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Chanan edited this page Aug 18, 2020 · 4 revisions

IChord.GetScaleNotes Method

Namespace: CW.Soloist.CompositionService.MusicTheory
Assembly: CW.Soloist.CompositionService.dll


Returns an enumerator that can be used to iterate through the collection
of all note pitches which belong to the scale that is mapped to this chord's type,
and full fill the requested pitch range constraint.


IEnumerable<NotePitch> GetScaleNotes(int minOctave, int maxOctave);
IEnumerable<NotePitch> GetScaleNotes(NotePitch minPitch, NotePitch maxPitch);


The sequence of all note pitches from the scale that is mapped to this chord's type,
and full fill the requested pitch range constraint.


There are two versions: one constraints the range in octave ordinal numbers,
and the other constraints the range with specific note pitches.

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