synopsis using the shell is as follows:
$ shell
Connecting chris@localhost:3306
Please enter DataJoint username: chris
Please enter DataJoint password:
map shell.
schema modules:
- ephys
- lab
- experiment
- ccf
- publication
>>> lab.Person()
*username fullname
+----------+ +----------+
daveliu Dave Liu
(1 tuples)
>>> dj.config.save_local()
>>> sys.exit()
Connecting user@server:3306
usage: [ingest-behavior|ingest-ephys|ingest-tracking|ingest-histology|auto-ingest|populate-psth|publish|export-recording|generate-report|sync-report|shell|erd|ccfload|automate-computation|automate-sync-and-cleanup|load-insertion-location|load-animal] <args>
The script and module support runtime-configurable logging via the environment variable MAP_LOGLEVEL and dj.config['loglevel']. Possible values and logging configuration are processed by the '' function, which will also enable logging to the file specified in dj.config['custom']['logfile'], if this setting is present.
With respect to the day-to-day research activity, ingestion of newly recorded data to the MAP pipeline is comprised of 4 main steps discussed below. This section only discusses ingest steps; for further details about the data loaded in each stage please see the main pipeline documentation.
Behavior Ingest
The behavior ingest phase loads behavior data into the pipeline. This includes:
- Main Session record
- Session meta information (e.g. subject, session's datetime, etc.)
- Trials and trial labels (e.g. type, response, photostim trial, etc.)
- Trial events (e.g. onsets of sample/delay/response period, onset of photostim, etc.)
To perform behavior ingest for the delay-response experiment, users can additionally configure the dj.config['custom'] variable 'behavior_data_paths' list. Each item in this list is itself a list containing the rig name, path to rig data files, and a priority number. For example:
>>> mypaths = [['Rig1', '/data/rig1', 0]] >>> dj.config['custom']['behavior_data_paths'] = mypaths >>> dj.config.save_local()
or in dj_local_conf.json:
"custom": { "behavior_data_paths": [ ["Rig1", "/data/rig1", 0], ["RRig2", "/data/rig2", 1], ["Tower-3", "/data/tower3", 2] ] }
After any necessary configuration, behavior ingest is run using the 'ingest-behavior' mapshell command:
$ ingest-behavior
This action will traverse the contents of the rig data paths, finding behavior session files and attempting to load them.
To perform behavior ingest for the foraging experiment, users will need to configure the dj.config['custom'] to contain the behavior_bpod variable, which specifies 2 fields:
- meta_dir: full path to the directory containing all of the meta data csv files for all subjects (e.g. FOR01.csv, FOR02.csv...)
- project_paths: full path to all of the bpod project data directories
For example, in dj_local_conf.json:
"custom": { "behavior_bpod": { "meta_dir": "path/to/Metadata", "project_paths": [ "/path/to/bpod/Tower-1/Foraging", "/path/to/bpod/Tower-2/Foraging", "/path/to/bpod/Tower-2/Foraging_homecage" ] }, }
After any necessary configuration, behavior ingest is run using the 'ingest-foraging' mapshell command:
$ ingest-foraging
This action will traverse the contents of the rig data paths, finding behavior session files and attempting to load them.
Tracking Ingest
The tracking ingest phase loads feature position data into the pipeline (e.g. nose, tongue, jaw movements, from DLC). The ingest should be run after behavior is ingested, and will attempt to load position tracking information for sessions where it does not already exist.
If needed, users can additionally configure a dj.config['custom'] variable to adjust local data paths for tracking:
>>> mypaths = [['Rig1', '/data/rig1']] >>> dj.config['custom']['tracking_data_paths'] = mypaths >>> dj.config.save_local()
or in dj_local_conf.json:
"custom": { "tracking_data_paths": [ ["RRig1", "/data/rig1"], ["RRig2", "/data/rig2"] ] }
After any necessary configuration, behavior ingest is run using the 'ingest-tracking' mapshell command:
$ ingest-tracking
This action will jump to the expected location of tracking data for each session without tracking and attempt to load any tracking data which is available.
Electrophysiology Ingest
The electrophysiology ingest phase loads processed spike data output from Jrclust3, Jrclust4, and kilosort2 on a per-probe basis. This includes:
- Ingestion of probe insertion information
- Ingestion of clustering results
- Ingestion of quality control results (if available)
If needed, users can additionally configure a dj.config['custom'] variable to adjust local data paths for ephys data.
In dj_local_conf.json:
"custom": { "ephys_data_paths": ["/path/to/ephys", "/path/to/ephys2"] }
After any necessary configuration, ephys ingest is run using the 'ingest-ephys' mapshell command:
$ ingest-ephys
This action will jump to the expected location of ephys data for each session without ephys data and attempt to load any ephys data which is available.
Subsequent stages of the pipeline also require manual entry of probe insertion locations (ephys.ProbeInsertion.InsertionLocation) into the pipeline to assist in downstream computations. This can be done directly using DataJoint, or via an excel spreadsheet helper routine 'load-insertion-location'. Please see the code for load-insertion-location for further details on the excel approach.
Histology Ingest
The histology ingest phase loads processed histology details into the pipeline. These include:
- electrode ccf location
- probe track data
In addition to session behavior data, Histology data load is dependent on loading the reference CCF volume data. The reference volume used in the MAP pipeline is the Allen Institute CCF r3 20 uM Dataset tiff stack. This is done manually once prior to ingest of any histology data, see section (5) below.
If needed, users can additionally configure a dj.config['custom'] variable to adjust local data paths for session histology data:
>>> mypaths = ["/path/to/histology"] >>> dj.config['custom']['histology_data_paths'] = mypaths >>> dj.config.save_local()
or in dj_local_conf.json:
"custom": { "histology_data_paths": ["/path/to/histology"] }
Histology paths should be layed out as follows:
Expected files are documented in the function:
After any necessary configuration, histology ingest is run using the 'ingest-histology' mapshell command:
$ ingest-histology
This action will jump to the expected location of histology data for each session without ephys data and attempt to load any ephys data which is available.
CCF Ingest
New ingestion of CCF is rarely needed, typically only applicable when a new CCF Annotation version is available and the
tables are required to be updated.To do CCF ingestion, set up
to contain:from pipeline import ccf dj.config['custom']['ccf_data_paths'] = { 'version_name': 'CCF_2017', 'region_csv': '/data/ccf/mousebrainontology_2.csv', 'hexcode_csv': '/data/ccf/hexcode.csv', 'annotation_nrrd: '/data/ccf/annotation_10.nrrd", } ccf.CCFBrainRegion.load_regions() ccf.CCFAnnotation.load_ccf_annotation()
The ingest expects the Allen 10 uM input volume and downscales to 20 uM precision on ingest.
Or, users can setup the
as above and run:$ ccfload