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-Assignment 3 - Persistence: Two-tier Web Application with Flat File Database, Express server, and CSS template
+Assignment 3 - Persistence: Two-tier Web Application with Flat File Database, Express server, and CSS template
-Due: September 16th, by 11:59 AM.
-This assignnment continues where we left off, extending it to use the most popular Node.js server framework (express), a flat file database suitable for small applications (lowdb), and a CSS application framework / template of your choice (Boostrap, Material Design, Semantic UI, Pure etc.)
+Based on my experience with creating math problems and designs for mathspring.org, an intelligent tutoring system,
+I decided to create a login page and roster for a set of teachers. While there are many ways to elaborate on my
+original plan, I did not have enough time to explore all of my options for this page. I would have liked to have built
+a page where several users could log-in and look at their roster, as well as the grades that accompany each student.
+The teacher would be able to remove students from their class and add new students. When the 'information' button
+is clicked, the teacher can add grades and assignments to the student chosen. Preferably, there would have been
+a navigation bar at the top of the page to switch between assignments and account information for the target student.
+Currently, the class roster loads correcly for each teacher; however, the student information does not correctly load
+due to an error in the fetch function for 'occupyAssignments' that I could not find. Having misread the extension date/time
+on the class lecture page, I thought I had until 11:59 PM rather than AM.
-Baseline Requirements
+My plan was to add an attribute in each object to track the active person. This attribute would be
+set to '0' when the user is not active, and '1' when either a teacher logs on or when a student is chosen and becomes
+the 'active' teacher or student. This way all the student information can be gathered from the appropriate sources; whether it is a list of students,
+or a single student. This process works correctly for the roster, but fails to load the student information.
-Your application is required to implement the following functionalities:
+Because the database, password service, and server required a lot of time to get started, I found myself with less time
+than intended to piece together my design. The appropriate roster for each teacher comes up when they log in. Students
+can be added and removed from the list, but the more information button does not correctly bring the user to the
+list of assignments. With the correction of the issue, a teacher would be able to add assignments as well as remove them.
-- a `Server`, created using Express (no alternatives will be accepted for this assignment)
-- a `Results` functionality which shows the entire dataset residing in the server's memory
-- a `Form/Entry` functionality which allows users to add, modify, and delete data items (must be all three!) associated with their user name / account.
-- Use of at least five [Express middleware packages](https://expressjs.com/en/resources/middleware.html). Explore!
-- Basic authentication using the [Passport middleware](http://www.passportjs.org) for Express (this counts as one of your five middleware packages). We encourage using the Local strategy, but OAuth (Open Authentication) can also be used for additional technical achievement. The course staff cannot help you with the various flavors of OAuth strategies. YOU MUST PROVIDE US WITH ACCOUNT CREDENTIALS TO LOGIN TO YOUR APPLICATION IF YOU USE OAUTH. The course staff cannot be expected to have credentials for any particular OAuth service.
-- Persistent data storage in between server sessions. [lowdb](https://github.com/typicode/lowdb) is a suitable database package for this assignment and will be discussed in class.
-- Use of a [CSS framework or template](https://github.com/troxler/awesome-css-frameworks). This should do the bulk of your styling/CSS for you and be appropriate to your application. For example, don't use [NES.css](https://nostalgic-css.github.io/NES.css/) (which is awesome!) unless you're creating a game or some type of retro 80s site.
+Though, I was unable to complete more of my original ideas beyond these features, the web app still
+provides a few options for the user and does so in a responsive and clear manner.
-Your application is required to demonstrate the use of the following concepts:
+Login information:
+Username: admin
+Password: admin
-- HTML input tags and form fields of various flavors (`