Acquire sources, create Python virtualenv, install package and dependencies, and run software tests:
git clone cd influxio python3 -m venv .venv source .venv/bin/activate pip install --use-pep517 --prefer-binary --editable=.[test,develop,release]
For properly running the test cases, you will need running instances of InfluxDB, PostgreSQL, and CrateDB. The easiest way to spin up those instances is to use Docker or Podman.
docker run --rm -it --publish=8086:8086 \
--volume="$PWD/var/lib/influxdb2:/var/lib/influxdb2" \
docker run --rm -it --publish=4200:4200 \
--volume="$PWD/var/lib/cratedb:/data" \
crate:latest -Cdiscovery.type=single-node
docker run --rm -it --publish=5432:5432 \
--env "POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD=trust" postgres:16 \
postgres -c log_statement=all
Invoke software tests:
# Run linter and regular test suite. poe check
OCI images will be automatically published to the GitHub Container Registry (GHCR), see influxio packages on GHCR. If you want to build images on your machine, you can use those commands:
export DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 export COMPOSE_DOCKER_CLI_BUILD=1 export BUILDKIT_PROGRESS=plain docker build --tag local/influxio --file release/oci/Dockerfile .
docker run --rm -it local/influxio influxio --version docker run --rm -it local/influxio influxio info