This is a deep learning project where we have classfied hand written digits using simple ANN.
GUI is made using python Tkinter where we can draw a digit, upload a photo and also paste the link of the image consisting of a digit and ANN model will display the predicted digit.
MNIST is a dataset of handwritten digit images consisting of a training set of 50,000 images and a test set of 10,000 images. Each example is a 28x28 grayscale image, associated with a label from 10 classes ( 0 - 9 )
- Performance Evaluation
- Out of 50000 training images 10000 images were used for validation set.
- Training and Validation
- Dense ANN with 2 layers is used with RELU as activation function and softmax for output.
- Performance Results
- Training Score: 100.0%
- Validation Score: 98.03%
- Testing Score: 98.0%
- Draw a digit - Tkinter canvas is used to draw
- Upload a photo - Upload a photo of handwritten digit
- Paste a link - Paste a link of the photo includes handwritten digit
- Clear - Clear previous drawing and sketch new
- Save - Save the image
There are lot of things to improve upon
- CNN can be used to increase accuracy on unknown data.
- More data can be provided.