When 3.x includes a shim for ES6 Promise. To use it, simply load when/es6-shim/Promise.js
via script tag or as a module. The shim will create a global Promise
Since it's built on the when.js core, you get debuggability with long stack traces, too! Just load when/monitor/console
as usual.
<script src="path/to/when/es6-shim/Promise.js></script>
// window.Promise is available
Promise.resolve('hello Promise!').then(alert);
// AMD Loader Config
// for example, using curl.js
// ... other config ...
// preload and window.Promise will be available
preloads: ['when/es6-shim/Promise']
// Elsewhere
define(function() {
// Use window.Promise
return function myXhrGet(url) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
// Do XHR stuff
// Load this somewhere, early and it will add global Promise
// Elsewhere
// use global Promise
function doAsyncStuff() {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
// Do stuff
By default, the es6 shim logs potentially unhandled rejections to console.error
, with regular stack traces. This is much like uncaught synchronous exceptions, but it's important to remember that they are potentially unhandled because a rejected promise can be handled at a later time (e.g. if someone calls promise.catch
on it later).
For even deeper debugging, you can use when.js's promise monitor with the ES6 shim to report unhandled rejections with long stack traces. After loading the shim, ie global Promise
is now the when.js ES6 shim:
var monitor = require('when/monitor');
// Safety check to ensure Promise is the when.js ES6 shim
if(typeof Promise.onPotentiallyUnhandledRejection === 'function') {
Note: when/monitor
can't monitor native promises (they don't provide any public hooks for doing so). It can only monitor when.js promises.
Brief descriptions of the ES6 Promise API are provided here for quick reference. For complete documentation, see the ES6 Draft Spec
var promise = new Promise(resolver)
Create a new Promise whose fate is controller by the provided resolver
function, which has the signature function resolver(resolve:function, reject:function)
var promise = Promise.resolve(x)
Get a Promise for the supplied x
. If x
is already a trusted promise, it is returned. If x
is a value, the returned promise will be fulfilled with x
. If x
is a thenable, the returned promise will follow x
, adopting its eventual state (fulfilled or rejected).
Note: When's Promise shim provides Promise.resolve
because it was recently decided that Promise.cast
would be renamed to Promise.resolve
var promise = Promise.reject(error)
Create a new rejected Promise with the supplied error as the rejection reason.
var promise = Promise.all(array)
Create a new Promise that will fulfill once all promises in the input array fulfill, or will reject when any one promise in the input array rejects.
var promise = Promise.race(array)
Create a new Promise that will settle to the same state as the first input promise to settle.
var promise2 = promise1.then(onFulfilled, onRejected)
Transform the value of a Promise, returning a new Promise for the result.
var promise2 = promise1.catch(onRejected)
Attempt to recover from intermediate errors, returning a new Promise for the result.