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/** * @fileoverview ** @author Thomas Larforge <[email protected]>* @Sync Footage by using TimeCode* @version 1.12 --> Clean CallBack et rorganise functions and compatible windows correct the copy functiions with multiples properties.* @version 1.13->debug time in of a layer* @version 1.14 -->conform by duration* @version 1.17-->auto conform mode first version* @version 1.19--> sort files with same names but differient extensions in same folder in timecodemode macos* * add rotation param to transform param list in timecode and automatic mode* @version 1.20 import video files in timecodeMode* @version 1.21 debug videospec time values @version 1.22 Send somes functions to the lib.jsxinc and transform the automatic method @version 1.23 tmewarp and reversemode are compatibles @version 1.24 debug functions connexion @version 1.241 windows command rewritten for scanfolder and MidiaInfo @version 1.30, clean atuomatic detection functions 'exported to checkout script'*/#strict on#target aftereffects(function (thisObj) { var version = "0.1.30"; var os = $.os; #include 'libtl_Conform_from_Tc.jsxinc' /** * Create a panel to display in the current host application. * @param {*} thisObj * @returns {Window|Panel} pal */ var buildUI = function(thisObj) { var pal = (thisObj instanceof Panel) ? thisObj : new Window ("palette", "CONFO FROM TC Version "+version, undefined, {resizeable : true}); var res = """Group{ orientation: 'column', alignment: ['fill', 'fill'], alignChildren: ['fill','center'], descGrp: Group { orientation: 'row', alignment: ['fill', 'fill'], alignChildren: ['left','top'], logo: Image{} stxDescription: StaticText {text: "CONFO FROM TC\\nCopyright © 2018 Thomas Laforge", alignment: ['fill','top'], properties: {multiline:true}} } MainGrp: Group { orientation : 'column', alignement : ['fill', 'fill'], alignChildren:['fill','top'], MethodeGrp : Panel { text: 'Confomation Settings', orientation: 'row', rbOnlyTc : RadioButton {text : 'sync by TC'}, rbreelNameAndTimeCode : RadioButton {text : 'sync by TC and Reel Names'}, rbDuration : RadioButton {text: 'sync by Duration'}, } impSettingsMethodGrp : Panel { text: 'Import Settings', orientation: 'column', alignChildren: ['fill', 'fill'], ddlSelectMethod: DropDownList { properties: {items : ['IMPORT FOOTAGE WITHOUT PRECOMPOSING', ' WATCH IN EXISTING PRECOMPS ONLY', 'IMPORT FOOTAGE AND PRECOMPOSE']}}, precompGrp : Group{ orientation: 'row', alignChildren: ['fill', 'center'], stxRef : StaticText {text: "Precomps Name"}, etxName : EditText {text : "SHOT"}, cbWatermark : Checkbox {text : 'add watermark'}, } footageGrp: Group{ orientation: 'row', btnSelectTCFolder : Button {text : 'Scan Folders'}, } } stackMethodGrp :Group { orientation: 'stack', alignChildren: ['fill','fill'], timeMethodGrp: Group { orientation: 'column', alignChildren: ['fill','fill'], DurationGrp : Panel { text: 'Conformation by duration Settings', orientation: 'row', stxHandleIn : StaticText {text: "Frame Handles InPoint"}, etxHandleIn : EditText {text : "25"}, stxHandleOut : StaticText {text: "Frame Handles OutPoint"}, etxHandleOut : EditText {text : "25"}, cbFixedHandles : Checkbox {text : 'Fixed Handles'}, } SettingsGrp : Panel { text: 'transformation Settings', orientation: 'row', cbTimeWarp : Checkbox {text : 'Time Remaping'}, cbFitToComp : Checkbox {text : 'Fit To Comp'}, cbTransfrom : Checkbox {text : 'Transform Effects'}, cbOpacity : Checkbox {text : 'Opacity Effects'}, } } } BtnGrp : Group { alignement : ['fill', 'fill'], orientation: 'row', btnStart : Button {text : 'Conform'}, }, } }"""; pal.grp = pal.add(res); pal.onResizing = pal.onResize = function() {this.layout.resize();} pal.onShow = function() {pal.minimumSize = pal.size; } return pal; } /** * @param {Folder} folder, String} filters for files support to input * @returns Array{list of files }) */ function getFilesList (folder, filterArray) { // first synchmethod with terminal var listFiles = []; if (system.osName.toString().indexOf("Mac") !=-1) { listFiles = listFilesMacOs (folder,filterArray); } else { listFiles = listFilesWinOs (folder,filterArray); /* deprecated method var filters = makeFilterList (filterArray); var listFiles = scanFilesWithProgressBar(folder, filters); listFiles.sort(); // organize list items in alphabetical order*/ } return listFiles; } /** * @param {Folder} folder, String} filters for files support to input * @returns Array{ numSeuqences, Class { {Sequence matricule, reelName, tc in, tc out, location pah, fileExtention, firstfileofthelist }) */ function listSequencesInFolders(folder,filterArray) { var hasMediaInfo = false; if (system.osName.toString().indexOf("Mac") !=-1){ hasMediaInfo = checkMediaInfoMacOs (folder) ; } else{ hasMediaInfo = checkMediaInfoWinOs () ; } listFiles = getFilesList (folder, filterArray); //list Files in targget folder and organise it var sequenceNumber =1; // list number of detected sequences var memoryTcIn =0; // temp memory of the first frame of the current sequence var memoryFirstFile =""; // temp memory of the first file of the current sequence var sequencesListArray= []; //array to list class of each sequences for (var i =0; (i < listFiles.length-2) ; i ++) { var currrentFileExt = splitFileName(listFiles[i])[3]; var nextFileExt = splitFileName(listFiles[i+1])[3]; var currentFrameFolder = splitFileName(listFiles[i])[0]; var nextFrameFolder = splitFileName(listFiles[i+1])[0]; var currentFrameReelName = splitFileName(listFiles[i])[1]; var nextFrameReelName =splitFileName(listFiles[i+1])[1]; var currentTimeCode = splitFileName(listFiles[i])[2]; var nextTimeCode = splitFileName(listFiles[i+1])[2]; if (( i ==0) && (nextFrameReelName ===currentFrameReelName)) { memoryTcIn =currentTimeCode; memoryFirstFile = listFiles[i]; } else if( ((currentTimeCode+1) != nextTimeCode ) || (currentFrameFolder != nextFrameFolder) || (currentFrameReelName != nextFrameReelName) || (currrentFileExt != nextFileExt) || (i ==( listFiles.length-3)) ){ // if jump cut in timecode or if it's not longer in the same folder or no longer the same reel name or not the same fileEXt sequence ={}; sequence.sequenceMatricule = sequenceNumber; sequence.reelName = currentFrameReelName; sequence.tcIn = memoryTcIn; sequence.tcOut = currentTimeCode; if (i ==( listFiles.length-3)) { sequence.tcOut = currentTimeCode+2; } sequence.fileFolder = currentFrameFolder ; sequence.fileExtension = currrentFileExt; sequence.firstFile = memoryFirstFile; sequencesListArray.push (sequence); if (i <( listFiles.length-3)) { memoryTcIn = nextTimeCode; memoryFirstFile = listFiles[i+1]; sequenceNumber +=1; } } } sequencesListArray.unshift(sequenceNumber); if (hasMediaInfo == true ){ var filterMediaArray = [".mov"]; var mediaListArray =[]; if (system.osName.toString().indexOf("Mac") !=-1){ mediaListArray = cmdListMediasInFoldersMacOs(folder,filterMediaArray , sequencesListArray[0]); } else { mediaListArray = cmdListMediasInFoldersWinOs(folder,filterMediaArray , sequencesListArray[0]); } sequencesListArray[0] = mediaListArray [0]; for (var i =1; i<mediaListArray.length; i++){ sequencesListArray.push (mediaListArray[i]) } alert ((sequenceNumber) +" sequences and "+parseInt(mediaListArray[0]-sequenceNumber)+" Medias found in the folder" ); } else { alert ((sequenceNumber) +" sequences found in the folder. \r Install MediaInfo to detect media files and go faster.");} return sequencesListArray; } /** * @param {Item} ActiveItem * @returns Array {int, int,{int, int} */ function getLayerTimeCodes(currentLayer) { if ((app.project.activeItem instanceof CompItem) &&(currentLayer instanceof AVLayer)) { var CurrentLayerIndex =parseInt (currentLayer.index) +1; var TemporalText = app.project.activeItem.layers.addText(""); var textExpression = TemporalText.property ("Source Text"); var compFrameRate = app.project.activeItem.frameRate; var layerFrameRate =0; try { layerFrameRate = app.project.activeItem.layer(CurrentLayerIndex).source.frameRate; } catch (e) { }; var layerTimeCode = []; textExpression.expression = 'var layer = thisComp.layer ('+CurrentLayerIndex +'); \r'+ 'var A = layer.sourceTime(layer.inPoint)* '+ layerFrameRate+'; \r'+ 'var B = layer.sourceTime(layer.outPoint)* '+ layerFrameRate+';\r'+ 'var C = layer.outPoint - layer.inPoint;\r'+ 'var D = layer.sourceTime(layer.startTime)* '+ layerFrameRate+'; \r'+ 'result = [A,B,C,D]'; var textExpStr = textExpression.value.toString(); var textExpReturn = textExpStr.split(","); var layerTcIn = textExpReturn[0]; var layerTcOut = textExpReturn[1]; var layerDuration = textExpReturn[2]; var layerStartTime = textExpReturn[3]; layerTimeCode= [parseInt(layerTcIn), parseInt(layerTcOut)-1]; layerTimeCode.sort; layerTimeCode.push(layerDuration); layerTimeCode.push( layerStartTime); TemporalText.remove(); return layerTimeCode; } return null; } /** * @param {String} inputReelName, {String} originalFootageName, {int} inputTcIn, {int} originalTcIn, {int} inputTcOut, {int} originalTcOut, {bool} boolReelNameMethod, {bool} boolOriginalTimeRemap, int (framerate), (int)handeIn, (int)handleOut * @returns bool */ function checkMergedFootages (inputReelName, originalFootageName, inputTcIn, originalTcIn, inputTcOut, originalTcOut, originalDuration, SyncMethod, boolOriginalHasTimeRemap, layerFrameRate, handleIn, handleOut, handlesFbool) { var boolNameMerge = true; // default don 't check reelname, so asume it's true var boolReturn = false; if (SyncMethod ==1 || SyncMethod ==2 ) { //reel name synchmethod and duration if ( originalFootageName.indexOf(inputReelName) !=-1){ boolNameMerge = true; } else { boolNameMerge = false; } } if (boolNameMerge== true ){ var originalDurationFrames = Math.abs(parseInt(originalDuration*app.project.activeItem.frameRate)); if (SyncMethod ==2 && (!handlesFbool)){ var newFootageDuration = parseInt (inputTcOut) - (parseInt (inputTcIn) ) ; if ( newFootageDuration <= (originalDurationFrames +parseInt(handleOut)+parseInt(handleIn)) && newFootageDuration >= (originalDurationFrames - parseInt(handleIn)) ) { boolReturn = true; } } else if (SyncMethod ==2 && handlesFbool){ var newFootageDuration = 1+ parseInt (inputTcOut) - parseInt (inputTcIn) -parseInt(handleIn)-parseInt(handleOut); //alert (newFootageDuration +"_____"+originalDurationFrames); if ( originalDurationFrames == newFootageDuration ){ boolReturn = true; } else { boolReturn = false; } } else if ((parseInt (originalTcIn) >= parseInt (inputTcIn) ) && //firtst compare with [tcIn and tcIn + duration.] (parseInt (originalTcIn + (originalDuration*layerFrameRate)) <= parseInt (inputTcOut))) { boolReturn = true; } else if ( (parseInt (originalTcIn) >= parseInt (inputTcIn)) && //then try with [tcIn and tcIn + tcOut] (parseInt (originalTcOut) <= parseInt (inputTcOut))){ boolReturn = true; } else { boolReturn = false; } } return boolReturn; } /** * @param {} * @returns {Array} */ function searchFootageFilesInProject() { var footageFilesArray = []; var footageFileClass = {}; for (var a =1; a <= app.project.numItems; a++) { if ((app.project.item(a) instanceof FootageItem) && (app.project.item(a).footageSource !="undefined")) { try { var footageFileClass = {}; footageFileClass.footageSource = app.project.item(a).mainSource.file; footageFileClass.itemId = app.project.item(a).id; footageFilesArray.push (footageFileClass); } catch (e){ continue } } } return footageFilesArray; } /** * @param {file} * @returns {AVlayer} */ function importSequenceFiles(inputFile, itemName, footageInProject) { var fileDetectedInProject = false; var footageTarget = null; for (var a = 0; a < footageInProject.length; a++) { try { if ((footageInProject[a]!= "undefined")&&(footageInProject[a].footageSource.toString() === inputFile.toString()) ){ for (b =1; b <= app.project.numItems; b++) { if (app.project.item(b).id === footageInProject[a].itemId){ fileDetectedInProject = true; footageTarget = app.project.item(b); break; } } } } catch (e) { continue } } if (fileDetectedInProject == false ){ var seqimportOptions = new ImportOptions (File(inputFile)); seqimportOptions.sequence = true; // permet de reconnaitre une suite d'image seqimportOptions.forceAlphabetical = true; newImportedFootage = app.project.importFile (seqimportOptions); if (itemName !=null){ newImportedFootage.name = itemName; } footageTarget = newImportedFootage; } return footageTarget; } /** * GET Layer property * @param {Layer} layer reference * @returns {class} : {int} layer.inpoint, {int} layer.outpoint, {bool} layer.timeremapenable, {array} timeRemapKeys, {Array} PositionsKey, {Array} SizeKeys; {Array} OpacityKey */ function getLayerProperties (layer) { this.name = layer.name; this.originalIndex = layer.index; this.originalInPoint = layer.inPoint; this.originalOutPoint =layer.outPoint; this.originalStartTime = layer.startTime; this.originalDuration = layer.outPoint-layer.inPoint ; //check timeRemap if (layer.timeRemapEnabled) { this.timeremapEnabled = true; this.timeRemapArray = []; for (var a = 1; a<= layer.property("Time Remap").numKeys; a++) { var timeRemapKeys= {}; timeRemapKeys.remapKey = layer.property("Time Remap").keyValue(a); timeRemapKeys.timeKey =layer.property("Time Remap").keyTime(a); this.timeRemapArray.push (timeRemapKeys); } } else { this.timeremapEnabled = false; this.timeRemapArray = null } //3D mode this.threeDMode = false; if (layer.threeDLayer == true) { this.threeDMode = true; } //positions this.PositionsKeyArray= [layer.position.numKeys]; if (layer.position.numKeys ==0){ this.PositionsKeyArray.push (layer.position.value[0], layer.position.value[1], layer.position.value[2]); } else { for (var a=1; a<= layer.position.numKeys; a++) { var positionsKeys = {}; positionsKeys.param = "position"; positionsKeys.x = layer.position.keyValue(a)[0]; positionsKeys.y = layer.position.keyValue(a)[1]; positionsKeys.z = layer.position.keyValue(a)[2]; positionsKeys.timeKey = layer.position.keyTime(a); this.PositionsKeyArray.push (positionsKeys); } } //scale this.scaleKeyArray= [layer.scale.numKeys]; if (layer.scale.numKeys ==0){ this.scaleKeyArray.push (layer.scale.value[0], layer.scale.value[1], layer.scale.value[2]); } else { for (var a=1; a<= layer.scale.numKeys; a++) { var scaleKeys = {}; scaleKeys.param = "scale"; scaleKeys.x = layer.scale.keyValue(a)[0]; scaleKeys.y = layer.scale.keyValue(a)[1]; scaleKeys.z = layer.scale.keyValue(a)[2]; scaleKeys.timeKey = layer.scale.keyTime(a); this.scaleKeyArray.push (scaleKeys); } } //rotation this.rotationKeyArray= [layer.rotation.numKeys]; if (layer.rotation.numKeys ==0){ this.rotationKeyArray.push (layer.rotation.value); } else { for (var a=1; a<= layer.rotation.numKeys; a++) { var rotationKeys = {}; rotationKeys.param = "rotation"; rotationKeys.x = layer.rotation.keyValue(a); rotationKeys.timeKey = layer.rotation.keyTime(a); this.rotationKeyArray.push (rotationKeys); } } //opacity this.opacityKeyArray= [layer.opacity.numKeys]; if (layer.opacity.numKeys ==0){ this.opacityKeyArray.push (layer.opacity.value); } else { for (var a=1; a<= layer.opacity.numKeys; a++) { var opacityKeys = {}; opacityKeys.param = "opacity"; opacityKeys.opValue = layer.opacity.keyValue(a); opacityKeys.timeKey = layer.opacity.keyTime(a); this.opacityKeyArray.push (opacityKeys); } } } /** * CopyLayer property from reflayer to newLayer. * @param (layer) LayerRefrence} (int) LayerReferenceTCin, (int) LayerReferenceTCStart, (int) LayerReference Duration, (layer) newLayer, (int) newLayerTCIn, (bool) timeRemapEnable, (bool) OpacityEnable, (bool) FitToCompEnable, (bool) transformEffectEnable) * @returns {void} */ function copyLayerProperties(referenceLayer, referenceLayerTcIn, referenceLayerStartingTc, referenceLayerDuration, newLayer, newLayerTcIn,boolsParam, MethodSync, handleIn ) { var originalParams = new getLayerProperties (referenceLayer); //get class of in and out point of the original footage // check if original inPoint < original OutPoint and so Apply Timereverse or not on the new layer var inPoint = 0; var outPoint =0; var boolTimeInverse = false; if (originalParams.timeremapEnabled == true ){ if (originalParams.originalInPoint <= originalParams.originalOutPoint ){inPoint = originalParams.originalInPoint;} else { inPoint = originalParams.originalOutPoint; boolTimeInverse = true; } outPoint = parseFloat (inPoint) +parseFloat (referenceLayerDuration); } else { if (originalParams.originalInPoint <= originalParams.originalOutPoint ){ inPoint = originalParams.originalInPoint; outPoint =originalParams.originalOutPoint; } else { inPoint = originalParams.originalOutPoint; outPoint = originalParams.originalInPoint; boolTimeInverse = true; } } if (MethodSync ==2) { newLayer.startTime = originalParams.originalInPoint - (handleIn/app.project.activeItem.frameRate); newLayer.inPoint =inPoint; // apply inpoint to the layer newLayer.outPoint = outPoint.toFixed(2) ; // apply outpoint to the layer } else { try { newLayer.startTime =originalParams.originalInPoint - ((referenceLayerTcIn - newLayerTcIn)/(app.project.activeItem.frameRate)); newLayer.inPoint =inPoint; // apply inpoint to the layer newLayer.outPoint = outPoint.toFixed(2) ; // apply outpoint to the layer }catch (e) {alert (e)} } if (boolTimeInverse) { // if time Reverse enable on original then apply it newLayer.selected = true; app.executeCommand (app.findMenuCommandId ("Time-Reverse Layer")); newLayer.selected = false; } // apply timeremap effects if checkbox selected and original footage has timeremap if ( boolsParam.boolTimeWarp){ if (referenceLayer.stretch !=100){ newLayer.stretch = referenceLayer.stretch; } if (originalParams.timeremapEnabled == true ) { newLayer.timeRemapEnabled = true; newLayer.property("Time Remap").removeKey(1); var diffTime = parseFloat (newLayer.startTime) - parseFloat (originalParams.originalStartTime); // diff timing befween the native and the imported footage for (var k =0; k< originalParams.timeRemapArray.length; k++) { try{ newLayer.property("Time Remap").setValueAtTime ( originalParams.timeRemapArray[k].timeKey, originalParams.timeRemapArray[k].remapKey - diffTime); } catch (e){}; } try { newLayer.property("Time Remap").setValueAtTime (newLayer.inPoint, referenceLayer.property("Time Remap").valueAtTime (newLayer.inPoint, false) - diffTime); newLayer.property("Time Remap").setValueAtTime (newLayer.outPoint, referenceLayer.property("Time Remap").valueAtTime (newLayer.outPoint, false) - diffTime); } catch (e) {} } } //apply opacity effects if dropbox selected if (boolsParam.boolOpacity) { if (originalParams.opacityKeyArray[0] ==0) { newLayer.opacity.setValue = originalParams.opacityKeyArray[1]; } else { for (k =1; k <originalParams.opacityKeyArray.length ; k++) { newLayer.opacity.setValueAtTime (originalParams.opacityKeyArray[k].timeKey, originalParams.opacityKeyArray[k].opValue) } } } //fit to comp layer if dropboxselected if(boolsParam.boolFitToComp) { newLayer.selected = true; app.executeCommand (app.findMenuCommandId ("Fit to Comp Width")); newLayer.selected = false; } // apply transform effects if dropbox selected if (boolsParam.boolTransform) { if (originalParams.threeDMode == true) { //if the original footagehas 3d proeprties then the imported layer has to be in 3d newLayer.threeDLayer = true; } //position if (originalParams.PositionsKeyArray[0] == 0) { newLayer.position.setValue([originalParams.PositionsKeyArray[1],originalParams.PositionsKeyArray[2] ,originalParams.PositionsKeyArray[3] ] ); } else{ for ( var k =1; k< originalParams.PositionsKeyArray.length; k++) { newLayer.position.setValueAtTime (originalParams.PositionsKeyArray[k].timeKey, [originalParams.PositionsKeyArray[k].x,originalParams.PositionsKeyArray[k].y, originalParams.PositionsKeyArray[k].z]); } } //scale var nativeScale = [newLayer.scale.value [0] /100, newLayer.scale.value [1] /100, newLayer.scale.value [2] /100]; if (originalParams.scaleKeyArray[0] == 0) { newLayer.scale.setValue([originalParams.scaleKeyArray[1]*nativeScale[0],originalParams.scaleKeyArray[2]* nativeScale[1],originalParams.scaleKeyArray[3]* nativeScale[2]]); } else { for (var k =1; k< originalParams.scaleKeyArray.length; k++) { newLayer.scale.setValueAtTime (originalParams.scaleKeyArray[k].timeKey, [originalParams.scaleKeyArray[k].x* nativeScale[0], originalParams.scaleKeyArray[k].y *nativeScale[1],originalParams.scaleKeyArray[k].z *nativeScale[2] ]); } } //rotation if (originalParams.rotationKeyArray[0] == 0) { newLayer.rotation.setValue(originalParams.rotationKeyArray[1]); } else { for (var k =1; k< originalParams.rotationKeyArray.length; k++) { newLayer.rotation.setValueAtTime (originalParams.rotationKeyArray[k].timeKey, originalParams.rotationKeyArray[k].x); } } } originalParams.delete; } /** * getPrecomp InputsTime Codes (in activeItem) * @param {compItems} precomp to detect in activeItem * @returns {Array} [ {LayersInputs}] */ function getPrecompInputsTimeCodes ( projectItem) { var layersArray = []; //get information if the precomp is already used in the activeitem (main compo) and get the in and out point, in order to not import the precomp with same in/out point twice for (var a=1; a<= app.project.activeItem.numLayers; a++) { if (app.project.activeItem.layer(a).name === projectItem.name) { //layerPoints.startTime = app.project.activeItem.layer(a).startTime;//layerPoints.outPoint = app.project.activeItem.layer(a).outPoint ; inPoint = app.project.activeItem.layer(a).inPoint ; layersArray.push (inPoint); } } return layersArray; } /** * GetprecompsList * @param {string precomps base name} * @returns {Array} [numPrecomps, {ClassPrecomps}] */ function getPrecompsList (PrecompsName) { var precompsArray = []; var NumPrecomps =0; for (var a =1; a <= app.project.numItems; a++) { if ((app.project.item(a) instanceof CompItem) && (app.project.item(a).name.indexOf (PrecompsName+"_") ==0 ) ){ var nameMatriculePreIsolate = app.project.item(a).name.substr (app.project.item(a).name.indexOf ("_") +1,app.project.item(a).name.length -1); var nameMatricule = nameMatriculePreIsolate.toString().substr (0, nameMatriculePreIsolate.toString().indexOf ("_") ); NumPrecomps +=1; var precompDescription = {}; precompDescription.name = app.project.item(a).name; precompDescription.id = app.project.item(a).id; precompDescription.matricule = nameMatricule; precompDescription.frameRate = app.project.item(a).frameRate; precompDescription.tcIn = app.project.item(a).displayStartTime*precompDescription.frameRate; precompDescription.NumFrames= app.project.item(a).duration*precompDescription.frameRate; precompDescription.tcOut = precompDescription.tcIn + precompDescription.NumFrames ; precompDescription.layersArray = getPrecompInputsTimeCodes(app.project.item(a)); precompsArray.push (precompDescription); } } precompsArray.unshift (NumPrecomps); return precompsArray; } /** * precomposeNewLayer (and update the precompList ) * @param {Array} existing precomp Array, {item} refrenceLayer, {string} precompname, {folder} folderItem to stock precomp * @returns {class} description of the precomp, {int} number of the new precomp */ function precomposeNewLayer (compsArray, referenceLayer, precompsName,precompsFolder) { // find the num of precomp for the new precomp name var LastMatricule =parseInt (compsArray [0]); if (LastMatricule > 0) { var newNumPrecomp = parseInt(LastMatricule) +1 ; var newMatricule = newNumPrecomp* 10 ; } else { var newNumPrecomp = 1; var newMatricule = 10; } if ( newMatricule <100) { newMatricule = "0"+newMatricule; } // precompose the item var currentPrecompName = precompsName +"_"+newMatricule+"_001" ; var newLayerPreComp =app.project.activeItem.layers.precompose([1], currentPrecompName, false) //precompose importedItem var precompItem = findCompWithName (currentPrecompName) //identfy the precomp item in the root folder precompItem.parentFolder =precompsFolder; // put the precomp in the precomp folder // create class info about the new precomp var precompDescription = {}; precompDescription.name =currentPrecompName; precompDescription.id = newLayerPreComp.id; precompDescription.matricule = newMatricule ; precompDescription.frameRate = precompItem.frameRate; precompDescription.tcIn = precompItem.displayStartTime*precompDescription.frameRate; precompDescription.NumFrames= precompItem.duration*precompDescription.frameRate; precompDescription.tcOut = precompDescription.tcIn + precompDescription.NumFrames ; precompDescription.layersArray = []; var layerPoints = {}; layerPoints.startTime = referenceLayer.startTime; layerPoints.inPoint = referenceLayer.inPoint ; layerPoints.outPoint = referenceLayer.outPoint ; precompDescription.layersArray.push (layerPoints); return [precompDescription, newNumPrecomp] } /** * @param {none} * @returns {int} matricule of the synchmethod ) */ function checkMethodSync (){ switch (true) { case panel.grp.MainGrp.MethodeGrp.rbOnlyTc.value : return 0; break; case panel.grp.MainGrp.MethodeGrp.rbreelNameAndTimeCode.value : return 1; break; case panel.grp.MainGrp.MethodeGrp.rbDuration.value : return 2; break; default : return 0; } } function conformLayerWithPrecomp (index , compProperty, synchmethod, newLayerName, precompsFolder , precompsName,boolsParam, handlesParam){ var boolImportedPrecomps =false; var boolGeneratedPrecomps =false; var boolIncrement = false; var currentLayerFrameRate = app.project.activeItem.layer(index).source.frameRate; var footageInCompTC = getLayerTimeCodes ( app.project.activeItem.layer(index)); var precompAlreadyImported =false; var footageInCompOut = footageInCompTC[0] + (footageInCompTC[2]*currentLayerFrameRate); // force the outpoint because of timeremap values conflict if (( compProperty.tcIn <= footageInCompTC[0] )&& (compProperty.tcOut >= footageInCompOut ) ){ for (var k=0; k<compProperty.layersArray.length; k++) { var targetInPoint = parseFloat (compProperty.layersArray[k]); if (targetInPoint.toFixed(2) == app.project.activeItem.layer(index).inPoint.toFixed(2) ) { precompAlreadyImported = true; var confoReturn = {}; confoReturn.boolImportedPrecomps = boolImportedPrecomps; confoReturn.boolGeneratedPrecomps = boolGeneratedPrecomps; confoReturn.boolIncrement= boolIncrement; return confoReturn } } if (precompAlreadyImported == false){ var newFootage= app.project.itemByID(compProperty.id); if (newFootage){ var newLayer =app.project.activeItem.layers.add(newFootage); newLayer.label = 11; boolIncrement = true; index +=1;//new layer added on the top of the composition so increment i copyLayerProperties(app.project.activeItem.layer(index), footageInCompTC [0], footageInCompTC[3],footageInCompTC[2], newLayer, compProperty.tcIn, boolsParam, synchmethod ,handlesParam.handleIn); boolImportedPrecomps =1; var confoReturn = {}; confoReturn.boolImportedPrecomps = boolImportedPrecomps; confoReturn.boolGeneratedPrecomps = boolGeneratedPrecomps; confoReturn.boolIncrement= boolIncrement; return confoReturn newLayer.selected = false; } } } } function conformLayerWithFootage (index , footageInProject, synchmethod, newLayerName, targetSequence, precompsFolder , precompsName,boolsParam, footageFolder, handlesParam,layerShotType, compsArray){ var boolItemsImported =false; var boolImportedPrecomps =false; var boolGeneratedPrecomps =false; var boolIncrement = false; var currentLayerFrameRate = app.project.activeItem.layer(index).source.frameRate; var footageInCompTC = getLayerTimeCodes ( app.project.activeItem.layer(index)); var boolTimeRemap = false; if (app.project.activeItem.layer(index).timeRemapEnabled) { boolTimeRemap =true;getCleanLayerSourceFile } var sourceFile = getCleanLayerSourceFile(app.project.activeItem.layer(index)); var sourceReelName = getLayerSourceReelName (app.project.activeItem.layer(index)); var compareFootage = checkMergedFootages (targetSequence.reelName, sourceReelName, targetSequence.tcIn, footageInCompTC[0], targetSequence.tcOut, footageInCompTC[1], footageInCompTC[2], synchmethod, boolTimeRemap, currentLayerFrameRate, handlesParam.handleIn, handlesParam.handleOut, handlesParam.handlesFbool); if ( compareFootage === true) { var importExternalFootage = importSequenceFiles (targetSequence.firstFile,targetSequence.reelName,footageInProject ); //check if the file already in project 's footage var newLayer = app.project.activeItem.layers.add (importExternalFootage); //input item in the composition importExternalFootage.parentFolder =footageFolder ; newLayer.name = newLayer.name + newLayerName.toString(); boolItemsImported = true; //increment var number of imported items boolIncrement = true; // for the parent function index +=1;//new layer added on the top of the composition so increment index if (panel.grp.MainGrp.impSettingsMethodGrp.ddlSelectMethod.selection !=0) { var newPrecomp = precomposeNewLayer (compsArray,app.project.activeItem.layer(index), precompsName,precompsFolder) ; newLayer.name = newPrecomp[0].name; boolGeneratedPrecomps = true; compsArray.splice (0, 1, newPrecomp[1]); compsArray.push (newPrecomp[0]); } newLayer.label = 11; copyLayerProperties(app.project.activeItem.layer(index), footageInCompTC[0], footageInCompTC[3], footageInCompTC[2],newLayer, targetSequence.tcIn, boolsParam, synchmethod, handlesParam.handleIn); } var confoReturn = {}; confoReturn.compsArray = compsArray; confoReturn.boolImportedItems =boolItemsImported ; confoReturn.boolGeneratedPrecomps = boolGeneratedPrecomps; confoReturn.boolIncrement= boolIncrement; return confoReturn } /** * conformByTime main function to conform by timecode or duration * apply conform by timecode synchmethod /return void */ function conformByTime ( synchmethod, newLayerName, targetSequences, precompsFolder , precompsName,boolsParam, footageFolder, handlesParam,layerShotType){ if (!targetSequences && layerShotType !=1 ) {alert ("select a source Folder"); return }; // var for the ending result var numItemsImported =0; var numImportedPrecomps =0; var numGeneratedPrecomps =0; var footageInProject =searchFootageFilesInProject(); //For the genereted precomps array var compsArray =[]; if (layerShotType !=0) { compsArray = getPrecompsList (precompsName.toString()); } for (var i =app.project.activeItem.numLayers ; i >0 ; i --) { //STARTING OF EACH COMP ITEMS var activeLayerName = app.project.activeItem.layer(i).name; //be sur that layer (index) is not a conformed layer or a solid if ((activeLayerName.indexOf (newLayerName.toString() ) != -1)||(activeLayerName.indexOf (precompsName.toString())!=-1)||(activeLayerName.indexOf ("Solid") !=-1)){continue} var boolFoundInPrecomps = false; if (layerShotType !=0) { for (var j = 1; j< compsArray.length ; j++) { var conform = conformLayerWithPrecomp (i , compsArray[j], synchmethod, newLayerName, precompsFolder , precompsName,boolsParam, handlesParam); if (conform){ if (conform.boolImportedPrecomps == true) {numImportedPrecomps +=1;} if (conform.boolGeneratedPrecomps == true) {numGeneratedPrecomps +=1; } if (conform.boolIncrement == true) { i +=1; boolFoundInPrecomps = true; } } } } if (boolFoundInPrecomps == false && (layerShotType !=1) ) { for (var j =1; j < targetSequences.length; j++) { var conform = conformLayerWithFootage (i ,footageInProject,synchmethod, newLayerName, targetSequences[j], precompsFolder , precompsName,boolsParam, footageFolder, handlesParam,layerShotType, compsArray); if (layerShotType !=0){ compsArray = conform.compsArray; } if (conform.boolImportedItems == true) {numItemsImported +=1; } if (conform.boolGeneratedPrecomps == true) { numGeneratedPrecomps +=1;} if (conform.boolIncrement == true) { i +=1;} } } } alert (numItemsImported + " files imported, "+numGeneratedPrecomps + " generated precomps, "+ numImportedPrecomps + " imported precomps" ); } function createSohtWaterMark (precompsName){ var wlayertxt = app.project.activeItem.layers.addText ("watermark"); var watermarkTxt = wlayertxt.property("ADBE Text Properties").property("ADBE Text Document"); var textVal = watermarkTxt.value; textVal.fontSize = 20; textVal.font = ("Arial"); watermarkTxt.setValue (textVal) var empty = " "; var txtExpr = "var thistext = ''; \r"+ "var boolfound =false; \r"+ "for (var i =1; i <= thisComp.numLayers; i++){if (thisComp.layer(i).name.indexOf ('"+precompsName+"') !=-1 && thisComp.layer(i).active) {thistext = thisComp.layer(i).name; break} if (i ==thisComp.numLayers && boolfound== false ) {thistext ='"+empty.toString()+"'}}" watermarkTxt.expression = txtExpr; try{ wlayertxt.position.setValue( [app.project.activeItem.width/10, app.project.activeItem.height*0.90]);} catch(e){alert(e)} } /** } * Manage callback for UI panel * @param {Window|Panel} panel */ function callbackUI(panel) { //default panel.grp. MainGrp.MethodeGrp.rbOnlyTc.value = 1; panel.grp.MainGrp.impSettingsMethodGrp.ddlSelectMethod.selection = 2; if (app.project.activeItem) { panel.grp.MainGrp.stackMethodGrp.timeMethodGrp.DurationGrp.etxHandleIn.text = app.project.activeItem.frameRate.toString(); panel.grp.MainGrp.stackMethodGrp.timeMethodGrp.DurationGrp.etxHandleOut.text = app.project.activeItem.frameRate.toString(); } var newLayerName = "_CONFO_TC"; //stack panel.grp. MainGrp.MethodeGrp.rbOnlyTc.onClick= function() { panel.grp.MainGrp.stackMethodGrp.timeMethodGrp.visible = true; panel.grp.MainGrp.stackMethodGrp.DetectMethodGrp.visible = false; panel.grp.MainGrp.stackMethodGrp.timeMethodGrp.DurationGrp.etxHandleIn.enabled= false; panel.grp.MainGrp.stackMethodGrp.timeMethodGrp.DurationGrp.stxHandleIn.enabled= false; panel.grp.MainGrp.stackMethodGrp.timeMethodGrp.DurationGrp.etxHandleOut.enabled = false; panel.grp.MainGrp.stackMethodGrp.timeMethodGrp.DurationGrp.stxHandleOut.enabled = false; panel.grp.MainGrp.stackMethodGrp.timeMethodGrp.DurationGrp.cbFixedHandles.enabled = false; } panel.grp. MainGrp.MethodeGrp.rbreelNameAndTimeCode.onClick= function() { panel.grp.MainGrp.stackMethodGrp.timeMethodGrp.visible = true; panel.grp.MainGrp.stackMethodGrp.DetectMethodGrp.visible = false; panel.grp.MainGrp.stackMethodGrp.timeMethodGrp.DurationGrp.etxHandleIn.enabled= false; panel.grp.MainGrp.stackMethodGrp.timeMethodGrp.DurationGrp.stxHandleIn.enabled= false; panel.grp.MainGrp.stackMethodGrp.timeMethodGrp.DurationGrp.etxHandleOut.enabled = false; panel.grp.MainGrp.stackMethodGrp.timeMethodGrp.DurationGrp.stxHandleOut.enabled = false; panel.grp.MainGrp.stackMethodGrp.timeMethodGrp.DurationGrp.cbFixedHandles.enabled = false; } panel.grp. MainGrp.MethodeGrp.rbDuration.onClick= function() { panel.grp.MainGrp.stackMethodGrp.timeMethodGrp.visible = true; panel.grp.MainGrp.stackMethodGrp.timeMethodGrp.DurationGrp.etxHandleIn.enabled= true; panel.grp.MainGrp.stackMethodGrp.timeMethodGrp.DurationGrp.stxHandleIn.enabled= true; panel.grp.MainGrp.stackMethodGrp.timeMethodGrp.DurationGrp.etxHandleOut.enabled = true; panel.grp.MainGrp.stackMethodGrp.timeMethodGrp.DurationGrp.stxHandleOut.enabled = true; panel.grp.MainGrp.stackMethodGrp.timeMethodGrp.DurationGrp.cbFixedHandles.enabled = true; } panel.grp.MainGrp.stackMethodGrp.timeMethodGrp.DurationGrp.etxHandleIn.enabled= false; panel.grp.MainGrp.stackMethodGrp.timeMethodGrp.DurationGrp.stxHandleIn.enabled= false; panel.grp.MainGrp.stackMethodGrp.timeMethodGrp.DurationGrp.etxHandleOut.enabled = false; panel.grp.MainGrp.stackMethodGrp.timeMethodGrp.DurationGrp.stxHandleOut.enabled = false; panel.grp.MainGrp.stackMethodGrp.timeMethodGrp.DurationGrp.cbFixedHandles.enabled = false; panel.grp.MainGrp.stackMethodGrp.timeMethodGrp.visible = true; //functions var targetSequences = []; panel.grp. MainGrp.impSettingsMethodGrp.footageGrp.btnSelectTCFolder.onClick = function (){ var targetFolder = Folder.selectDialog('Select Folder Containing Footage to Conform'); var filterArray = [".dpx",".tga",".tiff",".jpg",".exr",".png",".psd",".ai"]; targetSequences = listSequencesInFolders(targetFolder ,filterArray); return targetSequences; } panel.grp.MainGrp.BtnGrp.btnStart.onClick = function(){ var precompsName = panel.grp.MainGrp.impSettingsMethodGrp.precompGrp.etxName.text; if (!(app.project.activeItem instanceof CompItem)){ alert ("Open a Composition"); return } //var from ui // class boolsParam && handlesParam var boolsParam = {}; boolsParam.boolTimeWarp = panel.grp.MainGrp.stackMethodGrp.timeMethodGrp.SettingsGrp.cbTimeWarp.value; boolsParam.boolOpacity = panel.grp.MainGrp.stackMethodGrp.timeMethodGrp.SettingsGrp.cbOpacity.value; boolsParam.boolFitToComp = panel.grp.MainGrp.stackMethodGrp.timeMethodGrp.SettingsGrp.cbFitToComp.value; boolsParam.boolTransform = panel.grp.MainGrp.stackMethodGrp.timeMethodGrp.SettingsGrp.cbTransfrom.value; //handles settings var handlesParam = {}; handlesParam.handleIn = parseInt(panel.grp.MainGrp.stackMethodGrp.timeMethodGrp.DurationGrp.etxHandleIn.text); handlesParam.handleOut = parseInt(panel.grp.MainGrp.stackMethodGrp.timeMethodGrp.DurationGrp.etxHandleOut.text); handlesParam.handlesFbool = panel.grp.MainGrp.stackMethodGrp.timeMethodGrp.DurationGrp.cbFixedHandles.value; var layerShotType = panel.grp.MainGrp.impSettingsMethodGrp.ddlSelectMethod.selection; //folders to stock footages and precomps var footageFolder = findFolderWithName ("FOOTAGE_CONFO_TC",true); var precompsFolder =findFolderWithName (precompsName,true); app.beginUndoGroup ("Import"); //begin undo Group var synchmethod = checkMethodSync (); conformByTime (synchmethod, newLayerName, targetSequences,precompsFolder , precompsName,boolsParam, footageFolder, handlesParam, layerShotType); var boolShotWtm = panel.grp.MainGrp.impSettingsMethodGrp.precompGrp.cbWatermark.value; if (boolShotWtm == true) { createSohtWaterMark (precompsName); } app.endUndoGroup; } } var panel = buildUI(thisObj); if (panel instanceof Window) { panel.center(); panel.show(); } else { panel.layout.layout(true); } callbackUI(panel);})(this);