General utilities for creating command-line interfaces.
Configure and fill file templates.
- You have several files that need to have values set, these can be secrets or just configuration options.
- The same values may need to be set across different files, or some files may need values specific only to that file.
- You have several variables stored in either
files, within the operating system's environment, or need to specify different values than what exists from the default locations.
The tmplcfg
command-line interface will aggregate variables from various sources and process multiple template files that have predefined replacement tags.
The following variables need to be inserted across three different files: PGPASSWORD, PGDATABASE, PGUSER, DJANGO_SECRET_KEY, PGREADONLY, DJ_HOST, DJ_PASS, DJ_USER
file: _template.env
S3_ACCESS = {}
"default": {
"ENGINE": "django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2",
"PORT": "5432",
"OPTIONS": {"options": "-c default_transaction_read_only=%PGREADONLY%"},
file: djconfig_template.json
"connection.charset": "",
"connection.init_function": null,
"": "%DJ_HOST%",
"database.password": "%DJ_PASS%",
"database.port": 3306,
"database.prefix": "",
"database.reconnect": true,
"database.use_tls": null,
"database.user": "%DJ_USER%",
"display.limit": 35,
"display.show_tuple_count": true,
"display.width": 25,
"enable_python_native_blobs": true,
"fetch_format": "array",
"loglevel": "INFO",
"safemode": true
Use a combination of existing resources:
- the
option for reading from an existing environment file - the
option for reading from the system environment - the
option for specifying a key-value pair
tmplcfg \
--env-file=secrets.env \
--env=DJANGO_SECRET_KEY=mysecretkey \
--sources=~/_template.env /app/ ~/djconfig_template.json
The above command will load all the variables from the specified sources and use those to write to the following new files with the tagged values replaced.
Additional options:
- specify a different tag identifier instead of the default "%"
- change permissions for written files
- append to existing files during writing
- toggle writing missing variables to files
Variables are sourced in the following order:
- system environment variables pulled from
- variables defined with the
cli option - individual variables defined with the
cli option - any default values defined in
if they are missing fromself.environment
usage: tmplcfg [-h] [-V] [-v] [--env-file PATH] [-e KEY=VAL] [-g [ENV1,ENV2 ENV3 ...]]
[--write-mode STR] [--delim STR] [--rdelim STR] [--chmod STR] [--allow-empty]
[--none-val STR] [-t [PATH ...]] [-s PATH [PATH ...]]
Configure and Fill File Templates
A tool to fill in templated configuration files from dot environment files, system
environment variables, or variables and values passed as command options. The same pool
of defined variables can be used to process multiple files at once.
Usage as a console script:
tmplcfg --help
tmplcfg --version
tmplcfg --env-file=.env -e X=1 my/template/file.txt
tmplcfg -vv --env-file=../.env -e VAR1=VAL --env=VAR2=VAL \
--write-mode=a --chmod=660 -t -s
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-V, --version show program's version number and exit
-v, --verbose increase logging verbosity by specifying multiple (default: 0)
--env-file PATH specify an environment file to load (default: None)
-e KEY=VAL, --env KEY=VAL
specify a single environment variable to use (default: None)
-g [ENV1,ENV2 ENV3 ...], --env-os [ENV1,ENV2 ENV3 ...]
a comma-separated or space separated list of global environment
variables to try and retrieve from `os.environ` (default: None)
--write-mode STR file open mode for the written target file (default: w)
--delim STR replacement character delimiter (default: %)
--rdelim STR closing/right replacement character delimiter, uses left if missing
(default: None)
--chmod STR file permissions code (default: None)
--allow-empty allow empty variables to be stored in the pool of variables and set
empty values when writing to target files (default: False)
--none-val STR The value to use if the replacement is 'None' in python. Defaults to an
empty string (default: )
file path arguments:
All file paths must be an absolute path and not a file name.
-t [PATH ...], --targets [PATH ...]
specify a target file to write to (default: None)
-s PATH [PATH ...], --sources PATH [PATH ...]
specify source/template files to be configured (Required) (default:
- Python>=3.9 required
- Joseph Burling [email protected]
- custom secrets variables
- import a custom defaults dictionary passed to EnvironVars
- custom regex to