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A Deep Reinforcement Learning algorithm for Swarm Robotics

Thesis report:

1. Requirements

To run the code, the following requirements should be met. The code has not been tested with earlier or later versions of software and libraries described below, thus forward and backward compatibilities are not guaranteed, however, they are expected.

  • The simulation software V-REP educational version 3.5.

  • A CUDA-enabled graphics processing unit.

  • The TensorFlow machine learning library for Python, version 1.3.0 as well as Python programming language, version 3.6.

  • Other necessary libraries are matplotlib (2.2.2), numpy (1.14.2) and scipy (1.1.0).

  • Windows 64bit, Linux 64bit or Mac OSX operating system.

2. Usage

As the first step before running the code - either the training or the evaluation code - it is necessary to execute V-REP and set port 19999 for the communication between the Python code and the software. This can be done by inputting the following command into the console:

Windows:      start vrep.exe -gREMOTEAPISERVERSERVICE_19999_FALSE_TRUE

2.1 Training

Before running the training file, the user needs to define all options related to the training by editing the file and changing the values of its global variables. Such global variables are described in the following tables. The file can be ran by executing the command "python" in the console.

Restore options
Name of global variable Description Type
restore_model Initialize the weights of the network from a saved model boolean
restore_em Initialize the experience memory from a saved results file boolean
path_to_model_to_restore Path to the saved model from which the weights of the network will be restored string
path_to_results_to_restore Path to the results file from which the experience replay memory will be restored string
Save options
Name of global variable Description Type
save_model_frequency Frequency (in episodes) of saving models integer
max_to_keep Limit of models to keep saved in disk. Older models are replaced with new ones once this limit is exceeded integer
path_to_model_to_save Path to the model file which will be saved during training string
path_to_results_to_save Path to the results file which will be saved at the end of the training string
Stage options
Name of global variable Description Type
num_agents Number of agents used for training integer
num_episodes Number of episodes for the stage integer
max_discrepancy Discrepancy above which the episode is finished integer
min_discrepancy Discrepancy below which the episode is finished integer
steps_limit Number of steps in each episode integer
desired_distance Desired distance l in meters float
task Task ID. 0: dispersion 1: square formation 2: aggregation 3: chain formation integer
Experience replay memory and Boltzmann exploration and exploitation options
Name of global variable Description Type
em_capacity Experience replay memory capacity integer
alpha Exponent alpha float
beta Initial value of the exponent beta float
final_beta Final value of the exponent beta float
initial_b_temperature Initial Boltzmann temperature float
final_b_temperature Final Boltzmann temperature float
Network options
Name of global variable Description Type
training_frequency Frequency (in time steps) at which the network is trained integer
batch_size Batch size used to train the network integer
time_steps Number of time steps used for the LSTM cell integer
lstm_units Number of units of which the LSTM cell is comprised integer
num_neurons Number of neurons of the multi-layer perceptron Example: [50, 50] means two layers containing 50 neurons each list
copy_weights_frequency Frequency (in time steps) at which the weights are copied from online network to target network integer
discount_factor Discount factor of the deep reinforcement learning algorithm float
learning_rate Learning rate of the optimization algorithm float

3.2 Evaluation

Similarly, before running the file, it is necessary to edit the file by changing the global variables (table below) according to how the user chooses to perform the evaluation. After this has been done, the evaluation file can be run by executing "python" in the console.

Evaluation options
Name of global variable Description Type
path_to_model_to_restore Path to the saved model from which the weights of the network will be restored string
time_steps Number of time steps used for the LSTM cell integer
lstm_units Number of units of which the LSTM cell is comprised integer
num_neurons Number of neurons of the multi-layer perceptron Example: [50, 50] means two layers containing 50 neurons each list
num_agents Number of agents used for evaluating integer
num_episodes Number of episodes for the evaluation integer
max_discrepancy Discrepancy above which the episode is finished integer
min_discrepancy Discrepancy below which the episode is finished integer
steps_limit Number of steps in each episode integer
desired_distance Desired distance $l$ in meters float
task Task ID. 0: dispersion 1: square formation 2: aggregation 3: chain formation integer