Wire.js, like all cujoJS projects, integrates with other libraries and frameworks, such as jQuery.
Wire.js provides support for DOM querying via several plugins, including
wire/jquery/dom, which uses jQuery's legendary $(selector)
For more information about DOM querying with jQuery, see
Working with the DOM.
The full power of jQuery's .on()
method is available in wire specs.
The wire/jquery/on plugin provides "high in the
DOM" listening of DOM events.
Wire.js has built-in support for jQuery UI widgets via the wire/jquery/ui plugin. Other widget libraries that are built on top of jQuery UI, such as wijmo widgets, are supported, as well.
To create a jQuery UI widget, use the "widget" factory included in the wire/jquery/ui plugin. The factory requires that you specify the widget's constructor ("type") and a DOM node. You may specify options for the widget, as well.
stateField: {
widget: {
// "type" is the name of the widget's constructor. this is also
// the name of the function you call on the jQuery-wrapped node.
// "node" is the node at which to create the widget.
// for example, the following lines are equivalent to calling
// $('form.reg input.state').filter(":first").autocomplete(/*...*/);
type: 'autocomplete',
node: { $ref: 'dom.first!form.reg input.state' },
options: {
autoFocus: true,
delay: 500,
minLength: 3,
source: { $ref: 'statesData' }
$plugins: ['wire/jquery/ui', 'wire/jquery/dom']
jQuery UI widgets don't have properties like normal Javascript objects. Therefore, wire.js's "properties" facet tries to be smart when you define a property on a widget. First, it checks to see if there is a function of the same name on the widget. If it finds one, it assumes it's an accessor function. For instance, "data", "val", "height", and "width" are methods on all jQuery UI widgets, so they may be set or get via properties.
If there is no accessor function with the given name, the plugin looks in the widget's "options" collection. If an option with the same name exists, the plugin gets or sets that option. If no option exists with that name, the plugin assumes the developer wishes to access an item in the widget's data store, instead.
For optimal efficiency, specify widget options in the
"widget" factory rather than specify them in the "properties" facet. Use the
"properties" facet to specify data items or to set properties via accessor
function. In the following example, the .val()
accessor function is used
to set the initial value of an autocomplete widget:
stateField: {
widget: {
type: 'autocomplete',
node: { $ref: 'dom.first!form.reg input.state' },
options: {
autoFocus: true,
delay: 500,
minLength: 3,
source: { $ref: 'statesData' }
properties: {
val: 'PA' // set initial value
jQuery UI widgets enjoy a special feature that allows direct connections between widgets by linking the widgets via automatically generated getters and setters. When the spec refers to a method whose name starts with "set" or "get", and there is no actual method with that name, the plugin assumes the method is a getter or a setter.
The following code example shows how to create and configure widgets (wijmo widgets in this case) as well as how to connect them together via automatically generated getters and setters. This example uses a mediator between the two widgets. The mediator pattern is a recommended "best practice" to simplify complex widget relationships (but isn't strictly necessary in this simple example).
// this is a wijmo wizard widget
wizard: {
widget: {
// type of widget
type: 'wijwizard',
// where to create this widget in the dom
node: { $ref: 'dom!pages' },
// wizard widget options
options: {
navButtons: 'none'
// this is a wijmo pager widget
pager: {
widget: {
// type of widget
type: 'wijpager',
// where to create it in the dom
node: { $ref: 'dom!pager' },
// pager widget options
options: {
pageCount: 3,
pageIndex: 1,
mode: 'numeric'
on: {
// when page index changes, tell mediator.
// this could also be done with the wijpager's pageIndexChanged option, but
// is more compact when using the "on" facet.
wijpagerpageindexchanged: 'mediator.pageChanged'
// a mediator to coordinate changes in widgets.
mediator: {
prototype: {
// if the page changes, copy it from the pager to the wizard.
// we are using automatically-generated setters and getters here.
pageChanged: { compose: 'pager.getPageIndex | wizard.setActiveIndex' }
// at startup, set the wizard's page
ready: 'pageChanged'
$plugins: ['wire/jquery/ui', 'wire/jquery/on', 'wire/jquery/dom']
Please note that wire.js does not load the jQuery UI scripts. The module loader, such as curl.js or RequireJS, must be configured to load them before they are used in a wire spec.