For most of the exercises, skeleton codes are provided in the corresponding
subdirectory. Some exercise skeletons have sections marked with “TODO” for
completing the exercises. In addition, all of the
exercises have exemplary full codes (that can be compiled and run) in the
folder. Note that these are seldom the only or even the best way to
solve the problem.
The exercise material can be downloaded with the command
git clone
If you have a GitHub account you can also Fork this repository and clone then your fork.
Exercises can be carried out on any Linux/Unix platform with Fortran compiler, or you can use CSC's Puhti.
See Puhti quick guide here for general instructions on using Puhti. You can use either you own CSC account or a training account provided by the lecturer.
For editing program source files you can use e.g. nano editor:
nano prog.f90 &
in nano's shortcuts refer to Ctrl key, i.e. in order to save
file and exit editor press Ctrl+X
). Also other popular editors (emacs,
vim, gedit) are available.