#A plugin to give the list of all installed apps with their icons
##Add the plugin using CLI:
cordova plugin add https://github.com/jmrezayi2/Applist
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-applist2
var success = function(app_list) { alert(JSON.stringify((app_list)); };
var error = function(app_list) { alert("Oopsie! " + app_list); };
Applist.createEvent('', '', '', '', '', success, error)
##Detailed usage:
Gives the list of all apps installed on the phone in a JSON object and also saves an icon of each of them in sdcardd//com.ionicframework.xxx/Cache/ ;
JSONObject info; app_list.info.name is app name app_list.info.img is app-logo cache in storage--sdcard0 /com.ionicframework.xxx/Cache/ '.png'.
##To Do:
Add the path to save as an argument in the plugin
Add iOS support
If you can, please fork me. You can also donate to us any amount.