- Learners should understand how to make a query through API
- Learners should be able to make a query through API
Browse 'http://localhost:1310' to learn more about query services
Query helps you to query information on chain or for debugging
- start a baby node
bash scripts/run-node.sh --install
- make a transaction through CLI
- babyd tx bank send test $(babyd keys show test1 -a --keyring-backend test) 500000ubaby --fees 30ubaby -y --node tcp://localhost:2281
- query balances of receiver through API
- curl -X GET "http://localhost:1310/cosmos/bank/v1beta1/balances/baby1qte95sa35sduwycg2pu9unkqdw7sytm37h0kss/by_denom?denom=ubaby" -H "accept: application/json"
- Query all validators and get the first operator address using jq
- Query number of existing accounts (hint: use jq to get length)