Markov-poem takes a source text and, using markov chains, generates a set of lines that have a specified number of syllables.
pip install markovify
pip install nltk
python -m nltk.downloader cmudict
python -f <source_text_filepath> -s <comma,separated,syllable,count>
$ python -s 4,4,4,4,4,4 -f ~/ulysses.txt
He brought it in
In the bright air
Please tell me so
— Don’t you forget
What will you pun
Or do you do
$ python -s 5,7,5 -f ~/ulysses.txt
Couldn’t eat a beefsteak
He hoped she had ever seen
Sitting at his mouth
$ python -s 6,6,6 -f ~/ulysses.txt
Across the page rustling
I was to be grownups
And still his eyes cast down
$ python -s 10,10,10,10 -f ~/Downloads/grays-anatomy.utf8.txt
In mammals, it does during mitosis
The position of the whole of the mouth
CHAPTER 42 739 THE BACK A B Disc A B Fig
Like the maxilla, the form of twinning
- If the source text is too short, markovify will fail.
- The syllable count is quite accurate but don't expect it to be perfect.
- Lines with very many (
>30) or very few (<3) syllables will also likely fail to generate.