Adding flash cards:
- Highlight text
- Right click on text and select "create flashcard"
- A popup should appear, prompting for question and answer. The answer will be pre-populated with the selected text, although can be manually adjusteded also. The question will be left blank for the user to fill in.
- There should be a save and cancle button to add/cancle the card to the card set.
Practicing flash cards
- There should be an icon at the top, beside the of the URL bar, to activate the flash-card plugin.
- When pressed, a pop-up window will appear.
- A flash card will be selected at random and presented to the user.
- At first, only the question will be presented to the user.
- A "show answer" button will be available. When pressed, the 'show answer' button will be hidden and the actual answer will be shown.
- Additional 'save changes' and 'delete' button will also be available at the bottom of the popup.
- When the user presses 'save changes', any changes that were made to the fields are saved.
- "delete" button would remove the flash card from database
Additional features:
- the source url, from which the card was generated will be visible in the pop-up, near the bottom.
If time permits, we will implement the following features:
- browse through cards, edit/delet them.
- badge on the icon shows how many flash cards you have for any given website.
- SRS, spaced repetition. Instead of showing a random card, show cards at an interval.