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210 lines (122 loc) · 4.73 KB

File metadata and controls

210 lines (122 loc) · 4.73 KB


Ruby inspired categories to make Objective-C a little bit nicer to use.


Lanaguage Constructs


Equivalent to if (!conditional), it runs the unless code if the conditional is false and the else if it's true.

unless (1 != 1) {
	NSLog(@"This will be run because the conditional resolves to NO")
} else {
	NSLog(@"This would be run if the conditional resolved to YES")



Returns an array made of the return value of each call to the block.

NSArray *words = @[@"funny", @"little", @"frog"];

NSArray *mappedArray = [words map:id^(id item) {
	NSString *word = (NSString *)item;
	return @"yes";

mappedArray == @[@"yes", @"yes", @"yes"]

join and join:

Creates a string by joining the elements of an array with either whitespace or a separator.

NSArray *words = @[@"funny", @"little", @"frog"];

[words join]; == @"funny little frog"
[words join:@"-"]; == @"funnny-little-frog"


Returns true if the array has no elements and false if it has any.

NSArray *words = @[@"funny", @"little", @"frog"];
[words isEmpty]; == NO

NSArray *noWords = @[];	
[noWords isEmpty]; == YES


Returns true if the array contains and elements passing the test in the block. Returns false if none pass the test.

NSArray *words = @[@"funny", @"little", @"frog"];

[words any:BOOL^(id item) {
	NSString *word = (NSString *)item;
	return [word isEqualToString:@"funny"];
}]; == YES

[words any:BOOL^(id item) {
	NSString *word = (NSString *)item;
	return [word isEqualToString:@"belle"];
}]; == NO


Returns an array of the elements from an array that pass the test in the block.

NSArray *words = @[@"funny", @"little", @"frog"];

NSArray *selectedWords = [words select:^BOOL(id item) {
	NSString *word = (NSString *)item;
	return [word isEqualToString:@"funny"];
}]; == @[@"funny"]

selectedWords = [words select:^BOOL(id item) {
	NSString *word = (NSString *)item;
	return [word isEqualToString:@"belle"];
}]; == @[]


Returns an array of any elements that fail the test in the block.

NSArray *words = @[@"funny", @"little", @"frog"];

NSArray *selectedWords = [words reject:^BOOL(id item) {
	NSString *word = (NSString *)item;
	return [word isEqualToString:@"funny"];
}]; == @[@"little", @"frog"]

selectedWords = [words reject:^BOOL(id item) {
	NSString *word = (NSString *)item;
	return [word isEqualToString:@"belle"];
}]; == @[@"funny", @"little", @"frog"]


Executes a block for each element in an array.

NSArray *words = @[@"funny", @"little", @"frog"];

[words each:^(id item) {
	NSLog(@"This will be called once for each item in words");


Executes a block for each element in an array and passed in the index of the element.

NSArray *words = @[@"funny", @"little", @"frog"];

[words eachWithIndex:^(id item, int index) {
	NSLog(@"This will be called once for each item in words and pass the index of the item");



Executes the block however many times the number is equal to.

[@(4) times:{
	NSLog(@"This block will be called 4 times.")


Executes the block however many times the number is equal to. Passes in the index of the current iteration.

[@(4) times:^(int i) {
	NSLog(@"This block will be called 4 times and will pass the count each time")


Converts an NSNumber to an NSString.

[@(42) toString]; == 42


join: and join:with:

Creates a new string by concatenating two strings with either a space or the specified separator.

[[@"funny" join:@"little"] join:@"frog"]; == @"funny little frog"

[[@"funny" join:@"little" with:@"-"] join:@"frog" with:@"-"]; == @"funny-little-frog"


Returns true if the length of the string is 0 and false if it's greater than 0.

NSString *text = @"";	
[text isEmpty]; == YES

NSString *text = @"funny little frog";
[text isEmpty]; == NO

chomp and chomp:

Removes the specified string from the end of a string or removes \n if no string is specified.

NSString *text = @"funny little frog\n";
[text chomp]; == @"funny little frog"	
[text chomp:@"frog"]; == @"funny little "


Converts an NSString to an NSNumber.

[@"42" toNum]; == @(42)


Replaces a matched string with the specified string.

[@"Adam" gsub:@"Adam" with:@"Help"]; == "Help"

split and split:

Returns an array that divides the string by whitespace or the specified separator.

[@"funny little frog" split]; == @[@"funny", @"little", @"frog"]
[@"funny-little frog" split:@"-"]; == @[@"funny", @"little frog"]


Returns the index of the first occurrence of a string in another string.

[@"funny little frog" index:@"little"]; == 6
[@"funny little frog" index:@"belle"]; == -1