diff --git a/html/index.php b/html/index.php index 2e6b476..79b0d72 100755 --- a/html/index.php +++ b/html/index.php @@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ //block via blacklist // UNCOMMENT AND ADD YOUR IP TO WHITELIST ONLY YOU BEFORE STARTING, THEN SWITCH COMMENTS TO ALLOW ALL BUT BLACKLIST -if($ip != "") { -//if( preg_match("(".implode("|",array_map("preg_quote",$blockorgs)).")",$org,$m) OR $isIP == true) { +//if($ip != "YOUR_IP_HERE") { +if( preg_match("(".implode("|",array_map("preg_quote",$blockorgs)).")",$org,$m) OR $isIP == true) { // Content for Orgs to see on the Blacklist //echo "
"; @@ -149,24 +149,24 @@ function get_string_between($string, $start, $end){ if($row["Title"] == "MostDedicated"){ $cmdtrophy = "curl -F file=@awardgifs/TrophyMostDedicated.gif -F 'initial_comment=Third Times a Charm! - ".$user." @ ".$portal."' -F channels=".$slackchannel." -H 'Authorization: Bearer ".$SlackBotOrLegacyToken."' https://slack.com/api/files.upload"; -exec($cmdtrophy); +//exec($cmdtrophy); } if($row["Title"] == "MostDelayed"){ $cmdtrophy2 = "curl -F file=@awardgifs/TrophyMostDelayed.gif -F 'initial_comment=Partys over! - ".$user." @ ".$portal."' -F channels=".$slackchannel." -H 'Authorization: Bearer ".$SlackBotOrLegacyToken."' https://slack.com/api/files.upload"; -exec($cmdtrophy2); +//exec($cmdtrophy2); } if($row["Title"] == "MostDisclosedPWs"){ $cmdtrophy3 = "curl -F file=@awardgifs/TrophyMostDisclosed.gif -F 'initial_comment=Here Try This One.. - ".$user." @ ".$portal."' -F channels=".$slackchannel." -H 'Authorization: Bearer ".$SlackBotOrLegacyToken."' https://slack.com/api/files.upload"; -exec($cmdtrophy3); +//exec($cmdtrophy3); } if($row["Title"] == "MostPhish"){ $cmdtrophy4 = "curl -F file=@awardgifs/TrophyMostPhish.gif -F 'initial_comment=Gonna need a bigger boat.. ".$row["username"]." phish! - ".$portal."' -F channels=".$slackchannel." -H 'Authorization: Bearer ".$SlackBotOrLegacyToken."' https://slack.com/api/files.upload"; -exec($cmdtrophy4); +//exec($cmdtrophy4); } } @@ -464,7 +464,7 @@ function get_string_between($string, $start, $end){ // If the Password is so non-unique, give a Trophy if ($haveibeenpwnedhits >= "3000"){ $cmdtrophy5 = "curl -F file=@awardgifs/TrophyLeastUniquePassword.gif -F 'initial_comment=That PW Gets Around.. (".number_format($haveibeenpwnedhits)." times!) - ".$user." @ ".$portal."' -F channels=".$slackchannel." -H 'Authorization: Bearer ".$SlackBotOrLegacyToken."' https://slack.com/api/files.upload"; -exec($cmdtrophy5); +//exec($cmdtrophy5); } } else $TroyHunt = "no";