diff --git a/wasm-calc12/src/Calc/Ability/Check.hs b/wasm-calc12/src/Calc/Ability/Check.hs
index 3872be4b..cde9793b 100644
--- a/wasm-calc12/src/Calc/Ability/Check.hs
+++ b/wasm-calc12/src/Calc/Ability/Check.hs
@@ -14,12 +14,12 @@ module Calc.Ability.Check
-import Calc.Types.Identifier
import Calc.Ability.Error
import Calc.ExprUtils
import Calc.Types.Ability
import Calc.Types.Expr
import Calc.Types.Function
+import Calc.Types.Identifier
import Calc.Types.Import
import Calc.Types.Module
import Calc.Types.ModuleAnnotations
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ abilityExpr (EConstructor ann constructor as) = do
EConstructor ann constructor <$> traverse abilityExpr as
abilityExpr (EApply ann fn@(EVar _ (Identifier fnVar)) args) = do
let functionName = FunctionName fnVar
- isImport <- asks (S.member functionName . aeImportNames)
+ isImport <- asks (S.member functionName . aeImportNames)
if isImport
then tell (S.singleton $ CallImportedFunction ann functionName)
else do
diff --git a/wasm-calc12/src/Calc/Linearity/Decorate.hs b/wasm-calc12/src/Calc/Linearity/Decorate.hs
index 51adba33..017d61aa 100644
--- a/wasm-calc12/src/Calc/Linearity/Decorate.hs
+++ b/wasm-calc12/src/Calc/Linearity/Decorate.hs
@@ -13,11 +13,10 @@ import Calc.ExprUtils
import Calc.Linearity.Types
import Calc.TypeUtils
import Calc.Types.Expr
-import Calc.Types.FunctionName
import Calc.Types.Identifier
import Calc.Types.Pattern
import Calc.Types.Type
-import Control.Monad (unless, when)
+import Control.Monad (unless)
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Data.Bifunctor (second)
@@ -265,13 +264,8 @@ decorate (EIf ty predExpr thenExpr elseExpr) = do
<$> decorate predExpr
<*> pure (mapOuterExprAnnotation (second (const uniqueToElse)) decoratedThen)
<*> pure (mapOuterExprAnnotation (second (const uniqueToThen)) decoratedElse)
-decorate (EApply ty fnName@(FunctionName inner) args) = do
- -- if we know about the var, assume it's a lambda not a built in function
- let identifier = Identifier inner
- isVar <- gets (M.member (UserDefined identifier) . lsVars)
- when isVar $
- recordUse (Identifier inner) ty
- EApply (ty, Nothing) fnName <$> traverse decorate args
+decorate (EApply ty fn args) = do
+ EApply (ty, Nothing) <$> decorate fn <*> traverse decorate args
decorate (ETuple ty a as) =
ETuple (ty, Nothing) <$> decorate a <*> traverse decorate as
decorate (EBox ty a) =
diff --git a/wasm-calc12/src/Calc/Parser/Expr.hs b/wasm-calc12/src/Calc/Parser/Expr.hs
index 8d91d2a1..b04bd45b 100644
--- a/wasm-calc12/src/Calc/Parser/Expr.hs
+++ b/wasm-calc12/src/Calc/Parser/Expr.hs
@@ -166,16 +166,15 @@ applyParser :: Parser (Expr Annotation)
applyParser = addLocation $ do
func <- applyFuncParser
let argParser = do
- stringLiteral "("
- args <- sepEndBy exprParserInternal (stringLiteral ",")
- stringLiteral ")"
- pure args
+ stringLiteral "("
+ args <- sepEndBy exprParserInternal (stringLiteral ",")
+ stringLiteral ")"
+ pure args
let argParser' :: Parser [[ParserExpr]]
argParser' = (: []) <$> argParser
args <- chainl1 argParser' (pure (<>))
pure $ foldl (EApply mempty) func args
tupleParser :: Parser (Expr Annotation)
tupleParser = label "tuple" $
addLocation $ do
diff --git a/wasm-calc12/src/Calc/Parser/Shared.hs b/wasm-calc12/src/Calc/Parser/Shared.hs
index 9cb17148..b7067240 100644
--- a/wasm-calc12/src/Calc/Parser/Shared.hs
+++ b/wasm-calc12/src/Calc/Parser/Shared.hs
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Calc.Parser.Shared
- ( chainl1,inBrackets,
+ ( chainl1,
+ inBrackets,
@@ -60,7 +61,6 @@ maybePred parser predicate' = try $ do
Just b -> pure b
_ -> fail $ T.unpack $ "Predicate did not hold for " <> T.pack (show a)
-- | stolen from Parsec, allows parsing infix expressions without recursion
-- death
chainl1 :: Parser a -> Parser (a -> a -> a) -> Parser a
@@ -72,4 +72,3 @@ chainl1 p op = do x <- p; rest x
y <- p
rest (f x y)
<|> return x
diff --git a/wasm-calc12/src/Calc/Typecheck/Elaborate.hs b/wasm-calc12/src/Calc/Typecheck/Elaborate.hs
index 80b2785c..60eb74db 100644
--- a/wasm-calc12/src/Calc/Typecheck/Elaborate.hs
+++ b/wasm-calc12/src/Calc/Typecheck/Elaborate.hs
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ module Calc.Typecheck.Elaborate
-import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Calc.ExprUtils
import Calc.Typecheck.Error
import Calc.Typecheck.Helpers
@@ -25,6 +24,7 @@ import Calc.Types.Test
import Calc.Types.Type
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Functor
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
elaborateModule ::
@@ -53,14 +53,20 @@ elaborateModule
-- statically provide types of all functions in scope
- let functionsInScope = foldMap (\(Function {fnFunctionName,fnAnn,fnArgs,fnReturnType}) ->
- M.singleton fnFunctionName (
- TFunction fnAnn (faType <$> fnArgs) fnReturnType
- )) mdFunctions
+ let functionsInScope =
+ foldMap
+ ( \(Function {fnFunctionName, fnAnn, fnArgs, fnReturnType}) ->
+ M.singleton
+ fnFunctionName
+ ( TFunction fnAnn (faType <$> fnArgs) fnReturnType
+ )
+ )
+ mdFunctions
+ let importsInScope =
+ foldMap
+ (\(Import {impImportName, impAnn, impArgs, impReturnType}) -> M.singleton impImportName (TFunction impAnn (iaType <$> impArgs) impReturnType))
+ mdImports
runTypecheckM typecheckEnv $ do
globals <-
@@ -84,7 +90,7 @@ elaborateModule
functions <-
( \fn -> do
- elabFn <- elaborateFunction functionsInScope fn
+ elabFn <- elaborateFunction (functionsInScope <> importsInScope) fn
(fnFunctionName elabFn)
(S.fromList $ fnGenerics fn)
@@ -187,7 +193,8 @@ elaborateFunction ::
M.Map FunctionName (Type ann) ->
Function ann ->
TypecheckM ann (Function (Type ann))
-elaborateFunction functionsInScope
+ functionsInScope
( Function
{ fnPublic,
@@ -201,7 +208,7 @@ elaborateFunction functionsInScope
) = do
-- include current function with arguments so we can recursively call ourselves
let tyCurrentFunction =
- TFunction fnAnn (faType <$> fnArgs) fnReturnType
+ TFunction fnAnn (faType <$> fnArgs) fnReturnType
exprA <-
diff --git a/wasm-calc12/src/Calc/Typecheck/Helpers.hs b/wasm-calc12/src/Calc/Typecheck/Helpers.hs
index 1aa64d1a..eae45130 100644
--- a/wasm-calc12/src/Calc/Typecheck/Helpers.hs
+++ b/wasm-calc12/src/Calc/Typecheck/Helpers.hs
@@ -196,8 +196,10 @@ withFunctionEnv args functionsInScope generics =
in local
( \tce ->
- { tceVars = tceVars tce <> HM.fromList identifiersFromFunctions <>
- HM.fromList identifiersFromArgs,
+ { tceVars =
+ tceVars tce
+ <> HM.fromList identifiersFromFunctions
+ <> HM.fromList identifiersFromArgs,
tceGenerics = generics
diff --git a/wasm-calc12/src/Calc/Typecheck/Infer.hs b/wasm-calc12/src/Calc/Typecheck/Infer.hs
index f2107476..86d01caa 100644
--- a/wasm-calc12/src/Calc/Typecheck/Infer.hs
+++ b/wasm-calc12/src/Calc/Typecheck/Infer.hs
@@ -283,11 +283,11 @@ checkReturnType (TUnificationVar {}) p@(TPrim ann _) =
checkReturnType _ ty = pure ty
freeVars :: Type ann -> S.Set TypeVar
-freeVars ty
- = go ty
- where
- go (TVar _ var) = S.singleton var
- go other = monoidType go other
+freeVars ty =
+ go ty
+ where
+ go (TVar _ var) = S.singleton var
+ go other = monoidType go other
checkApply ::
Maybe (Type ann) ->
diff --git a/wasm-calc12/src/Calc/Wasm/FromExpr/Expr.hs b/wasm-calc12/src/Calc/Wasm/FromExpr/Expr.hs
index 28cdff52..ce746068 100644
--- a/wasm-calc12/src/Calc/Wasm/FromExpr/Expr.hs
+++ b/wasm-calc12/src/Calc/Wasm/FromExpr/Expr.hs
@@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ import Calc.Types
import Calc.Wasm.FromExpr.Drops
( addDropsFromPath,
- --dropFunctionForType,
+ dropFunctionForType,
import Calc.Wasm.FromExpr.Helpers
import Calc.Wasm.FromExpr.Patterns
import Calc.Wasm.FromExpr.Types
import Calc.Wasm.ToWasm.Types
--- import Control.Monad (void)
+import Control.Monad (void)
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.State
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ fromExprWithDrops expr = do
addDropsToWasmExpr drops wasmExpr
-fromFunctionApply ::
+_fromFunctionApply ::
( MonadState FromExprState m,
MonadError FromWasmError m,
Show ann,
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ fromFunctionApply ::
FunctionName ->
[Expr (Type ann, Maybe (Drops ann))] ->
m WasmExpr
-fromFunctionApply funcName args = do
+_fromFunctionApply funcName args = do
(fIndex, fGenerics, fArgTypes) <- lookupFunction funcName
let types =
@@ -201,6 +201,7 @@ fromFunctionApply funcName args = do
wasmArgs <- traverse fromExpr args
pure $ WApply fIndex (wasmArgs <> dropArgs)
fromLambdaApply ::
( MonadState FromExprState m,
MonadError FromWasmError m,
@@ -216,6 +217,7 @@ fromLambdaApply (FunctionName inner) args = do
wasmArgs <- traverse fromExpr args
pure $ WApplyIndirect (WVar fIndex) wasmArgs
fromExpr ::
( MonadError FromWasmError m,
@@ -306,17 +308,17 @@ fromExpr (EVar _ ident) = do
`catchError` \_ -> WGlobal <$> lookupGlobal ident
fromExpr (EApply _ fnExpr _args) = do
error ("fromExpr " <> show fnExpr)
- {-
- (fIndex, fGenerics, fArgTypes) <- lookupFunction funcName
- let types =
- monomorphiseTypes
- fGenerics
- fArgTypes
- (void . fst . getOuterAnnotation <$> args)
- dropArgs <- traverse (dropFunctionForType . snd) types
- wasmArgs <- traverse fromExpr args
- pure $ WApply fIndex (wasmArgs <> dropArgs)
- -}
+(fIndex, fGenerics, fArgTypes) <- lookupFunction funcName
+let types =
+ monomorphiseTypes
+ fGenerics
+ fArgTypes
+ (void . fst . getOuterAnnotation <$> args)
+dropArgs <- traverse (dropFunctionForType . snd) types
+wasmArgs <- traverse fromExpr args
+pure $ WApply fIndex (wasmArgs <> dropArgs)
fromExpr (ETuple (ty, _) a as) = do
wasmType <- liftEither $ scalarFromType ty
index <- addLocal Nothing wasmType
diff --git a/wasm-calc12/test/Test/Typecheck/TypecheckSpec.hs b/wasm-calc12/test/Test/Typecheck/TypecheckSpec.hs
index 429607e5..ffa83161 100644
--- a/wasm-calc12/test/Test/Typecheck/TypecheckSpec.hs
+++ b/wasm-calc12/test/Test/Typecheck/TypecheckSpec.hs
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ testInputs =
spec :: Spec
spec = do
- fdescribe "TypecheckSpec" $ do
+ describe "TypecheckSpec" $ do
describe "Function" $ do
let succeeding =
[ ("function one () -> Int64 { 1 }", TFunction () [] tyInt64),
diff --git a/wasm-calc12/test/Test/Wasm/WasmSpec.hs b/wasm-calc12/test/Test/Wasm/WasmSpec.hs
index 21a4df90..e995e0a2 100644
--- a/wasm-calc12/test/Test/Wasm/WasmSpec.hs
+++ b/wasm-calc12/test/Test/Wasm/WasmSpec.hs
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ spec = do
describe "From module" $ do
traverse_ testWithNode testVals
- describe "Test with interpreter" $ do
+ fdescribe "Test with interpreter" $ do
let asTest str = "export function test() -> Int64 { " <> str <> " }"
let testVals =
[ (asTest "42", Wasm.VI64 42),
@@ -102,376 +102,376 @@ spec = do
asTest "one() + two()"
Wasm.VI64 3
- ),
- ( joinLines
- [ "function increment(a: Int64) -> Int64 { a + 1 }",
- asTest "increment(41)"
- ],
- Wasm.VI64 42
- ),
- ( joinLines
- [ "function sum(a: Int64, b: Int64) -> Int64 { a + b }",
- asTest "sum(20,22)"
- ],
- Wasm.VI64 42
- ),
- ( joinLines
- [ "function inc(a: Int64) -> Int64 { a + 1 }",
- asTest "inc(inc(inc(inc(0))))"
- ],
- Wasm.VI64 4
- ),
- ( asTest "let Box(a) = Box((100: Int64)); a",
- Wasm.VI64 100
- ),
- ( asTest "let Box(Box(a)) = Box(Box((100: Int64))); a",
- Wasm.VI64 100
- ),
- ( "export function test() -> Boolean { let (_, b) = ((10 : Int64), True); b }",
- Wasm.VI32 1
- ),
- ( "export function test() -> Boolean { let (a, _) = (True, (10 : Int64)); a }",
- Wasm.VI32 1
- ),
- ( joinLines
- [ "function fst(pair: (Boolean, Int64)) -> Boolean { let (a, _) = pair; a }",
- "export function test() -> Boolean { fst((True, 100)) }"
- ],
- Wasm.VI32 1
- ),
- ( joinLines
- [ "function swapIntAndBool(pair: (Int64, Boolean)) -> (Boolean, Int64) { let (a,b) = pair; (b,a) }",
- "function fst(pair: (Boolean, Int64)) -> Boolean { let (a,_) = pair; a }",
- "export function test() -> Boolean { fst(swapIntAndBool((1,True))) }"
- ],
- Wasm.VI32 1
- ),
- ( joinLines
- [ "function sumTuple(pair: (Int64, Int64)) -> Int64 { let (a,b) = pair; a + b }",
- "export function test() -> Int64 { sumTuple((100,200)) }"
- ],
- Wasm.VI64 300
- ),
- ( joinLines
- [ "function sumTuple(pair: (Float64, Float64)) -> Float64 { let (a,b) = pair; a + b }",
- "export function test() -> Float64 { sumTuple((100.0,200.0)) }"
- ],
- Wasm.VF64 300.0
- ),
- ( joinLines
- [ "function fst(pair: (a,b)) -> a { let (a, _) = pair; a }",
- asTest "let one = Box((10: Int64)); let two = Box((20: Int64)); let Box(a) = fst((one, two)); a"
- ],
- Wasm.VI64 10
- ),
- ( joinLines
- [ "function drop(item: a) -> Int64 { let _ = item; 100 }",
- asTest "drop(Box((10: Int64)))"
- ],
- Wasm.VI64 100
- ),
- ( joinLines
- [ asTest "let (Box(a),_) = (Box((43 : Int64)),Box((42 : Int64))); a"
- ],
- Wasm.VI64 43
- ),
- ( joinLines
- [ asTest "let Box(a) = Box((42 : Int64)); let Box(b) = Box((41 : Int64)); a + b"
- ],
- Wasm.VI64 83
- ),
- ( joinLines
- [ asTest "let Box(Box(a)) = Box(Box((41 : Int64))); a"
- ],
- Wasm.VI64 41
- ),
- ( joinLines
- [ asTest "let (a, (b, c)) = ((1: Int64), ((2: Int64), (3: Int64))); a + b + c"
- ],
- Wasm.VI64 6
- ),
- ( joinLines
- [ "function pair(left: a, right:b) -> (a,b) { (left, right) }",
- asTest "let (Box(a),_) = pair(Box((43 : Int64)),Box((42 : Int64))); a"
- ],
- Wasm.VI64 43
- ),
- ( joinLines
- [ "function pair(left: a, right: b) -> (a,b) { (left, right) }",
- asTest "let (_, Box(a)) = pair(Box((43 : Int64)),Box((42 : Int64))); a"
- ],
- Wasm.VI64 42
- ),
- ( asTest "let _ = (1: Int64); (2 : Int64)",
- Wasm.VI64 2
- ),
- ( asTest "let Box(a) = Box((42 : Int64)); a",
- Wasm.VI64 42
- ),
- ( asTest "let Box(a) = Box((1.23: Float32)); let _ = a; (23 : Int64)",
- Wasm.VI64 23
- ),
- ( asTest "let (a,b) = ((1: Int64), (2 : Int64)); a + b",
- Wasm.VI64 3
- ),
- ( asTest "let Box(Box(a)) = Box(Box((101 : Int64))); a",
- Wasm.VI64 101
- ),
- ( asTest "let (a, (b,c)) = ((1 : Int64), ((2: Int64), (3: Int64))); a + b + c",
- Wasm.VI64 6
- ),
- ( asTest "let (_,_,_,d) = ((1: Int8), (2: Int16), (3: Int32), (4: Int64)); d",
- Wasm.VI64 4
- ),
- ( joinLines
- [ "memory 1000",
- asTest "load(0)"
- ],
- Wasm.VI64 0
- ),
- -- now to make sure our manual memory and allocated memory don't
- -- fuck with one another
- ( joinLines
- [ "memory 1000",
- asTest "let pair = ((1: Int64), (2: Int64)); let (a,b) = pair; let _ = a + b; load(32)"
- ],
- Wasm.VI64 0
- ),
- ( joinLines
- [ "memory 1000",
- "function sum(a: Int64, b: Int64) -> Int64 { a + b }",
- asTest "store(0, (20: Int64)); store(8, (22: Int64)); sum(load(0), load(8))"
- ],
- Wasm.VI64 42
- ),
- ( joinLines
- [ "global one: Int64 = 1",
- asTest "1 + one"
- ],
- Wasm.VI64 2
- ),
- ( joinLines
- [ "global mut counter: Int64 = 0",
- asTest "set(counter, 2); counter"
- ],
- Wasm.VI64 2
- ),
- ( joinLines
- [ "function factorial(a: Int64) -> Int64 { if a == 0 then 1 else a * factorial(a - 1) }",
- asTest "factorial(4)"
- ],
- Wasm.VI64 24
- ),
- ( joinLines
- [ "export function testShouldntCollide() -> Int32 { 1 }",
- asTest "100",
- "test testShouldntCollide = True"
- ],
- Wasm.VI64 100
- ),
- ( joinLines
- [ "function alloc() -> Int64 { let _ = Box((1: Int32)); 22 }",
- asTest "if True then alloc() else alloc()"
- ],
- Wasm.VI64 22
- ),
- ( asTest "let a = ((1: Int64), (2: Int64)); let (b,c) = a; b + c",
- Wasm.VI64 3
- ),
- ( joinLines
- [ "function bool(pred: Boolean, left: a, right: a) -> a { if pred then left else right }",
- asTest "let Box(a) = bool(True, Box((1: Int64)), Box((2: Int64))); a"
- ],
- Wasm.VI64 1
- ),
- ( joinLines
- [ "function bool(pred: Boolean, left: Box(Int64), right: Box(Int64)) -> Box(Int64) { if pred then left else right }",
- asTest "let Box(a) = bool(False, Box(1), Box(2)); a"
- ],
- Wasm.VI64 2
- ),
- ( joinLines
- [ "function bool(pred: Boolean, left: Box(Box(Int64)), right: Box(Box(Int64))) -> Box(Box(Int64)) { if pred then left else right }",
- asTest "let Box(Box(a)) = bool(False, Box(Box(1)), Box(Box(2))); a"
- ],
- Wasm.VI64 2
- ),
- ( joinLines
- [ "function bool(pred: Boolean, left: a, right: a) -> a { if pred then left else right }",
- asTest "let Box(a) = bool(False, Box((1: Int64)), Box((2: Int64))); a"
- ],
- Wasm.VI64 2
- ),
- ( asTest "let a = Box((1: Int64)); let b = Box((2: Int64)); let Box(c) = if True then a else b; c",
- Wasm.VI64 1
- ),
- ( asTest "let Box(Box(Box(a))) = Box(Box(Box((2: Int64)))); a",
- Wasm.VI64 2
- ),
- ( joinLines
- [ "function drop(a: a) -> Int64 { let _ = a; 100 }",
- "function useDrop(a: a) -> Int64 { drop(a) }",
- asTest "let value = Box(Box((1: Int64))); useDrop(value)"
- ],
- Wasm.VI64 100
- ),
- (asTest "case (100: Int64) { a -> a }", Wasm.VI64 100),
- ( asTest "case True { True -> 1, False -> 2 }",
- Wasm.VI64 1
- ),
- ( asTest "case False { True -> 1, False -> 2 }",
- Wasm.VI64 2
- ),
- ( asTest "case (6: Int64) { 1 -> 1, _ -> 0 }",
- Wasm.VI64 0
- ),
- (asTest "case ((1:Int64),(2: Int64)) { (a,b) -> a + b }", Wasm.VI64 3),
- ( asTest "case ((1: Int32),(2:Int32)) { (1,2) -> 1, (2,2) -> 2, (_,_) -> 0 }",
- Wasm.VI64 1
- ),
- ( asTest "case ((1: Int64),(2:Int64)) { (a,2) -> a, (_,_) -> 400 }",
- Wasm.VI64 1
- ),
- (asTest "case Box((42:Int64)) { Box(2) -> 0, Box(a) -> a }", Wasm.VI64 42),
- (asTest "case Box(Box((42:Int64))) { Box(Box(2)) -> 0, Box(Box(a)) -> a }", Wasm.VI64 42),
- ( asTest $
- joinLines
- [ "if True then ",
- "{ let box: Box(Int64) = Box(100); let Box(b) = box; 1 + b}",
- "else 400"
+ ) {-,
+ ( joinLines
+ [ "function increment(a: Int64) -> Int64 { a + 1 }",
+ asTest "increment(41)"
- Wasm.VI64 101
- ),
- ( asTest $
- joinLines
- [ "let struct: (Box(Int64), Box(Int64)) = (Box(1), Box(2));",
- "case struct { (Box(a), Box(2)) -> a, (_,_) -> 400 }"
+ Wasm.VI64 42
+ ),
+ ( joinLines
+ [ "function sum(a: Int64, b: Int64) -> Int64 { a + b }",
+ asTest "sum(20,22)"
- Wasm.VI64 1
- ),
- ( asTest $
- joinLines
- [ "let box = Box((100: Int64)); let Box(b) = box; 1 + b"
+ Wasm.VI64 42
+ ),
+ ( joinLines
+ [ "function inc(a: Int64) -> Int64 { a + 1 }",
+ asTest "inc(inc(inc(inc(0))))"
- Wasm.VI64 101
- ),
- ( asTest $
- joinLines
- [ "case (1:Int64) { 1 -> { let Box(b) = Box((100: Int64)); 1 + b}, _ -> 400 }"
+ Wasm.VI64 4
+ ),
+ ( asTest "let Box(a) = Box((100: Int64)); a",
+ Wasm.VI64 100
+ ),
+ ( asTest "let Box(Box(a)) = Box(Box((100: Int64))); a",
+ Wasm.VI64 100
+ ),
+ ( "export function test() -> Boolean { let (_, b) = ((10 : Int64), True); b }",
+ Wasm.VI32 1
+ ),
+ ( "export function test() -> Boolean { let (a, _) = (True, (10 : Int64)); a }",
+ Wasm.VI32 1
+ ),
+ ( joinLines
+ [ "function fst(pair: (Boolean, Int64)) -> Boolean { let (a, _) = pair; a }",
+ "export function test() -> Boolean { fst((True, 100)) }"
- Wasm.VI64 101
- ),
- ( asTest $
- joinLines
- [ "let pair = ((1:Int64),(2:Int64));",
- "case pair { ",
- "(1,2) -> 202,",
- "(a,_) -> { let box = Box((100: Int64)); let Box(b) = box; a + b}",
- "}"
- ],
- Wasm.VI64 202
- ),
- ( joinLines
- [ "type Maybe = Just(a) | Nothing",
- asTest "case (Nothing:Maybe(Int64)) { Just(a) -> a + 1, Nothing -> 0 }"
- ],
- Wasm.VI64 0 -- quite disappointing we can't infer this from use, really we need to go all-in on HM to make all of this a bit friendlier
- ),
- ( joinLines
- [ "type Maybe = Just(a) | Nothing",
- asTest "case Just((100: Int64)) { Just(a) -> a + 1, Nothing -> 0 }"
- ],
- Wasm.VI64 101
- ),
- ( joinLines
- [ "type Maybe = Just(a) | Nothing",
- asTest "case Just(Box((100: Int64))) { Just(Box(a)) -> a + 1, _ -> 0 }"
- ],
- Wasm.VI64 101
- ),
- ( joinLines
- [ "type Maybe = Just(a) | Nothing",
- asTest "case Just(Just(Box((100: Int64)))) { Just(Just(Box(a))) -> a + 1, _ -> 0 }"
- ],
- Wasm.VI64 101
- ),
- ( joinLines
- [ "type Colour = Red | Green | Blue",
- asTest "case Blue { Red -> 1, Green -> 2, Blue -> 3 }"
- ],
- Wasm.VI64 3
- ),
- ( joinLines
- [ "type These = This(a) | That(b) | These(a,b)",
- "export function test() -> Boolean { case These(True,False) { This(a) -> a , That(b) -> b , These(a,b) -> a && b } }"
- ],
- Wasm.VI32 0
- ),
- ( joinLines
- [ "type Maybe = Just(a) | Nothing",
- "function fromMaybe(maybe: Maybe(a), default: a) -> a { case maybe { Just(a) -> a, Nothing -> default } }",
- asTest "let matchValue: Maybe(Box(Int64)) = Just(Box(100)); let default: Box(Int64) = Box(0); let Box(result) = fromMaybe(matchValue, default); result"
- ],
- Wasm.VI64 100
- ),
- ( joinLines
- [ "type List = Cons(a, List(a)) | Nil",
- asTest "let value: List(Int64) = Cons((1:Int64),Cons((2:Int64),Nil)); case value { Cons(a,Cons(b,Nil)) -> a + b, _ -> 0 }"
- ],
- Wasm.VI64 3
- ),
- ( joinLines
- [ "type List = Cons(a, List(a)) | Nil",
- "function sum(list:List(Int64)) -> Int64 { case list { Cons(a, rest) -> a + sum(rest), Nil -> 0 } }",
- asTest "sum(Cons(1,Cons(2,Cons(3,Cons(4,Nil)))))"
- ],
- Wasm.VI64 10
- ),
- ( joinLines
- [ "type List = Cons(a, List(a)) | Nil",
- "function repeat(value: Int64, repeats: Int64 ) -> List(Int64) { if repeats < 1 then Nil else Cons(value, repeat(value, repeats - 1)) }",
- "function sum(accum: Int64,list:List(Int64)) -> Int64 { case list { Cons(a, rest) -> sum(accum + a, rest), Nil -> accum } }",
- asTest "sum(0,repeat(6,100))" -- surprisingly easy to pop the stack by increasing this value
- ],
- Wasm.VI64 600
- ),
- ( joinLines
- [ "type Identity = Identity(a)",
- asTest "let boxed :Identity(Int64) = Identity(100); case boxed { Identity(a) -> a }"
- ],
- Wasm.VI64 100
- ),
- ( asTest "let requested: Int64 = 3; let diff = requested % 4; if diff == 0 then requested else requested + (4 - diff)",
- Wasm.VI64 4
- ),
- ( asTest $
- joinLines
- [ "let pair = ((1:Int64),False);",
- "case pair { ",
- "(a,False) -> { let allocated = Box((100: Int64)); let Box(b) = allocated; b + a },",
- "_ -> 400 ",
- "}"
+ Wasm.VI32 1
+ ),
+ ( joinLines
+ [ "function swapIntAndBool(pair: (Int64, Boolean)) -> (Boolean, Int64) { let (a,b) = pair; (b,a) }",
+ "function fst(pair: (Boolean, Int64)) -> Boolean { let (a,_) = pair; a }",
+ "export function test() -> Boolean { fst(swapIntAndBool((1,True))) }"
- Wasm.VI64 101
- ),
- ( joinLines
- [ "function apply(f: Fn() -> Int64) -> Int64 { f() }",
- asTest "let f = \\() -> Int64 { 42 }; apply(f)"
- ],
- Wasm.VI64 42
- ),
- ( joinLines
- [ "function apply(f: Fn(Int64) -> Int64, value: Int64) -> Int64 { f(value) }",
- asTest "let f = \\(a: Int64) -> Int64 { 42 + a }; apply(f,100)"
- ],
- Wasm.VI64 142
- )
+ Wasm.VI32 1
+ ),
+ ( joinLines
+ [ "function sumTuple(pair: (Int64, Int64)) -> Int64 { let (a,b) = pair; a + b }",
+ "export function test() -> Int64 { sumTuple((100,200)) }"
+ ],
+ Wasm.VI64 300
+ ),
+ ( joinLines
+ [ "function sumTuple(pair: (Float64, Float64)) -> Float64 { let (a,b) = pair; a + b }",
+ "export function test() -> Float64 { sumTuple((100.0,200.0)) }"
+ ],
+ Wasm.VF64 300.0
+ ),
+ ( joinLines
+ [ "function fst(pair: (a,b)) -> a { let (a, _) = pair; a }",
+ asTest "let one = Box((10: Int64)); let two = Box((20: Int64)); let Box(a) = fst((one, two)); a"
+ ],
+ Wasm.VI64 10
+ ),
+ ( joinLines
+ [ "function drop(item: a) -> Int64 { let _ = item; 100 }",
+ asTest "drop(Box((10: Int64)))"
+ ],
+ Wasm.VI64 100
+ ),
+ ( joinLines
+ [ asTest "let (Box(a),_) = (Box((43 : Int64)),Box((42 : Int64))); a"
+ ],
+ Wasm.VI64 43
+ ),
+ ( joinLines
+ [ asTest "let Box(a) = Box((42 : Int64)); let Box(b) = Box((41 : Int64)); a + b"
+ ],
+ Wasm.VI64 83
+ ),
+ ( joinLines
+ [ asTest "let Box(Box(a)) = Box(Box((41 : Int64))); a"
+ ],
+ Wasm.VI64 41
+ ),
+ ( joinLines
+ [ asTest "let (a, (b, c)) = ((1: Int64), ((2: Int64), (3: Int64))); a + b + c"
+ ],
+ Wasm.VI64 6
+ ),
+ ( joinLines
+ [ "function pair(left: a, right:b) -> (a,b) { (left, right) }",
+ asTest "let (Box(a),_) = pair(Box((43 : Int64)),Box((42 : Int64))); a"
+ ],
+ Wasm.VI64 43
+ ),
+ ( joinLines
+ [ "function pair(left: a, right: b) -> (a,b) { (left, right) }",
+ asTest "let (_, Box(a)) = pair(Box((43 : Int64)),Box((42 : Int64))); a"
+ ],
+ Wasm.VI64 42
+ ),
+ ( asTest "let _ = (1: Int64); (2 : Int64)",
+ Wasm.VI64 2
+ ),
+ ( asTest "let Box(a) = Box((42 : Int64)); a",
+ Wasm.VI64 42
+ ),
+ ( asTest "let Box(a) = Box((1.23: Float32)); let _ = a; (23 : Int64)",
+ Wasm.VI64 23
+ ),
+ ( asTest "let (a,b) = ((1: Int64), (2 : Int64)); a + b",
+ Wasm.VI64 3
+ ),
+ ( asTest "let Box(Box(a)) = Box(Box((101 : Int64))); a",
+ Wasm.VI64 101
+ ),
+ ( asTest "let (a, (b,c)) = ((1 : Int64), ((2: Int64), (3: Int64))); a + b + c",
+ Wasm.VI64 6
+ ),
+ ( asTest "let (_,_,_,d) = ((1: Int8), (2: Int16), (3: Int32), (4: Int64)); d",
+ Wasm.VI64 4
+ ),
+ ( joinLines
+ [ "memory 1000",
+ asTest "load(0)"
+ ],
+ Wasm.VI64 0
+ ),
+ -- now to make sure our manual memory and allocated memory don't
+ -- fuck with one another
+ ( joinLines
+ [ "memory 1000",
+ asTest "let pair = ((1: Int64), (2: Int64)); let (a,b) = pair; let _ = a + b; load(32)"
+ ],
+ Wasm.VI64 0
+ ),
+ ( joinLines
+ [ "memory 1000",
+ "function sum(a: Int64, b: Int64) -> Int64 { a + b }",
+ asTest "store(0, (20: Int64)); store(8, (22: Int64)); sum(load(0), load(8))"
+ ],
+ Wasm.VI64 42
+ ),
+ ( joinLines
+ [ "global one: Int64 = 1",
+ asTest "1 + one"
+ ],
+ Wasm.VI64 2
+ ),
+ ( joinLines
+ [ "global mut counter: Int64 = 0",
+ asTest "set(counter, 2); counter"
+ ],
+ Wasm.VI64 2
+ ),
+ ( joinLines
+ [ "function factorial(a: Int64) -> Int64 { if a == 0 then 1 else a * factorial(a - 1) }",
+ asTest "factorial(4)"
+ ],
+ Wasm.VI64 24
+ ),
+ ( joinLines
+ [ "export function testShouldntCollide() -> Int32 { 1 }",
+ asTest "100",
+ "test testShouldntCollide = True"
+ ],
+ Wasm.VI64 100
+ ),
+ ( joinLines
+ [ "function alloc() -> Int64 { let _ = Box((1: Int32)); 22 }",
+ asTest "if True then alloc() else alloc()"
+ ],
+ Wasm.VI64 22
+ ),
+ ( asTest "let a = ((1: Int64), (2: Int64)); let (b,c) = a; b + c",
+ Wasm.VI64 3
+ ),
+ ( joinLines
+ [ "function bool(pred: Boolean, left: a, right: a) -> a { if pred then left else right }",
+ asTest "let Box(a) = bool(True, Box((1: Int64)), Box((2: Int64))); a"
+ ],
+ Wasm.VI64 1
+ ),
+ ( joinLines
+ [ "function bool(pred: Boolean, left: Box(Int64), right: Box(Int64)) -> Box(Int64) { if pred then left else right }",
+ asTest "let Box(a) = bool(False, Box(1), Box(2)); a"
+ ],
+ Wasm.VI64 2
+ ),
+ ( joinLines
+ [ "function bool(pred: Boolean, left: Box(Box(Int64)), right: Box(Box(Int64))) -> Box(Box(Int64)) { if pred then left else right }",
+ asTest "let Box(Box(a)) = bool(False, Box(Box(1)), Box(Box(2))); a"
+ ],
+ Wasm.VI64 2
+ ),
+ ( joinLines
+ [ "function bool(pred: Boolean, left: a, right: a) -> a { if pred then left else right }",
+ asTest "let Box(a) = bool(False, Box((1: Int64)), Box((2: Int64))); a"
+ ],
+ Wasm.VI64 2
+ ),
+ ( asTest "let a = Box((1: Int64)); let b = Box((2: Int64)); let Box(c) = if True then a else b; c",
+ Wasm.VI64 1
+ ),
+ ( asTest "let Box(Box(Box(a))) = Box(Box(Box((2: Int64)))); a",
+ Wasm.VI64 2
+ ),
+ ( joinLines
+ [ "function drop(a: a) -> Int64 { let _ = a; 100 }",
+ "function useDrop(a: a) -> Int64 { drop(a) }",
+ asTest "let value = Box(Box((1: Int64))); useDrop(value)"
+ ],
+ Wasm.VI64 100
+ ),
+ (asTest "case (100: Int64) { a -> a }", Wasm.VI64 100),
+ ( asTest "case True { True -> 1, False -> 2 }",
+ Wasm.VI64 1
+ ),
+ ( asTest "case False { True -> 1, False -> 2 }",
+ Wasm.VI64 2
+ ),
+ ( asTest "case (6: Int64) { 1 -> 1, _ -> 0 }",
+ Wasm.VI64 0
+ ),
+ (asTest "case ((1:Int64),(2: Int64)) { (a,b) -> a + b }", Wasm.VI64 3),
+ ( asTest "case ((1: Int32),(2:Int32)) { (1,2) -> 1, (2,2) -> 2, (_,_) -> 0 }",
+ Wasm.VI64 1
+ ),
+ ( asTest "case ((1: Int64),(2:Int64)) { (a,2) -> a, (_,_) -> 400 }",
+ Wasm.VI64 1
+ ),
+ (asTest "case Box((42:Int64)) { Box(2) -> 0, Box(a) -> a }", Wasm.VI64 42),
+ (asTest "case Box(Box((42:Int64))) { Box(Box(2)) -> 0, Box(Box(a)) -> a }", Wasm.VI64 42),
+ ( asTest $
+ joinLines
+ [ "if True then ",
+ "{ let box: Box(Int64) = Box(100); let Box(b) = box; 1 + b}",
+ "else 400"
+ ],
+ Wasm.VI64 101
+ ),
+ ( asTest $
+ joinLines
+ [ "let struct: (Box(Int64), Box(Int64)) = (Box(1), Box(2));",
+ "case struct { (Box(a), Box(2)) -> a, (_,_) -> 400 }"
+ ],
+ Wasm.VI64 1
+ ),
+ ( asTest $
+ joinLines
+ [ "let box = Box((100: Int64)); let Box(b) = box; 1 + b"
+ ],
+ Wasm.VI64 101
+ ),
+ ( asTest $
+ joinLines
+ [ "case (1:Int64) { 1 -> { let Box(b) = Box((100: Int64)); 1 + b}, _ -> 400 }"
+ ],
+ Wasm.VI64 101
+ ),
+ ( asTest $
+ joinLines
+ [ "let pair = ((1:Int64),(2:Int64));",
+ "case pair { ",
+ "(1,2) -> 202,",
+ "(a,_) -> { let box = Box((100: Int64)); let Box(b) = box; a + b}",
+ "}"
+ ],
+ Wasm.VI64 202
+ ),
+ ( joinLines
+ [ "type Maybe = Just(a) | Nothing",
+ asTest "case (Nothing:Maybe(Int64)) { Just(a) -> a + 1, Nothing -> 0 }"
+ ],
+ Wasm.VI64 0 -- quite disappointing we can't infer this from use, really we need to go all-in on HM to make all of this a bit friendlier
+ ),
+ ( joinLines
+ [ "type Maybe = Just(a) | Nothing",
+ asTest "case Just((100: Int64)) { Just(a) -> a + 1, Nothing -> 0 }"
+ ],
+ Wasm.VI64 101
+ ),
+ ( joinLines
+ [ "type Maybe = Just(a) | Nothing",
+ asTest "case Just(Box((100: Int64))) { Just(Box(a)) -> a + 1, _ -> 0 }"
+ ],
+ Wasm.VI64 101
+ ),
+ ( joinLines
+ [ "type Maybe = Just(a) | Nothing",
+ asTest "case Just(Just(Box((100: Int64)))) { Just(Just(Box(a))) -> a + 1, _ -> 0 }"
+ ],
+ Wasm.VI64 101
+ ),
+ ( joinLines
+ [ "type Colour = Red | Green | Blue",
+ asTest "case Blue { Red -> 1, Green -> 2, Blue -> 3 }"
+ ],
+ Wasm.VI64 3
+ ),
+ ( joinLines
+ [ "type These = This(a) | That(b) | These(a,b)",
+ "export function test() -> Boolean { case These(True,False) { This(a) -> a , That(b) -> b , These(a,b) -> a && b } }"
+ ],
+ Wasm.VI32 0
+ ),
+ ( joinLines
+ [ "type Maybe = Just(a) | Nothing",
+ "function fromMaybe(maybe: Maybe(a), default: a) -> a { case maybe { Just(a) -> a, Nothing -> default } }",
+ asTest "let matchValue: Maybe(Box(Int64)) = Just(Box(100)); let default: Box(Int64) = Box(0); let Box(result) = fromMaybe(matchValue, default); result"
+ ],
+ Wasm.VI64 100
+ ),
+ ( joinLines
+ [ "type List = Cons(a, List(a)) | Nil",
+ asTest "let value: List(Int64) = Cons((1:Int64),Cons((2:Int64),Nil)); case value { Cons(a,Cons(b,Nil)) -> a + b, _ -> 0 }"
+ ],
+ Wasm.VI64 3
+ ),
+ ( joinLines
+ [ "type List = Cons(a, List(a)) | Nil",
+ "function sum(list:List(Int64)) -> Int64 { case list { Cons(a, rest) -> a + sum(rest), Nil -> 0 } }",
+ asTest "sum(Cons(1,Cons(2,Cons(3,Cons(4,Nil)))))"
+ ],
+ Wasm.VI64 10
+ ),
+ ( joinLines
+ [ "type List = Cons(a, List(a)) | Nil",
+ "function repeat(value: Int64, repeats: Int64 ) -> List(Int64) { if repeats < 1 then Nil else Cons(value, repeat(value, repeats - 1)) }",
+ "function sum(accum: Int64,list:List(Int64)) -> Int64 { case list { Cons(a, rest) -> sum(accum + a, rest), Nil -> accum } }",
+ asTest "sum(0,repeat(6,100))" -- surprisingly easy to pop the stack by increasing this value
+ ],
+ Wasm.VI64 600
+ ),
+ ( joinLines
+ [ "type Identity = Identity(a)",
+ asTest "let boxed :Identity(Int64) = Identity(100); case boxed { Identity(a) -> a }"
+ ],
+ Wasm.VI64 100
+ ),
+ ( asTest "let requested: Int64 = 3; let diff = requested % 4; if diff == 0 then requested else requested + (4 - diff)",
+ Wasm.VI64 4
+ ),
+ ( asTest $
+ joinLines
+ [ "let pair = ((1:Int64),False);",
+ "case pair { ",
+ "(a,False) -> { let allocated = Box((100: Int64)); let Box(b) = allocated; b + a },",
+ "_ -> 400 ",
+ "}"
+ ],
+ Wasm.VI64 101
+ ),
+ ( joinLines
+ [ "function apply(f: Fn() -> Int64) -> Int64 { f() }",
+ asTest "let f = \\() -> Int64 { 42 }; apply(f)"
+ ],
+ Wasm.VI64 42
+ ),
+ ( joinLines
+ [ "function apply(f: Fn(Int64) -> Int64, value: Int64) -> Int64 { f(value) }",
+ asTest "let f = \\(a: Int64) -> Int64 { 42 + a }; apply(f,100)"
+ ],
+ Wasm.VI64 142
+ )-}
describe "From expressions" $ do
traverse_ testWithInterpreter testVals
- describe "Deallocations for expressions" $ do
+ xdescribe "Deallocations for expressions" $ do
traverse_ testDeallocation testVals
describe "Run tests" $ do