Slightly modified version of Argon Box script. Takes in gRooTracker files, places final state particles in a box of liquid Argon
Usage: $python --nevents=1 --source=gRooTrackerInput.root --output=out.root --enable_edepsim --detX=25 --detY=5 --detZ=5 --shift=1800
Extra/Changed Options: nevents -> set to 0 for all events, else n events
det[X,Y,Z] -> half of block dimension (m)
shift -> G4 requires the positions to be relative to the center of the detector, so shift takes the 'real world' X position, translates to detector coordinates, and then back into original coordinates. Could work also put in Y,Z shifts.. Units are cm -- sorry for inconsistency!!
Added an output of the gRooTracker event code. To grab from the output file:
$ root out.root root: char code[51] root: argon->SetBranchAddress("code",&code) root: argon->GetEntry(0) root: print code