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Library XML Documentation

Rodion Morozov edited this page Mar 9, 2023 · 8 revisions


ExceptionType InvalidMimeTypeException
SteamGridDbBadRequestException SteamGridDbException
SteamGridDbForbiddenException SteamGridDbNotFoundException
SteamGridDbUnauthorizedException SteamAuthor
SteamGridDb SteamGridDbDimensions
SteamGridDbFormats SteamGridDbGame
SteamGridDbGamePlatform SteamGridDbGrid
SteamGridDbHero SteamGridDbIcon
SteamGridDbLogo SteamGridDbObject
SteamGridDbResponse SteamGridDbStyles
SteamGridDbTypes SteamGridDbImageException

EnumItem_16x ExceptionType

Contains types of exceptions


When request to server constructed incorrectly


When made request is forbidden on server


When resource not found on server


When unauthorized access to API made


When unknown error occurred

Class_16x InvalidMimeTypeException

The exception that is thrown when data with invalid or unsupported MIME type is provided

Class_16x SteamGridDbException

The exception that is thrown when generic SteamGridDB or library error occurred

Property_16x ExceptionType

Gets a type of exception occurred

Property_16x SteamGridDbErrorMessages

Gets an array of SteamGridDB API response error messages, when request is not succeeded

Class_16x SteamGridDbBadRequestException

inherited from SteamGridDbException

The exception that is thrown when a bad request is returned by SteamGridDB API

Class_16x SteamGridDbForbiddenException

inherited from SteamGridDbException

The exception that is thrown when SteamGridDB returns a Forbidden response. Probably because user doesn't own an item

Class_16x SteamGridDbNotFoundException

inherited from SteamGridDbException

The exception that is thrown when item is not found in SteamGridDB

Class_16x SteamGridDbUnauthorizedException

inherited from SteamGridDbException

The exception that is thrown when invalid API key is provided

Class_16x SteamGridDbImageException

The exception that is thrown when image failed to load from specified URL

Class_16x SteamAuthor

Represents a Steam Author information. This class cannot be inherited

Property_16x AvatarUrl

Gets a Steam avatar URL of author

Property_16x Name

Gets a Steam username of author

Property_16x SteamId64

Gets a SteamID64 of author

Property_16x SteamProfileUrl

Gets full URL to Steam Profile of Author

Class_16x SteamGridDb

SteamGridDB API main class, get, upload, delete grids/heroes/icons/grids, search for games and get info about games. This class cannot be inherited

Method_16x Constructor(apiKey)

Instantiates new instance of SteamGridDB API class.

Name Description
apiKey System.String
Your API key to authorize you do things

System.ArgumentNullException: When API key is empty, null or whitespace

Property_16x ApiKey

Gets current API key string

Property_16x BaseAddress

Base SteamGridDB API URI address

Property_16x Timeout

Gets or sets connection timeout time span

Method_16x CancelPendingRequests

Cancels all HTTP client pending requests

Method_16x DeleteGridAsync(gridId)

Removes single SteamGridDbGrid with specified ID from server

Name Description
gridId System.Int32
ID of SteamGridDbGrid object to remove


if successfully removed, otherwise or thrown exception

Exceptions.SteamGridDbNotFoundException: When item is not found on server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbUnauthorizedException: When your API key is invalid, not set, or you've reset it on API preferences page and use old one

Exceptions.SteamGridDbBadRequestException: When library makes invalid request to server due to invalid URI generated

Exceptions.SteamGridDbForbiddenException: When you don't have permissions to perform action on item, probably because you don't own item

Exceptions.SteamGridDbRateLimitedException: When you've been rate limited by the server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbException: When unknown exception occurred in request

Method_16x DeleteGridsAsync(gridIds)

Removes SteamGridDbGrid with specified IDs from server

Name Description
gridIds System.Int32[]
List of IDs of SteamGridDbGrid objects


if successfully removed, otherwise or thrown exception

Exceptions.SteamGridDbNotFoundException: When item is not found on server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbUnauthorizedException: When your API key is invalid, not set, or you've reset it on API preferences page and use old one

Exceptions.SteamGridDbBadRequestException: When library makes invalid request to server due to invalid URI generated

Exceptions.SteamGridDbForbiddenException: When you don't have permissions to perform action on item, probably because you don't own item

Exceptions.SteamGridDbRateLimitedException: When you've been rate limited by the server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbException: When unknown exception occurred in request

Method_16x DeleteHeroAsync(heroId)

Removes single SteamGridDbHero with specified ID from server

Name Description
heroId System.Int32
ID of SteamGridDbHero object to remove


if successfully removed, otherwise or thrown exception

Exceptions.SteamGridDbNotFoundException: When item is not found on server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbUnauthorizedException: When your API key is invalid, not set, or you've reset it on API preferences page and use old one

Exceptions.SteamGridDbBadRequestException: When library makes invalid request to server due to invalid URI generated

Exceptions.SteamGridDbForbiddenException: When you don't have permissions to perform action on item, probably because you don't own item

Exceptions.SteamGridDbRateLimitedException: When you've been rate limited by the server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbException: When unknown exception occurred in request

Method_16x DeleteHeroesAsync(heroIds)

Removes SteamGridDbHero with specified IDs from server

Name Description
heroIds System.Int32[]
List of IDs of SteamGridDbHero objects


if successfully removed, otherwise or thrown exception

Exceptions.SteamGridDbNotFoundException: When item is not found on server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbUnauthorizedException: When your API key is invalid, not set, or you've reset it on API preferences page and use old one

Exceptions.SteamGridDbBadRequestException: When library makes invalid request to server due to invalid URI generated

Exceptions.SteamGridDbForbiddenException: When you don't have permissions to perform action on item, probably because you don't own item

Exceptions.SteamGridDbRateLimitedException: When you've been rate limited by the server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbException: When unknown exception occurred in request

Method_16x DeleteIconAsync(iconId)

Removes single SteamGridDbIcon with specified ID from server

Name Description
iconId System.Int32
ID of SteamGridDbIcon object to remove


if successfully removed, otherwise or thrown exception

Exceptions.SteamGridDbNotFoundException: When item is not found on server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbUnauthorizedException: When your API key is invalid, not set, or you've reset it on API preferences page and use old one

Exceptions.SteamGridDbBadRequestException: When library makes invalid request to server due to invalid URI generated

Exceptions.SteamGridDbForbiddenException: When you don't have permissions to perform action on item, probably because you don't own item

Exceptions.SteamGridDbRateLimitedException: When you've been rate limited by the server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbException: When unknown exception occurred in request

Method_16x DeleteIconsAsync(iconIds)

Removes SteamGridDbIcon with specified IDs from server

Name Description
iconIds System.Int32[]
List of IDs of SteamGridDbIcon objects


if successfully removed, otherwise or thrown exception

Exceptions.SteamGridDbNotFoundException: When item is not found on server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbUnauthorizedException: When your API key is invalid, not set, or you've reset it on API preferences page and use old one

Exceptions.SteamGridDbBadRequestException: When library makes invalid request to server due to invalid URI generated

Exceptions.SteamGridDbForbiddenException: When you don't have permissions to perform action on item, probably because you don't own item

Exceptions.SteamGridDbRateLimitedException: When you've been rate limited by the server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbException: When unknown exception occurred in request

Method_16x DeleteLogoAsync(logoId)

Removes single SteamGridDbLogo with specified ID from server

Name Description
logoId System.Int32
ID of SteamGridDbLogo object to remove


if successfully removed, otherwise or thrown exception

Exceptions.SteamGridDbNotFoundException: When item is not found on server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbUnauthorizedException: When your API key is invalid, not set, or you've reset it on API preferences page and use old one

Exceptions.SteamGridDbBadRequestException: When library makes invalid request to server due to invalid URI generated

Exceptions.SteamGridDbForbiddenException: When you don't have permissions to perform action on item, probably because you don't own item

Exceptions.SteamGridDbRateLimitedException: When you've been rate limited by the server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbException: When unknown exception occurred in request

Method_16x DeleteLogosAsync(logoIds)

Removes SteamGridDbLogo with specified IDs from server

Name Description
logoIds System.Int32[]
List of IDs of SteamGridDbLogo objects


if successfully removed, otherwise or thrown exception

Exceptions.SteamGridDbNotFoundException: When item is not found on server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbUnauthorizedException: When your API key is invalid, not set, or you've reset it on API preferences page and use old one

Exceptions.SteamGridDbBadRequestException: When library makes invalid request to server due to invalid URI generated

Exceptions.SteamGridDbForbiddenException: When you don't have permissions to perform action on item, probably because you don't own item

Exceptions.SteamGridDbRateLimitedException: When you've been rate limited by the server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbException: When unknown exception occurred in request

Method_16x Dispose

Cancels all pending requests, closes HTTP client and releases all resources used by object

Method_16x GetGameByIdAsync(id)

Gets game information from SteamGridDB server by SteamGridDB game ID

Name Description
id System.Int32
SteamGridDB specific game ID


Game information SteamGridDbGame object if succeeded

Exceptions.SteamGridDbNotFoundException: When item is not found on server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbUnauthorizedException: When your API key is invalid, not set, or you've reset it on API preferences page and use old one

Exceptions.SteamGridDbBadRequestException: When library makes invalid request to server due to invalid URI generated

Exceptions.SteamGridDbForbiddenException: When you don't have permissions to perform action on item, probably because you don't own item

Exceptions.SteamGridDbRateLimitedException: When you've been rate limited by the server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbException: When unknown exception occurred in request

Method_16x GetGameBySteamIdAsync(steamId)

Gets game information from SteamGridDB server by game Steam app ID

Name Description
steamId System.Int32
Steam specific App ID. Can be seen in URL of game Steam store page


Game information SteamGridDbGame object if succeeded

Exceptions.SteamGridDbNotFoundException: When item is not found on server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbUnauthorizedException: When your API key is invalid, not set, or you've reset it on API preferences page and use old one

Exceptions.SteamGridDbBadRequestException: When library makes invalid request to server due to invalid URI generated

Exceptions.SteamGridDbForbiddenException: When you don't have permissions to perform action on item, probably because you don't own item

Exceptions.SteamGridDbRateLimitedException: When you've been rate limited by the server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbException: When unknown exception occurred in request

Method_16x GetGridsByGameIdAsync(gameId, nsfw, humorous, epilepsy, page, tags, styles, dimensions, formats, types)

Gets SteamGridDbGrid array for specified game with specified filters

Name Description
gameId System.Int32
SteamGridDB game ID of game
nsfw System.Boolean
Include Non-Suitable-For-Work results, default
humorous System.Boolean
Include humorous results, default
epilepsy System.Boolean
Include content that can cause epilepsy
page System.Int32
Page index to request data
tags craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbTags
Bitmask for tags filter.
styles craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbStyles
Bitmask for styles filter. Allowed values see in SteamGridDbStyles.AllGrids
dimensions craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbDimensions
Bitmask for dimensions filter. Allowed values see in SteamGridDbDimensions.AllGrids
formats craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbFormats
Bitmask for formats/mimes filter. Allowed values see in SteamGridDbFormats.All
types craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbTypes
Bitmask for type of image, animated or static. SteamGridDbTypes.All


SteamGridDbGrid array of results

Exceptions.SteamGridDbNotFoundException: When item is not found on server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbUnauthorizedException: When your API key is invalid, not set, or you've reset it on API preferences page and use old one

Exceptions.SteamGridDbBadRequestException: When library makes invalid request to server due to invalid URI generated

Exceptions.SteamGridDbForbiddenException: When you don't have permissions to perform action on item, probably because you don't own item

Exceptions.SteamGridDbRateLimitedException: When you've been rate limited by the server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbException: When unknown exception occurred in request

Method_16x GetGridsByPlatformGameIdAsync(platform, platformGameId, nsfw, humorous, epilepsy, page, tags, styles, dimensions, formats, types)

Gets SteamGridDbGrid array for specified game by selected platform and platform specific Game ID (like Steam App ID) with specified filters

Name Description
platform craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbGamePlatform
Platform of which items get
platformGameId System.Int32
Platform specific game ID of game
nsfw System.Boolean
Include Non-Suitable-For-Work results, default
humorous System.Boolean
Include humorous results, default
epilepsy System.Boolean
Include content that can cause epilepsy
page System.Int32
Page index to request data
tags craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbTags
Bitmask for tags filter.
styles craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbStyles
Bitmask for styles filter. Allowed values see in SteamGridDbStyles.AllGrids
dimensions craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbDimensions
Bitmask for dimensions filter. Allowed values see in SteamGridDbDimensions.AllGrids
formats craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbFormats
Bitmask for formats/mimes filter. Allowed values see in SteamGridDbFormats.All
types craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbTypes
Bitmask for type of image, animated or static. SteamGridDbTypes.All


SteamGridDbGrid array of results

Exceptions.SteamGridDbNotFoundException: When item is not found on server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbUnauthorizedException: When your API key is invalid, not set, or you've reset it on API preferences page and use old one

Exceptions.SteamGridDbBadRequestException: When library makes invalid request to server due to invalid URI generated

Exceptions.SteamGridDbForbiddenException: When you don't have permissions to perform action on item, probably because you don't own item

Exceptions.SteamGridDbRateLimitedException: When you've been rate limited by the server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbException: When unknown exception occurred in request

System.ArgumentException: When more than one platform selected

Method_16x GetGridsForGameAsync(game, nsfw, humorous, epilepsy, page, tags, styles, dimensions, formats, types)

Gets SteamGridDbGrid array for specified game with specified filters

Name Description
game craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbGame
SteamGridDbGame object for game data
nsfw System.Boolean
Include Non-Suitable-For-Work results, default
humorous System.Boolean
Include humorous results, default
epilepsy System.Boolean
Include content that can cause epilepsy
page System.Int32
Page index to request data
tags craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbTags
Bitmask for tags filter.
styles craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbStyles
Bitmask for styles filter. Allowed values see in SteamGridDbStyles.AllGrids
dimensions craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbDimensions
Bitmask for dimensions filter. Allowed values see in SteamGridDbDimensions.AllGrids
formats craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbFormats
Bitmask for formats/mimes filter. Allowed values see in SteamGridDbFormats.All
types craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbTypes
Bitmask for type of image, animated or static. SteamGridDbTypes.All


SteamGridDbGrid array of results

Exceptions.SteamGridDbNotFoundException: When item is not found on server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbUnauthorizedException: When your API key is invalid, not set, or you've reset it on API preferences page and use old one

Exceptions.SteamGridDbBadRequestException: When library makes invalid request to server due to invalid URI generated

Exceptions.SteamGridDbForbiddenException: When you don't have permissions to perform action on item, probably because you don't own item

Exceptions.SteamGridDbRateLimitedException: When you've been rate limited by the server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbException: When unknown exception occurred in request

Method_16x GetHeroesByGameIdAsync(gameId, nsfw, humorous, epilepsy, page, tags, styles, dimensions, formats, types)

Gets SteamGridDbHero array for specified game with specified filters

Name Description
gameId System.Int32
SteamGridDB game ID of game
nsfw System.Boolean
Include Non-Suitable-For-Work results, default
humorous System.Boolean
Include humorous results, default
epilepsy System.Boolean
Include content that can cause epilepsy
page System.Int32
Page index to request data
tags craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbTags
Bitmask for tags filter.
styles craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbStyles
Bitmask for styles filter. Allowed values see in SteamGridDbStyles.AllHeroes
dimensions craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbDimensions
Bitmask for dimensions filter. Allowed values see in SteamGridDbDimensions.AllHeroes
formats craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbFormats
Bitmask for formats/mimes filter. Allowed values see in SteamGridDbFormats.All
types craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbTypes
Bitmask for type of image, animated or static. SteamGridDbTypes.All


SteamGridDbGrid array of results

Exceptions.SteamGridDbNotFoundException: When item is not found on server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbUnauthorizedException: When your API key is invalid, not set, or you've reset it on API preferences page and use old one

Exceptions.SteamGridDbBadRequestException: When library makes invalid request to server due to invalid URI generated

Exceptions.SteamGridDbForbiddenException: When you don't have permissions to perform action on item, probably because you don't own item

Exceptions.SteamGridDbRateLimitedException: When you've been rate limited by the server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbException: When unknown exception occurred in request

Method_16x GetHeroesByPlatformGameIdAsync(platform, platformGameId, nsfw, humorous, epilepsy, page, tags, styles, dimensions, formats, types)

Gets SteamGridDbHero array for specified game by selected platform and platform specific Game ID (like Steam App ID) with specified filters

Name Description
platform craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbGamePlatform
Platform of which items get
platformGameId System.Int32
Platform specific game ID of game
nsfw System.Boolean
Include Non-Suitable-For-Work results, default
humorous System.Boolean
Include humorous results, default
epilepsy System.Boolean
Include content that can cause epilepsy
page System.Int32
Page index to request data
tags craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbTags
Bitmask for tags filter.
styles craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbStyles
Bitmask for styles filter. Allowed values see in SteamGridDbStyles.AllHeroes
dimensions craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbDimensions
Bitmask for dimensions filter. Allowed values see in SteamGridDbDimensions.AllHeroes
formats craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbFormats
Bitmask for formats/mimes filter. Allowed values see in SteamGridDbFormats.All
types craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbTypes
Bitmask for type of image, animated or static. SteamGridDbTypes.All


SteamGridDbGrid array of results

Exceptions.SteamGridDbNotFoundException: When item is not found on server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbUnauthorizedException: When your API key is invalid, not set, or you've reset it on API preferences page and use old one

Exceptions.SteamGridDbBadRequestException: When library makes invalid request to server due to invalid URI generated

Exceptions.SteamGridDbForbiddenException: When you don't have permissions to perform action on item, probably because you don't own item

Exceptions.SteamGridDbRateLimitedException: When you've been rate limited by the server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbException: When unknown exception occurred in request

System.ArgumentException: When more than one platform selected

Method_16x GetHeroesForGameAsync(game, nsfw, humorous, epilepsy, page, tags, styles, dimensions, formats, types)

Gets SteamGridDbHero array for specified game with specified filters

Name Description
game craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbGame
SteamGridDbGame object for game data
nsfw System.Boolean
Include Non-Suitable-For-Work results, default
humorous System.Boolean
Include humorous results, default
epilepsy System.Boolean
Include content that can cause epilepsy
page System.Int32
Page index to request data
tags craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbTags
Bitmask for tags filter.
styles craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbStyles
Bitmask for styles filter. Allowed values see in SteamGridDbStyles.AllHeroes
dimensions craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbDimensions
Bitmask for dimensions filter. Allowed values see in SteamGridDbDimensions.AllHeroes
formats craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbFormats
Bitmask for formats/mimes filter. Allowed values see in SteamGridDbFormats.All
types craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbTypes
Bitmask for type of image, animated or static. SteamGridDbTypes.All


SteamGridDbGrid array of results

Exceptions.SteamGridDbNotFoundException: When item is not found on server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbUnauthorizedException: When your API key is invalid, not set, or you've reset it on API preferences page and use old one

Exceptions.SteamGridDbBadRequestException: When library makes invalid request to server due to invalid URI generated

Exceptions.SteamGridDbForbiddenException: When you don't have permissions to perform action on item, probably because you don't own item

Exceptions.SteamGridDbRateLimitedException: When you've been rate limited by the server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbException: When unknown exception occurred in request

Method_16x GetIconsByGameIdAsync(gameId, nsfw, humorous, epilepsy, page, tags, styles, formats, types)

Gets SteamGridDbIcon array for specified game with specified filters

Name Description
gameId System.Int32
SteamGridDB game ID of game
nsfw System.Boolean
Include Non-Suitable-For-Work results, default
humorous System.Boolean
Include humorous results, default
epilepsy System.Boolean
Include content that can cause epilepsy
page System.Int32
Page index to request data
tags craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbTags
Bitmask for tags filter.
styles craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbStyles
Bitmask for styles filter. Allowed values see in SteamGridDbStyles.AllIcons
formats craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbFormats
Bitmask for formats/mimes filter. Allowed values see in SteamGridDbFormats.AllIcons
types craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbTypes
Bitmask for type of image, animated or static. SteamGridDbTypes.All


SteamGridDbGrid array of results

Exceptions.SteamGridDbNotFoundException: When item is not found on server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbUnauthorizedException: When your API key is invalid, not set, or you've reset it on API preferences page and use old one

Exceptions.SteamGridDbBadRequestException: When library makes invalid request to server due to invalid URI generated

Exceptions.SteamGridDbForbiddenException: When you don't have permissions to perform action on item, probably because you don't own item

Exceptions.SteamGridDbRateLimitedException: When you've been rate limited by the server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbException: When unknown exception occurred in request

Method_16x GetIconsByPlatformGameIdAsync(platform, platformGameId, nsfw, humorous, epilepsy, page, tags, styles, formats, types)

Gets SteamGridDbIcon array for specified game by selected platform and platform specific Game ID (like Steam App ID) with specified filters

Name Description
platform craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbGamePlatform
Platform of which items get
platformGameId System.Int32
Platform specific game ID of game
nsfw System.Boolean
Include Non-Suitable-For-Work results, default
humorous System.Boolean
Include humorous results, default
epilepsy System.Boolean
Include content that can cause epilepsy
page System.Int32
Page index to request data
tags craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbTags
Bitmask for tags filter.
styles craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbStyles
Bitmask for styles filter. Allowed values see in SteamGridDbStyles.AllIcons
formats craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbFormats
Bitmask for formats/mimes filter. Allowed values see in SteamGridDbFormats.AllIcons
types craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbTypes
Bitmask for type of image, animated or static. SteamGridDbTypes.All


SteamGridDbGrid array of results

Exceptions.SteamGridDbNotFoundException: When item is not found on server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbUnauthorizedException: When your API key is invalid, not set, or you've reset it on API preferences page and use old one

Exceptions.SteamGridDbBadRequestException: When library makes invalid request to server due to invalid URI generated

Exceptions.SteamGridDbForbiddenException: When you don't have permissions to perform action on item, probably because you don't own item

Exceptions.SteamGridDbRateLimitedException: When you've been rate limited by the server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbException: When unknown exception occurred in request

System.ArgumentException: When more than one platform selected

Method_16x GetIconsForGameAsync(game, nsfw, humorous, epilepsy, page, tags, styles, formats, types)

Gets SteamGridDbIcon array for specified game with specified filters

Name Description
game craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbGame
SteamGridDbGame object for game data
nsfw System.Boolean
Include Non-Suitable-For-Work results, default
humorous System.Boolean
Include humorous results, default
epilepsy System.Boolean
Include content that can cause epilepsy
page System.Int32
Page index to request data
tags craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbTags
Bitmask for tags filter.
styles craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbStyles
Bitmask for styles filter. Allowed values see in SteamGridDbStyles.AllIcons
formats craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbFormats
Bitmask for formats/mimes filter. Allowed values see in SteamGridDbFormats.AllIcons
types craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbTypes
Bitmask for type of image, animated or static. SteamGridDbTypes.All


SteamGridDbGrid array of results

Exceptions.SteamGridDbNotFoundException: When item is not found on server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbUnauthorizedException: When your API key is invalid, not set, or you've reset it on API preferences page and use old one

Exceptions.SteamGridDbBadRequestException: When library makes invalid request to server due to invalid URI generated

Exceptions.SteamGridDbForbiddenException: When you don't have permissions to perform action on item, probably because you don't own item

Exceptions.SteamGridDbRateLimitedException: When you've been rate limited by the server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbException: When unknown exception occurred in request

Method_16x GetLogosByGameIdAsync(gameId, nsfw, humorous, epilepsy, page, tags, styles, formats, types)

Gets SteamGridDbLogo array for specified game with specified filters

Name Description
gameId System.Int32
SteamGridDB game ID of game
nsfw System.Boolean
Include Non-Suitable-For-Work results, default
humorous System.Boolean
Include humorous results, default
epilepsy System.Boolean
Include content that can cause epilepsy
page System.Int32
Page index to request data
tags craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbTags
Bitmask for tags filter.
styles craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbStyles
Bitmask for styles filter. Allowed values see in SteamGridDbStyles.AllLogos
formats craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbFormats
Bitmask for formats/mimes filter. Allowed values see in SteamGridDbFormats.All
types craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbTypes
Bitmask for type of image, animated or static. SteamGridDbTypes.All


SteamGridDbGrid array of results

Exceptions.SteamGridDbNotFoundException: When item is not found on server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbUnauthorizedException: When your API key is invalid, not set, or you've reset it on API preferences page and use old one

Exceptions.SteamGridDbBadRequestException: When library makes invalid request to server due to invalid URI generated

Exceptions.SteamGridDbForbiddenException: When you don't have permissions to perform action on item, probably because you don't own item

Exceptions.SteamGridDbRateLimitedException: When you've been rate limited by the server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbException: When unknown exception occurred in request

Method_16x GetLogosByPlatformGameIdAsync(platform, platformGameId, nsfw, humorous, epilepsy, page, tags, styles, formats, types)

Gets SteamGridDbLogo array for specified game by selected platform and platform specific Game ID (like Steam App ID) with specified filters

Name Description
platform craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbGamePlatform
Platform of which items get
platformGameId System.Int32
Platform specific game ID of game
nsfw System.Boolean
Include Non-Suitable-For-Work results, default
humorous System.Boolean
Include humorous results, default
epilepsy System.Boolean
Include content that can cause epilepsy
page System.Int32
Page index to request data
tags craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbTags
Bitmask for tags filter.
styles craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbStyles
Bitmask for styles filter. Allowed values see in SteamGridDbStyles.AllLogos
formats craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbFormats
Bitmask for formats/mimes filter. Allowed values see in SteamGridDbFormats.All
types craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbTypes
Bitmask for type of image, animated or static. SteamGridDbTypes.All


SteamGridDbGrid array of results

Exceptions.SteamGridDbNotFoundException: When item is not found on server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbUnauthorizedException: When your API key is invalid, not set, or you've reset it on API preferences page and use old one

Exceptions.SteamGridDbBadRequestException: When library makes invalid request to server due to invalid URI generated

Exceptions.SteamGridDbForbiddenException: When you don't have permissions to perform action on item, probably because you don't own item

Exceptions.SteamGridDbRateLimitedException: When you've been rate limited by the server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbException: When unknown exception occurred in request

System.ArgumentException: When more than one platform selected

Method_16x GetLogosForGameAsync(game, nsfw, humorous, epilepsy, page, tags, styles, formats, types)

Gets SteamGridDbLogo array for specified game with specified filters

Name Description
game craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbGame
SteamGridDbGame object for game data
nsfw System.Boolean
Include Non-Suitable-For-Work results, default
humorous System.Boolean
Include humorous results, default
epilepsy System.Boolean
Include content that can cause epilepsy
page System.Int32
Page index to request data
tags craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbTags
Bitmask for tags filter.
styles craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbStyles
Bitmask for styles filter. Allowed values see in SteamGridDbStyles.AllLogos
formats craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbFormats
Bitmask for formats/mimes filter. Allowed values see in SteamGridDbFormats.All
types craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbTypes
Bitmask for type of image, animated or static. SteamGridDbTypes.All


SteamGridDbGrid array of results

Exceptions.SteamGridDbNotFoundException: When item is not found on server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbUnauthorizedException: When your API key is invalid, not set, or you've reset it on API preferences page and use old one

Exceptions.SteamGridDbBadRequestException: When library makes invalid request to server due to invalid URI generated

Exceptions.SteamGridDbForbiddenException: When you don't have permissions to perform action on item, probably because you don't own item

Exceptions.SteamGridDbRateLimitedException: When you've been rate limited by the server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbException: When unknown exception occurred in request

Method_16x SearchForGamesAsync(searchTerm)

Searches for SteamGridDbGame object array by specified search term

Name Description
searchTerm System.String
Search term query string


Array of SteamGridDbGame objects, otherwise empty array or null

Exceptions.SteamGridDbNotFoundException: When item is not found on server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbUnauthorizedException: When your API key is invalid, not set, or you've reset it on API preferences page and use old one

Exceptions.SteamGridDbBadRequestException: When library makes invalid request to server due to invalid URI generated

Exceptions.SteamGridDbForbiddenException: When you don't have permissions to perform action on item, probably because you don't own item

Exceptions.SteamGridDbRateLimitedException: When you've been rate limited by the server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbException: When unknown exception occurred in request

Method_16x UploadGridAsync(game, imageStream, style)

Uploads image from System.IO.Stream as SteamGridDbGrid to SteamGridDB

Name Description
game craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbGame
SteamGridDbGame object for game data
imageStream System.IO.Stream
System.IO.Stream of data, that represents an image. Must contain data following MIME types: image/png, image/jpeg
style craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbStyles
Style of Grid image for filters


if image uploaded correctly, otherwise or exception will be thrown

Exceptions.SteamGridDbNotFoundException: When item is not found on server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbUnauthorizedException: When your API key is invalid, not set, or you've reset it on API preferences page and use old one

Exceptions.SteamGridDbBadRequestException: When library makes invalid request to server due to invalid URI generated

Exceptions.SteamGridDbForbiddenException: When you don't have permissions to perform action on item, probably because you don't own item

Exceptions.SteamGridDbRateLimitedException: When you've been rate limited by the server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbException: When unknown exception occurred in request

System.ArgumentException: When more then one style selected

System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: When stream is empty or has length of 0

Exceptions.InvalidMimeTypeException: When data in stream doesn't represent correct MIME type

Method_16x UploadGridAsync(gameId, imageStream, style)

Uploads image from System.IO.Stream as SteamGridDbGrid to SteamGridDB

Name Description
gameId System.Int32
SteamGridDB Game ID
imageStream System.IO.Stream
System.IO.Stream of data, that represents an image. Must contain data following MIME types: image/png, image/jpeg
style craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbStyles
Style of Grid image for filters


if image uploaded correctly, otherwise or exception will be thrown

Exceptions.SteamGridDbNotFoundException: When item is not found on server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbUnauthorizedException: When your API key is invalid, not set, or you've reset it on API preferences page and use old one

Exceptions.SteamGridDbBadRequestException: When library makes invalid request to server due to invalid URI generated

Exceptions.SteamGridDbForbiddenException: When you don't have permissions to perform action on item, probably because you don't own item

Exceptions.SteamGridDbRateLimitedException: When you've been rate limited by the server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbException: When unknown exception occurred in request

System.ArgumentException: When more then one style selected

System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: When stream is empty or has length of 0

Exceptions.InvalidMimeTypeException: When data in stream doesn't represent correct MIME type

Method_16x UploadGridFromFileAsync(game, filePath, style)

Uploads image from file as SteamGridDbGrid to SteamGridDB

Name Description
game craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbGame
SteamGridDbGame object for game data
filePath System.String
Full path to the file that represents an image. Must contain data following MIME types: image/png, image/jpeg
style craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbStyles
Style of Grid image for filters


if image uploaded correctly, otherwise or exception will be thrown

Exceptions.SteamGridDbNotFoundException: When item is not found on server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbUnauthorizedException: When your API key is invalid, not set, or you've reset it on API preferences page and use old one

Exceptions.SteamGridDbBadRequestException: When library makes invalid request to server due to invalid URI generated

Exceptions.SteamGridDbForbiddenException: When you don't have permissions to perform action on item, probably because you don't own item

Exceptions.SteamGridDbRateLimitedException: When you've been rate limited by the server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbException: When unknown exception occurred in request

System.ArgumentException: When more then one style selected

System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: When stream is empty or has length of 0

Exceptions.InvalidMimeTypeException: When data in stream doesn't represent correct MIME type

Method_16x UploadGridFromFileAsync(gameId, filePath, style)

Uploads image from file as SteamGridDbGrid to SteamGridDB

Name Description
gameId System.Int32
SteamGridDB Game ID
filePath System.String
Full path to the file that represents an image. Must contain data following MIME types: image/png, image/jpeg
style craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbStyles
Style of Grid image for filters


if image uploaded correctly, otherwise or exception will be thrown

Exceptions.SteamGridDbNotFoundException: When item is not found on server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbUnauthorizedException: When your API key is invalid, not set, or you've reset it on API preferences page and use old one

Exceptions.SteamGridDbBadRequestException: When library makes invalid request to server due to invalid URI generated

Exceptions.SteamGridDbForbiddenException: When you don't have permissions to perform action on item, probably because you don't own item

Exceptions.SteamGridDbRateLimitedException: When you've been rate limited by the server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbException: When unknown exception occurred in request

System.ArgumentException: When more then one style selected

System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: When stream is empty or has length of 0

Exceptions.InvalidMimeTypeException: When data in stream doesn't represent correct MIME type

Method_16x UploadHeroAsync(game, imageStream, style)

Uploads image from System.IO.Stream as SteamGridDbHero to SteamGridDB

Name Description
game craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbGame
SteamGridDbGame object for game data
imageStream System.IO.Stream
System.IO.Stream of data, that represents an image. Must contain data following MIME types: image/png, image/jpeg
style craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbStyles
Style of Hero image for filters


if image uploaded correctly, otherwise or exception will be thrown

Exceptions.SteamGridDbNotFoundException: When item is not found on server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbUnauthorizedException: When your API key is invalid, not set, or you've reset it on API preferences page and use old one

Exceptions.SteamGridDbBadRequestException: When library makes invalid request to server due to invalid URI generated

Exceptions.SteamGridDbForbiddenException: When you don't have permissions to perform action on item, probably because you don't own item

Exceptions.SteamGridDbRateLimitedException: When you've been rate limited by the server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbException: When unknown exception occurred in request

System.ArgumentException: When more then one style selected

System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: When stream is empty or has length of 0

Exceptions.InvalidMimeTypeException: When data in stream doesn't represent correct MIME type

Method_16x UploadHeroAsync(gameId, imageStream, style)

Uploads image from System.IO.Stream as SteamGridDbHero to SteamGridDB

Name Description
gameId System.Int32
SteamGridDB Game ID
imageStream System.IO.Stream
System.IO.Stream of data, that represents an image. Must contain data following MIME types: image/png, image/jpeg
style craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbStyles
Style of Hero image for filters


if image uploaded correctly, otherwise or exception will be thrown

Exceptions.SteamGridDbNotFoundException: When item is not found on server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbUnauthorizedException: When your API key is invalid, not set, or you've reset it on API preferences page and use old one

Exceptions.SteamGridDbBadRequestException: When library makes invalid request to server due to invalid URI generated

Exceptions.SteamGridDbForbiddenException: When you don't have permissions to perform action on item, probably because you don't own item

Exceptions.SteamGridDbRateLimitedException: When you've been rate limited by the server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbException: When unknown exception occurred in request

System.ArgumentException: When more then one style selected

System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: When stream is empty or has length of 0

Exceptions.InvalidMimeTypeException: When data in stream doesn't represent correct MIME type

Method_16x UploadHeroFromFileAsync(game, filePath, style)

Uploads image from file as SteamGridDbHero to SteamGridDB

Name Description
game craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbGame
SteamGridDbGame object for game data
filePath System.String
Full path to the file that represents an image. Must contain data following MIME types: image/png, image/jpeg
style craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbStyles
Style of Hero image for filters


if image uploaded correctly, otherwise or exception will be thrown

Exceptions.SteamGridDbNotFoundException: When item is not found on server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbUnauthorizedException: When your API key is invalid, not set, or you've reset it on API preferences page and use old one

Exceptions.SteamGridDbBadRequestException: When library makes invalid request to server due to invalid URI generated

Exceptions.SteamGridDbForbiddenException: When you don't have permissions to perform action on item, probably because you don't own item

Exceptions.SteamGridDbRateLimitedException: When you've been rate limited by the server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbException: When unknown exception occurred in request

System.ArgumentException: When more then one style selected

System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: When stream is empty or has length of 0

Exceptions.InvalidMimeTypeException: When data in stream doesn't represent correct MIME type

Method_16x UploadHeroFromFileAsync(gameId, filePath, style)

Uploads image from file as SteamGridDbHero to SteamGridDB

Name Description
gameId System.Int32
SteamGridDB Game ID
filePath System.String
Full path to the file that represents an image. Must contain data following MIME types: image/png, image/jpeg
style craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbStyles
Style of Hero image for filters


if image uploaded correctly, otherwise or exception will be thrown

Exceptions.SteamGridDbNotFoundException: When item is not found on server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbUnauthorizedException: When your API key is invalid, not set, or you've reset it on API preferences page and use old one

Exceptions.SteamGridDbBadRequestException: When library makes invalid request to server due to invalid URI generated

Exceptions.SteamGridDbForbiddenException: When you don't have permissions to perform action on item, probably because you don't own item

Exceptions.SteamGridDbRateLimitedException: When you've been rate limited by the server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbException: When unknown exception occurred in request

System.ArgumentException: When more then one style selected

System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: When stream is empty or has length of 0

Exceptions.InvalidMimeTypeException: When data in stream doesn't represent correct MIME type

Method_16x UploadIconAsync(game, imageStream, style)

Uploads image from System.IO.Stream as SteamGridDbIcon to SteamGridDB

Name Description
game craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbGame
SteamGridDbGame object for game data
imageStream System.IO.Stream
System.IO.Stream of data, that represents an image. Must contain data following MIME types: image/png, image/ (.ico file)
style craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbStyles
Style of Icon image for filters


if image uploaded correctly, otherwise or exception will be thrown

Exceptions.SteamGridDbNotFoundException: When item is not found on server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbUnauthorizedException: When your API key is invalid, not set, or you've reset it on API preferences page and use old one

Exceptions.SteamGridDbBadRequestException: When library makes invalid request to server due to invalid URI generated

Exceptions.SteamGridDbForbiddenException: When you don't have permissions to perform action on item, probably because you don't own item

Exceptions.SteamGridDbRateLimitedException: When you've been rate limited by the server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbException: When unknown exception occurred in request

System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: When stream is empty or has length of 0

Exceptions.InvalidMimeTypeException: When data in stream doesn't represent correct MIME type

Method_16x UploadIconFromFileAsync(game, filePath, style)

Uploads image from file as SteamGridDbGrid to SteamGridDB

Name Description
game craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbGame
SteamGridDbGame object for game data
filePath System.String
Full path to the file that represents an image. Must contain data following MIME types: image/png, image/ (.ico file)
style craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbStyles
Style of Hero image for filters


if image uploaded correctly, otherwise or exception will be thrown

Exceptions.SteamGridDbNotFoundException: When item is not found on server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbUnauthorizedException: When your API key is invalid, not set, or you've reset it on API preferences page and use old one

Exceptions.SteamGridDbBadRequestException: When library makes invalid request to server due to invalid URI generated

Exceptions.SteamGridDbForbiddenException: When you don't have permissions to perform action on item, probably because you don't own item

Exceptions.SteamGridDbRateLimitedException: When you've been rate limited by the server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbException: When unknown exception occurred in request

System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: When stream is empty or has length of 0

Exceptions.InvalidMimeTypeException: When data in stream doesn't represent correct MIME type

Method_16x UploadIconAsync(gameId, imageStream, style)

Uploads image from System.IO.Stream as SteamGridDbIcon to SteamGridDB

Name Description
gameId System.Int32
SteamGridDB Game ID
imageStream System.IO.Stream
System.IO.Stream of data, that represents an image. Must contain data following MIME types: image/png, image/ (.ico file)
style craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbStyles
Style of Icon image for filters


if image uploaded correctly, otherwise or exception will be thrown

Exceptions.SteamGridDbNotFoundException: When item is not found on server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbUnauthorizedException: When your API key is invalid, not set, or you've reset it on API preferences page and use old one

Exceptions.SteamGridDbBadRequestException: When library makes invalid request to server due to invalid URI generated

Exceptions.SteamGridDbForbiddenException: When you don't have permissions to perform action on item, probably because you don't own item

Exceptions.SteamGridDbRateLimitedException: When you've been rate limited by the server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbException: When unknown exception occurred in request

System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: When stream is empty or has length of 0

Exceptions.InvalidMimeTypeException: When data in stream doesn't represent correct MIME type

Method_16x UploadIconFromFileAsync(gameId, filePath)

Uploads image from file as SteamGridDbGrid to SteamGridDB

Name Description
gameId System.Int32
SteamGridDB Game ID
filePath System.String
Full path to the file that represents an image. Must contain data following MIME types: image/png, image/ (.ico file)
style craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbStyles
Style of Icon image for filters


if image uploaded correctly, otherwise or exception will be thrown

Exceptions.SteamGridDbNotFoundException: When item is not found on server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbUnauthorizedException: When your API key is invalid, not set, or you've reset it on API preferences page and use old one

Exceptions.SteamGridDbBadRequestException: When library makes invalid request to server due to invalid URI generated

Exceptions.SteamGridDbForbiddenException: When you don't have permissions to perform action on item, probably because you don't own item

Exceptions.SteamGridDbRateLimitedException: When you've been rate limited by the server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbException: When unknown exception occurred in request

System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: When stream is empty or has length of 0

Exceptions.InvalidMimeTypeException: When data in stream doesn't represent correct MIME type

Method_16x UploadLogoAsync(game, imageStream, style)

Uploads image from System.IO.Stream as SteamGridDbLogo to SteamGridDB

Name Description
game craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbGame
SteamGridDbGame object for game data
imageStream System.IO.Stream
System.IO.Stream of data, that represents an image. Must contain data following MIME types: image/png
style craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbStyles
Style of Hero image for filters


if image uploaded correctly, otherwise or exception will be thrown

Exceptions.SteamGridDbNotFoundException: When item is not found on server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbUnauthorizedException: When your API key is invalid, not set, or you've reset it on API preferences page and use old one

Exceptions.SteamGridDbBadRequestException: When library makes invalid request to server due to invalid URI generated

Exceptions.SteamGridDbForbiddenException: When you don't have permissions to perform action on item, probably because you don't own item

Exceptions.SteamGridDbRateLimitedException: When you've been rate limited by the server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbException: When unknown exception occurred in request

System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: When stream is empty or has length of 0

Exceptions.InvalidMimeTypeException: When data in stream doesn't represent correct MIME type

Method_16x UploadLogoAsync(gameId, imageStream, style)

Uploads image from System.IO.Stream as SteamGridDbLogo to SteamGridDB

Name Description
gameId System.Int32
SteamGridDB Game ID
imageStream System.IO.Stream
System.IO.Stream of data, that represents an image. Must contain data following MIME types: image/png
style craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbStyles
Style of Logo image for filters


if image uploaded correctly, otherwise or exception will be thrown

Exceptions.SteamGridDbNotFoundException: When item is not found on server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbUnauthorizedException: When your API key is invalid, not set, or you've reset it on API preferences page and use old one

Exceptions.SteamGridDbBadRequestException: When library makes invalid request to server due to invalid URI generated

Exceptions.SteamGridDbForbiddenException: When you don't have permissions to perform action on item, probably because you don't own item

Exceptions.SteamGridDbRateLimitedException: When you've been rate limited by the server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbException: When unknown exception occurred in request

System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: When stream is empty or has length of 0

Exceptions.InvalidMimeTypeException: When data in stream doesn't represent correct MIME type

Method_16x UploadLogoFromFileAsync(game, filePath, style)

Uploads image from file as SteamGridDbLogo to SteamGridDB

Name Description
game craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbGame
SteamGridDbGame object for game data
filePath System.String
Full path to the file that represents an image. Must contain data following MIME types: image/png
style craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbStyles
Style of Hero image for filters


if image uploaded correctly, otherwise or exception will be thrown

Exceptions.SteamGridDbNotFoundException: When item is not found on server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbUnauthorizedException: When your API key is invalid, not set, or you've reset it on API preferences page and use old one

Exceptions.SteamGridDbBadRequestException: When library makes invalid request to server due to invalid URI generated

Exceptions.SteamGridDbForbiddenException: When you don't have permissions to perform action on item, probably because you don't own item

Exceptions.SteamGridDbRateLimitedException: When you've been rate limited by the server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbException: When unknown exception occurred in request

System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: When stream is empty or has length of 0

Exceptions.InvalidMimeTypeException: When data in stream doesn't represent correct MIME type

Method_16x UploadLogoFromFileAsync(gameId, filePath, style)

Uploads image from file as SteamGridDbLogo to SteamGridDB

Name Description
gameId System.Int32
SteamGridDB Game ID
filePath System.String
Full path to the file that represents an image. Must contain data following MIME types: image/png
style craftersmine.SteamGridDBNet.SteamGridDbStyles
Style of Logo image for filters


if image uploaded correctly, otherwise or exception will be thrown

Exceptions.SteamGridDbNotFoundException: When item is not found on server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbUnauthorizedException: When your API key is invalid, not set, or you've reset it on API preferences page and use old one

Exceptions.SteamGridDbBadRequestException: When library makes invalid request to server due to invalid URI generated

Exceptions.SteamGridDbForbiddenException: When you don't have permissions to perform action on item, probably because you don't own item

Exceptions.SteamGridDbRateLimitedException: When you've been rate limited by the server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbException: When unknown exception occurred in request

System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: When stream is empty or has length of 0

Exceptions.InvalidMimeTypeException: When data in stream doesn't represent correct MIME type

Class_16x SteamGridDbGame

Represents a Game object from SteamGridDB. This class cannot be inherited

Property_16x Name

Gets a name of game

Property_16x Platforms

Gets a bitwise mask of platforms on which game is exists

Property_16x ReleaseDate

Gets a System.DateTime of when the game was released

Property_16x Verified

Gets if game is verified on SteamGridDB, otherwise

Class_16x SteamGridDbGrid

inherited from SteamGridDbObject

Represents a Grid item from SteamGridDB. This class cannot be inherited

Property_16x Tags

Gets a user-specified tags for grid

Class_16x SteamGridDbHero

inherited from SteamGridDbObject

Represents a Hero item from SteamGridDB. This class cannot be inherited

Property_16x Tags

Gets a user-specified tags for Hero

Class_16x SteamGridDbIcon

inherited from SteamGridDbObject

Represents an Icon item from SteamGridDB. This class cannot be inherited

Class_16x SteamGridDbLogo

inherited from SteamGridDbObject

Represents a Logo item from SteamGridDB. This class cannot be inherited

Class_16x SteamGridDbObject

Represents a base object for all SteamGridDB objects, SteamGridDbGrid, SteamGridDbHero, SteamGridDbLogo and SteamGridDbIcon

Property_16x Author

Gets a SteamAuthor object that created that item

Property_16x CanCauseEpilepsy

Gets if contains content that can cause seizures or epilepsy, otherwise

Property_16x Downvotes

Gets a number of downvotes for item. No official documentation

Property_16x Format

Gets item image format

Property_16x FullImageUrl

Gets item full image URL

Property_16x Height

Gets an item image height

Property_16x Id

Gets SteamGridDB item ID

Property_16x IsHumorous

Gets true if contains humor content, otherwise false

Property_16x IsLocked

Gets true if item is locked by user, otherwise false. No official documentation

Property_16x IsNsfw

Gets true if contains Non-Suitable-For-Work content, otherwise false

Property_16x Language

Gets item language

Property_16x Notes

Gets user specified notes for object

Property_16x Score

Gets item Score. No official documentation

Property_16x Style

Gets an item style

Property_16x ThumbnailImageUrl

Gets item thumbnail image URL

Property_16x Upvotes

Gets a number of upvotes for item. No official documentation

Property_16x Width

Gets an item image width

Method_16x DeleteFromServerAsync

Deletes item from server


if item is deleted from server, otherwise

Exceptions.SteamGridDbNotFoundException: When item is not found on server

Exceptions.SteamGridDbUnauthorizedException: When your API key is invalid, not set, or you've reset it on API preferences page and use old one

Exceptions.SteamGridDbBadRequestException: When library makes invalid request to server due to invalid URI generated

Exceptions.SteamGridDbForbiddenException: When you don't have permissions to perform action on item, probably because you don't own item

Exceptions.SteamGridDbException: When unknown exception occurred in request

Method_16x DownloadThumbnailToFileAsync(filePath)

Downloads thumbnail image to specified file

Name Description
filePath System.String
Full path of file to download

System.UnauthorizedAccessException: When access to file is forbidden

System.ArgumentException: When path is empty, null, has only whitespaces or has invalid characters

System.ArgumentNullException: When path is empty, null or has only whitespaces

System.IO.PathTooLongException: When specified path is too long

System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: When file directory or part of path not found or invalid

System.NotSupportedException: When path format has invalid format

Method_16x DownloadToFileAsync(filePath)

Downloads full image to specified file

Name Description
filePath System.String
Full path of file to download

System.UnauthorizedAccessException: When access to file is forbidden

System.ArgumentException: When path is empty, null, has only whitespaces or has invalid characters

System.ArgumentNullException: When path is empty, null or has only whitespaces

System.IO.PathTooLongException: When specified path is too long

System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: When file directory or part of path not found or invalid

System.NotSupportedException: When path format has invalid format

Method_16x GetImageAsStreamAsync(thumbnail)

Gets an image data as stream from server

Name Description
thumbnail System.Boolean
Download full image or thumbnail. If , thumbnail image will be returned as stream, otherwise full image


Image data as Stream

Exceptions.SteamGridDbException: When unknown exception occurred

Exceptions.SteamGridDbImageException: When error occurred while downloading image

System.ArgumentNullException: When image URL is null

Class_16x SteamGridDbResponse

Represents a SteamGridDB API response object. This class cannot be inherited

Property_16x Data

Gets a Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JToken object of resulting data. Can be null

Property_16x Errors

Gets an array of strings that represent error messages of SteamGridDB

Property_16x Success

Gets true if request succeeded, otherwise false

EnumItem_16x SteamGridDbDimensions

Contains all supported SteamGridDbGrid and SteamGridDbHero dimensions

symbol-constant AllGrids

Contains all supported dimensions for SteamGridDbGrid object:

symbol-constant AllHeroes

Contains all supported dimensions for SteamGridDbHero object:

symbol-constant W1024H1024


symbol-constant W1600H650


symbol-constant W1920H620


symbol-constant W342H482


symbol-constant W3840H1240


symbol-constant W460H215


symbol-constant W512H512


symbol-constant W600H900


symbol-constant W660H930


symbol-constant W920H430


EnumItem_16x SteamGridDbFormats

Contains all supported file types/MIME types by SteamGridDB

symbol-constant All

All types supported by SteamGridDbGrid and SteamGridDbHero

symbol-constant AllIcons

All types supported by SteamGridDbIcon

symbol-constant AllLogos

All types supported by SteamGridDbLogo

symbol-constant Ico

Windows Icon type. image/ MIME type

symbol-constant Jpeg

JPEG type. image/jpeg MIME type

symbol-constant Png

PNG type. image/png MIME type

symbol-constant Unknown

Unknown type. Only if SteamGridDB returns unknown type to library

symbol-constant Webp

WEBP type. image/webp MIME type

EnumItem_16x SteamGridDbGamePlatform

Contains all supported platforms by SteamGridDB. Can be used as bitmask in some cases

symbol-constant Bnet

Represents Blizzard Battle.Net platform

symbol-constant Egs

Represents Epic Games Store platform

symbol-constant Eshop

Represents Nintendo Eshop platform

symbol-constant Flashpoint

Represents BlueMaxima's Flashpoint platform

symbol-constant Gog

Represents GOG platform

symbol-constant Origin

Represents EA Origin platform

symbol-constant Steam

Represents Valve Steam platform

symbol-constant Uplay

Represents Ubisoft Connect platform (Uplay before)

EnumItem_16x SteamGridDbStyles

Contains all supported Style tags on SteamGridDB

symbol-constant AllGrids

All styles supported by SteamGridDbGrid objects:

symbol-constant AllHeroes

All styles supported by SteamGridDbHero objects:

symbol-constant AllIcons

All styles supported by SteamGridDbIcon objects:

symbol-constant AllLogos

All styles supported by SteamGridDbLogo objects:

symbol-constant Alternate

Alternate style

symbol-constant Black

Completely black logo

symbol-constant Blurred

Blurred image background style

symbol-constant Custom

Custom styled

symbol-constant Material

Material Design or Windows 8-10 tile styled

symbol-constant NoLogo

Image doesn't contain any logos

symbol-constant None

No style selected. Only for internal library use

symbol-constant Official

Official or alike style

symbol-constant White

Completely white logo

symbol-constant WhiteLogo

Contains game logo drawn completely in white

EnumItem_16x SteamGridDbTypes

Contains types of images supported by SteamGridDB

symbol-constant Animated

Animated image. APNG or WEBP

symbol-constant Static

Static image. Simple PNG, JPEG or static WEBP

EnumItem_16x SteamGridDbTags

Contains types of tags for objects

symbol-constant None

No tags provided

symbol-constant Humor

Contains humorous content tag

symbol-constant Nsfw

Contains NSFW content tag

symbol-constant Epilepsy

Contains epilepsy tag

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