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Github stars and forks stats

This is an open github repositories stars and forks stats archive with historical data. Updated daily.

35120 repositories are currently in index.

Last index & stats update: 2022-12-24

Top 100 growing repositories

Repository Weekly Stars Added Total Stars
jassics/security-study-plan (stats) 1950 2341
krahets/hello-algo (stats) 1814 3335
Spotifyd/spotifyd (stats) 1512 8328
openai/openai-cookbook (stats) 1486 2913
score-spec/spec (stats) 1365 3360
ax/ (stats) 1308 1670
f/awesome-chatgpt-prompts (stats) 1265 9236
GrowingGit/GitHub-Chinese-Top-Charts (stats) 1244 55318
google/osv-scanner (stats) 1113 2663
Atri-Labs/atrilabs-engine (stats) 1024 2160
zas023/JdBuyer (stats) 1009 2054
pocketbase/pocketbase (stats) 984 18344
illacloud/illa-builder (stats) 978 3706
nostr-protocol/nostr (stats) 936 3150
codecrafters-io/build-your-own-x (stats) 927 180267
komodorio/helm-dashboard (stats) 925 2673
teaxyz/cli (stats) 823 4955
BishopFox/unredacter (stats) 761 6709
mastodon/mastodon (stats) 760 38560
xiaoxian521/vue-pure-admin (stats) 748 5255
LizardByte/Sunshine (stats) 717 2172
SunshineStream/Sunshine (stats) 689 2136
PKUFlyingPig/cs-self-learning (stats) 681 23825
kamranahmedse/developer-roadmap (stats) 669 222068
answerdev/answer (stats) 656 5109
awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted (stats) 630 112716
practical-tutorials/project-based-learning (stats) 620 84184
carson-katri/dream-textures (stats) 608 4966
charliermarsh/ruff (stats) 572 4497
AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui (stats) 570 25912
exaloop/codon (stats) 566 4413
musescore/MuseScore (stats) 559 8537
vinta/awesome-python (stats) 549 150537
hmartiro/riffusion-app (stats) 541 1735
openai/whisper (stats) 539 19446
tw93/Pake (stats) 500 5683
lencx/ChatGPT (stats) 491 1071
usememos/memos (stats) 480 4997
transitive-bullshit/chatgpt-api (stats) 479 3955
louislam/uptime-kuma (stats) 460 26331
JhumanJ/OpnForm (stats) 427 511
Stability-AI/stablediffusion (stats) 421 8353
CompVis/stable-diffusion (stats) 414 37874
sundowndev/phoneinfoga (stats) 403 8424
wong2/chat-gpt-google-extension (stats) 403 7146
nektos/act (stats) 399 33281
jart/blink (stats) 394 2379
Tikam02/DevOps-Guide (stats) 393 5997
huggingface/transformers (stats) 388 76703
YanG-1989/m3u (stats) 383 1099
mouredev/Hello-Python (stats) 373 4548
trimstray/the-book-of-secret-knowledge (stats) 372 85262
colinhacks/zod (stats) 370 15951
donnemartin/system-design-primer (stats) 359 206130
DarkFlippers/unleashed-firmware (stats) 350 3585
acheong08/ChatGPT (stats) 350 7814
m1guelpf/plz-cli (stats) 347 903
facebook/zstd (stats) 345 19167
supabase/supabase (stats) 340 42937
jlevy/the-art-of-command-line (stats) 337 122992
avelino/awesome-go (stats) 322 93311
yt-dlp/yt-dlp (stats) 320 36654
jaywcjlove/reference (stats) 316 4295
rails/docked (stats) 316 742
ripienaar/free-for-dev (stats) 308 63751
microsoft/Web-Dev-For-Beginners (stats) 308 61681
torvalds/linux (stats) 306 143399
massgravel/Microsoft-Activation-Scripts (stats) 300 21477
Textualize/textual (stats) 298 16814
jackMort/ChatGPT.nvim (stats) 292 499
gothinkster/realworld (stats) 289 71108
trekhleb/javascript-algorithms (stats) 288 157316
facebook/react (stats) 285 199495
invoke-ai/InvokeAI (stats) 285 8736
Web-n-Composite/crypto-theft-reporting (stats) 285 387
ThePrimeagen/init.lua (stats) 283 552
TheAlgorithms/Python (stats) 277 150249
UberGuidoZ/Flipper (stats) 277 3663
sveltejs/kit (stats) 272 12158
pola-rs/polars (stats) 272 10609
Web-n-Composite/crypto-hacks-list (stats) 271 377
pkivolowitz/asm_book (stats) 270 351
kuchin/awesome-cto (stats) 269 18513
Web-n-Composite/crypto-risk-scoring (stats) 267 368
Fndroid/clash_for_windows_pkg (stats) 264 41644
tauri-apps/tauri (stats) 263 55825
neovim/neovim (stats) 260 60717
sigoden/dufs (stats) 258 1976
rustdesk/rustdesk (stats) 257 34791
yangshun/tech-interview-handbook (stats) 254 83702
vercel/next.js (stats) 251 98097
humanloop/awesome-chatgpt (stats) 249 3323
trpc/trpc (stats) 248 17479
lensterxyz/lenster (stats) 247 10589
excalidraw/excalidraw (stats) 245 37392
zenorocha/react-email (stats) 245 2066
Turing-Project/AntiFraudChatBot (stats) 244 1395
alpkeskin/mosint (stats) 243 1925
hmartiro/riffusion-inference (stats) 243 733
mrdbourke/pytorch-deep-learning (stats) 241 2220