Most settings are the same like in tx_news.
1. Switchable views
- comma-separated list of views, the FE User can switch. choose from: month, agendaWeek, basicWeek, agendaDay, basicDay, listYear, listMonth, listWeek, listDay
2. Default View
- choose the view the Calendar starts with
3. Show Allday-Slot
- Show the allday slot which is available in all agendaviews. If 0, the fulltime events will not be shown in calendar.
4. Show Qtip-Popups
- Enable qtips when hovering an events
5. Show tags/Categories to filter
- Include all in rendered events used tags / categories in a tag cloud for use as a calendar filter
6. Sorting Filterlist
- Sort the tag List
7. Time when Calendar view starts * First hour which is shown in agenda views.
8. Time when Calendar view ends * Last hour which is shown in agenda views.
9. Aspect Ratio * If set, default value will be overwritten. Determines the width-to-height aspect ratio of the calendar.
10. Additional fullcalendar configuration * Additional fullcalendaroptions written as JavaScript Object * all settings can be taken from * Example:
eventLimit: 3,
views: {
agenda: {
eventLimit: 2
1. Page ID for Application / Booking Creation
- Chose the page where you install the Plugin with the view Created Application. It's like a confirmation page that a mail was send out but there are happening much more things.
2. Page ID for Application / Booking confirmation
- not needed here
1. Sender
- Name and Email of the sender for the mail to the user who wants to registrate and for the mail to the authors and admins.
2. Admin Mails
- Commaseparated list of mailadresses which needs to be informed on a registration
3. Send Notification to Author
- The author of a news/event is informed on registration too.
Thats the page where a user will be redirected when he sent the registration form.
1. Page ID for Application / Booking confirmation
- choose the page where the confirmation link will be point to. You need to install a plugin there with the Confirmation View.
1. Files to send with booking confirmation
- Does not work inside gridelements! If your using gridelements you have to choose the option in typoscript for sending files.
2. Field to use for ICS Description
- Fields means a field of the news. If you choose teaser, the teaser will be in the ICS Invitation a registrating user gets. If you choose custom field, the field has to exist and the given name needs to be the database name of the field. If you dont know that, contact your developer. But in most cases the other options should be enough.