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File metadata and controls

111 lines (84 loc) · 4.04 KB



DISCLAIMER: this is new and might very well be buggy!

Contributions welcome :-)

This plugin enables you to place #HASHTAGS in your files between which you can then navigate via

  • a menu
  • keyboard shortcuts


Installation and configuration:


   dependencies = { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" },
   config = function()
      local hashtags = require('hashtags')
      vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>hn', hashtags.nav_next)
      vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>hp', hashtags.nav_prev)
      vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>hs', hashtags.show_ui)

This will set up the plugin with the default options. See below for more information.


First a definition: a #hashtag is a # followed by any number of uppercase letters and underscores.

In the configuration above you can see the 4 user-facing functions setup(opts), nav_next, nav_prev and show_ui. All of them require the cursor to be on a hashtag for context.

  • setup(opts): Set up the plugin with the options passed in opts
  • nav_next: Navigate to the next location of the hashtag the cursor is currently placed on
  • nav_prev: Navigate to the previous location of the hashtag the cursor is currently placed on
  • show_ui: Pull up the UI, giving you an overview of all the locations that were registered for this hashtag

Furthermore, the following user commands are registered:

  • :HashtagsReparse: reparse the current buffer and highlight all hashtags
  • :HashtagsRegenIndex: regenerate index and rewrite index file
  • :HashtagsGenConfig: generate an example config file in the project root directory

The "index" is a cache of all the hashtags that were found in the workspace and saved in the root of the workspace. The index file is called .hashtags.index.json.

The root directory of the workspace is determined by the location of .git.


A .git directory is required for this plugin to work

The config file is called .hashtags.config.json and contains 2 arrays:

  • include: glob pattern to specify which files should be parsed for hashtags
  • exclude: files/directories to ignore


The following default options will be set if you don't override them:

local sel_bg = vim.api.nvim_get_hl(0, { name = 'PmenuSel' }).bg
local title_fg = vim.api.nvim_get_hl(0, { name = 'Title' }).fg
local statusline_fg = vim.api.nvim_get_hl(0, { name = 'StatusLine' }).fg

   context_top = 1,
   context_bottom = 2,
   refresh_timeout = 2000,
   refresh_file_size_limit = 1024 * 64,
   ui = {
      width = 90,
      height = 20,
      borderchars = { "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" },
      border = true,
      theme = {
         menu_filename = { fg = title_fg, bg = 'none' },
         menu_linenumber = { fg = 'lightred', bg = 'none' },
         menu_context = { fg = statusline_fg, bg = 'none' },
         menu_filename_selected = { fg = title_fg, bg = sel_bg },
         menu_linenumber_selected = { fg = 'lightred', bg = sel_bg },
         menu_context_selected = { fg = statusline_fg, bg = sel_bg },
         buffer_marker = { fg = 'white', bg = 'teal' },

Option breakdown

  • context_top: number of lines displayed above the line containing the hashtag in the menu
  • context_bottom: number of lines displayed below the line containing the hashtag in the menu
  • refresh_timeout: number of milliseconds to wait before the buffer is rescanned after editing it (nil for never)
  • refresh_file_size_limit: files larger than this will not be automatically rescanned


See the image below to learn what parts of the UI the theme options refer to (the _selected parts refer to the currently selected menu item):


Ideas for possible further improvement

  • Integration with quickfix list
  • Generate global marks