- pip install and ratings=False ([email protected])
- fix tag conflict ([email protected])
- avoid tag conflict ([email protected])
- lexicon.py bugs and pyproject.toml ([email protected])
- Daniel M. Low ([email protected])
- fix tag conflict ([email protected])
- avoid tag conflict ([email protected])
- lexicon.py bugs and pyproject.toml ([email protected])
- Daniel M. Low ([email protected])
- pyproject ([email protected])
- bugs in lexicon.py ([email protected])
- Bump version to ([email protected])
- Daniel M. Low (@danielmlow)
- gh token ([email protected])
- Daniel M. Low ([email protected])
- gh token ([email protected])
- Daniel M. Low ([email protected])
- main branch ([email protected])
- Daniel M. Low ([email protected])
- publish latest tag ([email protected])
- Daniel M. Low ([email protected])
- Merge branch 'main' of github.com:danielmlow/construct-tracker ([email protected])
- automatic tagging ([email protected])
- Daniel M. Low ([email protected])
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' ([email protected])
- pip install construct-tracker ([email protected])
- Daniel M. Low ([email protected])
- clear up disk space ([email protected])
- provide ranges in poetry deps #1 ([email protected])
- username ([email protected])
- release on each push ([email protected])
- clear up disk space ([email protected])
- remove --python ([email protected])
- allowlist ([email protected])
- went back to py39, py310, py311 ([email protected])
- poetry lock ([email protected])
- install poetry before using it ([email protected])
- removed dependencies from toml and improved torch cpu for faster installation ([email protected])
- fixed tox.ini and removed thinc and numpy and installed torch cpu ([email protected])
- removed versioneer version ([email protected])
- tox test each python version one at a time ([email protected])
- changed tox.ini and poetry dynamic versioning. removed tags locally and remotely ([email protected])
- Trigger version bump ([email protected])
- p39 ([email protected])
- clean dist dir ([email protected])
- Trigger a Release Only on Tags ([email protected])
- Updated publish.yaml and resolved pre-commit issues ([email protected])
- Merge branch 'main' of github.com:danielmlow/construct-tracker ([email protected])
- removed load_data from main construct_tracker ([email protected])
- fixed load_datasets.py ([email protected])
- edited some versions and init path to load_datasets.py ([email protected])
- load_datasets.py ([email protected])
- removed cli ([email protected])
- new pre-commit hook config ([email protected])
- fixed versions ([email protected])
- made torch versions more flexible ([email protected])
- added workflows ([email protected])
- python hook logos ([email protected])
- python hooks on readme ([email protected])
- original version ([email protected])
- passed all except mypy ([email protected])
- most hooks except ruff and mypy ([email protected])
- google style and cleaning up repo using poetry pdoc ([email protected])
- before linting and converting to google style ([email protected])
- added final version of SRL. sped up tokenizer. created ml dir for ml utils instead of being inside utils. removed cts from tutorials and readme ([email protected])
- updated srl tutorial and some other loading data features ([email protected])
- improved README ([email protected])
- colab link ([email protected])
- readme, bug in lexicon.py ([email protected])
- readme and fix issue with saving definition from add() ([email protected])
- tracking rmh dataset using git-lfs ([email protected])
- adding csv and pngs ([email protected])
- tutorial before feedback ([email protected])
- small edits including cleaning up path variables ([email protected])
- fix toml to work with versioneer ([email protected])
- added sys ([email protected])
- setup files for versioneer ([email protected])
- tutorial finished ([email protected])
- instructions for rating lexicons ([email protected])
- tutorial almost done. SRL tutorial. logger. enhancements to cts and lexicon. ([email protected])
- package version ([email protected])
- save embeddings as argument ([email protected])
- fixed bug ([email protected])
- adjusting spacy version for clause tokenization ([email protected])
- reverted back to original script ([email protected])
- edited according to GPT4 ([email protected])
- returned back to former implementation ([email protected])
- corrected path ([email protected])
- cts.measure() one liner ([email protected])
- added cts.py, cleaned output of clause tokenizer, added documentation to readme ([email protected])
- init file ([email protected])
- Initial commit ([email protected])
- Aaron Kanzer ([email protected])
- Daniel M. Low (@danielmlow)
- Updated publish.yaml and resolved pre-commit issues ([email protected])
- Daniel M. Low ([email protected])
- Merge branch 'main' of github.com:danielmlow/construct-tracker ([email protected])
- removed load_data from main construct_tracker ([email protected])
- Daniel M. Low ([email protected])
- Merge branch 'main' of github.com:danielmlow/construct-tracker ([email protected])
- fixed load_datasets.py ([email protected])
- Daniel M. Low ([email protected])
- edited some versions and init path to load_datasets.py ([email protected])
- Daniel M. Low ([email protected])
- provide ranges in poetry deps #1 ([email protected])
- load_datasets.py (@danielmlow)
- removed cli (@danielmlow)
- new pre-commit hook config (@danielmlow)
- fixed versions (@danielmlow)
- made torch versions more flexible (@danielmlow)
- added workflows (@danielmlow)
- python hook logos (@danielmlow)
- python hooks on readme (@danielmlow)
- original version (@danielmlow)
- passed all except mypy (@danielmlow)
- most hooks except ruff and mypy (@danielmlow)
- google style and cleaning up repo using poetry pdoc (@danielmlow)
- before linting and converting to google style (@danielmlow)
- added final version of SRL. sped up tokenizer. created ml dir for ml utils instead of being inside utils. removed cts from tutorials and readme (@danielmlow)
- updated srl tutorial and some other loading data features (@danielmlow)
- improved README (@danielmlow)
- colab link (@danielmlow)
- readme, bug in lexicon.py (@danielmlow)
- readme and fix issue with saving definition from add() (@danielmlow)
- tracking rmh dataset using git-lfs (@danielmlow)
- adding csv and pngs (@danielmlow)
- tutorial before feedback (@danielmlow)
- small edits including cleaning up path variables (@danielmlow)
- fix toml to work with versioneer (@danielmlow)
- added sys (@danielmlow)
- setup files for versioneer (@danielmlow)
- tutorial finished (@danielmlow)
- instructions for rating lexicons (@danielmlow)
- tutorial almost done. SRL tutorial. logger. enhancements to cts and lexicon. (@danielmlow)
- package version (@danielmlow)
- save embeddings as argument (@danielmlow)
- fixed bug (@danielmlow)
- adjusting spacy version for clause tokenization (@danielmlow)
- reverted back to original script (@danielmlow)
- edited according to GPT4 (@danielmlow)
- returned back to former implementation (@danielmlow)
- corrected path (@danielmlow)
- cts.measure() one liner (@danielmlow)
- added cts.py, cleaned output of clause tokenizer, added documentation to readme (@danielmlow)
- init file (@danielmlow)
- Initial commit (@danielmlow)
- Aaron Kanzer ([email protected])
- Daniel M. Low (@danielmlow)