Main profile
- Set the profile Bio with a photo and a brief description of professional experience/personality/beliefs
- Create a repository with the same name of your Github Username to create a Profile README.md. Use this repository as example.
- Organize your Pinned repositories. Make sure the most relevant ones come first.
- Check your contributions. Ideally, you should commit code regularly. There are times in which you will not code as often as you'd want to and that's ok!
- Search for your favorite project and STAR it. You can also WATCH it if you want to be notified whenever something changes.
- Search for a developer you admire and follow him/her.
Inside each project
- Make sure it has a clear description and tags;
- Explain the purpose of the project;
- Detail folder organization and architecture used;
- Detail technologies used;
- Make sure you explain how to setup and test;
- Include link for documentations, API References and any other useful link;
- Talk about the evolution of the software;
- Explain how people can contribute, if you are open to that.