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MGM Onboarding

Yash Nabar edited this page Aug 2, 2023 · 97 revisions

This page describes the MGM onboarding process, through which a membership group is created. To understand the basic concept behind the dynamic network, see the Membership wiki.

Deploy Corda 5 to Kubernetes

To build and deploy Corda 5 to a Kubernetes cluster, follow the instructions for Local development with Kubernetes.

Set variables to be used in later commands

Set the P2P gateway host and port and the RPC API host and port. This may also vary depending on where you have deployed your cluster(s) and how you have forwarded the ports. If you are testing in a single cluster these values aren't important so you can set something like localhost and 8080. If you need a multi cluster set up then this will need to be a valid p2p gateway host and port. For example, corda-p2p-gateway-worker.corda-cluster-a and 8080 where corda-p2p-gateway-worker is the name of the p2p gateway k8s service and corda-cluster-a is the namespace the corda cluster is deployed within. It is also possible to use an IP address e.g. instead of a hostname for the gateway.

export RPC_HOST=localhost
export RPC_PORT=8888
export P2P_GATEWAY_HOST=corda-p2p-gateway-worker.corda-cluster-a
export P2P_GATEWAY_PORT=8080

(Using PowerShell version 7)

$RPC_HOST = "localhost"
$RPC_PORT = 8888
$P2P_GATEWAY_HOST = "corda-p2p-gateway-worker.corda-cluster-a"
$AUTH_INFO = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(("admin:admin" -f $username,$password)))

Set the RPC API URL. This may vary depending on where you have deployed your cluster(s) and how you have forwarded the ports.

export API_URL="https://$RPC_HOST:$RPC_PORT/api/v1"

Set the working directory for storing temporary files.

export WORK_DIR=~/Desktop/register-mgm
mkdir -p "$WORK_DIR"
$WORK_DIR = "$HOME/register-mgm"
md $WORK_DIR -Force

Set the path to your local clone of corda-runtime-os

export RUNTIME_OS=~/dev/corda-runtime-os
$RUNTIME_OS = "~/dev/corda-runtime-os"

Select a Certificate Authority

We need a CA to create certificates for keys generated within Corda. This CA will be external to Corda. Initially, this is just for P2P TLS certificates, but in the future, this can also be used for session certificates. This root CA certificate in PEM format will need to be included later when onboarding the MGM.

For the purposes of testing in a development environment, this page will describe the use of a fake CA which is a development tool within corda-runtime-os. If using a real CA for testing, sections relating to the fake CA can be skipped. Where relevant, this page will call out alternative steps to take if using a real CA rather than a fake CA.

Create a fake CA

Note: Skip this step if using a real CA.

If you have previously done this, there is no need to regenerate. The existing CA is fine to reuse.

To create a fake CA under /tmp/ca (note that this will create the CA in a temporary location), we can use these commands:

./gradlew :applications:tools:p2p-test:fake-ca:clean :applications:tools:p2p-test:fake-ca:appJar
java -jar ./applications/tools/p2p-test/fake-ca/build/bin/corda-fake-ca-*.jar -m /tmp/ca -a RSA -s 3072 ca
./gradlew :applications:tools:p2p-test:fake-ca:clean :applications:tools:p2p-test:fake-ca:appJar
java -jar ./applications/tools/p2p-test/fake-ca/build/bin/corda-fake-ca-*.jar -m $env:TEMP\tmp\ca -a RSA -s 3072 ca

Output will be something like Wrote CA root certificate to /tmp/ca/ca/root-certificate.pem. You will need to use this again, so take note of the file location.

If you have created the CA previously, there is no need to repeat this each time.

Build and upload a CPI

For an MGM, the CPI only needs the GroupPolicy file, so no CPB is necessary.

Create GroupPolicy.json in your working directory. This is the group policy file specifically for the MGM. It's a bootstrapping policy file that tells the virtual node how it syncs and onboards, and that it should generate a new group ID when installed.

echo '{
  "fileFormatVersion" : 1,
  "groupId" : "CREATE_ID",
  "registrationProtocol" :"net.corda.membership.impl.registration.dynamic.mgm.MGMRegistrationService",
  "synchronisationProtocol": "net.corda.membership.impl.synchronisation.MgmSynchronisationServiceImpl"
}' > "$WORK_DIR"/GroupPolicy.json
Add-Content $WORK_DIR/GroupPolicy.json @"
  "fileFormatVersion" : 1,
  "groupId" : "CREATE_ID",
  "registrationProtocol" :"net.corda.membership.impl.registration.dynamic.mgm.MGMRegistrationService",
  "synchronisationProtocol": "net.corda.membership.impl.synchronisation.MgmSynchronisationServiceImpl"

Build the CPI using the corda-cli packaging plugin, and pass in the group policy. The CPB option can be ignored and left out. See this CorDapp Packaging for more details. Be sure to use the above group policy when following that wiki instructions.

Upload the CPI.

export CPI_PATH="<CPI PATH>"
curl --insecure -u admin:admin -F upload=@$CPI_PATH $API_URL/cpi/
$CPI_PATH = "$WORK_DIR\mgm-"
$CPI_UPLOAD_RESPONSE = Invoke-RestMethod -SkipCertificateCheck  -Headers @{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f $AUTH_INFO)} -Uri "$API_URL/cpi/" -Method Post -Form @{
    upload = Get-Item -Path $CPI_PATH

The returned identifier (for example f0a0f381-e0d6-49d2-abba-6094992cef02) is the CPI ID, use it below to get the checksum of the CPI.

export CPI_ID=<CPI ID>
curl --insecure -u admin:admin $API_URL/cpi/status/$CPI_ID
$CPI_ID = $
$CPI_STATUS_RESPONSE = Invoke-RestMethod -SkipCertificateCheck  -Headers @{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f $AUTH_INFO)} -Uri "$API_URL/cpi/status/$CPI_ID"

The result contains the cpiFileChecksum. Save this for the next step.

Create a virtual node for the MGM

export CPI_CHECKSUM=<CPI checksum>
curl --insecure -u admin:admin -d '{ "request": {"cpiFileChecksum": "'$CPI_CHECKSUM'", "x500Name": "C=GB, L=London, O=MGM"}}' $API_URL/virtualnode

Replace <holding identity ID> with the requestId from the previous step (for example: { 'requestId': '58B6030FABDD' } ).

export MGM_HOLDING_ID=<holding identity ID>
$VIRTUAL_NODE_RESPONSE = Invoke-RestMethod -SkipCertificateCheck  -Headers @{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f $AUTH_INFO)} -Uri "$API_URL/virtualnode" -Method Post -Body (ConvertTo-Json @{
    request = @{
       cpiFileChecksum = $CPI_STATUS_RESPONSE.cpiFileChecksum
       x500Name = "C=GB, L=London, O=MGM"


Assign soft HSM, generate session initiation and ecdh key pair

curl --insecure -u admin:admin -X POST $API_URL/hsm/soft/$MGM_HOLDING_ID/SESSION_INIT
curl --insecure -u admin:admin -X POST $API_URL/keys/$MGM_HOLDING_ID/alias/$MGM_HOLDING_ID-session/category/SESSION_INIT/scheme/CORDA.ECDSA.SECP256R1

The result contains key ID (e.g. 3B9A266F96E2), save this for use in subsequent steps.

export SESSION_KEY_ID=<session key ID>
Invoke-RestMethod -SkipCertificateCheck  -Headers @{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f $AUTH_INFO)} -Method Post -Uri "$API_URL/hsm/soft/$MGM_HOLDING_ID/SESSION_INIT"
$SESSION_KEY_RESPONSE = Invoke-RestMethod -SkipCertificateCheck  -Headers @{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f $AUTH_INFO)} -Method Post -Uri "$API_URL/keys/$MGM_HOLDING_ID/alias/$MGM_HOLDING_ID-session/category/SESSION_INIT/scheme/CORDA.ECDSA.SECP256R1"

Note it is possible to use a certificate in addition to the session initiation key pair see Session-Certificates.

curl --insecure -u admin:admin -X POST $API_URL/hsm/soft/$MGM_HOLDING_ID/PRE_AUTH
curl --insecure -u admin:admin -X POST $API_URL/keys/$MGM_HOLDING_ID/alias/$MGM_HOLDING_ID-auth/category/PRE_AUTH/scheme/CORDA.ECDSA.SECP256R1

The result contains key ID (e.g. 3B9A266F96E2), save this for use in subsequent steps.

export ECDH_KEY_ID=<ecdh key ID>
Invoke-RestMethod -SkipCertificateCheck  -Headers @{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f $AUTH_INFO)} -Method Post -Uri "$API_URL/hsm/soft/$MGM_HOLDING_ID/PRE_AUTH"
$ECDH_KEY_RESPONSE = Invoke-RestMethod -SkipCertificateCheck  -Headers @{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f $AUTH_INFO)} -Method Post -Uri "$API_URL/keys/$MGM_HOLDING_ID/alias/$MGM_HOLDING_ID-auth/category/PRE_AUTH/scheme/CORDA.ECDSA.SECP256R1"

The schemes that can be used for ECDH key derivation are the following: CORDA.ECDSA.SECP256R1, CORDA.ECDSA.SECP256K1, CORDA.X25519 and CORDA.SM2

Set up the TLS key pair and certificate

NOTE: This is only necessary if setting up on a new cluster. When using cluster level TLS, it is only necessary to do this once per cluster. The remainder of this section assumes you have not set this up already.

The following steps detail how to set up the TLS key pair and certificate for the cluster. There are a few important things to note here. These instructions will show how to set up P2P TLS at cluster level meaning it's only possible to do this once for a cluster. If you have already set up a P2P TLS certificate for this cluster then skip this step as it only needs to be done once for a corda cluster if configuring at cluster level. It is also possible to set this at virtual node level, but we advise sticking with cluster level at the moment as it is the most commonly used approach.

We can create a TLS key pair in the P2P cluster level using the command:

curl -k -u admin:admin -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" $API_URL/keys/p2p/alias/p2p-TLS/category/TLS/scheme/CORDA.RSA

The endpoint should return the TLS key ID.

export TLS_KEY_ID=<TLS Key ID>
$TLS_KEY_RESPONSE = Invoke-RestMethod -SkipCertificateCheck  -Headers @{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f $AUTH_INFO)} -Method Post -Uri "$API_URL/keys/p2p/alias/p2p-TLS/category/TLS/scheme/CORDA.RSA"

Next, we must create a certificate for the TLS key pair. Regardless of whether you are using the fake development tool as a CA, or using a real CA, you must first create a CSR. To generate a certificate request, we can run:

curl -k -u admin:admin  -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"x500Name": "CN=CordaOperator, C=GB, L=London, O=Org", "subjectAlternativeNames": ["'$P2P_GATEWAY_HOST'"]}' $API_URL"/certificates/p2p/"$TLS_KEY_ID > "$WORK_DIR"/request1.csr
Invoke-RestMethod -SkipCertificateCheck  -Headers @{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f $AUTH_INFO)} -Method Post -Uri "$API_URL/certificates/p2p/$TLS_KEY_ID" -Body (ConvertTo-Json @{
    x500Name = "CN=CordaOperator, C=GB, L=London, O=Org"
    subjectAlternativeNames = @($P2P_GATEWAY_HOST)
}) > $WORK_DIR/request1.csr

If you inspect the file request1.csr you should see something that resembles the following:


(You can view the details of the CSR using the openssl req -text -noout -verify -in ./request1.csr command)

At this point, if you are using a real CA, you should take this CSR to the CA in order to request a certificate to be issued. If using the fake CA dev tool, then use the fake CA created previously to sign the CSR and create a certificate:

java -jar ./applications/tools/p2p-test/fake-ca/build/bin/corda-fake-ca-*.jar -m /tmp/ca csr "$WORK_DIR"/request1.csr
cd "$WORK_DIR"
java -jar ./applications/tools/p2p-test/fake-ca/build/bin/corda-fake-ca-*.jar -m $env:TEMP\tmp\ca csr $WORK_DIR/request1.csr

This should output the location of the signed certificate. For example, Wrote certificate to /tmp/ca/request1/certificate.pem

At this point, you should now have a certificate based on the CSR exported from Corda issued either by a real CA or by the fake CA tool. You need to upload the certificate chain to the Corda cluster. You can optionally omit the root certificate. To upload the certificate chain, run:

curl -k -u admin:admin -X PUT  -F certificate=@/tmp/ca/request1/certificate.pem -F alias=p2p-tls-cert $API_URL/certificates/cluster/p2p-tls
Invoke-RestMethod -SkipCertificateCheck  -Headers @{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f $AUTH_INFO)} -Method Put -Uri "$API_URL/certificates/cluster/p2p-tls"  -Form @{
    certificate = Get-Item -Path $env:TEMP\tmp\ca\request1\certificate.pem
    alias = "p2p-tls-cert"

Note: If you upload a certificate chain consisting of more than one certificates, you need to ensure that -----END CERTIFICATE----- and -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- from the next certificate are separated by a new line and no empty spaces in between.

Optional: Disable revocation checks

If the used CA has not been configured with revocation (e.g. via CRL or OCSP), you can disable revocation checks. By default, revocation checks are enabled. Note that the fake CA dev tool does not support revocation, so if you are using that you will need to disable revocation checks. Again, this only needs to be done once per cluster. First we need to get the current gateway configuration version.

curl --insecure -u admin:admin -X GET $API_URL/config/corda.p2p.gateway

Stores the version number (in the version field) from the response

export CONFIG_VERSION=<configuration version>

Using that config version, send the following request, which disables revocation checks for the gateway worker.

curl -k -u admin:admin -X PUT -d '{"section":"corda.p2p.gateway", "version":"'$CONFIG_VERSION'", "config":"{ \"sslConfig\": { \"revocationCheck\": { \"mode\": \"OFF\" }  }  }", "schemaVersion": {"major": 1, "minor": 0}}' $API_URL"/config"
$CONFIG_VERSION = (Invoke-RestMethod -SkipCertificateCheck  -Headers @{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f $AUTH_INFO)} -Uri "$API_URL/config/corda.p2p.gateway").version
Invoke-RestMethod -SkipCertificateCheck  -Headers @{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f $AUTH_INFO)} -Method Put -Uri "$API_URL/config" -Body (ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4 @{
    section = "corda.p2p.gateway"
    version = $CONFIG_VERSION
    config = @{
        sslConfig = @{
            revocationCheck = @{
                mode = "OFF"
    schemaVersion = @{
        major = 1
        minor = 0

Optional: Enable mutual TLS

If you want to set the cluster to support mutual TLS you will need to change the cluster configuration.

Build registration context

Note: At the moment, a separate HSM category for ECDH key is not present. Until support is added - for the purpose of completing this process - the same session initiation key may be specified in both places.

Note: If the mutual TLS was enabled you will need to set the TLS type in the MGM context to mutual


Replace <TLS CA PEM Certificate> with the PEM format certificate of the root CA generated earlier or the root certificate of the real CA in use for certificate issuance. When setting the certificate in the curl command, it should all be on one line, so replace new lines with \n.

export TLS_CA_CERT=$(cat /tmp/ca/ca/root-certificate.pem | awk '{printf "%s\\n", $0}')
  "": "'$SESSION_KEY_ID'",
  "": "'$ECDH_KEY_ID'",
  "": "net.corda.membership.impl.registration.dynamic.member.DynamicMemberRegistrationService",
  "": "net.corda.membership.impl.synchronisation.MemberSynchronisationServiceImpl",
  "": "Authenticated_Encryption",
  "": "Combined",
  "": "NoPKI",
  "": "Standard",
  "": "OneWay",
  "": "1.3",
  "corda.endpoints.0.connectionURL": "https://'$P2P_GATEWAY_HOST':'$P2P_GATEWAY_PORT'",
  "corda.endpoints.0.protocolVersion": "1",
  "" : "'$TLS_CA_CERT'"

Replace the TLS_CA_CERT_PATH with the certificate path

$TLS_CA_CERT_PATH = "$env:TEMP\tmp\ca\ca\root-certificate.pem"
  '' = $ECDH_KEY_ID
  '' = "net.corda.membership.impl.registration.dynamic.member.DynamicMemberRegistrationService"
  '' = "net.corda.membership.impl.synchronisation.MemberSynchronisationServiceImpl"
  '' = "Authenticated_Encryption"
  '' = "Combined"
  '' = "NoPKI"
  '' = "Standard"
  '' = "1.3"
  '' = "OneWay"
  'corda.endpoints.0.connectionURL' = "https://$P2P_GATEWAY_HOST`:$P2P_GATEWAY_PORT"
  'corda.endpoints.0.protocolVersion' = "1"
  ''  =  [IO.File]::ReadAllText($TLS_CA_CERT_PATH)

Register MGM

REGISTRATION_REQUEST='{"memberRegistrationRequest":{"context": '$REGISTRATION_CONTEXT'}}'
curl --insecure -u admin:admin -d "$REGISTRATION_REQUEST" $API_URL/membership/$MGM_HOLDING_ID

For example, this command would look something like this:

curl --insecure -u admin:admin -d '{ "memberRegistrationRequest": { "context": {
  "": "D2FAF709052F",
  "": "A9FDF319654B",
  "": "net.corda.membership.impl.registration.dynamic.member.DynamicMemberRegistrationService",
  "": "net.corda.membership.impl.synchronisation.MemberSynchronisationServiceImpl",
  "": "Authenticated_Encryption",
  "": "Distinct",
  "": "NoPKI",
  "": "Standard",
  "": "1.3",
  "corda.endpoints.0.connectionURL": "https://corda-p2p-gateway-worker.corda-cluster-a:8080",
  "corda.endpoints.0.protocolVersion": "1",
} } }' https://localhost:8888/api/v1/membership/EF19BF67E77C
$REGISTER_RESPONSE = Invoke-RestMethod -SkipCertificateCheck  -Headers @{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f $AUTH_INFO)} -Method Post -Uri "$API_URL/membership/$MGM_HOLDING_ID" -Body (ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4 @{
    memberRegistrationRequest = @{
        context = $REGISTRATION_CONTEXT

This should return a successful response with the status SUBMITTED. You can check if your MGM was onboarded successfully by checking the status of the registration request.

export REGISTRATION_ID=<registration ID>
curl --insecure -u admin:admin -X GET $API_URL/membership/$MGM_HOLDING_ID/$REGISTRATION_ID
Invoke-RestMethod -SkipCertificateCheck  -Headers @{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f $AUTH_INFO)} -Uri "$API_URL/membership/$MGM_HOLDING_ID/${REGISTER_RESPONSE.registrationId}"
Within here you should see registration status as `APPROVED` if all went ok.

Configure virtual node as network participant

At this point, the MGM virtual node must be configured with properties required for P2P messaging.

curl -k -u admin:admin -X PUT -d '{"p2pTlsCertificateChainAlias": "p2p-tls-cert", "useClusterLevelTlsCertificateAndKey": true, "sessionKeysAndCertificates": [{"sessionKeyId": "'$SESSION_KEY_ID'", "preferred": true}]}' $API_URL/network/setup/$MGM_HOLDING_ID
Invoke-RestMethod -SkipCertificateCheck  -Headers @{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f $AUTH_INFO)} -Uri "$API_URL/network/setup/$MGM_HOLDING_ID" -Method Put -Body (ConvertTo-Json @{
    p2pTlsCertificateChainAlias = "p2p-tls-cert"
    useClusterLevelTlsCertificateAndKey = $true
    sessionKeysAndCertificates = @(@{
        sessionKeyId = $SESSION_KEY_ID
        preferred = $true

This will set up the locally hosted identity, which is required in order for the P2P messaging to work. p2pTlsCertificateChainAlias refers to the alias used when importing the TLS certificate. useClusterLevelTlsCertificateAndKey is true if the TLS certificate and key are cluster-level certificates and keys. sessionKeysAndCertificates refers to a list of session keys where: sessionKeyId refers to the session key ID previously generated in this guide. preferred indicate that this key will be the preferred session key.

Export group policy for group

Once the MGM is onboarded by following the above steps, the MGM can export a group policy file with the connection details of the MGM. The following endpoint outputs the full contents of the GroupPolicy.json file that should be packaged within the CPI for members.

mkdir -p "~/Desktop/register-member"
curl --insecure -u admin:admin -X GET $API_URL/mgm/$MGM_HOLDING_ID/info > "~/Desktop/register-member/GroupPolicy.json"
md ~/register-member -Force
Invoke-RestMethod -SkipCertificateCheck  -Headers @{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f $AUTH_INFO)} -Uri "$API_URL/mgm/$MGM_HOLDING_ID/info" | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4 > ~/register-member/GroupPolicy.json

Optional: Configure group for manual approval

To configure the group for manual approval of registration requests, see Manual Approval.

Optional: Update group parameters

To make changes to the group parameters, see Group Parameters Update.

From here, you can continue to the Member onboarding to see how to use that group policy file to set up members in your network.

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