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Generate Java files AST in a format compatible with 150k Python Dataset and 150k JavaScript Dataset.

Files are parsed using JavaParser.

Building the project

The only dependency is JDK >= 8. The project can be built with the following command.

./gradlew build

CLI usage

./bin/bigcode-astgen-java [options] <input>

<input> should be a file, or a glob expression to files.

Normal mode

In normal mode, <input> is interpreted as a filename and the resulting AST is outputed in <output> if provided, else printed to stdout.

Batch mode

In batch mode, <input> is interpreted as a glob, and all matching files are parsed. <output> is a prefix and <output>.json, <output>.txt and <output>_failed.txt files will be created.

  • <output>.json - contains a JSON formatted AST per line
  • <output>.txt - contains a filename per line, in the same order as <output>.json
  • <output>_failed.txt - contains a filename per line, with the reason why it co uld not be parsed

The glob expression should be quoted so that it is not expanded by the shell.


Normal mode

bigcode-astgen-java src/main/java/com/tuvistavie/bigcode/astgen/

parse src/main/java/com/tuvistavie/bigcode/astgen/ and output the result to stdout.

Batch mode

bigcode-astgen-java --batch -o result/asts "src/**/*.java"

parse all .java files in src directory and output results in the result directory with the prefix asts.

Java API

The project is available on JCenter as com.tuvistavie.bigcode:astgen:0.1.1.

Javadoc can be generated to build/docs by running

./gradlew javadoc