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90 lines (67 loc) · 3.31 KB

File metadata and controls

90 lines (67 loc) · 3.31 KB


Quick start 🚀

pnpm install
pnpm start


  • pnpm start - start myHDF5

pnpm cheat sheet

  • pnpm install - install dependencies
  • pnpm add [-D] <pkg-name> - add a dependency
  • pnpm [run] <script> [--<arg>] - run a script
  • pnpm [exec] <binary> - run a binary located in node_modules/.bin (equivalent to npx <pkg-name> for a package installed in the workspace)
  • pnpm dlx <pkg-name> - fetch a package from the registry and run its default command binary (equivalent to npx <pkg-name>)
  • pnpm why <pkg-name> - show all packages that depend on the specified package
  • pnpm outdated - list outdated dependencies
  • pnpm up -L <pkg-name> - update a package to the latest version

Dependency management

  1. Run pnpm outdated to list dependencies that can be upgraded.
  2. Read the changelogs and release notes of the dependencies you'd like to upgrade. Look for potential breaking changes, and for bug fixes and new features that may help improve the codebase.
  3. Run pnpm up -L <pkg-name> to upgrade a dependency to the latest version. Alternatively, you can also edit package.json manually and run pnpm install (but make sure to specify an exact dependency version rather than a range – i.e. don't prefix the version with a caret or a tilde).

If you run into peer dependency warnings and other package resolution issues, note that pnpm offers numerous solutions for dealing with them, like pnpm.peerDependencyRules.allowedVersions.

The major versions of @types/* packages must be aligned with the major versions of the packages they provide types for—i.e. [email protected] requires @types/foo@^x.

For convenience, @types packages can be quickly upgraded to their latest minor/patch version by running pnpm up.


  • pnpm build - build myHDF5 for production
  • pnpm preview - serve production build locally

Code quality

  • pnpm lint - run all linting and code formatting commands
  • pnpm lint:eslint - lint all TS and JS files with ESLint
  • pnpm lint:tsc - type-check the whole project, test files included
  • pnpm lint:prettier - check that all files have been formatted with Prettier
  • pnpm analyze - inspect the size and content of the JS bundles (after pnpm build)

Automatic fixing and formatting

  • pnpm lint:eslint --fix - auto-fix linting issues
  • pnpm lint:prettier --write - format all files with Prettier

Editor integration

Most editors support fixing and formatting files automatically on save. The configuration for VSCode is provided out of the box, so all you need to do is install the recommended extensions.


  • The project's main branch is manually deployed to Netlify.