Some notes for development.
sudo apt-get install maven cd mockdriver maven install
virtualenv ~/.virtualenvs/jaydebeapi-py26 -p /usr/bin/python2.6 . ~/.virtualenvs/jaydebeapi-py26/bin/activate pip install -r dev-requirements.txt -r requirements-python.txt -r test-requirements.txt jip==0.9.3 envsubst < ci/dot_jip > $VIRTUAL_ENV/.jip jip install org.jaydebeapi:mockdriver:1.0-SNAPSHOT jip install org.hsqldb:hsqldb: jip install org.xerial:sqlite-jdbc:3.7.2 export CLASSPATH=$VIRTUAL_ENV/javalib/* python develop python test/
Sync the branch.
$ git checkout master $ git pull
Do your changes.
Add a changelog entry to
belowNext version
.Commit and push your changes.
$ git commit -m "my comment" $ git push
Wait for travis CI build to finish successfully.
Bump version
$ bumpversion [major|minor|patch]
Run setuptools to ensure everything is working as expected.
$ python sdist bdist_wheel upload
Check the files in
for unwanted or missing files.Send new version and tags to github origin.
$ git push origin master --tags