diff --git a/output.log b/output.log
index ca0a838..601ccab 100644
--- a/output.log
+++ b/output.log
@@ -1,4109 +1,4115 @@
-2024-08-05 08:34:41,586 - adding document #0 to Dictionary<0 unique tokens: []>
-2024-08-05 08:34:41,589 - built Dictionary<1216 unique tokens: ['0161', '0300', '1', '10', '11']...> from 1 documents (total 2696 corpus positions)
-2024-08-05 08:34:41,593 - Dictionary lifecycle event {'msg': "built Dictionary<1216 unique tokens: ['0161', '0300', '1', '10', '11']...> from 1 documents (total 2696 corpus positions)", 'datetime': '2024-08-05T08:34:41.589703', 'gensim': '4.3.2', 'python': '3.10.13 (main, Jul 9 2024, 21:32:52) [GCC 9.4.0]', 'platform': 'Linux-6.5.0-1022-azure-x86_64-with-glibc2.31', 'event': 'created'}
-2024-08-05 08:34:41,595 - using symmetric alpha at 0.3333333333333333
-2024-08-05 08:34:41,595 - using symmetric eta at 0.3333333333333333
-2024-08-05 08:34:41,595 - using serial LDA version on this node
-2024-08-05 08:34:41,596 - running online (single-pass) LDA training, 3 topics, 1 passes over the supplied corpus of 1 documents, updating model once every 1 documents, evaluating perplexity every 1 documents, iterating 50x with a convergence threshold of 0.001000
-2024-08-05 08:34:41,596 - too few updates, training might not converge; consider increasing the number of passes or iterations to improve accuracy
-2024-08-05 08:34:41,600 - -8.103 per-word bound, 274.9 perplexity estimate based on a held-out corpus of 1 documents with 2696 words
-2024-08-05 08:34:41,600 - PROGRESS: pass 0, at document #1/1
-2024-08-05 08:34:41,602 - topic #0 (0.333): 0.017*"’" + 0.007*"needs" + 0.006*"within" + 0.006*"practice" + 0.005*"leaders" + 0.005*"Barnsley" + 0.004*"11" + 0.004*"15" + 0.004*"progress" + 0.004*"September"
-2024-08-05 08:34:41,602 - topic #1 (0.333): 0.018*"’" + 0.008*"needs" + 0.006*"leaders" + 0.006*"Barnsley" + 0.006*"within" + 0.005*"practice" + 0.005*"plans" + 0.004*"response" + 0.004*"senior" + 0.004*"understand"
-2024-08-05 08:34:41,602 - topic #2 (0.333): 0.020*"’" + 0.009*"leaders" + 0.009*"needs" + 0.006*"within" + 0.006*"practice" + 0.006*"Barnsley" + 0.005*"experiences" + 0.005*"plans" + 0.004*"11" + 0.004*"senior"
-2024-08-05 08:34:41,602 - topic diff=0.799144, rho=1.000000
-2024-08-05 08:34:41,603 - LdaModel lifecycle event {'msg': 'trained LdaModel in 0.01s', 'datetime': '2024-08-05T08:34:41.603095', 'gensim': '4.3.2', 'python': '3.10.13 (main, Jul 9 2024, 21:32:52) [GCC 9.4.0]', 'platform': 'Linux-6.5.0-1022-azure-x86_64-with-glibc2.31', 'event': 'created'}
-2024-08-05 08:34:41,605 - Failed to import jpype dependencies. Fallback to subprocess.
-2024-08-05 08:34:41,605 - No module named 'jpype'
-2024-08-05 08:34:44,316 - Inspection date 2023-09-11 / Column 'overall_effectiveness' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:34:44,316 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:34:44,317 - Inspection date 2023-09-11 / Column 'impact_of_leaders' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:34:44,317 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:34:44,317 - Inspection date 2023-09-11 / Column 'help_and_protection' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:34:44,317 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:34:44,317 - Inspection date 2023-09-11 / Column 'in_care' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:34:44,317 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:34:44,318 - Inspection date 2023-09-11 / Column 'care_leavers' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:34:44,318 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:34:44,318 - Inspection date 2023-09-11 / Column 'in_care_and_care_leavers' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:34:44,318 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:34:46,222 - adding document #0 to Dictionary<0 unique tokens: []>
-2024-08-05 08:34:46,224 - built Dictionary<1048 unique tokens: ['0161', '0300', '1', '10', '11']...> from 1 documents (total 2085 corpus positions)
-2024-08-05 08:34:46,224 - Dictionary lifecycle event {'msg': "built Dictionary<1048 unique tokens: ['0161', '0300', '1', '10', '11']...> from 1 documents (total 2085 corpus positions)", 'datetime': '2024-08-05T08:34:46.224763', 'gensim': '4.3.2', 'python': '3.10.13 (main, Jul 9 2024, 21:32:52) [GCC 9.4.0]', 'platform': 'Linux-6.5.0-1022-azure-x86_64-with-glibc2.31', 'event': 'created'}
-2024-08-05 08:34:46,225 - using symmetric alpha at 0.3333333333333333
-2024-08-05 08:34:46,225 - using symmetric eta at 0.3333333333333333
-2024-08-05 08:34:46,226 - using serial LDA version on this node
-2024-08-05 08:34:46,226 - running online (single-pass) LDA training, 3 topics, 1 passes over the supplied corpus of 1 documents, updating model once every 1 documents, evaluating perplexity every 1 documents, iterating 50x with a convergence threshold of 0.001000
-2024-08-05 08:34:46,226 - too few updates, training might not converge; consider increasing the number of passes or iterations to improve accuracy
-2024-08-05 08:34:46,230 - -8.019 per-word bound, 259.5 perplexity estimate based on a held-out corpus of 1 documents with 2085 words
-2024-08-05 08:34:46,230 - PROGRESS: pass 0, at document #1/1
-2024-08-05 08:34:46,231 - topic #0 (0.333): 0.023*"’" + 0.009*"well" + 0.006*"practice" + 0.006*"effective" + 0.006*"plans" + 0.006*"leaders" + 0.006*"needs" + 0.005*"clear" + 0.005*"Somerset" + 0.005*"Bath"
-2024-08-05 08:34:46,231 - topic #1 (0.333): 0.014*"’" + 0.008*"well" + 0.006*"needs" + 0.006*"practice" + 0.005*"leaders" + 0.004*"plans" + 0.004*"4" + 0.004*"East" + 0.004*"Somerset" + 0.004*"receive"
-2024-08-05 08:34:46,231 - topic #2 (0.333): 0.014*"’" + 0.008*"well" + 0.007*"needs" + 0.005*"plans" + 0.004*"education" + 0.004*"protection" + 0.004*"impact" + 0.004*"East" + 0.004*"North" + 0.004*"receive"
-2024-08-05 08:34:46,232 - topic diff=0.760495, rho=1.000000
-2024-08-05 08:34:46,232 - LdaModel lifecycle event {'msg': 'trained LdaModel in 0.01s', 'datetime': '2024-08-05T08:34:46.232238', 'gensim': '4.3.2', 'python': '3.10.13 (main, Jul 9 2024, 21:32:52) [GCC 9.4.0]', 'platform': 'Linux-6.5.0-1022-azure-x86_64-with-glibc2.31', 'event': 'created'}
-2024-08-05 08:34:47,299 - Inspection date 2022-02-28 / Column 'overall_effectiveness' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:34:47,300 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:34:47,300 - Inspection date 2022-02-28 / Column 'impact_of_leaders' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:34:47,300 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:34:47,300 - Inspection date 2022-02-28 / Column 'help_and_protection' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:34:47,300 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:34:47,301 - Inspection date 2022-02-28 / Column 'in_care' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:34:47,301 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:34:47,301 - Inspection date 2022-02-28 / Column 'care_leavers' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:34:47,301 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:34:47,301 - Inspection date 2022-02-28 / Column 'in_care_and_care_leavers' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:34:47,301 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:34:49,346 - adding document #0 to Dictionary<0 unique tokens: []>
-2024-08-05 08:34:49,349 - built Dictionary<1202 unique tokens: ['0161', '0300', '1', '10', '11']...> from 1 documents (total 2585 corpus positions)
-2024-08-05 08:34:49,349 - Dictionary lifecycle event {'msg': "built Dictionary<1202 unique tokens: ['0161', '0300', '1', '10', '11']...> from 1 documents (total 2585 corpus positions)", 'datetime': '2024-08-05T08:34:49.349549', 'gensim': '4.3.2', 'python': '3.10.13 (main, Jul 9 2024, 21:32:52) [GCC 9.4.0]', 'platform': 'Linux-6.5.0-1022-azure-x86_64-with-glibc2.31', 'event': 'created'}
-2024-08-05 08:34:49,350 - using symmetric alpha at 0.3333333333333333
-2024-08-05 08:34:49,350 - using symmetric eta at 0.3333333333333333
-2024-08-05 08:34:49,351 - using serial LDA version on this node
-2024-08-05 08:34:49,351 - running online (single-pass) LDA training, 3 topics, 1 passes over the supplied corpus of 1 documents, updating model once every 1 documents, evaluating perplexity every 1 documents, iterating 50x with a convergence threshold of 0.001000
-2024-08-05 08:34:49,351 - too few updates, training might not converge; consider increasing the number of passes or iterations to improve accuracy
-2024-08-05 08:34:49,355 - -8.114 per-word bound, 277.1 perplexity estimate based on a held-out corpus of 1 documents with 2585 words
-2024-08-05 08:34:49,355 - PROGRESS: pass 0, at document #1/1
-2024-08-05 08:34:49,357 - topic #0 (0.333): 0.022*"’" + 0.007*"ensure" + 0.007*"needs" + 0.006*"well" + 0.005*"family" + 0.005*"plans" + 0.005*"education" + 0.005*"Bedford" + 0.005*"Borough" + 0.005*"26"
-2024-08-05 08:34:49,357 - topic #1 (0.333): 0.017*"’" + 0.008*"needs" + 0.006*"ensure" + 0.006*"Bedford" + 0.005*"well" + 0.005*"good" + 0.005*"supported" + 0.005*"progress" + 0.005*"need" + 0.004*"15"
-2024-08-05 08:34:49,357 - topic #2 (0.333): 0.016*"’" + 0.006*"plans" + 0.006*"well" + 0.005*"needs" + 0.005*"supported" + 0.005*"ensure" + 0.005*"relationships" + 0.005*"good" + 0.004*"education" + 0.004*"Bedford"
-2024-08-05 08:34:49,357 - topic diff=0.788495, rho=1.000000
-2024-08-05 08:34:49,358 - LdaModel lifecycle event {'msg': 'trained LdaModel in 0.01s', 'datetime': '2024-08-05T08:34:49.357990', 'gensim': '4.3.2', 'python': '3.10.13 (main, Jul 9 2024, 21:32:52) [GCC 9.4.0]', 'platform': 'Linux-6.5.0-1022-azure-x86_64-with-glibc2.31', 'event': 'created'}
-2024-08-05 08:34:50,250 - Inspection date 2021-11-15 / Column 'overall_effectiveness' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:34:50,250 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:34:50,251 - Inspection date 2021-11-15 / Column 'impact_of_leaders' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:34:50,251 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:34:50,251 - Inspection date 2021-11-15 / Column 'help_and_protection' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:34:50,251 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:34:50,251 - Inspection date 2021-11-15 / Column 'in_care' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:34:50,252 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:34:50,252 - Inspection date 2021-11-15 / Column 'care_leavers' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:34:50,252 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:34:50,252 - Inspection date 2021-11-15 / Column 'in_care_and_care_leavers' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:34:50,253 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:34:51,871 - adding document #0 to Dictionary<0 unique tokens: []>
-2024-08-05 08:34:51,873 - built Dictionary<1065 unique tokens: ['0161', '0300', '1', '10', '11']...> from 1 documents (total 2378 corpus positions)
-2024-08-05 08:34:51,873 - Dictionary lifecycle event {'msg': "built Dictionary<1065 unique tokens: ['0161', '0300', '1', '10', '11']...> from 1 documents (total 2378 corpus positions)", 'datetime': '2024-08-05T08:34:51.873950', 'gensim': '4.3.2', 'python': '3.10.13 (main, Jul 9 2024, 21:32:52) [GCC 9.4.0]', 'platform': 'Linux-6.5.0-1022-azure-x86_64-with-glibc2.31', 'event': 'created'}
-2024-08-05 08:34:51,875 - using symmetric alpha at 0.3333333333333333
-2024-08-05 08:34:51,875 - using symmetric eta at 0.3333333333333333
-2024-08-05 08:34:51,875 - using serial LDA version on this node
-2024-08-05 08:34:51,875 - running online (single-pass) LDA training, 3 topics, 1 passes over the supplied corpus of 1 documents, updating model once every 1 documents, evaluating perplexity every 1 documents, iterating 50x with a convergence threshold of 0.001000
-2024-08-05 08:34:51,875 - too few updates, training might not converge; consider increasing the number of passes or iterations to improve accuracy
-2024-08-05 08:34:51,879 - -7.972 per-word bound, 251.0 perplexity estimate based on a held-out corpus of 1 documents with 2378 words
-2024-08-05 08:34:51,879 - PROGRESS: pass 0, at document #1/1
-2024-08-05 08:34:51,880 - topic #0 (0.333): 0.011*"’" + 0.009*"needs" + 0.005*"Birmingham" + 0.005*"progress" + 0.005*"well" + 0.005*"plans" + 0.005*"effective" + 0.004*"trust" + 0.004*"risk" + 0.004*"March"
-2024-08-05 08:34:51,881 - topic #1 (0.333): 0.018*"’" + 0.010*"needs" + 0.007*"effective" + 0.007*"well" + 0.006*"plans" + 0.006*"appropriate" + 0.006*"progress" + 0.006*"Birmingham" + 0.006*"timely" + 0.006*"trust"
-2024-08-05 08:34:51,881 - topic #2 (0.333): 0.013*"’" + 0.009*"needs" + 0.006*"effective" + 0.005*"well" + 0.005*"Birmingham" + 0.005*"plans" + 0.005*"trust" + 0.005*"risk" + 0.004*"3" + 0.004*"March"
-2024-08-05 08:34:51,881 - topic diff=0.817572, rho=1.000000
-2024-08-05 08:34:51,881 - LdaModel lifecycle event {'msg': 'trained LdaModel in 0.01s', 'datetime': '2024-08-05T08:34:51.881530', 'gensim': '4.3.2', 'python': '3.10.13 (main, Jul 9 2024, 21:32:52) [GCC 9.4.0]', 'platform': 'Linux-6.5.0-1022-azure-x86_64-with-glibc2.31', 'event': 'created'}
-2024-08-05 08:34:52,895 - Inspection date 2023-02-20 / Column 'overall_effectiveness' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:34:52,896 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:34:52,896 - Inspection date 2023-02-20 / Column 'impact_of_leaders' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:34:52,896 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:34:52,896 - Inspection date 2023-02-20 / Column 'help_and_protection' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:34:52,896 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:34:52,897 - Inspection date 2023-02-20 / Column 'in_care' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:34:52,897 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:34:52,897 - Inspection date 2023-02-20 / Column 'care_leavers' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:34:52,897 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:34:52,897 - Inspection date 2023-02-20 / Column 'in_care_and_care_leavers' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:34:52,897 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:34:54,873 - adding document #0 to Dictionary<0 unique tokens: []>
-2024-08-05 08:34:54,876 - built Dictionary<1055 unique tokens: ['0161', '0300', '1', '10', '11']...> from 1 documents (total 2353 corpus positions)
-2024-08-05 08:34:54,876 - Dictionary lifecycle event {'msg': "built Dictionary<1055 unique tokens: ['0161', '0300', '1', '10', '11']...> from 1 documents (total 2353 corpus positions)", 'datetime': '2024-08-05T08:34:54.876393', 'gensim': '4.3.2', 'python': '3.10.13 (main, Jul 9 2024, 21:32:52) [GCC 9.4.0]', 'platform': 'Linux-6.5.0-1022-azure-x86_64-with-glibc2.31', 'event': 'created'}
-2024-08-05 08:34:54,877 - using symmetric alpha at 0.3333333333333333
-2024-08-05 08:34:54,877 - using symmetric eta at 0.3333333333333333
-2024-08-05 08:34:54,877 - using serial LDA version on this node
-2024-08-05 08:34:54,878 - running online (single-pass) LDA training, 3 topics, 1 passes over the supplied corpus of 1 documents, updating model once every 1 documents, evaluating perplexity every 1 documents, iterating 50x with a convergence threshold of 0.001000
-2024-08-05 08:34:54,878 - too few updates, training might not converge; consider increasing the number of passes or iterations to improve accuracy
-2024-08-05 08:34:54,881 - -7.959 per-word bound, 248.8 perplexity estimate based on a held-out corpus of 1 documents with 2353 words
-2024-08-05 08:34:54,882 - PROGRESS: pass 0, at document #1/1
-2024-08-05 08:34:54,883 - topic #0 (0.333): 0.016*"’" + 0.007*"practice" + 0.007*"needs" + 0.007*"Darwen" + 0.007*"impact" + 0.006*"Blackburn" + 0.006*"well" + 0.006*"quality" + 0.005*"means" + 0.005*"receive"
-2024-08-05 08:34:54,883 - topic #1 (0.333): 0.010*"’" + 0.007*"practice" + 0.007*"Darwen" + 0.007*"quality" + 0.007*"impact" + 0.006*"needs" + 0.006*"Blackburn" + 0.005*"well" + 0.005*"effective" + 0.005*"result"
-2024-08-05 08:34:54,883 - topic #2 (0.333): 0.015*"’" + 0.009*"needs" + 0.008*"quality" + 0.007*"Blackburn" + 0.006*"practice" + 0.006*"planning" + 0.006*"well" + 0.005*"Darwen" + 0.005*"progress" + 0.004*"result"
-2024-08-05 08:34:54,883 - topic diff=0.810735, rho=1.000000
-2024-08-05 08:34:54,884 - LdaModel lifecycle event {'msg': 'trained LdaModel in 0.01s', 'datetime': '2024-08-05T08:34:54.884109', 'gensim': '4.3.2', 'python': '3.10.13 (main, Jul 9 2024, 21:32:52) [GCC 9.4.0]', 'platform': 'Linux-6.5.0-1022-azure-x86_64-with-glibc2.31', 'event': 'created'}
-2024-08-05 08:34:55,804 - Inspection date 2022-01-24 / Column 'overall_effectiveness' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:34:55,804 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:34:55,805 - Inspection date 2022-01-24 / Column 'impact_of_leaders' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:34:55,805 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:34:55,805 - Inspection date 2022-01-24 / Column 'help_and_protection' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:34:55,805 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:34:55,805 - Inspection date 2022-01-24 / Column 'in_care' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:34:55,806 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:34:55,806 - Inspection date 2022-01-24 / Column 'care_leavers' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:34:55,806 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:34:55,806 - Inspection date 2022-01-24 / Column 'in_care_and_care_leavers' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:34:55,806 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:34:57,666 - adding document #0 to Dictionary<0 unique tokens: []>
-2024-08-05 08:34:57,669 - built Dictionary<1037 unique tokens: ['0', '0161', '030', '0300', '1']...> from 1 documents (total 2392 corpus positions)
-2024-08-05 08:34:57,669 - Dictionary lifecycle event {'msg': "built Dictionary<1037 unique tokens: ['0', '0161', '030', '0300', '1']...> from 1 documents (total 2392 corpus positions)", 'datetime': '2024-08-05T08:34:57.669561', 'gensim': '4.3.2', 'python': '3.10.13 (main, Jul 9 2024, 21:32:52) [GCC 9.4.0]', 'platform': 'Linux-6.5.0-1022-azure-x86_64-with-glibc2.31', 'event': 'created'}
-2024-08-05 08:34:57,670 - using symmetric alpha at 0.3333333333333333
-2024-08-05 08:34:57,670 - using symmetric eta at 0.3333333333333333
-2024-08-05 08:34:57,670 - using serial LDA version on this node
-2024-08-05 08:34:57,671 - running online (single-pass) LDA training, 3 topics, 1 passes over the supplied corpus of 1 documents, updating model once every 1 documents, evaluating perplexity every 1 documents, iterating 50x with a convergence threshold of 0.001000
-2024-08-05 08:34:57,671 - too few updates, training might not converge; consider increasing the number of passes or iterations to improve accuracy
-2024-08-05 08:34:57,674 - -7.925 per-word bound, 243.1 perplexity estimate based on a held-out corpus of 1 documents with 2392 words
-2024-08-05 08:34:57,675 - PROGRESS: pass 0, at document #1/1
-2024-08-05 08:34:57,676 - topic #0 (0.333): 0.019*"’" + 0.010*"needs" + 0.010*"well" + 0.009*"Blackpool" + 0.006*"practice" + 0.005*"effective" + 0.005*"quality" + 0.005*"16" + 0.005*"progress" + 0.005*"need"
-2024-08-05 08:34:57,676 - topic #1 (0.333): 0.016*"’" + 0.010*"needs" + 0.009*"well" + 0.006*"plans" + 0.006*"effective" + 0.006*"supported" + 0.006*"Blackpool" + 0.005*"understand" + 0.005*"practice" + 0.005*"experiences"
-2024-08-05 08:34:57,676 - topic #2 (0.333): 0.014*"’" + 0.010*"needs" + 0.008*"well" + 0.007*"Blackpool" + 0.005*"5" + 0.005*"effective" + 0.005*"experiences" + 0.005*"plans" + 0.004*"supported" + 0.004*"16"
-2024-08-05 08:34:57,676 - topic diff=0.829670, rho=1.000000
-2024-08-05 08:34:57,676 - LdaModel lifecycle event {'msg': 'trained LdaModel in 0.01s', 'datetime': '2024-08-05T08:34:57.676923', 'gensim': '4.3.2', 'python': '3.10.13 (main, Jul 9 2024, 21:32:52) [GCC 9.4.0]', 'platform': 'Linux-6.5.0-1022-azure-x86_64-with-glibc2.31', 'event': 'created'}
-2024-08-05 08:34:58,707 - Inspection date 2022-12-05 / Column 'overall_effectiveness' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:34:58,707 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:34:58,707 - Inspection date 2022-12-05 / Column 'impact_of_leaders' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:34:58,707 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:34:58,708 - Inspection date 2022-12-05 / Column 'help_and_protection' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:34:58,708 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:34:58,708 - Inspection date 2022-12-05 / Column 'in_care' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:34:58,708 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:34:58,708 - Inspection date 2022-12-05 / Column 'care_leavers' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:34:58,708 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:34:58,708 - Inspection date 2022-12-05 / Column 'in_care_and_care_leavers' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:34:58,709 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:00,441 - adding document #0 to Dictionary<0 unique tokens: []>
-2024-08-05 08:35:00,443 - built Dictionary<972 unique tokens: ['0161', '0300', '1', '10', '11']...> from 1 documents (total 2055 corpus positions)
-2024-08-05 08:35:00,443 - Dictionary lifecycle event {'msg': "built Dictionary<972 unique tokens: ['0161', '0300', '1', '10', '11']...> from 1 documents (total 2055 corpus positions)", 'datetime': '2024-08-05T08:35:00.443726', 'gensim': '4.3.2', 'python': '3.10.13 (main, Jul 9 2024, 21:32:52) [GCC 9.4.0]', 'platform': 'Linux-6.5.0-1022-azure-x86_64-with-glibc2.31', 'event': 'created'}
-2024-08-05 08:35:00,444 - using symmetric alpha at 0.3333333333333333
-2024-08-05 08:35:00,444 - using symmetric eta at 0.3333333333333333
-2024-08-05 08:35:00,445 - using serial LDA version on this node
-2024-08-05 08:35:00,445 - running online (single-pass) LDA training, 3 topics, 1 passes over the supplied corpus of 1 documents, updating model once every 1 documents, evaluating perplexity every 1 documents, iterating 50x with a convergence threshold of 0.001000
-2024-08-05 08:35:00,445 - too few updates, training might not converge; consider increasing the number of passes or iterations to improve accuracy
-2024-08-05 08:35:00,448 - -7.910 per-word bound, 240.4 perplexity estimate based on a held-out corpus of 1 documents with 2055 words
-2024-08-05 08:35:00,449 - PROGRESS: pass 0, at document #1/1
-2024-08-05 08:35:00,450 - topic #0 (0.333): 0.018*"’" + 0.010*"needs" + 0.008*"Bolton" + 0.007*"plans" + 0.006*"well" + 0.006*"need" + 0.005*"supported" + 0.005*"11" + 0.005*"15" + 0.005*"response"
-2024-08-05 08:35:00,450 - topic #1 (0.333): 0.018*"’" + 0.009*"plans" + 0.008*"Bolton" + 0.007*"well" + 0.006*"needs" + 0.005*"effective" + 0.005*"strong" + 0.005*"planning" + 0.005*"supported" + 0.005*"good"
-2024-08-05 08:35:00,450 - topic #2 (0.333): 0.020*"’" + 0.011*"needs" + 0.010*"well" + 0.008*"Bolton" + 0.006*"plans" + 0.006*"supported" + 0.005*"planning" + 0.005*"experiences" + 0.005*"timely" + 0.005*"11"
-2024-08-05 08:35:00,450 - topic diff=0.771020, rho=1.000000
-2024-08-05 08:35:00,451 - LdaModel lifecycle event {'msg': 'trained LdaModel in 0.01s', 'datetime': '2024-08-05T08:35:00.451028', 'gensim': '4.3.2', 'python': '3.10.13 (main, Jul 9 2024, 21:32:52) [GCC 9.4.0]', 'platform': 'Linux-6.5.0-1022-azure-x86_64-with-glibc2.31', 'event': 'created'}
-2024-08-05 08:35:01,407 - Inspection date 2023-09-11 / Column 'overall_effectiveness' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:01,407 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:01,408 - Inspection date 2023-09-11 / Column 'impact_of_leaders' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:01,408 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:01,408 - Inspection date 2023-09-11 / Column 'help_and_protection' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:01,408 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:01,408 - Inspection date 2023-09-11 / Column 'in_care' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:01,408 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:01,409 - Inspection date 2023-09-11 / Column 'care_leavers' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:01,409 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:01,409 - Inspection date 2023-09-11 / Column 'in_care_and_care_leavers' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:01,409 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:02,982 - adding document #0 to Dictionary<0 unique tokens: []>
-2024-08-05 08:35:02,985 - built Dictionary<1035 unique tokens: ['0161', '0300', '1', '10', '11']...> from 1 documents (total 2004 corpus positions)
-2024-08-05 08:35:02,985 - Dictionary lifecycle event {'msg': "built Dictionary<1035 unique tokens: ['0161', '0300', '1', '10', '11']...> from 1 documents (total 2004 corpus positions)", 'datetime': '2024-08-05T08:35:02.985308', 'gensim': '4.3.2', 'python': '3.10.13 (main, Jul 9 2024, 21:32:52) [GCC 9.4.0]', 'platform': 'Linux-6.5.0-1022-azure-x86_64-with-glibc2.31', 'event': 'created'}
-2024-08-05 08:35:02,986 - using symmetric alpha at 0.3333333333333333
-2024-08-05 08:35:02,986 - using symmetric eta at 0.3333333333333333
-2024-08-05 08:35:02,986 - using serial LDA version on this node
-2024-08-05 08:35:02,987 - running online (single-pass) LDA training, 3 topics, 1 passes over the supplied corpus of 1 documents, updating model once every 1 documents, evaluating perplexity every 1 documents, iterating 50x with a convergence threshold of 0.001000
-2024-08-05 08:35:02,987 - too few updates, training might not converge; consider increasing the number of passes or iterations to improve accuracy
-2024-08-05 08:35:02,990 - -8.034 per-word bound, 262.2 perplexity estimate based on a held-out corpus of 1 documents with 2004 words
-2024-08-05 08:35:02,990 - PROGRESS: pass 0, at document #1/1
-2024-08-05 08:35:02,992 - topic #0 (0.333): 0.022*"’" + 0.007*"quality" + 0.007*"practice" + 0.006*"progress" + 0.006*"Poole" + 0.005*"impact" + 0.005*"risk" + 0.005*"Bournemouth" + 0.005*"well" + 0.005*"6"
-2024-08-05 08:35:02,992 - topic #1 (0.333): 0.016*"’" + 0.005*"practice" + 0.004*"However" + 0.004*"time" + 0.004*"quality" + 0.004*"right" + 0.004*"6" + 0.004*"17" + 0.004*"positive" + 0.004*"Bournemouth"
-2024-08-05 08:35:02,992 - topic #2 (0.333): 0.012*"’" + 0.005*"quality" + 0.005*"practice" + 0.005*"Christchurch" + 0.004*"progress" + 0.004*"17" + 0.004*"impact" + 0.004*"time" + 0.004*"positive" + 0.004*"health"
-2024-08-05 08:35:02,992 - topic diff=0.765288, rho=1.000000
-2024-08-05 08:35:02,992 - LdaModel lifecycle event {'msg': 'trained LdaModel in 0.01s', 'datetime': '2024-08-05T08:35:02.992853', 'gensim': '4.3.2', 'python': '3.10.13 (main, Jul 9 2024, 21:32:52) [GCC 9.4.0]', 'platform': 'Linux-6.5.0-1022-azure-x86_64-with-glibc2.31', 'event': 'created'}
-2024-08-05 08:35:05,044 - Inspection date 2021-12-06 / Column 'overall_effectiveness' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:05,045 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:05,045 - Inspection date 2021-12-06 / Column 'impact_of_leaders' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:05,045 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:05,045 - Inspection date 2021-12-06 / Column 'help_and_protection' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:05,045 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:05,046 - Inspection date 2021-12-06 / Column 'in_care' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:05,046 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:05,046 - Inspection date 2021-12-06 / Column 'care_leavers' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:05,046 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:05,046 - Inspection date 2021-12-06 / Column 'in_care_and_care_leavers' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:05,046 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:06,419 - adding document #0 to Dictionary<0 unique tokens: []>
-2024-08-05 08:35:06,421 - built Dictionary<900 unique tokens: ['0161', '0300', '1', '10', '11']...> from 1 documents (total 1846 corpus positions)
-2024-08-05 08:35:06,422 - Dictionary lifecycle event {'msg': "built Dictionary<900 unique tokens: ['0161', '0300', '1', '10', '11']...> from 1 documents (total 1846 corpus positions)", 'datetime': '2024-08-05T08:35:06.422073', 'gensim': '4.3.2', 'python': '3.10.13 (main, Jul 9 2024, 21:32:52) [GCC 9.4.0]', 'platform': 'Linux-6.5.0-1022-azure-x86_64-with-glibc2.31', 'event': 'created'}
-2024-08-05 08:35:06,422 - using symmetric alpha at 0.3333333333333333
-2024-08-05 08:35:06,423 - using symmetric eta at 0.3333333333333333
-2024-08-05 08:35:06,423 - using serial LDA version on this node
-2024-08-05 08:35:06,423 - running online (single-pass) LDA training, 3 topics, 1 passes over the supplied corpus of 1 documents, updating model once every 1 documents, evaluating perplexity every 1 documents, iterating 50x with a convergence threshold of 0.001000
-2024-08-05 08:35:06,423 - too few updates, training might not converge; consider increasing the number of passes or iterations to improve accuracy
-2024-08-05 08:35:06,426 - -7.855 per-word bound, 231.5 perplexity estimate based on a held-out corpus of 1 documents with 1846 words
-2024-08-05 08:35:06,427 - PROGRESS: pass 0, at document #1/1
-2024-08-05 08:35:06,428 - topic #0 (0.333): 0.015*"’" + 0.008*"risk" + 0.007*"well" + 0.006*"needs" + 0.006*"Bracknell" + 0.006*"progress" + 0.006*"Forest" + 0.006*"effective" + 0.006*"good" + 0.005*"provided"
-2024-08-05 08:35:06,428 - topic #1 (0.333): 0.015*"’" + 0.006*"risk" + 0.006*"quality" + 0.006*"plans" + 0.006*"Forest" + 0.006*"good" + 0.005*"effective" + 0.005*"needs" + 0.005*"Bracknell" + 0.005*"receive"
-2024-08-05 08:35:06,428 - topic #2 (0.333): 0.018*"’" + 0.008*"Bracknell" + 0.008*"Forest" + 0.008*"needs" + 0.007*"quality" + 0.006*"good" + 0.006*"provided" + 0.005*"effective" + 0.005*"progress" + 0.005*"plans"
-2024-08-05 08:35:06,428 - topic diff=0.766512, rho=1.000000
-2024-08-05 08:35:06,428 - LdaModel lifecycle event {'msg': 'trained LdaModel in 0.01s', 'datetime': '2024-08-05T08:35:06.428853', 'gensim': '4.3.2', 'python': '3.10.13 (main, Jul 9 2024, 21:32:52) [GCC 9.4.0]', 'platform': 'Linux-6.5.0-1022-azure-x86_64-with-glibc2.31', 'event': 'created'}
-2024-08-05 08:35:07,541 - Inspection date 2022-06-13 / Column 'overall_effectiveness' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:07,542 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:07,542 - Inspection date 2022-06-13 / Column 'impact_of_leaders' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:07,542 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:07,542 - Inspection date 2022-06-13 / Column 'help_and_protection' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:07,542 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:07,542 - Inspection date 2022-06-13 / Column 'in_care' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:07,543 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:07,543 - Inspection date 2022-06-13 / Column 'care_leavers' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:07,543 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:07,543 - Inspection date 2022-06-13 / Column 'in_care_and_care_leavers' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:07,543 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:09,183 - adding document #0 to Dictionary<0 unique tokens: []>
-2024-08-05 08:35:09,186 - built Dictionary<1124 unique tokens: ['0161', '0300', '1', '10', '11']...> from 1 documents (total 2249 corpus positions)
-2024-08-05 08:35:09,186 - Dictionary lifecycle event {'msg': "built Dictionary<1124 unique tokens: ['0161', '0300', '1', '10', '11']...> from 1 documents (total 2249 corpus positions)", 'datetime': '2024-08-05T08:35:09.186764', 'gensim': '4.3.2', 'python': '3.10.13 (main, Jul 9 2024, 21:32:52) [GCC 9.4.0]', 'platform': 'Linux-6.5.0-1022-azure-x86_64-with-glibc2.31', 'event': 'created'}
-2024-08-05 08:35:09,187 - using symmetric alpha at 0.3333333333333333
-2024-08-05 08:35:09,187 - using symmetric eta at 0.3333333333333333
-2024-08-05 08:35:09,188 - using serial LDA version on this node
-2024-08-05 08:35:09,188 - running online (single-pass) LDA training, 3 topics, 1 passes over the supplied corpus of 1 documents, updating model once every 1 documents, evaluating perplexity every 1 documents, iterating 50x with a convergence threshold of 0.001000
-2024-08-05 08:35:09,188 - too few updates, training might not converge; consider increasing the number of passes or iterations to improve accuracy
-2024-08-05 08:35:09,192 - -8.090 per-word bound, 272.5 perplexity estimate based on a held-out corpus of 1 documents with 2249 words
-2024-08-05 08:35:09,192 - PROGRESS: pass 0, at document #1/1
-2024-08-05 08:35:09,194 - topic #0 (0.333): 0.018*"’" + 0.007*"well" + 0.005*"needs" + 0.005*"Hove" + 0.005*"relationships" + 0.005*"practice" + 0.005*"family" + 0.004*"PAs" + 0.004*"experiences" + 0.004*"progress"
-2024-08-05 08:35:09,194 - topic #1 (0.333): 0.020*"’" + 0.009*"Hove" + 0.008*"well" + 0.007*"needs" + 0.006*"Brighton" + 0.006*"practice" + 0.006*"relationships" + 0.006*"experiences" + 0.006*"progress" + 0.005*"15"
-2024-08-05 08:35:09,194 - topic #2 (0.333): 0.010*"’" + 0.009*"Brighton" + 0.007*"well" + 0.007*"practice" + 0.007*"needs" + 0.005*"progress" + 0.005*"PAs" + 0.005*"11" + 0.005*"Hove" + 0.005*"experiences"
-2024-08-05 08:35:09,194 - topic diff=0.744463, rho=1.000000
-2024-08-05 08:35:09,194 - LdaModel lifecycle event {'msg': 'trained LdaModel in 0.01s', 'datetime': '2024-08-05T08:35:09.194665', 'gensim': '4.3.2', 'python': '3.10.13 (main, Jul 9 2024, 21:32:52) [GCC 9.4.0]', 'platform': 'Linux-6.5.0-1022-azure-x86_64-with-glibc2.31', 'event': 'created'}
-2024-08-05 08:35:10,279 - Inspection date None / Column 'overall_effectiveness' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:10,280 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:10,280 - Inspection date None / Column 'impact_of_leaders' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:10,280 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:10,280 - Inspection date None / Column 'help_and_protection' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:10,280 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:10,280 - Inspection date None / Column 'in_care' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:10,281 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:10,281 - Inspection date None / Column 'care_leavers' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:10,281 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:10,281 - Inspection date None / Column 'in_care_and_care_leavers' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:10,281 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:11,908 - adding document #0 to Dictionary<0 unique tokens: []>
-2024-08-05 08:35:11,913 - built Dictionary<1151 unique tokens: ['0161', '0300', '1', '10', '11']...> from 1 documents (total 2647 corpus positions)
-2024-08-05 08:35:11,913 - Dictionary lifecycle event {'msg': "built Dictionary<1151 unique tokens: ['0161', '0300', '1', '10', '11']...> from 1 documents (total 2647 corpus positions)", 'datetime': '2024-08-05T08:35:11.913891', 'gensim': '4.3.2', 'python': '3.10.13 (main, Jul 9 2024, 21:32:52) [GCC 9.4.0]', 'platform': 'Linux-6.5.0-1022-azure-x86_64-with-glibc2.31', 'event': 'created'}
-2024-08-05 08:35:11,915 - using symmetric alpha at 0.3333333333333333
-2024-08-05 08:35:11,916 - using symmetric eta at 0.3333333333333333
-2024-08-05 08:35:11,916 - using serial LDA version on this node
-2024-08-05 08:35:11,917 - running online (single-pass) LDA training, 3 topics, 1 passes over the supplied corpus of 1 documents, updating model once every 1 documents, evaluating perplexity every 1 documents, iterating 50x with a convergence threshold of 0.001000
-2024-08-05 08:35:11,917 - too few updates, training might not converge; consider increasing the number of passes or iterations to improve accuracy
-2024-08-05 08:35:11,925 - -8.029 per-word bound, 261.2 perplexity estimate based on a held-out corpus of 1 documents with 2647 words
-2024-08-05 08:35:11,925 - PROGRESS: pass 0, at document #1/1
-2024-08-05 08:35:11,927 - topic #0 (0.333): 0.016*"’" + 0.009*"well" + 0.008*"Bristol" + 0.008*"needs" + 0.007*"good" + 0.006*"progress" + 0.005*"arrangements" + 0.005*"need" + 0.004*"living" + 0.004*"meetings"
-2024-08-05 08:35:11,927 - topic #1 (0.333): 0.025*"’" + 0.009*"good" + 0.008*"needs" + 0.008*"well" + 0.007*"Bristol" + 0.005*"leaders" + 0.005*"health" + 0.005*"27" + 0.005*"progress" + 0.005*"always"
-2024-08-05 08:35:11,928 - topic #2 (0.333): 0.014*"’" + 0.009*"well" + 0.007*"Bristol" + 0.007*"good" + 0.006*"needs" + 0.006*"health" + 0.005*"need" + 0.004*"plans" + 0.004*"ensure" + 0.004*"always"
-2024-08-05 08:35:11,928 - topic diff=0.818620, rho=1.000000
-2024-08-05 08:35:11,928 - LdaModel lifecycle event {'msg': 'trained LdaModel in 0.01s', 'datetime': '2024-08-05T08:35:11.928455', 'gensim': '4.3.2', 'python': '3.10.13 (main, Jul 9 2024, 21:32:52) [GCC 9.4.0]', 'platform': 'Linux-6.5.0-1022-azure-x86_64-with-glibc2.31', 'event': 'created'}
-2024-08-05 08:35:12,937 - Inspection date 2023-01-16 / Column 'overall_effectiveness' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:12,937 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:12,937 - Inspection date 2023-01-16 / Column 'impact_of_leaders' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:12,938 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:12,938 - Inspection date 2023-01-16 / Column 'help_and_protection' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:12,938 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:12,938 - Inspection date 2023-01-16 / Column 'in_care' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:12,938 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:12,938 - Inspection date 2023-01-16 / Column 'care_leavers' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:12,939 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:12,939 - Inspection date 2023-01-16 / Column 'in_care_and_care_leavers' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:12,939 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:14,741 - adding document #0 to Dictionary<0 unique tokens: []>
-2024-08-05 08:35:14,744 - built Dictionary<1263 unique tokens: ['0161', '0300', '1', '10', '11']...> from 1 documents (total 2404 corpus positions)
-2024-08-05 08:35:14,744 - Dictionary lifecycle event {'msg': "built Dictionary<1263 unique tokens: ['0161', '0300', '1', '10', '11']...> from 1 documents (total 2404 corpus positions)", 'datetime': '2024-08-05T08:35:14.744736', 'gensim': '4.3.2', 'python': '3.10.13 (main, Jul 9 2024, 21:32:52) [GCC 9.4.0]', 'platform': 'Linux-6.5.0-1022-azure-x86_64-with-glibc2.31', 'event': 'created'}
-2024-08-05 08:35:14,745 - using symmetric alpha at 0.3333333333333333
-2024-08-05 08:35:14,745 - using symmetric eta at 0.3333333333333333
-2024-08-05 08:35:14,746 - using serial LDA version on this node
-2024-08-05 08:35:14,746 - running online (single-pass) LDA training, 3 topics, 1 passes over the supplied corpus of 1 documents, updating model once every 1 documents, evaluating perplexity every 1 documents, iterating 50x with a convergence threshold of 0.001000
-2024-08-05 08:35:14,746 - too few updates, training might not converge; consider increasing the number of passes or iterations to improve accuracy
-2024-08-05 08:35:14,750 - -8.240 per-word bound, 302.4 perplexity estimate based on a held-out corpus of 1 documents with 2404 words
-2024-08-05 08:35:14,750 - PROGRESS: pass 0, at document #1/1
-2024-08-05 08:35:14,752 - topic #0 (0.333): 0.015*"’" + 0.005*"number" + 0.005*"Buckinghamshire" + 0.005*"17" + 0.005*"protection" + 0.004*"2021" + 0.004*"plans" + 0.004*"many" + 0.004*"needs" + 0.004*"6"
-2024-08-05 08:35:14,752 - topic #1 (0.333): 0.011*"’" + 0.005*"plans" + 0.004*"practice" + 0.004*"17" + 0.003*"December" + 0.003*"number" + 0.003*"protection" + 0.003*"teams" + 0.003*"Buckinghamshire" + 0.003*"progress"
-2024-08-05 08:35:14,752 - topic #2 (0.333): 0.014*"’" + 0.006*"plans" + 0.005*"number" + 0.005*"Buckinghamshire" + 0.004*"6" + 0.004*"many" + 0.004*"17" + 0.004*"practice" + 0.004*"December" + 0.003*"small"
-2024-08-05 08:35:14,752 - topic diff=0.731419, rho=1.000000
-2024-08-05 08:35:14,753 - LdaModel lifecycle event {'msg': 'trained LdaModel in 0.01s', 'datetime': '2024-08-05T08:35:14.753112', 'gensim': '4.3.2', 'python': '3.10.13 (main, Jul 9 2024, 21:32:52) [GCC 9.4.0]', 'platform': 'Linux-6.5.0-1022-azure-x86_64-with-glibc2.31', 'event': 'created'}
-2024-08-05 08:35:16,050 - Inspection date 2021-12-06 / Column 'overall_effectiveness' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:16,051 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:16,051 - Inspection date 2021-12-06 / Column 'impact_of_leaders' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:16,051 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:16,052 - Inspection date 2021-12-06 / Column 'help_and_protection' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:16,052 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:16,056 - Inspection date 2021-12-06 / Column 'in_care' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:16,063 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:16,063 - Inspection date 2021-12-06 / Column 'care_leavers' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:16,064 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:16,064 - Inspection date 2021-12-06 / Column 'in_care_and_care_leavers' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:16,064 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:21,721 - adding document #0 to Dictionary<0 unique tokens: []>
-2024-08-05 08:35:21,726 - built Dictionary<1076 unique tokens: ['0161', '0300', '1', '10', '11']...> from 1 documents (total 2427 corpus positions)
-2024-08-05 08:35:21,726 - Dictionary lifecycle event {'msg': "built Dictionary<1076 unique tokens: ['0161', '0300', '1', '10', '11']...> from 1 documents (total 2427 corpus positions)", 'datetime': '2024-08-05T08:35:21.726590', 'gensim': '4.3.2', 'python': '3.10.13 (main, Jul 9 2024, 21:32:52) [GCC 9.4.0]', 'platform': 'Linux-6.5.0-1022-azure-x86_64-with-glibc2.31', 'event': 'created'}
-2024-08-05 08:35:21,728 - using symmetric alpha at 0.3333333333333333
-2024-08-05 08:35:21,728 - using symmetric eta at 0.3333333333333333
-2024-08-05 08:35:21,729 - using serial LDA version on this node
-2024-08-05 08:35:21,729 - running online (single-pass) LDA training, 3 topics, 1 passes over the supplied corpus of 1 documents, updating model once every 1 documents, evaluating perplexity every 1 documents, iterating 50x with a convergence threshold of 0.001000
-2024-08-05 08:35:21,729 - too few updates, training might not converge; consider increasing the number of passes or iterations to improve accuracy
-2024-08-05 08:35:21,738 - -7.976 per-word bound, 251.7 perplexity estimate based on a held-out corpus of 1 documents with 2427 words
-2024-08-05 08:35:21,742 - PROGRESS: pass 0, at document #1/1
-2024-08-05 08:35:21,744 - topic #0 (0.333): 0.013*"’" + 0.006*"needs" + 0.006*"2021" + 0.006*"protection" + 0.006*"team" + 0.006*"need" + 0.005*"Bury" + 0.005*"impact" + 0.005*"risk" + 0.005*"practice"
-2024-08-05 08:35:21,744 - topic #1 (0.333): 0.010*"’" + 0.007*"protection" + 0.006*"2021" + 0.006*"needs" + 0.005*"team" + 0.005*"need" + 0.005*"practice" + 0.005*"impact" + 0.005*"quality" + 0.005*"risk"
-2024-08-05 08:35:21,744 - topic #2 (0.333): 0.011*"’" + 0.007*"needs" + 0.007*"practice" + 0.006*"2021" + 0.006*"protection" + 0.005*"team" + 0.004*"impact" + 0.004*"October" + 0.004*"quality" + 0.004*"always"
-2024-08-05 08:35:21,744 - topic diff=0.803612, rho=1.000000
-2024-08-05 08:35:21,745 - LdaModel lifecycle event {'msg': 'trained LdaModel in 0.02s', 'datetime': '2024-08-05T08:35:21.745054', 'gensim': '4.3.2', 'python': '3.10.13 (main, Jul 9 2024, 21:32:52) [GCC 9.4.0]', 'platform': 'Linux-6.5.0-1022-azure-x86_64-with-glibc2.31', 'event': 'created'}
-2024-08-05 08:35:23,607 - Inspection date 2021-10-25 / Column 'overall_effectiveness' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:23,624 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:23,624 - Inspection date 2021-10-25 / Column 'impact_of_leaders' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:23,632 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:23,633 - Inspection date 2021-10-25 / Column 'help_and_protection' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:23,633 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:23,633 - Inspection date 2021-10-25 / Column 'in_care' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:23,634 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:23,634 - Inspection date 2021-10-25 / Column 'care_leavers' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:23,634 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:23,634 - Inspection date 2021-10-25 / Column 'in_care_and_care_leavers' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:23,635 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:26,218 - adding document #0 to Dictionary<0 unique tokens: []>
-2024-08-05 08:35:26,220 - built Dictionary<1109 unique tokens: ['0161', '0300', '1', '10', '11']...> from 1 documents (total 2389 corpus positions)
-2024-08-05 08:35:26,220 - Dictionary lifecycle event {'msg': "built Dictionary<1109 unique tokens: ['0161', '0300', '1', '10', '11']...> from 1 documents (total 2389 corpus positions)", 'datetime': '2024-08-05T08:35:26.220881', 'gensim': '4.3.2', 'python': '3.10.13 (main, Jul 9 2024, 21:32:52) [GCC 9.4.0]', 'platform': 'Linux-6.5.0-1022-azure-x86_64-with-glibc2.31', 'event': 'created'}
-2024-08-05 08:35:26,221 - using symmetric alpha at 0.3333333333333333
-2024-08-05 08:35:26,222 - using symmetric eta at 0.3333333333333333
-2024-08-05 08:35:26,222 - using serial LDA version on this node
-2024-08-05 08:35:26,222 - running online (single-pass) LDA training, 3 topics, 1 passes over the supplied corpus of 1 documents, updating model once every 1 documents, evaluating perplexity every 1 documents, iterating 50x with a convergence threshold of 0.001000
-2024-08-05 08:35:26,222 - too few updates, training might not converge; consider increasing the number of passes or iterations to improve accuracy
-2024-08-05 08:35:26,226 - -8.028 per-word bound, 261.1 perplexity estimate based on a held-out corpus of 1 documents with 2389 words
-2024-08-05 08:35:26,226 - PROGRESS: pass 0, at document #1/1
-2024-08-05 08:35:26,228 - topic #0 (0.333): 0.019*"’" + 0.012*"needs" + 0.009*"Calderdale" + 0.006*"ensure" + 0.006*"well" + 0.006*"experiences" + 0.005*"risk" + 0.005*"plans" + 0.005*"progress" + 0.005*"PAs"
-2024-08-05 08:35:26,228 - topic #1 (0.333): 0.025*"’" + 0.008*"Calderdale" + 0.007*"needs" + 0.007*"plans" + 0.006*"well" + 0.006*"progress" + 0.005*"ensure" + 0.005*"risk" + 0.005*"supported" + 0.004*"parents"
-2024-08-05 08:35:26,228 - topic #2 (0.333): 0.016*"’" + 0.009*"needs" + 0.007*"Calderdale" + 0.006*"progress" + 0.006*"well" + 0.005*"parents" + 0.004*"plans" + 0.004*"ensure" + 0.004*"experiences" + 0.004*"risk"
-2024-08-05 08:35:26,228 - topic diff=0.780981, rho=1.000000
-2024-08-05 08:35:26,228 - LdaModel lifecycle event {'msg': 'trained LdaModel in 0.01s', 'datetime': '2024-08-05T08:35:26.228832', 'gensim': '4.3.2', 'python': '3.10.13 (main, Jul 9 2024, 21:32:52) [GCC 9.4.0]', 'platform': 'Linux-6.5.0-1022-azure-x86_64-with-glibc2.31', 'event': 'created'}
-2024-08-05 08:35:27,217 - Inspection date 2024-02-19 / Column 'overall_effectiveness' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:27,218 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:27,218 - Inspection date 2024-02-19 / Column 'impact_of_leaders' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:27,218 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:27,218 - Inspection date 2024-02-19 / Column 'help_and_protection' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:27,219 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:27,219 - Inspection date 2024-02-19 / Column 'in_care' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:27,219 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:27,220 - Inspection date 2024-02-19 / Column 'care_leavers' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:27,220 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:27,220 - Inspection date 2024-02-19 / Column 'in_care_and_care_leavers' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:27,220 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:29,060 - adding document #0 to Dictionary<0 unique tokens: []>
-2024-08-05 08:35:29,062 - built Dictionary<1082 unique tokens: ['0161', '0300', '1', '10', '11']...> from 1 documents (total 2339 corpus positions)
-2024-08-05 08:35:29,062 - Dictionary lifecycle event {'msg': "built Dictionary<1082 unique tokens: ['0161', '0300', '1', '10', '11']...> from 1 documents (total 2339 corpus positions)", 'datetime': '2024-08-05T08:35:29.062843', 'gensim': '4.3.2', 'python': '3.10.13 (main, Jul 9 2024, 21:32:52) [GCC 9.4.0]', 'platform': 'Linux-6.5.0-1022-azure-x86_64-with-glibc2.31', 'event': 'created'}
-2024-08-05 08:35:29,063 - using symmetric alpha at 0.3333333333333333
-2024-08-05 08:35:29,064 - using symmetric eta at 0.3333333333333333
-2024-08-05 08:35:29,064 - using serial LDA version on this node
-2024-08-05 08:35:29,064 - running online (single-pass) LDA training, 3 topics, 1 passes over the supplied corpus of 1 documents, updating model once every 1 documents, evaluating perplexity every 1 documents, iterating 50x with a convergence threshold of 0.001000
-2024-08-05 08:35:29,064 - too few updates, training might not converge; consider increasing the number of passes or iterations to improve accuracy
-2024-08-05 08:35:29,068 - -8.004 per-word bound, 256.8 perplexity estimate based on a held-out corpus of 1 documents with 2339 words
-2024-08-05 08:35:29,068 - PROGRESS: pass 0, at document #1/1
-2024-08-05 08:35:29,069 - topic #0 (0.333): 0.013*"’" + 0.007*"needs" + 0.007*"Cambridgeshire" + 0.006*"leaders" + 0.005*"2024" + 0.005*"effective" + 0.005*"However" + 0.005*"clear" + 0.005*"15" + 0.004*"good"
-2024-08-05 08:35:29,070 - topic #1 (0.333): 0.015*"’" + 0.007*"good" + 0.006*"Cambridgeshire" + 0.005*"leaders" + 0.005*"experiences" + 0.005*"well" + 0.005*"effective" + 0.004*"quality" + 0.004*"needs" + 0.004*"leadership"
-2024-08-05 08:35:29,070 - topic #2 (0.333): 0.020*"’" + 0.008*"needs" + 0.007*"leaders" + 0.006*"Cambridgeshire" + 0.005*"well" + 0.005*"practice" + 0.005*"4" + 0.005*"effective" + 0.005*"leadership" + 0.005*"good"
-2024-08-05 08:35:29,070 - topic diff=0.784694, rho=1.000000
-2024-08-05 08:35:29,070 - LdaModel lifecycle event {'msg': 'trained LdaModel in 0.01s', 'datetime': '2024-08-05T08:35:29.070708', 'gensim': '4.3.2', 'python': '3.10.13 (main, Jul 9 2024, 21:32:52) [GCC 9.4.0]', 'platform': 'Linux-6.5.0-1022-azure-x86_64-with-glibc2.31', 'event': 'created'}
-2024-08-05 08:35:30,132 - Inspection date 2024-03-04 / Column 'overall_effectiveness' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:30,133 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:30,133 - Inspection date 2024-03-04 / Column 'impact_of_leaders' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:30,133 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:30,133 - Inspection date 2024-03-04 / Column 'help_and_protection' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:30,133 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:30,134 - Inspection date 2024-03-04 / Column 'in_care' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:30,134 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:30,134 - Inspection date 2024-03-04 / Column 'care_leavers' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:30,134 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:30,134 - Inspection date 2024-03-04 / Column 'in_care_and_care_leavers' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:30,135 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:31,815 - adding document #0 to Dictionary<0 unique tokens: []>
-2024-08-05 08:35:31,818 - built Dictionary<1030 unique tokens: ['0161', '0300', '1', '10', '11']...> from 1 documents (total 2199 corpus positions)
-2024-08-05 08:35:31,818 - Dictionary lifecycle event {'msg': "built Dictionary<1030 unique tokens: ['0161', '0300', '1', '10', '11']...> from 1 documents (total 2199 corpus positions)", 'datetime': '2024-08-05T08:35:31.818283', 'gensim': '4.3.2', 'python': '3.10.13 (main, Jul 9 2024, 21:32:52) [GCC 9.4.0]', 'platform': 'Linux-6.5.0-1022-azure-x86_64-with-glibc2.31', 'event': 'created'}
-2024-08-05 08:35:31,819 - using symmetric alpha at 0.3333333333333333
-2024-08-05 08:35:31,819 - using symmetric eta at 0.3333333333333333
-2024-08-05 08:35:31,819 - using serial LDA version on this node
-2024-08-05 08:35:31,820 - running online (single-pass) LDA training, 3 topics, 1 passes over the supplied corpus of 1 documents, updating model once every 1 documents, evaluating perplexity every 1 documents, iterating 50x with a convergence threshold of 0.001000
-2024-08-05 08:35:31,820 - too few updates, training might not converge; consider increasing the number of passes or iterations to improve accuracy
-2024-08-05 08:35:31,823 - -7.965 per-word bound, 249.9 perplexity estimate based on a held-out corpus of 1 documents with 2199 words
-2024-08-05 08:35:31,823 - PROGRESS: pass 0, at document #1/1
-2024-08-05 08:35:31,825 - topic #0 (0.333): 0.019*"’" + 0.011*"well" + 0.008*"needs" + 0.007*"progress" + 0.007*"need" + 0.006*"carers" + 0.006*"good" + 0.006*"plans" + 0.005*"effective" + 0.005*"education"
-2024-08-05 08:35:31,825 - topic #1 (0.333): 0.009*"’" + 0.008*"well" + 0.006*"good" + 0.005*"plans" + 0.005*"need" + 0.005*"needs" + 0.004*"carers" + 0.004*"Bedfordshire" + 0.004*"17" + 0.004*"education"
-2024-08-05 08:35:31,825 - topic #2 (0.333): 0.018*"’" + 0.008*"well" + 0.008*"needs" + 0.007*"carers" + 0.006*"need" + 0.006*"plans" + 0.006*"Bedfordshire" + 0.006*"good" + 0.005*"Leaders" + 0.005*"Central"
-2024-08-05 08:35:31,825 - topic diff=0.791665, rho=1.000000
-2024-08-05 08:35:31,825 - LdaModel lifecycle event {'msg': 'trained LdaModel in 0.01s', 'datetime': '2024-08-05T08:35:31.825731', 'gensim': '4.3.2', 'python': '3.10.13 (main, Jul 9 2024, 21:32:52) [GCC 9.4.0]', 'platform': 'Linux-6.5.0-1022-azure-x86_64-with-glibc2.31', 'event': 'created'}
-2024-08-05 08:35:32,836 - Inspection date 2022-01-17 / Column 'overall_effectiveness' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:32,836 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:32,837 - Inspection date 2022-01-17 / Column 'impact_of_leaders' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:32,837 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:32,837 - Inspection date 2022-01-17 / Column 'help_and_protection' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:32,837 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:32,837 - Inspection date 2022-01-17 / Column 'in_care' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:32,838 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:32,838 - Inspection date 2022-01-17 / Column 'care_leavers' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:32,838 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:32,838 - Inspection date 2022-01-17 / Column 'in_care_and_care_leavers' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:32,838 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:34,371 - adding document #0 to Dictionary<0 unique tokens: []>
-2024-08-05 08:35:34,373 - built Dictionary<1051 unique tokens: ['0161', '0300', '1', '10', '11']...> from 1 documents (total 2272 corpus positions)
-2024-08-05 08:35:34,374 - Dictionary lifecycle event {'msg': "built Dictionary<1051 unique tokens: ['0161', '0300', '1', '10', '11']...> from 1 documents (total 2272 corpus positions)", 'datetime': '2024-08-05T08:35:34.374158', 'gensim': '4.3.2', 'python': '3.10.13 (main, Jul 9 2024, 21:32:52) [GCC 9.4.0]', 'platform': 'Linux-6.5.0-1022-azure-x86_64-with-glibc2.31', 'event': 'created'}
-2024-08-05 08:35:34,375 - using symmetric alpha at 0.3333333333333333
-2024-08-05 08:35:34,375 - using symmetric eta at 0.3333333333333333
-2024-08-05 08:35:34,375 - using serial LDA version on this node
-2024-08-05 08:35:34,375 - running online (single-pass) LDA training, 3 topics, 1 passes over the supplied corpus of 1 documents, updating model once every 1 documents, evaluating perplexity every 1 documents, iterating 50x with a convergence threshold of 0.001000
-2024-08-05 08:35:34,375 - too few updates, training might not converge; consider increasing the number of passes or iterations to improve accuracy
-2024-08-05 08:35:34,379 - -7.976 per-word bound, 251.8 perplexity estimate based on a held-out corpus of 1 documents with 2272 words
-2024-08-05 08:35:34,379 - PROGRESS: pass 0, at document #1/1
-2024-08-05 08:35:34,380 - topic #0 (0.333): 0.013*"’" + 0.007*"needs" + 0.007*"2024" + 0.007*"East" + 0.006*"quality" + 0.006*"practice" + 0.006*"well" + 0.006*"Cheshire" + 0.005*"leaders" + 0.005*"need"
-2024-08-05 08:35:34,381 - topic #1 (0.333): 0.008*"’" + 0.006*"plans" + 0.006*"needs" + 0.006*"quality" + 0.006*"2024" + 0.005*"well" + 0.005*"practice" + 0.004*"means" + 0.004*"leaders" + 0.004*"effective"
-2024-08-05 08:35:34,381 - topic #2 (0.333): 0.015*"’" + 0.009*"2024" + 0.008*"plans" + 0.008*"needs" + 0.007*"practice" + 0.007*"well" + 0.006*"Cheshire" + 0.006*"effective" + 0.006*"leaders" + 0.005*"East"
-2024-08-05 08:35:34,381 - topic diff=0.786808, rho=1.000000
-2024-08-05 08:35:34,381 - LdaModel lifecycle event {'msg': 'trained LdaModel in 0.01s', 'datetime': '2024-08-05T08:35:34.381565', 'gensim': '4.3.2', 'python': '3.10.13 (main, Jul 9 2024, 21:32:52) [GCC 9.4.0]', 'platform': 'Linux-6.5.0-1022-azure-x86_64-with-glibc2.31', 'event': 'created'}
-2024-08-05 08:35:35,273 - Inspection date 2024-02-26 / Column 'overall_effectiveness' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:35,273 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:35,273 - Inspection date 2024-02-26 / Column 'impact_of_leaders' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:35,273 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:35,274 - Inspection date 2024-02-26 / Column 'help_and_protection' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:35,274 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:35,274 - Inspection date 2024-02-26 / Column 'in_care' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:35,274 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:35,274 - Inspection date 2024-02-26 / Column 'care_leavers' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:35,274 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:35,274 - Inspection date 2024-02-26 / Column 'in_care_and_care_leavers' not found in the DataFrame.
-2024-08-05 08:35:35,275 - Index(['judgement', 'grade'], dtype='object')
-2024-08-05 08:35:37,023 - adding document #0 to Dictionary<0 unique tokens: []>
-2024-08-05 08:35:37,025 - built Dictionary<1051 unique tokens: ['0161', '0300', '1', '10', '11']...> from 1 documents (total 2186 corpus positions)
-2024-08-05 08:35:37,026 - Dictionary lifecycle event {'msg': "built Dictionary<1051 unique tokens: ['0161', '0300', '1', '10', '11']...> from 1 documents (total 2186 corpus positions)", 'datetime': '2024-08-05T08:35:37.026051', 'gensim': '4.3.2', 'python': '3.10.13 (main, Jul 9 2024, 21:32:52) [GCC 9.4.0]', 'platform': 'Linux-6.5.0-1022-azure-x86_64-with-glibc2.31', 'event': 'created'}
-2024-08-05 08:35:37,027 - using symmetric alpha at 0.3333333333333333
-2024-08-05 08:35:37,027 - using symmetric eta at 0.3333333333333333
-2024-08-05 08:35:37,027 - using serial LDA version on this node
-2024-08-05 08:35:37,027 - running online (single-pass) LDA training, 3 topics, 1 passes over the supplied corpus of 1 documents, updating model once every 1 documents, evaluating perplexity every 1 documents, iterating 50x with a convergence threshold of 0.001000
-2024-08-05 08:35:37,027 - too few updates, training might not converge; consider increasing the number of passes or iterations to improve accuracy
-2024-08-05 08:35:37,031 - -7.999 per-word bound, 255.8 perplexity estimate based on a held-out corpus of 1 documents with 2186 words
-2024-08-05 08:35:37,031 - PROGRESS: pass 0, at document #1/1
-2024-08-05 08:35:37,032 - topic #0 (0.333): 0.014*"’" + 0.005*"well" + 0.004*"needs" + 0.004*"effective" + 0.004*"order" + 0.004*"leaders" + 0.004*"receive" + 0.004*"However" + 0.004*"learning" + 0.003*"always"
-2024-08-05 08:35:37,033 - topic #1 (0.333): 0.029*"’" + 0.008*"well" + 0.008*"needs" + 0.005*"practice" + 0.005*"impact" + 0.005*"effectively" + 0.005*"plans" + 0.004*"always" + 0.004*"effective" + 0.004*"progress"
-2024-08-05 08:35:37,033 - topic #2 (0.333): 0.014*"’" + 0.007*"well" + 0.007*"needs" + 0.005*"receive" + 0.004*"practice" + 0.004*"order" + 0.004*"effectively" + 0.004*"plans" + 0.004*"always" + 0.004*"need"
-2024-08-05 08:35:37,033 - topic diff=0.783968, rho=1.000000
-2024-08-05 08:35:37,033 - LdaModel lifecycle event {'msg': 'trained LdaModel