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This software is not authorized by Google and doesn't follow Google's robots.txt. Scraping without Google explicit written permission is a violation of thei terms and conditions on scraping and can potentially cause a lawsuit
pip -r requirements.txt
python gquestions.py query <keyword> (en|es) [depth <depth>] [--csv] [--headless]
Print help message.
gquestions.py (-h | --help)
Search "flights" in English and export in html
python gquestions.py query "flights" en
Search headlessly "flights" in English and export in html
python gquestions.py query "flights" en --headless
Search "vuelos" in Spanish and export in html and csv
python gquestions.py query "vuelos" es --csv
Search "vuelos" in Spanish with a depth of 1 and export in html
python gquestions.py query "vuelos" es depth 1
Advanced use: using operators with queries:
python gquestions.py query '"vpn" site:https://protonmail.com/blog' en --csv
All assets and code are under the GPL v3 License unless specified otherwise.
Got stuck? Check help!
python gquestions.py -h