Paris, France, Jan. 3rd 2022
is a graphic tool that helps users monitor, optimize and configure
multiple PostgreSQL instances.
It is composed of 2 basic elements:
- A lightweight agent installe on each PostgreSQL instance
- A central server to control the agents and collect metrics
We're releasing today the version 7.9 which is minor release containing bugfixes and non-breaking changes.
This new version bring a few improvements including the support for PostgreSQL 14, some UI glitches, a handful of monitoring fixes and a important restructuration of the project documentation.
This release includes code, bugfixes, feedback and ideas from multiple contributors: @Zig3tPuce, @bsislow, @wsescu, @dgffin.
Many thanks to them!
Temboard is part of the [Dalibo Labs] initiative.
This is an open project, contributions are welcome. We need your feedback and ideas! Let us know what you think of this tool, how it fits your needs and what features are missing.