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Polyphony v0.4.0 (initium) for Sonic Pi



Make music with Polyphony. Ideate. Compose. Perform.

This project is under active development.


In Sonic Pi, run the following:

load "LOCATION/20210323-polyphony/polyphony.rb"

Replace LOCATION with the location of the project. E.g.

load "~/OneDrive/music-production/sonic-pi/20210323-polyphony/polyphony.rb"

Ensemble Setup

N.B. MIDI instruments should be placed before Sonic Pi instruments, so that channels align as expected.

Within settings.rb:

  • enter/edit instruments in MIDI_INSTRUMENTS
  • enter/edit instruments in SPI_INSTRUMENTS
  • enter/edit an array of instruments in ENSEMBLES
  • for ensemble in ARTICULATED > performance and SUSTAINED > performance of settings.rb, set the appropriate ensembles
  • if using MIDI:
    • set up (a) MIDI cable(s) and make sure Sonic Pi recognises it as (a) MIDI out port(s)
    • under ports in ARTICULATED > performance > midi and SUSTAINED > performance > midi, replace the array entries with the appropriate MIDI out ports, as named in Sonic Pi
    • set the MIDI channels at your endpoint (DAW and/or hardware) to correspond with the instruments in the ensemble (starting with channel 1 for the first instrument)
    • N.B. any instruments (of any kind) more than 16 will automatically be mapped to the next MIDI port(s), because each MIDI port only has 16 channels

Quick Settings

All settings can be found in settings.rb.


Setting Values Description
seed int [0,] random seed


Setting Values Description
initialKey int 0-11, [any heptatonic scale] key signature (0-11 corresponds to C-B)


Setting Values Description
unitsPerMinute (0,) tempo
timeLimitInUnits [0,] || nil nil performs forever


Setting Values Description
selection "articulated", "sustained" voice sections to use


Setting Values Description
ensemble (ensembles from ENSEMBLE) ensemble to use
ports MIDI out port from sonic pi ports to use

Questions and Comments

The GitHub wiki offers a more in-depth look at the program. That said, a lot is to be figured out from playing with the source code itself.

Please feel free to reach out to me on Twitter! (@0delphini)