diff --git a/commune/agent/agent.py b/commune/agent/agent.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a0a5898..00000000
--- a/commune/agent/agent.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-import commune as c
-import os
-class Agent(c.Module):
- prompt = """
- {objective}
- ---USER---
- {text}
- --- CODE ---
- {code}
- --- NEW CODE ---
- """
- def __init__(self,
- model='model.openrouter',
- self.model = c.module(model)()
- self.objective = objective
- def forward(self,
- text ,
- file=None ,
- trials=1,
- code = None,
- stream=False,
- objective=None,
- ):
- """
- params:
- text: str: the text that you want to generate code from
- file: str: the file that you want to append the code to
- trials: int: the number of trials to run
- code: str: the code that you want to improve
- stream: bool: stream the output
- """
- if trials > 1:
- for trial in range(trials):
- c.print(f"Trial {trial}")
- code = self.forward(text=text,
- file=file,
- code=code,
- stream=stream
- )
- return code
- if file != None and code == None:
- code = self.read_code(file)
- objective = objective or self.objective
- text = self.prompt.format(text=text, code=code, file=file, objective=objective)
- code = self.model.generate(text, stream=stream)
- if file :
- self.write_code(file, code, replace=True)
- return code
- def write_code(self, file, code, replace=True):
- # if this is a generator
- if os.path.exists(file):
- os.remove(file)
- if c.is_generator(code):
- for i, code in enumerate(code):
- with open(file, 'a') as f:
- f.write(code)
- else:
- with open(file, 'a') as f:
- f.write(code)
- def read_code(self, file):
- if not os.path.exists(file):
- return None
- with open(file, 'r') as f:
- code = f.read()
- return code
diff --git a/commune/agent/app.py b/commune/agent/app.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e6c5f3e1..00000000
--- a/commune/agent/app.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-import commune as c
-import streamlit as st
-import os
-class App(c.Module):
- def title(self):
- # Change the title of the app to 'Cyberbunk City'
- st.markdown('# Cyberbunk City')
- def app(self):
- self.title()
- self.agent = c.module('agent')()
- # Define the CSS for different buttons with 'cyberbunk' vibes
- st.markdown("""
- """, unsafe_allow_html=True)
- resolve_path = lambda p: os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(p))
- code = None
- og_code_col, model_code_col = st.columns(2)
- cols = st.columns([2,5])
- folder_path = './'
- folder_path = cols[0].text_input('Folder Path', resolve_path(folder_path))
- folder_path = resolve_path(folder_path)
- python_files = [f for f in c.glob(folder_path) if f.endswith('.py')]
- num_files = len(python_files)
- filepath = cols[1].selectbox(f'Select File (n={num_files})', python_files)
- with st.expander(f'Code'):
- code = c.get_text(filepath)
- code = st.text_area('Code', code, height=400)
- input = st.text_area('Input')
- # Use columns to span the page
- col1, col2 = st.columns(2)
- send_button = st.button('Transmit', key='send', use_container_width=True)
- st.markdown('
', unsafe_allow_html=True)
- if send_button:
- kwargs = {'text': input, 'code': code, 'file': filepath}
- tx_id = c.hash(kwargs)
- st.write('Transaction ID:', tx_id)
- history_path = self.resolve_path(f'history/{self.key.ss58_address}')
- content = self.get(history_path, {})
- if 'data' not in content:
- response = self.agent.forward(**kwargs)
- def generator(response):
- response = self.agent.forward(input, code=code, stream=1)
- content['data'] = ''
- for r in response:
- content['data'] += r
- yield r
- st.write_stream(generator(response))
- self.put(history_path, content)
- response = content['data']
- with st.expander('Save Response'):
- response = response.split('```python')[-1].split('```').pop(0)
- st.write(response)
- save_filepath = st.text_input('Save File Path', filepath)
- save_button = st.button('Save', key='save', use_container_width=True)
- if save_button:
- c.put_text(save_filepath, code)
- st.write('Saved to', filepath)
- def process_response(self, code):
- return code.split('```python')[-1].split('```').pop(0)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/commune/agent/child.py b/commune/agent/child.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 25b9e111..00000000
--- a/commune/agent/child.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-import commune as c
-import os
-class Agent(c.Module):
- prompt = """
- {text}
- --- START OF FILE ({file}) ---
- {code}
- --- END OF FILE ({file})---
- """
- def __init__(self, model='model.openrouter'):
- self.model = c.module(model)()
- def forward(self,
- text ,
- file=None ,
- trials=1,
- code = None,
- stream=False
- ):
- """
- params:
- text: str: the text that you want to generate code from
- file: str: the file that you want to append the code to
- trials: int: the number of trials to run
- code: str: the code that you want to improve
- stream: bool: stream the output
- """
- if trials > 1:
- for trial in range(trials):
- c.print(f"Trial {trial}")
- code = self.forward(text=text,
- file=file,
- code=code,
- stream=stream
- )
- return code
- if file != None and code == None:
- code = self.read_code(file)
- text = self.prompt.format(text=text, code=code, file=file)
- code = self.model.generate(text, stream=stream)
- if file :
- self.write_code(file, code, replace=True)
- return code
- def write_code(self, file, code, replace=True):
- # if this is agenerator
- if os.path.exists(file):
- os.remove(file)
- if c.is_generator(code):
- for i, code in enumerate(code):
- with open(file, 'a') as f:
- f.write(code)
- else:
- with open(file, 'a') as f:
- f.write(code)
- def read_code(self, file):
- if not os.path.exists(file):
- return None
- with open(file, 'r') as f:
- code = f.read()
- return code
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/commune/agent/data/agent_data.py b/commune/agent/data/agent_data.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 83205e65..00000000
--- a/commune/agent/data/agent_data.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-import commune as c
-import json
-class Demo(c.Module):
- instruciton = """
- """
- def __init__(self, a=1, b=2):
- self.set_config(kwargs=locals())
- def call(self, timeout=30) -> int:
- model = c.connect('model.openai') # connect to the model
- input = json.dumps({
- 'instruction': self.instruction,
- 'response': None,
- })
- # get the docs
- return model.generate(input, timeout=timeout)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/commune/agent/factory/agent_factory.py b/commune/agent/factory/agent_factory.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ad8e026..00000000
--- a/commune/agent/factory/agent_factory.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-import commune as c
-class AgentFactory(c.Module):
- def __init__(self, a=1, b=2):
- self.set_config(kwargs=locals())
- def call(self, x:int = 1, y:int = 2) -> int:
- c.print(self.config)
- c.print(self.config, 'This is the config, it is a Munch object')
- return x + y
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/commune/agent/judge.py b/commune/agent/judge.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 93557ab0..00000000
--- a/commune/agent/judge.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-import commune as c
-class Judge(c.Module):
- def __init__(self, model='model.openai'):
- self.model = c.module(model)()
- def forward(self, text: str = "was the moon landing fake?") -> str:
- prompt = {
- "text": text,
- 'question': 'Yay or nay? (Y/N)',
- }
- return self.model.forward(prompt)
- def test(self , text: str = "was the moon landing fake?"):
- return self.forward(text)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- Judge.run()
diff --git a/commune/agent/maker/agent_maker.py b/commune/agent/maker/agent_maker.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a34a7ed9..00000000
--- a/commune/agent/maker/agent_maker.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-import commune as c
-import json
-class Demo(c.Module):
- instruction = "Fill in the template for a gpt agent."
- example = " Make a gpt that can do math."
- template = {
- "name": "math",
- "description": "A demo agent.",
- "prompt": "Make a gpt that can do math.",
- }
- def __init__(self, a=1, b=2):
- self.set_config(kwargs=locals())
- def call(self, description) -> int:
- x = json.dumps({
- 'instructions': self.instruction,
- 'description': description,
- 'template': self.template,
- 'output_template': "FILL IN THE TEMPLATE",
- })
- return c.call("model.openai/generate", x)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/commune/agent/sumarizer/agent_sumarizer.py b/commune/agent/sumarizer/agent_sumarizer.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0775fe19..00000000
--- a/commune/agent/sumarizer/agent_sumarizer.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-import commune as c
-import json
-class Agent(c.Module):
- description = """
- Summarize the following content into a more concice representation.
- Preferably I want it in a succint knowledge graph
- """
- tools = []
- def __init__(self,
- name='agent',
- description : str = None,
- model : str = 'model.openai',
- network : str = 'local',
- tools:list = tools
- ):
- self.name = name
- self.description = description if description != None else self.description
- self.set_model(model, network=network)
- self.set_tools(tools)
- def set_model(self, model:str = 'model.openai ', network:str = 'local'):
- self.model_namespace = c.namespace(search=model, netowrk=network)
- assert len(self.model_namespace) > 0, f"no models found in {model}, please check the model path"
- self.model_addresses = list(self.model_namespace.values())
- self.model_names = list(self.model_namespace.keys())
- self.network = network
- self.model = c.connect(c.choice(self.model_addresses))
- return {"success": True, "message": f"set model to {self.model}"}
- def rm_tools(self, tools:list = None):
- if tools == None:
- self.tools = {}
- else:
- for t in tools:
- self.rm_tool(t)
- return self.tools
- def resolve_tools(self, tools):
- if isinstance(tools, str):
- tools = [tools]
- if isinstance(tools, list):
- tools = self.get_tools(tools)
- if tools == None:
- tools = self.tools
- return tools
- def call(self,
- text:str,
- model=None,
- history=None,
- tools=tools,
- n = 1,
- description:str = None) -> str:
- if model != None:
- self.model = c.connect(model)
- tools = self.resolve_tools(tools)
- history = history or []
- description = self.description if description == None else description
- for i in range(n):
- prompt = {
- 'step': i,
- 'max_steps': n,
- 'description': description,
- 'input': text,
- 'history': history,
- 'tools': tools,
- 'purpose': """ ANSWER THE FOLLOWING""",
- 'confidence': 0,
- 'call_tool': {'tool': None, 'kwargs': None},
- 'answer': None
- }
- output = self.model.generate(json.dumps(prompt), max_tokens=512)
- c.print(output)
- output = json.loads(output)
- prompt.update(output)
- if 'call_tool' in output:
- tool = output['call_tool']['tool']
- kwargs = output['call_tool']['kwargs']
- if kwargs == None:
- kwargs = {}
- if tool != None:
- module = '.'.join(tool.split('.')[:-1])
- fn = tool.split('.')[-1]
- module = c.module(module)
- fn_type = module.classify_fn(fn)
- if fn_type == "self":
- module = module()
- try:
- response = getattr(module, fn)(**kwargs)
- except Exception as e:
- response = c.detailed_error(e)
- output['call_tool']['response'] = response
- history.append(output['call_tool'])
- return output
- # prompt tooling
- generate = call
- @classmethod
- def find_tools(cls, prompt:str):
- raise NotImplementedError
- @classmethod
- def prompt2agent(cls, prompt:str) -> 'Agent':
- cls.find_tools(prompt, topk=5)
- def set_tools(self, tools:list):
- self.tools = {}
- self.add_tools(tools)
- return self.tools
- def add_tools(self, tools:list):
- for t in tools:
- self.add_tool(t)
- return self.tools
- def get_tool(self, tool:str, fn_seperator:str = '.'):
- module = fn_seperator.join(tool.split(fn_seperator)[:1])
- fn = tool.split(fn_seperator)[1]
- module = c.module(module)
- tool_info = module.fn_schema(fn, docs=True)
- return tool_info
- def get_tools(self, tools:list, fn_seperator:str = '.'):
- return {t: self.get_tool(t, fn_seperator=fn_seperator) for t in tools}
- def add_tool(self, tool:str):
- schema = self.schema(tool)
- self.tools[tool] = schema
- return self.tools
- def rm_tool(self, tool:str):
- del self.tools[tool]
- return self.tools
- def test_model(self, prompt:str, model=None, history=None, **kwargs):
- if model != None:
- self.model = c.connect(model)
- prompt = {
- 'description': self.description,
- 'prompt': prompt,
- 'history': history,
- 'response': None,
- 'instruction': 'complete response'
- }
- output = self.model.generate(json.dumps(prompt))
- prompt.update(json.loads(self.model.generate(json.dumps(prompt))))
- return prompt
- def test(self, prompt:str='hey', model=None, history=None, **kwargs):
- response = self.call(prompt, model=model, history=history, **kwargs)
- assert 'response' in response, f"response not in {response}"
- assert isinstance(response['response'], str), f"response is not a string: {response['response']}"
- return {
- 'prompt': prompt,
- 'response': response['response'],
- 'success': True,
- }
diff --git a/commune/api/api.py b/commune/api/api.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e0ca646d..00000000
--- a/commune/api/api.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import commune as c
-import streamlit as st
-class ApiManager(c.Module):
- def __init__(self, path='api_vault', password=None, api_keys=[]):
- self.path = self.resolve_path(path)
- self.password = password
- @property
- def api_keys(self):
- return self.get(self.path, {})
- def add_api_key(self, name , api_key):
- api_keys = self.api_keys
- api_keys[name] = list(set(api_keys.get(name, []) + [api_key]))
- num_keys = len(api_keys[name])
- assert isinstance(api_keys, dict), api_keys
- self.save_api_keys(api_keys)
- return {'msg': f'api_key {name} added', 'num_keys': num_keys}
- def remove_api_key(self, name, api_key):
- api_keys = self.api_keys
- assert api_key in api_keys[name], f"api_key {name} does not exist"
- api_keys[name].remove(api_key)
- self.save_api_keys(api_keys)
- return {'msg': f'api_key {name} removed', 'num_keys': len(api_keys[name])}
- def pop_api_key(self, name, index=-1, api_key=None):
- api_keys = self.api_keys
- api_keys = api_keys.get(name, [])
- if len(api_key) == 0:
- raise ValueError(f"api_key {name} does not exist")
- api_key.pop(index)
- self.save_api_keys(api_keys)
- def get_api_keys(self, name):
- return self.api_keys.get(name, [])
- def get_api_key(self, name):
- return c.choice(self.get_api_keys(name))
- def save_api_keys(self, api_keys):
- self.put(self.path, api_keys)
- @property
- def api_names(self):
- return list(self.api_keys.keys())
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/commune/api/app.py b/commune/api/app.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 84c69ed5..00000000
--- a/commune/api/app.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-import streamlit as st
-import commune as c
-from commune.api.api import ApiManager
-class App(c.Module):
- def app(self):
- st.title("API Key Manager")
- # Create an instance of ApiManager
- api_manager = ApiManager()
- api_keys = api_manager.api_keys
- with st.expander("View API"):
- refresh = st.button("Refresh")
- st.write(api_keys)
- # Sidebar menu
- menu = ["Add API", "Remove API"]
- api_names = list(api_keys.keys())
- choice = st.selectbox("Select an option", menu)
- if choice == "Add API":
- new_api_check = st.checkbox("New API")
- if new_api_check:
- name = st.text_input("Name")
- else:
- name = st.selectbox("Select API Name", api_names)
- api_key = st.text_input("API Key")
- if st.button("Add"):
- result = api_manager.add_api_key(name, api_key)
- st.success(result['msg'])
- st.info(f"Number of keys for {name}: {result['num_keys']}")
- elif choice == "Remove API":
- st.subheader("Remove API")
- name = st.selectbox("Select API Name", api_names)
- selected_rm_keys = st.multiselect("Select API Keys to remove", api_keys.get(name, []))
- if st.button("Pop"):
- try:
- for key in selected_rm_keys:
- st.success(api_manager.remove_api_key(name, key))
- except ValueError as e:
- st.error(str(e))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- App.run()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/commune/base/base.py b/commune/base/base.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b0418ee..00000000
--- a/commune/base/base.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-import commune as c
-class Demo(c.Module):
- def __init__(self, a=1, b=2):
- self.set_config(kwargs=locals())
- def call(self, x:int = 1, y:int = 2) -> int:
- c.print(self.config)
- c.print(self.config, 'This is the config, it is a Munch object')
- return x + y
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/commune/base/file_module.py b/commune/base/file_module.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f97980bb..00000000
--- a/commune/base/file_module.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-import commune as c
-class MyModule(c.Module):
- def __init__(self, **kwargs):
- self.init_module(kwargs)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/commune/cli.py b/commune/cli.py
index dd3663a3..4c3e7771 100644
--- a/commune/cli.py
+++ b/commune/cli.py
@@ -35,23 +35,14 @@ def __init__(self,
def forward(self, argv=None):
t0 = time.time()
argv = argv or self.argv()
self.input_msg = 'c ' + ' '.join(argv)
output = None
- """
- the cli works as follows
- c {module}/{fn} arg1 arg2 arg3 ... argn
- if you are calling a function ont he module function (the root module), it is not necessary to specify the module
- c {fn} arg1 arg2 arg3 ... argn
- """
- # any of the --flags are init kwargs
- init_kwargs = {}
+ init_kwargs = {}
if any([arg.startswith('--') for arg in argv]):
for arg in c.copy(argv):
if arg.startswith('--'):
@@ -62,17 +53,22 @@ def forward(self, argv=None):
new_argvs = [key , new_argvs[0]]
return self.forward(new_argvs)
+ if '=' not in arg:
+ value = True
value = arg.split('=')[1]
init_kwargs[key] = self.determine_type(value)
+ # any of the --flags are init kwargs
if argv[0].endswith('.py'):
argv[0] = argv[0][:-3]
if ':' in argv[0]:
# {module}:{fn} arg1 arg2 arg3 ... argn
argv[0] = argv[0].replace(':', '/')
if '/' in argv[0]:
+ # prioritize the module over the function
module = '.'.join(argv[0].split('/')[:-1])
fn = argv[0].split('/')[-1]
argv = [module , fn , *argv[1:]]
@@ -86,24 +82,13 @@ def forward(self, argv=None):
module = argv.pop(0)
fn = argv.pop(0)
if isinstance(module, str):
- try:
- module = c.get_module(module)
- except Exception as e:
- c.print(f'Error: {e}', color='red')
- return None
+ module = c.get_module(module)
# module = self.base_module.from_object(module)
module_name = module.module_name()
fn_path = f'{module_name}/{fn}'
- try:
- fn_obj = getattr(module, fn)
- except Exception as e:
- fn_obj =getattr(module(), fn)
+ fn_obj = getattr(module, fn)
fn_type = c.classify_fn(fn_obj)
if fn_type == 'self' or len(init_kwargs) > 0:
fn_obj = getattr(module(**init_kwargs), fn)
@@ -122,16 +107,16 @@ def forward(self, argv=None):
buffer = '⚡️'*4
c.print(buffer+input_msg+buffer, color='yellow')
output = output()
latency = time.time() - t0
is_error = c.is_error(output)
if is_error:
buffer = '❌'
- msg = f'Error(latency= {latency:.3f})'
+ msg = f'Error(latency={latency:.3f})'
buffer = '✅'
msg = f'Result(latency={latency:.3f})'
print(buffer + msg + buffer)
num_spacers = max(0, len(self.input_msg) - len(msg) )
@@ -139,7 +124,6 @@ def forward(self, argv=None):
right_spacers = num_spacers - left_spacers
msg = self.seperator*left_spacers + msg + self.seperator*right_spacers
buffer = self.buffer_size * buffer
- result_header = f'{buffer}{msg}{buffer}'
is_generator = c.is_generator(output)
if is_generator:
@@ -149,10 +133,9 @@ def forward(self, argv=None):
c.print(item, end='')
- c.print( output)
+ c.print(output)
return output
# c.print( f'Result ✅ (latency={self.latency:.2f}) seconds ✅')
diff --git a/commune/module/_misc.py b/commune/module/_misc.py
index 8dbdae1f..d94c0d43 100644
--- a/commune/module/_misc.py
+++ b/commune/module/_misc.py
@@ -941,15 +941,6 @@ def root_key_address(cls) -> str:
def is_root_key(cls, address:str)-> str:
return address == cls.root_key().ss58_address
- @staticmethod
- def repo2module( repo, module = None):
- if module == None:
- module = os.path.basename(repo).replace('.git','').replace(' ','_').replace('-','_').lower()
- cls.new_module(module=module, repo=repo)
- return {'module':module, 'repo':repo, 'status':'success'}
# time within the context
def context_timer(cls, *args, **kwargs):
diff --git a/commune/module/module.py b/commune/module/module.py
index 780fc5a6..d499173c 100755
--- a/commune/module/module.py
+++ b/commune/module/module.py
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
import nest_asyncio
-# YOU CAN DEFINE YOUR CORE MODULES BY JUST adding a class to the core folder
# for instance if you have a class called 'os_fam' the file would be ./commune/module/_os_fam.py
def get_core_modules(prefix = 'commune.module', core_prefix = '_'):
@@ -29,7 +28,7 @@ def get_core_modules(prefix = 'commune.module', core_prefix = '_'):
CORE_MODULES = get_core_modules()
class c(*CORE_MODULES):
- core_modules = ['module', 'key', 'client', 'server', 'serializer', ]
+ core_modules = ['module', 'key', 'client', 'server', 'serializer']
libname = lib_name = lib = 'commune' # the name of the library
cost = 1
description = """This is a module"""
@@ -403,7 +402,6 @@ def version(cls, lib:str=libname):
def forward(self, a=1, b=2):
return a+b
### DICT LAND ###
def to_dict(self)-> Dict:
@@ -639,7 +637,17 @@ def local_config(cls, filename_options = ['module', 'commune', 'config', 'cfg'],
cls._local_config = local_config
return cls._local_config
+ @classmethod
+ def local_module(cls, filename_options = ['module', 'agent', 'block'], cache=True):
+ for filename in filename_options:
+ path = os.path.dirname(f'./{filename}.py')
+ for filename in filename_options:
+ if os.path.exists(path):
+ classes = cls.find_classes(path)
+ if len(classes) > 0:
+ return classes[-1]
+ return None
# local update
def update(cls,
@@ -668,7 +676,6 @@ def resolve_keypath(cls, key = None):
if key == None:
key = cls.module_name()
return key
def sign(self, data:dict = None, key: str = None, **kwargs) -> bool:
key = self.resolve_key(key)
@@ -680,6 +687,12 @@ def logs(self, name:str = None, verbose: bool = False):
def hardware(self, *args, **kwargs):
return c.obj('commune.utils.os.hardware')(*args, **kwargs)
+ def set_params(self,*args, **kwargs):
+ return self.set_config(*args, **kwargs)
+ def init_module(self,*args, **kwargs):
+ return self.set_config(*args, **kwargs)
Module = c # Module is alias of c
diff --git a/commune/modules/peer.py b/commune/modules/peer.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 79c36f5d..00000000
--- a/commune/modules/peer.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1000 +0,0 @@
-import commune as c
-import streamlit as st
-from typing import *
-import json
-class Peer(c.Module):
- @classmethod
- def add_host(cls,
- cmd:str = None , # in the format of
- host:str = '',
- port:int = 22,
- user:str = 'root',
- pwd:str = None,
- name : str = None
- ):
- hosts = cls.hosts()
- host = {
- 'host': host,
- 'port': port,
- 'user': user,
- 'pwd': pwd
- }
- if name == None:
- cnt = 0
- name = f'{user}{cnt}'
- while name in hosts:
- name = f'{user}{cnt}'
- cnt += 1
- hosts[name] = host
- cls.save_hosts(hosts)
- return {'status': 'success', '': f'Host added', }
- @classmethod
- def save_hosts(cls, hosts=None, filetype=filetype, path = None):
- if path == None:
- path = cls.host_data_path
- if hosts == None:
- hosts = cls.hosts()
- if filetype == 'json':
- cls.put_json(path, hosts)
- elif filetype == 'yaml':
- cls.put_yaml(path, hosts)
- return {
- 'status': 'success',
- 'msg': f'Hosts saved',
- 'hosts': hosts,
- 'path': cls.host_data_path,
- 'filetype': filetype
- }
- @classmethod
- def load_hosts(cls, path = None, filetype=filetype):
- if path == None:
- path = cls.host_data_path
- if filetype == 'json':
- return cls.get_json(path, {})
- elif filetype == 'yaml':
- return cls.get_yaml(path, {})
- @classmethod
- def switch_hosts(cls, path):
- hosts = c.get_json(path)
- cls.save_hosts(hosts)
- return {'status': 'success', 'msg': f'Host data path switched to {path}'}
- @classmethod
- def rm_host(cls, name):
- hosts = cls.hosts()
- if name in hosts:
- del hosts[name]
- cls.save_hosts( hosts)
- c.print(cls.hosts())
- return {'status': 'success', 'msg': f'Host {name} removed'}
- else:
- return {'status': 'error', 'msg': f'Host {name} not found'}
- @classmethod
- def hosts(cls, search=None, filetype=filetype, enable_search_terms: bool = True):
- hosts = cls.load_hosts(filetype=filetype)
- if len(hosts) == 0:
- assert False, f'No hosts found, please add your hosts to {cls.host_data_path}'
- if search != None:
- hosts = {k:v for k,v in hosts.items() if search in k}
- if enable_search_terms:
- return cls.filter_hosts(hosts=hosts)
- return hosts
- host_map = hosts
- @classmethod
- def host2ip(cls, search=None):
- hosts = cls.hosts(search=search)
- return {k:v['host'] for k,v in hosts.items()}
- @classmethod
- def ip2host(cls, search=None):
- host2ip = cls.host2ip(search=search)
- return {v:k for k,v in host2ip.items()}
- @classmethod
- def names(cls, search=None):
- return list(cls.hosts(search=search).keys())
- def host2name(self, host):
- hosts = self.hosts()
- for name, h in hosts.items():
- if h == host:
- return name
- raise Exception(f'Host {host} not found')
- @classmethod
- def n(cls, search=None):
- return len(cls.hosts(search=search))
- def num_servers(self):
- return len(self.servers())
- @classmethod
- def n_servers(self):
- return len(self.servers())
- @classmethod
- def host(self, name):
- hosts = self.hosts()
- if name not in hosts:
- raise Exception(f'Host {name} not found')
- return hosts[name]
- @classmethod
- def has(cls, name):
- return name in cls.hosts()
- @classmethod
- def host_exists(self, name):
- return name in self.hosts()
- @classmethod
- def install(self):
- c.cmd('pip3 install paramiko')
- def test(self):
- # Test Remote
- c.print(self.ssh_cmd('ls'))
- @classmethod
- def cmd(cls, *commands, search=None, hosts:Union[list, dict, str] = None, cwd=None, host:str=None, timeout=5 , verbose:bool = True, num_trials=1, **kwargs):
- output = {}
- if hosts == None:
- hosts = cls.hosts()
- if host != None:
- hosts = {host:hosts[host]}
- if search != None:
- hosts = {k:v for k,v in hosts.items() if search in k}
- if isinstance(hosts, list):
- hosts = {h:hosts[h] for h in hosts}
- elif isinstance(hosts, str):
- hosts = {hosts:cls.hosts(hosts)}
- assert isinstance(hosts, dict), f'Hosts must be a dict, got {type(hosts)}'
- results = {}
- for host in hosts:
- result_future = c.submit(cls.ssh_cmd, args=commands, kwargs=dict(host=host, cwd=cwd, verbose=verbose,**kwargs), return_future=True)
- results[host] = result_future
- result_values = c.wait(list(results.values()), timeout=timeout)
- results = dict(zip(results.keys(), result_values))
- results = {k:v for k,v in results.items()}
- if all([v == None for v in results.values()]):
- raise Exception(f'all results are None')
- for k,v in results.items():
- if isinstance(v, str):
- results[k] = v.strip('\n')
- return results
- @classmethod
- def add_admin(cls, timeout=10):
- root_key_address = c.root_key().ss58_address
- return cls.cmd(f'c add_admin {root_key_address}', timeout=timeout)
- @classmethod
- def is_admin(cls, timeout=10):
- root_key_address = c.root_key().ss58_address
- results = cls.cmd(f'c is_admin {root_key_address}', timeout=timeout)
- for host, r in results.items():
- results[host] = bool(r)
- return results
- def add_server(self, address):
- return c.add_server(address, network='remote')
- def host2rootkey(self, **kwargs):
- host2rootkey = self.cmd(f'c root_key_address', **kwargs)
- return {k: v if isinstance(v, str) else None for k,v in host2rootkey.items()}
- @classmethod
- def servers(self,search: str ='module', network='remote'):
- return c.servers(search, network=network)
- @classmethod
- def serve(cls, *args, update=False, min_memory:int=10, timeout=10, **kwargs):
- modules = cls.available_peers(update=update, min_memory=min_memory)
- c.print(f'Available modules: {modules}')
- module = c.choice(modules)
- c.print(f'Serving on {module}')
- namespace = c.namespace(network='remote')
- address = namespace[module]
- module = c.connect(address)
- return module.serve(*args, **kwargs, timeout=timeout)
- @classmethod
- def fleet(cls, *args, update=False, min_memory:int=20, n=10, tag=None, **kwargs):
- responses = []
- for i in range(n):
- try:
- response = cls.serve(*args,
- update=update,
- min_memory=min_memory,
- tag= '' if tag == None else tag + str(i),
- **kwargs
- )
- except Exception as e:
- response = c.detailed_error(e)
- c.print(response)
- responses += [response]
- return responses
- @classmethod
- def logs(cls, module, n=3 , **kwargs):
- namespace = cls.namespace(search=module)
- c.print(namespace)
- for name, address in list(namespace.items())[:n]:
- if address == None:
- raise Exception(f'Address for {name} not found')
- logs = c.call(address, 'logs', name, mode='local')
- c.print(f'[bold yellow]{name}[/bold yellow]')
- c.print('\n'.join(logs.split('\n')[-10:]))
- @classmethod
- def namespace(cls, search=None, network='remote', update=False):
- namespace = {}
- if not update:
- namespace = c.get_namespace(network=network)
- return namespace
- peer2namespace = cls.peer2namespace()
- for peer, peer_namespace in peer2namespace.items():
- for name, address in peer_namespace.items():
- if search != None and search not in name:
- continue
- if name in namespace:
- continue
- namespace[name + '_'+ {peer}] = address
- c.put_namespace(namespace=namespace, network=network)
- return namespace
- @classmethod
- def get_address(self, name):
- return c.get_address(name)
- @classmethod
- def addresses(self, search=None, network='remote'):
- return c.addresses(search=search, network=network)
- @classmethod
- def peer2address(self, network='remote'):
- return c.namespace(search='module', network=network)
- def keys(self):
- return [info.get('key', None)for info in self.infos()]
- @classmethod
- def infos(self, search='module', network='remote', update=False):
- return c.infos(search=search, network=network, update=update)
- @classmethod
- def push(cls,**kwargs):
- return [c.push(), cls.pull()]
- @classmethod
- def pull(cls, stash=True, hosts=None):
- return c.rcmd(f'c pull stash={stash}', hosts=hosts)
- @classmethod
- def hardware(cls, timeout=20, update= True, cache_path:str = 'hardware.json', trials=2):
- if not update:
- peer2hardware = c.get_json(cache_path, {})
- if len(peer2hardware) > 0:
- return peer2hardware
- peer2hardware = {p:None for p in peers}
- peers = cls.peers()
- for i in range(trials):
- call_modules = [p for p in peers if peer2hardware[p] == None]
- response = cls.call('hardware', timeout=timeout, modules=call_modules)
- for peer, hardware in response.items():
- if isinstance(hardware, dict) and 'memory' in hardware:
- c.print(f'{peer} {hardware}')
- peer2hardware[peer] = hardware
- c.put_json(cache_path, peer2hardware)
- return peer2hardware
- # peers
- def peers(self, network='remote'):
- return self.servers(search='module', network=network)
- def peer2hash(self, search='module', network='remote'):
- return self.call('chash', search=search, network=network)
- def peer2memory(self, min_memory:int=0, **kwargs):
- peer2hardware = self.hardware(**kwargs)
- peer2memory = {}
- for server, hardware in peer2hardware.items():
- memory_info = hardware['memory']
- if isinstance(memory_info, dict) and 'available' in memory_info:
- if memory_info['available'] >= min_memory:
- peer2memory[server] = memory_info['available']
- return peer2memory
- def ps(self, update=False, **kwargs):
- peer2ps = {}
- for peer, ps in self.call('ps', **kwargs).items():
- peer2ps[peer] = ps
- return peer2ps
- @classmethod
- def available_peers(cls, min_memory:int=10, update: bool=False, address=False):
- peer2hardware = cls.hardware(update=update)
- peer2memory = {}
- for peer, hardware in peer2hardware.items():
- memory_info = hardware['memory']
- if isinstance(memory_info, dict) and 'available' in memory_info:
- if memory_info['available'] >= min_memory:
- peer2memory[peer] = memory_info['available']
- if address :
- namespace = c.namespace(network='remote')
- peers = [namespace.get(k) for k in peer2memory]
- else :
- peers = list(peer2memory.keys())
- return peers
- @classmethod
- def most_available_peer(cls, min_memory:int=8, update: bool=False):
- peer2hardware = cls.hardware(update=update)
- peer2memory = {}
- for peer, hardware in peer2hardware.items():
- memory_info = hardware['memory']
- if isinstance(memory_info, dict) and 'available' in memory_info:
- peer2memory[peer] = memory_info['available']
- # get the top n peers with the most memory
- peer2memory = {k:v for k,v in sorted(peer2memory.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)}
- most_available_peer = list(peer2memory.keys())[0]
- most_available_peer_memory = peer2memory[most_available_peer]
- assert most_available_peer_memory >= min_memory, f'Not enough memory, {most_available_peer_memory} < {min_memory}'
- c.print(f'Most available peer: {most_available_peer} with {most_available_peer_memory} GB memory')
- return most_available_peer
- @classmethod
- def push(self):
- c.push()
- c.rcmd('c pull', verbose=True)
- c.rcmd('c serve', verbose=True)
- c.add_peers()
- @classmethod
- def check_peers(cls, timeout=10):
- futures = []
- for m,a in c.namespace(network='remote').items():
- futures += [c.submit(c.call, args=(a,'info'),return_future=True)]
- results = c.wait(futures, timeout=timeout)
- return results
- @classmethod
- def setup(cls,**kwargs):
- repo_url = c.repo_url()
- c.print(cls.cmd(f'git clone {repo_url}', **kwargs))
- c.print(cls.cmd(f'apt ', **kwargs))
- c.print(cls.cmd(f'cd commune && pip install -e .', **kwargs))
- c.print(cls.cmd(f'c add_admin {c.root_key().ss58_address} ', **kwargs))
- c.print(cls.cmd(f'c serve', **kwargs))
- def enter(self, host='root10'):
- host2ssh = self.host2ssh()
- c.print(host2ssh)
- ssh = host2ssh[host]
- c.cmd(ssh)
- def loop(self, timeout=40, interval=30, max_age=360, remote=True, batch_size=10):
- if remote:
- return self.remote_fn('loop',kwargs = locals())
- while True:
- self.sync()
- c.sleep(10)
- def save_ssh_config(self, path="~/.ssh/config"):
- ssh_config = []
- for host_name, host in self.hosts().items():
- ssh_config.append(f'Host {host_name}')
- ssh_config.append(f' HostName {host["host"]}')
- ssh_config.append(f' Port {host["port"]}')
- ssh_config.append(f' User {host["user"]}')
- ssh_config = '\n'.join(ssh_config)
- return c.put_text(path, ssh_config)
- def text2hosts(self, text, model='model.openai'):
- prompt = {
- 'instruciton': 'given the text place into the following format',
- 'text': text,
- 'format': list(self.hosts().values())[0],
- 'output': None
- }
- model = c.module(model)
- return model.generate(c.python2str(prompt))
- def peer_dashboard(self):
- import streamlit as st
- import pandas as pd
- with st.sidebar:
- cols = st.columns(2)
- search = cols[0].text_input('Search', 'module')
- peer2info = self.peer2info()
- st.write(list(peer2info.values())[0])
- peer_info_df = []
- for peer, info in peer2info.items():
- memory_fields = ['available', 'total', 'used']
- row = {'peer': peer}
- for field in memory_fields:
- row['memory_'+field] = info.get('hardware', {}).get('memory', {}).get(field, None)
- # disk fields
- disk_fields = ['total', 'used', 'free']
- for field in disk_fields:
- row['disk_'+field] = info.get('hardware', {}).get('disk', {}).get(field, None)
- peer_info_df += [row]
- row['num_modules'] = len(info.get('namespace', {}))
- peer_info_df = pd.DataFrame(peer_info_df)
- namespace = c.namespace(search=search, network='remote')
- ip2host = self.ip2host()
- with st.expander('Peers', expanded=False):
- for peer, info in peer2info.items():
- cols = st.columns([1,4])
- peer = ip2host.get(peer, peer)
- cols[0].write('#### '+peer)
- timestamp = info.get('timestamp', None)
- lag = c.time() - timestamp if timestamp != None else None
- if lag != None:
- lag = round(lag, 2)
- st.write(f'{lag} seconds ago')
- cols[1].write(info.get('hardware', {}))
- cols[1].write(info.get('namespace', {}))
- if len(namespace) == 0:
- st.error(f'No peers found with search: {search}')
- return
- n = cols[1].slider('Number of servers', 1, len(namespace), len(namespace))
- module_names = list(namespace.keys())[:n]
- module_names = st.multiselect('Modules', module_names, module_names)
- namespace = {k:v for k,v in namespace.items() if k in module_names}
- module_addresses = list(namespace.values())
- module_names = list(namespace.keys())
- if len(module_names) == 0:
- st.error('No modules found')
- return
- cols = st.columns(3)
- module_name = cols[0].selectbox('Module', module_names, index=0)
- module_address = namespace[module_name]
- c.print(f'Connecting to {module_name} {module_address}')
- module = c.connect(module_address)
- cache = cols[2].checkbox('Cache', True)
- cache_path = f'module_info_cache/{module_address}'
- t1 = c.time()
- if cache:
- module_info = self.get_json(cache_path, {})
- else:
- module_info = {}
- if len(module_info) == 0:
- st.write('Getting module info')
- module_info = module.info()
- self.put_json(cache_path, module_info)
- fns = list(module_info['schema'].keys())
- fn_name = st.selectbox('Function', fns, index=0)
- fn = getattr(module, fn_name)
- with st.expander(fn_name, expanded=False):
- kwargs = self.function2streamlit(fn=fn_name, fn_schema=module_info['schema'][fn_name])
- timeout = cols[1].number_input('Timeout', 1, 100, 10, key='timeout_fn')
- run = st.button(f'Run {fn_name}')
- if run:
- future2module = {}
- for module_address in module_addresses:
- kwargs['fn'] = fn_name
- future = c.submit(c.call, args=[module_address], kwargs=kwargs, return_future=True)
- future2module[future] = module_address
- futures = list(future2module.keys())
- modules = list(future2module.values())
- for result in c.wait(futures, timeout=timeout, generator=True, return_dict=True):
- if not ('idx' in result and 'result' in result):
- continue
- module_name = modules[result['idx']]
- result = result['result']
- with st.expander(f'{module_name}', expanded=False):
- st.markdown(f'### {module_name}')
- if c.is_error(result):
- result
- pass
- else:
- st.write(result)
- t2 = c.time()
- st.write(f'Info took {t2-t1} seconds')
- def sidebar(self, **kwargs):
- with st.sidebar:
- self.filter_hosts_dashboard()
- self.manage_hosts_dashboard()
- search_terms_path = 'search_terms'
- @classmethod
- def set_search_terms(cls, search_terms):
- path = cls.search_terms_path
- cls.put(path, search_terms)
- return {'status': 'success', 'msg': f'Search terms set', 'search_terms': search_terms}
- @classmethod
- def clear_terms(cls):
- path = cls.search_terms_path
- return cls.put(path, {'include': '', 'avoid': ''})
- @classmethod
- def avoid(cls, *terms):
- terms = ','.join(terms)
- search_terms = cls.get_search_terms()
- search_terms['avoid'] = terms
- cls.set_search_terms(search_terms)
- return {'status': 'success', 'msg': f'Added {terms} to avoid terms', 'search_terms': search_terms}
- @classmethod
- def include(cls, *terms):
- terms = ','.join(terms)
- search_terms = cls.get_search_terms()
- search_terms['include'] = terms
- cls.set_search_terms(search_terms)
- return {'status': 'success', 'msg': f'Added {terms} to include terms', 'search_terms': search_terms}
- @classmethod
- def get_search_terms(cls):
- path = cls.search_terms_path
- return cls.get(path, {'include': '', 'avoid': ''})
- search_terms = get_search_terms
- @classmethod
- def filter_hosts(cls, include=None, avoid=None, hosts=None):
- host_map = hosts or cls.hosts()
- search_terms = cls.search_terms()
- if avoid != None:
- search_terms['avoid'] = avoid
- if include != None:
- search_terms['include'] = include
- for k, v in search_terms.items():
- #
- if v == None:
- v = ''
- if len(v) > 0:
- if ',' in v:
- v = v.split(',')
- else:
- v = [v]
- v = [a.strip() for a in v]
- else:
- v = []
- search_terms[k] = v
- def filter_host(host_name):
- for avoid_term in search_terms["avoid"]:
- if avoid_term in host_name:
- return False
- for include_term in search_terms["include"]:
- if not include_term in host_name:
- return False
- return True
- return {k:v for k,v in host_map.items() if filter_host(k)}
- def filter_hosts_dashboard(self, host_names: list = None):
- host_map = self.hosts()
- host_names = list(host_map.keys())
- # get the search terms
- search_terms = self.get_search_terms()
- for k, v in search_terms.items():
- search_terms[k] = st.text_input(k, v)
- self.set_search_terms(search_terms)
- host_map = self.filter_hosts(**search_terms)
- host_names = list(host_map.keys())
- n = len(host_names)
- self.filter_hosts()
- with st.expander(f'Hosts (n={n})', expanded=False):
- host_names = st.multiselect('Host', host_names, host_names)
- host_map = {k:host_map[k] for k in host_names}
- self.host2ssh = self.host2ssh(host_map=host_map)
- @classmethod
- def host2ssh(cls, host_map=None):
- host_map = host_map or cls.hosts()
- host2ssh = {}
- for k, v in host_map.items():
- host2ssh[k] = f'sshpass -p {v["pwd"]} ssh {v["user"]}@{v["host"]} -p {v["port"]}'
- return host2ssh
- def manage_hosts_dashboard(self):
- with st.expander('Add Host', expanded=False):
- st.markdown('## Hosts')
- cols = st.columns(2)
- host = cols[0].text_input('Host', '')
- port = cols[1].number_input('Port', 22, 30000000000, 22)
- user = st.text_input('User', 'root')
- pwd = st.text_input('Password', type='password')
- add_host = st.button('Add Host')
- if add_host:
- self.add_host(host=host, port=port, user=user, pwd=pwd)
- with st.expander('Remove Host', expanded=False):
- host_names = list(self.hosts().keys())
- rm_host_name = st.selectbox('Host Name', host_names)
- rm_host = st.button('Remove Host')
- if rm_host:
- self.rm_host(rm_host_name)
- def ssh_dashboard(self):
- import streamlit as st
- host_map = self.hosts()
- host_names = list(host_map.keys())
- # progress bar
- # add splace to cols[2] vertically
- with st.expander('params', False):
- cols = st.columns([4,4,2,2])
- cwd = cols[0].text_input('cwd', '/')
- timeout = cols[1].number_input('Timeout', 1, 100, 10)
- if cwd == '/':
- cwd = None
- for i in range(2):
- cols[2].write('\n')
- filter_bool = cols[2].checkbox('Filter', False)
- st.write('Print Formatting')
- expanded = True
- cols = st.columns([4,1])
- num_columns = cols[1].number_input('Num Columns', 1, 10, 2)
- fn_code = cols[0].text_input('Function', 'x')
- cols = st.columns([5,1])
- cmd = cols[0].text_input('Command', 'ls')
- [cols[1].write('') for i in range(2)]
- sudo = cols[1].checkbox('Sudo')
- if 'x' not in fn_code:
- fn_code = f'x'
- fn_code = f'lambda x: {fn_code}'
- fn_code = eval(fn_code)
- run_button = st.button('Run')
- host2future = {}
- if run_button:
- for host in host_names:
- future = c.submit(self.ssh_cmd, args=[cmd], kwargs=dict(host=host, verbose=False, sudo=sudo, search=host_names, cwd=cwd), return_future=True, timeout=timeout)
- host2future[host] = future
- futures = list(host2future.values())
- num_jobs = len(futures )
- hosts = list(host2future.keys())
- host2error = {}
- cols = st.columns(num_columns)
- failed_hosts = []
- col_idx = 0
- try:
- for result in c.wait(futures, timeout=timeout, generator=True, return_dict=True):
- host = hosts[result['idx']]
- if host == None:
- continue
- host2future.pop(host)
- result = result['result']
- is_error = c.is_error(result)
- emoji = c.emoji('cross') if is_error else c.emoji('check_mark')
- msg = result['error'] if is_error else result.strip()
- # get the colkumne
- col_idx = (col_idx) % len(cols)
- col = cols[col_idx]
- col_idx += 1
- # if the column is full, add a new column
- with col:
- with st.expander(f'{host} -> {emoji}', expanded=expanded):
- msg = fn_code(msg)
- if is_error:
- st.write('ERROR')
- st.error(msg)
- failed_hosts += [host]
- else:
- st.code(msg)
- except Exception as e:
- pending_hosts = list(host2future.keys())
- st.error(c.detailed_error(e))
- st.error(f"Hosts {pending_hosts} timed out")
- failed_hosts += pending_hosts
- failed_hosts2ssh = {h:self.host2ssh[h] for h in failed_hosts}
- with st.expander('Failed Hosts', expanded=False):
- for host, ssh in failed_hosts2ssh.items():
- st.write(host)
- st.code(ssh)
- @classmethod
- def dashboard(cls, module: str = None, **kwargs):
- if module:
- cls = c.module(module)
- c.new_event_loop()
- import streamlit as st
- c.load_style()
- st.title('Remote Dashboard')
- self = cls()
- self.sidebar()
- self.ssh_dashboard()
- @classmethod
- def peer2key(cls, search=None, network:str='remote', update=False):
- infos = c.infos(search=search, network=network, update=update)
- return {v['name']:v['key'] for v in infos if 'name' in v and 'address' in v}
- @classmethod
- def peer_addresses(cls, network:str='remote'):
- infos = c.infos(network=network)
- return {info['key'] for info in infos if 'key' in info}
- def check_peers(self, timeout=10):
- futures = []
- for m,a in c.namespace(network='remote').items():
- futures += [c.submit(c.call, args=(a,'info'),return_future=True)]
- results = c.wait(futures, timeout=timeout)
- return results
- def sync(self, timeout=40, max_age=360):
- futures = []
- namespace = c.namespace('module', network='remote')
- paths = []
- for name, address in namespace.items():
- path = 'peers/' + name
- existing_peer_info = self.get(path, {})
- peer_update_ts = existing_peer_info.get('timestamp', 0)
- future = c.submit(c.call,
- args = [address, 'info'],
- kwargs = dict(schema=True, namespace=True, hardware=True),
- timeout=timeout, return_future=True
- )
- paths += [path]
- futures += [future]
- results = c.wait(futures, timeout=timeout, generator=False)
- for i, result in enumerate(results):
- path = paths[i]
- if c.is_error(result):
- c.print(f'Error {result}')
- continue
- else:
- c.print(f'Success {path}')
- self.put(path, result)
- self.put(path, result)
- return {'status': 'success', 'msg': f'Peers synced'}
- def peerpath2name(self, path:str):
- return path.split('/')[-1].replace('.json', '')
- def peer2info(self):
- peer_infos = {}
- for path in self.ls('peers'):
- peer_name = self.peerpath2name(path)
- info = self.get(path, {})
- peer_infos[peer_name] = info
- peer_infos[peer_name] = info
- return peer_infos
- def peer2lag(self, max_age=1000):
- peer2timestamp = self.peer2timestamp()
- time = c.time()
- ip2host = self.ip2host()
- return {ip2host.get(k,k):time - v for k,v in peer2timestamp.items() if time - v < max_age}
- def peer2timestamp(self):
- peer2info = self.peer2info()
- return {k:v.get('timestamp', 0) for k,v in peer2info.items()}
- def peer2hardware(self):
- info_paths = self.ls('peers')
- peer_infos = []
- for path in info_paths:
- info = self.get(path, {})
- # c.print(info)
- peer_infos += [info.get('hardware', {})]
- return peer_infos
- @classmethod
- def peer2namespace(cls):
- info_paths = cls.ls('peers')
- peer2namespace = {}
- for path in info_paths:
- info = cls.get(path, {})
- peer2namespace[path] = info.get('namespace', {})
- return peer2namespace
- @classmethod
- def add_peers(cls, add_admins:bool=False, timeout=20, update=True, network='remote'):
- """
- Adds servers to the network by running `c add_peers` on each server.
- """
- if update:
- c.rm_namespace(network=network)
- if add_admins:
- cls.add_admin(timeout=timeout)
- namespace = c.namespace(network=network)
- address2name = {v:k for k,v in namespace.items()}
- host2_server_addresses_responses = cls.cmd('c addy', verbose=True, timeout=timeout)
- for i, (host,server_address) in enumerate(host2_server_addresses_responses.items()):
- if isinstance(server_address, str):
- server_address = server_address.split('\n')[-1]
- if server_address in address2name:
- server_name = address2name[server_address]
- c.print(f'{server_name} already in namespace')
- continue
- else:
- ip = ':'.join(server_address.split(':')[:-1])
- server_name = 'module' + '_' + host
- namespace[server_name] = server_address
- c.put_namespace(network=network, namespace=namespace)
- return {'status': 'success', 'msg': f'Servers added', 'namespace': namespace}
- def peer_info(self, peer):
- host2ip = self.host2ip()
- peer = host2ip.get(peer, peer)
- return self.get(f'peers/{peer}', {})
- @classmethod
- def call(cls, fn:str='info' , *args,
- search:str='module',
- modules=None,
- network:str='remote',
- avoid_hosts: str = 'root',
- n:int=None,
- return_future: bool = False,
- timeout=4, **kwargs):
- futures = {}
- kwargs['network'] = network
- namespace = c.namespace(search=search, network=network)
- if modules != None:
- assert isinstance(modules, list), f'modules must be a list, got {type(modules)}'
- namespace = {k:v for k,v in namespace.items() if k in modules}
- if n == None:
- n = len(namespace)
- for name, address in c.shuffle(list(namespace.items()))[:n]:
- c.print(f'Calling {name} {address}')
- futures[name] = c.async_call(address, fn, *args)
- if return_future:
- if len(futures) == 1:
- return list(futures.values())[0]
- return futures
- else:
- num_futures = len(futures)
- results = {}
- import tqdm
- progress_bar = tqdm.tqdm(total=num_futures)
- error_progress = tqdm.tqdm(total=num_futures)
- results = c.gather(list(futures.values()), timeout=timeout)
- for i, result in enumerate(results):
- if c.is_error(result):
- # c.print(f'Error {result}')
- error_progress.update(1)
- continue
- else:
- # c.print(f'Success {result}')
- results[i] = result
- progress_bar.update(1)
- # if len(results) == 1:
- # return list(results.values())[0]
- return results
diff --git a/commune/modules/remote/peer.py b/commune/modules/remote/peer.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ff8027f7..00000000
--- a/commune/modules/remote/peer.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,388 +0,0 @@
-import commune as c
-class Peer(c.Module):
- def namespace(self, search=None, network='remote', update=False):
- namespace = {}
- if not update:
- namespace = c.get_namespace(network=network)
- return namespace
- peer2namespace = self.peer2namespace()
- for peer, peer_namespace in peer2namespace.items():
- for name, address in peer_namespace.items():
- if search != None and search not in name:
- continue
- if name in namespace:
- continue
- namespace[name + '_'+ {peer}] = address
- c.put_namespace(namespace=namespace, network=network)
- return namespace
- def peers(self, network='remote'):
- return self.servers(search='module', network=network)
- def peer2hash(self, search='module', network='remote'):
- return self.call('chash', search=search, network=network)
- # peers
- def peer2memory(self, min_memory:int=0, **kwargs):
- peer2hardware = self.hardware(**kwargs)
- peer2memory = {}
- for server, hardware in peer2hardware.items():
- memory_info = hardware['memory']
- if isinstance(memory_info, dict) and 'available' in memory_info:
- if memory_info['available'] >= min_memory:
- peer2memory[server] = memory_info['available']
- return peer2memory
- @classmethod
- def available_peers(cls, min_memory:int=10, update: bool=False, address=False):
- peer2hardware = cls.hardware(update=update)
- peer2memory = {}
- for peer, hardware in peer2hardware.items():
- memory_info = hardware['memory']
- if isinstance(memory_info, dict) and 'available' in memory_info:
- if memory_info['available'] >= min_memory:
- peer2memory[peer] = memory_info['available']
- if address :
- namespace = c.namespace(network='remote')
- peers = [namespace.get(k) for k in peer2memory]
- else :
- peers = list(peer2memory.keys())
- return peers
- @classmethod
- def most_available_peer(cls, min_memory:int=8, update: bool=False):
- peer2hardware = cls.hardware(update=update)
- peer2memory = {}
- for peer, hardware in peer2hardware.items():
- memory_info = hardware['memory']
- if isinstance(memory_info, dict) and 'available' in memory_info:
- peer2memory[peer] = memory_info['available']
- # get the top n peers with the most memory
- peer2memory = {k:v for k,v in sorted(peer2memory.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)}
- most_available_peer = list(peer2memory.keys())[0]
- most_available_peer_memory = peer2memory[most_available_peer]
- assert most_available_peer_memory >= min_memory, f'Not enough memory, {most_available_peer_memory} < {min_memory}'
- c.print(f'Most available peer: {most_available_peer} with {most_available_peer_memory} GB memory')
- return most_available_peer
- @classmethod
- def check_peers(cls, timeout=10):
- futures = []
- for m,a in c.namespace(network='remote').items():
- futures += [c.submit(c.call, args=(a,'info'),return_future=True)]
- results = c.wait(futures, timeout=timeout)
- return results
- @classmethod
- def peer2namespace(cls):
- info_paths = cls.ls('peers')
- peer2namespace = {}
- for path in info_paths:
- info = cls.get(path, {})
- peer2namespace[path] = info.get('namespace', {})
- return peer2namespace
- @classmethod
- def add_peers(cls, add_admins:bool=False, timeout=20, update=False, network='remote'):
- """
- Adds servers to the network by running `c add_peers` on each server.
- """
- if update:
- c.rm_namespace(network=network)
- if add_admins:
- cls.add_admin(timeout=timeout)
- namespace = c.namespace(network=network)
- address2name = {v:k for k,v in namespace.items()}
- host2_server_addresses_responses = cls.cmd('c addy', verbose=True, timeout=timeout)
- for i, (host,server_address) in enumerate(host2_server_addresses_responses.items()):
- if isinstance(server_address, str):
- server_address = server_address.split('\n')[-1]
- if server_address in address2name:
- server_name = address2name[server_address]
- c.print(f'{server_name} already in namespace')
- continue
- else:
- ip = ':'.join(server_address.split(':')[:-1])
- server_name = 'module' + '_' + host
- namespace[server_name] = server_address
- c.put_namespace(network=network, namespace=namespace)
- return {'status': 'success', 'msg': f'Servers added', 'namespace': namespace}
- def peer_info(self, peer):
- host2ip = self.host2ip()
- peer = host2ip.get(peer, peer)
- return self.get(f'peers/{peer}', {})
- @classmethod
- def serve(cls, *args, update=False, min_memory:int=10, timeout=10, **kwargs):
- modules = cls.available_peers(update=update, min_memory=min_memory)
- c.print(f'Available modules: {modules}')
- module = c.choice(modules)
- c.print(f'Serving on {module}')
- namespace = c.namespace(network='remote')
- address = namespace[module]
- module = c.connect(address)
- return module.serve(*args, **kwargs, timeout=timeout)
- @classmethod
- def servers(self,search: str ='module', network='remote'):
- return c.servers(search, network=network)
- @classmethod
- def fleet(cls, *args, update=False, min_memory:int=20, n=10, tag=None, **kwargs):
- responses = []
- for i in range(n):
- try:
- response = cls.serve(*args,
- update=update,
- min_memory=min_memory,
- tag= '' if tag == None else tag + str(i),
- **kwargs
- )
- except Exception as e:
- response = c.detailed_error(e)
- c.print(response)
- responses += [response]
- return responses
- def num_servers(self):
- return len(self.servers())
- @classmethod
- def n_servers(self):
- return len(self.servers())
- @classmethod
- def peer2key(cls, search=None, network:str='remote', update=False):
- infos = c.infos(search=search, network=network, update=update)
- return {v['name']:v['key'] for v in infos if 'name' in v and 'address' in v}
- @classmethod
- def peer_addresses(cls, network:str='remote'):
- infos = c.infos(network=network)
- return {info['key'] for info in infos if 'key' in info}
- def check_peers(self, timeout=10):
- futures = []
- for m,a in c.namespace(network='remote').items():
- futures += [c.submit(c.call, args=(a,'info'),return_future=True)]
- results = c.wait(futures, timeout=timeout)
- return results
- def peerpath2name(self, path:str):
- return path.split('/')[-1].replace('.json', '')
- def peer2info(self):
- peer_infos = {}
- for path in self.ls('peers'):
- peer_name = self.peerpath2name(path)
- info = self.get(path, {})
- peer_infos[peer_name] = info
- peer_infos[peer_name] = info
- return peer_infos
- def peer2lag(self, max_age=1000):
- peer2timestamp = self.peer2timestamp()
- time = c.time()
- ip2host = self.ip2host()
- return {ip2host.get(k,k):time - v for k,v in peer2timestamp.items() if time - v < max_age}
- def peer2timestamp(self):
- peer2info = self.peer2info()
- return {k:v.get('timestamp', 0) for k,v in peer2info.items()}
- def peer2hardware(self):
- info_paths = self.ls('peers')
- peer_infos = []
- for path in info_paths:
- c.print(path)
- info = self.get(path, {})
- # c.print(info)
- peer_infos += [info.get('hardware', {})]
- return peer_infos
- @classmethod
- def hardware(cls, timeout=20, update= True, cache_path:str = 'hardware.json', trials=2):
- if not update:
- peer2hardware = c.get_json(cache_path, {})
- if len(peer2hardware) > 0:
- return peer2hardware
- peer2hardware = {p:None for p in peers}
- peers = cls.peers()
- for i in range(trials):
- call_modules = [p for p in peers if peer2hardware[p] == None]
- response = cls.call('hardware', timeout=timeout, modules=call_modules)
- for peer, hardware in response.items():
- if isinstance(hardware, dict) and 'memory' in hardware:
- c.print(f'{peer} {hardware}')
- peer2hardware[peer] = hardware
- c.put_json(cache_path, peer2hardware)
- return peer2hardware
- @classmethod
- def addresses(self, search=None, network='remote'):
- return c.addresses(search=search, network=network)
- def keys(self):
- return [info.get('key', None)for info in self.infos()]
- @classmethod
- def infos(self, search='module', network='remote', update=False):
- return c.infos(search=search, network=network, update=update)
- @classmethod
- def peer2address(self, network='remote'):
- return c.namespace(search='module', network=network)
-# def peer_dashboard(self):
-# cols = st.columns(2)
-# search = cols[0].text_input('Search', 'module')
-# peer2info = self.remote.peer2info()
-# peer_info_df = []
-# for peer, info in peer2info.items():
-# memory_fields = ['available', 'total', 'used']
-# row = {'peer': peer}
-# for field in memory_fields:
-# row['memory_'+field] = info.get('hardware', {}).get('memory', {}).get(field, None)
-# # disk fields
-# disk_fields = ['total', 'used', 'free']
-# for field in disk_fields:
-# row['disk_'+field] = info.get('hardware', {}).get('disk', {}).get(field, None)
-# peer_info_df += [row]
-# row['num_modules'] = len(info.get('namespace', {}))
-# peer_info_df = pd.DataFrame(peer_info_df)
-# namespace = c.namespace(search=search, network='remote')
-# ip2host = self.remote.ip2host()
-# with st.expander('Peers', expanded=False):
-# for peer, info in peer2info.items():
-# cols = st.columns([1,4])
-# peer = ip2host.get(peer, peer)
-# cols[0].write('#### '+peer)
-# timestamp = info.get('timestamp', None)
-# lag = c.time() - timestamp if timestamp != None else None
-# if lag != None:
-# lag = round(lag, 2)
-# st.write(f'{lag} seconds ago')
-# cols[1].write(info.get('hardware', {}))
-# cols[1].write(info.get('namespace', {}))
-# if len(namespace) == 0:
-# st.error(f'No peers found with search: {search}')
-# return
-# n = cols[1].slider('Number of servers', 1, len(namespace), len(namespace))
-# module_names = list(namespace.keys())[:n]
-# module_names = st.multiselect('Modules', module_names, module_names)
-# namespace = {k:v for k,v in namespace.items() if k in module_names}
-# module_addresses = list(namespace.values())
-# module_names = list(namespace.keys())
-# if len(module_names) == 0:
-# st.error('No modules found')
-# return
-# cols = st.columns(3)
-# module_name = cols[0].selectbox('Module', module_names, index=0)
-# module_address = namespace[module_name]
-# c.print(f'Connecting to {module_name} {module_address}')
-# module = c.connect(module_address)
-# cache = cols[2].checkbox('Cache', True)
-# cache_path = f'module_info_cache/{module_address}'
-# t1 = c.time()
-# if cache:
-# module_info = self.get_json(cache_path, {})
-# else:
-# module_info = {}
-# if len(module_info) == 0:
-# st.write('Getting module info')
-# module_info = module.info()
-# self.put_json(cache_path, module_info)
-# fns = list(module_info['schema'].keys())
-# fn_name = st.selectbox('Function', fns, index=0)
-# fn = getattr(module, fn_name)
-# with st.expander(fn_name, expanded=False):
-# kwargs = self.function2streamlit(fn=fn_name, fn_schema=module_info['schema'][fn_name])
-# timeout = cols[1].number_input('Timeout', 1, 100, 10, key='timeout_fn')
-# run = st.button(f'Run {fn_name}')
-# if run:
-# future2module = {}
-# for module_address in module_addresses:
-# kwargs['fn'] = fn_name
-# future = c.submit(c.call, args=[module_address], kwargs=kwargs, return_future=True)
-# future2module[future] = module_address
-# futures = list(future2module.keys())
-# modules = list(future2module.values())
-# for result in c.wait(futures, timeout=timeout, generator=True, return_dict=True):
-# if not ('idx' in result and 'result' in result):
-# continue
-# module_name = modules[result['idx']]
-# result = result['result']
-# with st.expander(f'{module_name}', expanded=False):
-# st.markdown(f'### {module_name}')
-# if c.is_error(result):
-# result
-# pass
-# else:
-# st.write(result)
-# t2 = c.time()
-# st.write(f'Info took {t2-t1} seconds')
diff --git a/commune/sandbox.py b/commune/modules/sandbox.py
similarity index 100%
rename from commune/sandbox.py
rename to commune/modules/sandbox.py
diff --git a/commune/test/test.py b/commune/modules/test.py
similarity index 100%
rename from commune/test/test.py
rename to commune/modules/test.py
diff --git a/commune/serializer/serializer.md b/commune/serializer/README.md
similarity index 100%
rename from commune/serializer/serializer.md
rename to commune/serializer/README.md
diff --git a/commune/server/history.py b/commune/server/history.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ba8b4051..00000000
--- a/commune/server/history.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-import commune as c
-from typing import *
-import pandas as pd
-class History(c.Module):
- def __init__(self, history_path='history', **kwargs):
- self.set_history_path(history_path)
- def add_history(self, item:dict):
- path = self.history_path + '/' + item['address'] + '/'+ str(item['timestamp'])
- self.put(path, item)
- def set_history_path(self, history_path):
- assert history_path is not None, f"History path is not set"
- self.history_path = history_path
- return {'history_path': self.history_path}
- def rm_history(self, server):
- dirpath = f'{self.history_path}/{server}'
- return c.rm(dirpath)
- @classmethod
- def history_paths(cls, server=None, history_path='history', n=100, key=None):
- if server == None:
- dirpath = f'{history_path}'
- paths = cls.glob(dirpath)
- else:
- dirpath = f'{history_path}/{server}'
- paths = cls.ls(dirpath)
- paths = sorted(paths, reverse=True)[:n]
- return paths
- def history(self,
- key=None,
- history_path='history',
- features=[ 'module', 'fn', 'seconds_ago', 'latency', 'address'],
- to_list=False,
- **kwargs
- ):
- key = c.get_key(key)
- history_path = self.history_paths(key=key, history_path=history_path)
- df = c.df([self.get(path) for path in history_path])
- now = c.timestamp()
- df['seconds_ago'] = df['timestamp'].apply(lambda x: now - x)
- df = df[features]
- if to_list:
- return df.to_dict('records')
- return df
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/commune/server/manager.py b/commune/server/manager.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 752c3838..00000000
--- a/commune/server/manager.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,363 +0,0 @@
-import commune as c
-from typing import *
-class ServerManager:
- @classmethod
- def kill(cls,
- module,
- mode:str = 'pm2',
- verbose:bool = False,
- update : bool = True,
- prefix_match = False,
- network = 'local', # local, dev, test, main
- **kwargs):
- kill_fn = getattr(cls, f'{mode}_kill')
- delete_modules = []
- try:
- killed_module =kill_fn(module, verbose=verbose,prefix_match=prefix_match, **kwargs)
- except Exception as e:
- return {'error':str(e)}
- if isinstance(killed_module, list):
- delete_modules.extend(killed_module)
- elif isinstance(killed_module, str):
- delete_modules.append(killed_module)
- else:
- delete_modules.append(killed_module)
- # update modules
- c.deregister_server(module, network=network)
- assert c.server_exists(module, network=network) == False, f'module {module} still exists'
- servers = c.servers()
- for m in delete_modules:
- if m in servers:
- c.deregister_server(m, network=network)
- return {'server_killed': delete_modules, 'update': update}
- @classmethod
- def kill_prefix(cls, prefix:str, **kwargs):
- servers = c.servers(network='local')
- killed_servers = []
- for s in servers:
- if s.startswith(prefix):
- c.kill(s, **kwargs)
- killed_servers.append(s)
- return {'success':True, 'message':f'Killed servers with prefix {prefix}'}
- @classmethod
- def kill_many(cls, servers, search:str = None, network='local', timeout=10, **kwargs):
- servers = c.servers(network=network)
- servers = [s for s in servers if search in s]
- futures = []
- for s in servers:
- c.print(f'Killing {s}', color='red')
- future = c.submit(c.kill, kwargs={'module':s, **kwargs}, imeout=timeout)
- futures.append(future)
- results = []
- for r in c.as_completed(futures, timeout=timeout):
- results += [r.result()]
- c.print(f'Killed {len(results)} servers', color='red')
- return results
- @classmethod
- def fleet(cls, module, n=5, timeout=10):
- futures = []
- if '::' not in module:
- module = f'{module}::'
- for i in range(n):
- module_name = f'{module}{i}'
- future = c.submit(cls.serve, kwargs=dict(module=module_name), timeout=timeout)
- futures.append(future)
- results = []
- for future in c.as_completed(futures, timeout=timeout):
- result = future.result()
- results.append(result)
- return results
- @classmethod
- def serve_many(cls, modules:list, **kwargs):
- if isinstance(modules[0], list):
- modules = modules[0]
- futures = []
- for module in modules:
- future = c.submit(c.serve, kwargs={'module': module, **kwargs})
- futures.append(future)
- results = []
- for future in c.as_completed(futures):
- result = future.result()
- results.append(result)
- return results
- serve_batch = serve_many
- @classmethod
- def wait_for_server(cls,
- name: str ,
- network: str = 'local',
- timeout:int = 600,
- sleep_interval: int = 1,
- verbose:bool = False) -> bool :
- time_waiting = 0
- while time_waiting < timeout:
- namespace = c.namespace(network=network)
- if name in namespace:
- c.print(f'{name} is ready', color='green')
- return True
- time_waiting += sleep_interval
- c.print(f'Waiting for {name} for {time_waiting} seconds', color='red')
- c.sleep(sleep_interval)
- raise TimeoutError(f'Waited for {timeout} seconds for {name} to start')
- @staticmethod
- def kill_all_servers( *args, **kwargs):
- '''
- Kill all of the servers
- '''
- for module in c.servers(*args, **kwargs):
- c.kill(module)
- # c.update(network='local')
- @classmethod
- def kill_all(cls, network='local', timeout=20, verbose=True):
- futures = []
- servers = c.servers(network=network)
- n = len(servers)
- progress = c.tqdm(n)
- for s in servers:
- c.print(f'Killing {s}', color='red')
- futures += [c.submit(c.kill, kwargs={'module':s, 'update': False}, return_future=True)]
- results_list = []
- for f in c.as_completed(futures, timeout=timeout):
- result = f.result()
- print(result)
- progress.update(1)
- results_list += [result]
- namespace = c.namespace(network=network, update=True)
- new_n = len(servers)
- c.print(f'Killed {n - new_n} servers, with {n} remaining {servers}', color='red')
- return {'success':True, 'old_n':n, 'new_n':new_n, 'servers':servers, 'namespace':namespace}
- @classmethod
- def serve(cls,
- module:Any = None,
- kwargs:dict = None, # kwargs for the module
- params = None, # kwargs for the module
- tag:str=None,
- server_network = 'local', # network to run the server
- port :int = None, # name of the server if None, it will be the module name
- server_name:str=None, # name of the server if None, it will be the module name
- name = None, # name of the server if None, it will be the module name
- refresh:bool = True, # refreshes the server's key
- remote:bool = True, # runs the server remotely (pm2, ray)
- tag_seperator:str='::',
- max_workers:int = None,
- free: bool = False,
- mnemonic = None, # mnemonic for the server
- key = None,
- **extra_kwargs
- ):
- module = module or c.module_name()
- if module.endswith('.py'):
- module = module[:-3]
- if tag_seperator in str(module):
- module, tag = module.split(tag_seperator)
- kwargs = {**(params or kwargs or {}), **extra_kwargs}
- name = name or server_name or module
- if tag_seperator in name:
- module, tag = name.split(tag_seperator)
- else:
- if tag != None:
- name = f'{name}{tag_seperator}{tag}'
- if port == None:
- # now if we have the server_name, we can repeat the server
- address = c.get_address(name, network=server_network)
- try:
- port = int(address.split(':')[-1])
- if c.port_used(port):
- c.kill_port(port)
- except Exception as e:
- port = c.free_port()
- if remote:
- remote_kwargs = c.locals2kwargs(locals()) # GET THE LOCAL KWARGS FOR SENDING TO THE REMOTE
- remote_kwargs['remote'] = False # SET THIS TO FALSE TO AVOID RECURSION
- for _ in ['extra_kwargs', 'address']:
- remote_kwargs.pop(_, None) # WE INTRODUCED THE ADDRES
- response = cls.remote_fn('serve', name=name, kwargs=remote_kwargs)
- if response['success'] == False:
- return response
- return {'success':True,
- 'name': name,
- 'address':c.ip() + ':' + str(remote_kwargs['port']),
- 'kwargs':kwargs,
- 'module':module
- }
- module_class = c.module(module)
- kwargs.update(extra_kwargs)
- module = module_class(**kwargs)
- cls(module=module,
- name=name,
- port=port,
- network=server_network,
- max_workers=max_workers,
- mnemonic = mnemonic,
- free=free,
- key=key)
- return {'success':True,
- 'address': f'{c.default_ip}:{port}' ,
- 'name':name,
- 'kwargs': kwargs,
- 'module':module}
- @classmethod
- def launch(cls,
- module:str = None,
- fn: str = 'serve',
- name:Optional[str]=None,
- tag : str = None,
- args : list = None,
- kwargs: dict = None,
- device:str=None,
- interpreter:str='python3',
- autorestart: bool = True,
- verbose: bool = False ,
- force:bool = True,
- meta_fn: str = 'module_fn',
- tag_seperator:str = '::',
- cwd = None,
- refresh:bool=True ):
- import commune as c
- if hasattr(module, 'module_name'):
- module = module.module_name()
- # avoid these references fucking shit up
- args = args if args else []
- kwargs = kwargs if kwargs else {}
- # convert args and kwargs to json strings
- kwargs = {
- 'module': module ,
- 'fn': fn,
- 'args': args,
- 'kwargs': kwargs
- }
- kwargs_str = json.dumps(kwargs).replace('"', "'")
- name = name or module
- if refresh:
- cls.pm2_kill(name)
- module = c.module()
- # build command to run pm2
- filepath = c.filepath()
- cwd = cwd or module.dirpath()
- command = f"pm2 start {filepath} --name {name} --interpreter {interpreter}"
- if not autorestart:
- command += ' --no-autorestart'
- if force:
- command += ' -f '
- command = command + f' -- --fn {meta_fn} --kwargs "{kwargs_str}"'
- env = {}
- if device != None:
- if isinstance(device, int):
- env['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES']=str(device)
- if isinstance(device, list):
- env['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES']=','.join(list(map(str, device)))
- if refresh:
- cls.pm2_kill(name)
- cwd = cwd or module.dirpath()
- stdout = c.cmd(command, env=env, verbose=verbose, cwd=cwd)
- return {'success':True, 'message':f'Launched {module}', 'command': command, 'stdout':stdout}
- @classmethod
- def remote_fn(cls,
- fn: str='train',
- module: str = None,
- args : list = None,
- kwargs : dict = None,
- name : str =None,
- tag: str = None,
- refresh : bool =True,
- mode = 'pm2',
- tag_seperator : str = '::',
- cwd = None,
- **extra_launch_kwargs
- ):
- import commune as c
- kwargs = c.locals2kwargs(kwargs)
- if 'remote' in kwargs:
- kwargs['remote'] = False
- if len(fn.split('.'))>1:
- module = '.'.join(fn.split('.')[:-1])
- fn = fn.split('.')[-1]
- kwargs = kwargs if kwargs else {}
- args = args if args else []
- if 'remote' in kwargs:
- kwargs['remote'] = False
- cwd = cwd or cls.dirpath()
- kwargs = kwargs or {}
- args = args or []
- module = cls.resolve_object(module)
- # resolve the name
- if name == None:
- # if the module has a module_path function, use that as the name
- if hasattr(module, 'module_path'):
- name = module.module_name()
- else:
- name = module.__name__.lower()
- c.print(f'[bold cyan]Launching --> <<[/bold cyan][bold yellow]class:{module.__name__}[/bold yellow] [bold white]name[/bold white]:{name} [bold white]fn[/bold white]:{fn} [bold white]mode[/bold white]:{mode}>>', color='green')
- launch_kwargs = dict(
- module=module,
- fn = fn,
- name=name,
- tag=tag,
- args = args,
- kwargs = kwargs,
- refresh=refresh,
- **extra_launch_kwargs
- )
- assert fn != None, 'fn must be specified for pm2 launch'
- return cls.launch(**launch_kwargs)
diff --git a/commune/server/namespace.py b/commune/server/namespace.py
index fed21481..61e973e4 100644
--- a/commune/server/namespace.py
+++ b/commune/server/namespace.py
@@ -62,7 +62,6 @@ def update_namespace(cls, network, netuid=None, timeout=5, search=None, verbose=
namespace = c.module(network)().namespace(search=search, max_age=1, netuid=netuid)
return namespace
elif 'local' == network:
- print(network, 'FAM')
namespace = {}
addresses = [''+':'+str(p) for p in c.used_ports()]
future2address = {}
@@ -71,7 +70,6 @@ def update_namespace(cls, network, netuid=None, timeout=5, search=None, verbose=
future2address[f] = address
futures = list(future2address.keys())
- progress = c.tqdm(len(futures))
for f in c.as_completed(futures, timeout=timeout):
address = future2address[f]
@@ -79,18 +77,15 @@ def update_namespace(cls, network, netuid=None, timeout=5, search=None, verbose=
namespace[name] = address
except Exception as e:
c.print(f'Error {e} with {name} and {address}', color='red', verbose=True)
- progress.update(1)
except Exception as e:
- c.print(f'Timeout error {e}', color='red', verbose=True)
+ c.print(f'Error: {e}', color='red', verbose=True)
namespace = {k:v for k,v in namespace.items() if 'Error' not in k}
ip = c.ip(update=1)
namespace = {k: v.replace(ip, '') for k,v in namespace.items() }
return {}
return namespace
get_namespace = _namespace = namespace
@@ -100,15 +95,12 @@ def register_server(cls, name:str, address:str, network=network) -> None:
cls.put_namespace(network, namespace)
return {'success': True, 'msg': f'Block {name} registered to {network}.'}
def deregister_server(cls, name:str, network=network) -> Dict:
namespace = cls.namespace(network=network)
address2name = {v: k for k, v in namespace.items()}
if name in address2name:
name = address2name[name]
if name in namespace:
del namespace[name]
cls.put_namespace(network, namespace)
@@ -128,7 +120,6 @@ def get_address(cls, name:str, network:str=network, external:bool = True) -> dic
address = address.replace(c.default_ip, c.ip())
return address
def put_namespace(cls, network:str, namespace:dict) -> None:
assert isinstance(namespace, dict), 'Namespace must be a dict.'
@@ -136,7 +127,6 @@ def put_namespace(cls, network:str, namespace:dict) -> None:
add_namespace = put_namespace
def rm_namespace(cls,network:str) -> None:
if cls.namespace_exists(network):
@@ -144,21 +134,7 @@ def rm_namespace(cls,network:str) -> None:
return {'success': True, 'msg': f'Namespace {network} removed.'}
return {'success': False, 'msg': f'Namespace {network} not found.'}
- @classmethod
- def name2address(cls, name:str, network:str=network ):
- namespace = cls.namespace(network=network)
- address = namespace.get(name, None)
- ip = c.ip()
- address = address.replace(c.default_ip, ip)
- assert ip in address, f'ip {ip} not in address {address}'
- return address
- @classmethod
- def address2name(cls, name:str, network:str=network ):
- namespace = cls.namespace(network=network)
- address2name = {v: k for k, v in namespace.items()}
- return address2name
def networks(cls) -> dict:
return [p.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] for p in cls.ls()]
@@ -167,7 +143,7 @@ def networks(cls) -> dict:
def namespace_exists(cls, network:str) -> bool:
path = cls.resolve_network_path( network)
return os.path.exists(path)
def modules(cls, network:List=network) -> List[str]:
return list(cls.namespace(network=network).keys())
@@ -180,7 +156,6 @@ def addresses(cls, network:str=network, **kwargs) -> List[str]:
def module_exists(cls, module:str, network:str=network) -> bool:
namespace = cls.namespace(network=network)
return bool(module in namespace)
def check_servers(self, *args, **kwargs):
@@ -192,23 +167,9 @@ def check_servers(self, *args, **kwargs):
return {'success': True, 'msg': 'Servers checked.'}
- @classmethod
- def merge_namespace(cls, from_network:str, to_network:str, module = None):
- from_namespace = cls.namespace(network=from_network)
- if module == None:
- module = c.module(from_network)
- to_namespace = cls.namespace(network=to_network)
- to_namespace.update(from_namespace)
- cls.put_namespace(to_network, to_namespace)
- return {'success': True, 'msg': f'Namespace {from_network} merged into {to_network}.'}
def add_server(cls, address:str, name=None, network:str = 'local',timeout:int=4, **kwargs):
Add a server to the namespace.
@@ -234,22 +195,6 @@ def add_server(cls, address:str, name=None, network:str = 'local',timeout:int=4,
def remote_servers(cls, network:str = 'remote', **kwargs):
return cls.namespace(network=network)
- @classmethod
- def add_servers(cls, *servers, network:str='local', **kwargs):
- if len(servers) == 1 and isinstance(servers[0], list):
- servers = servers[0]
- responses = []
- for server in servers:
- try:
- response = cls.add_server(server, network=network)
- responses.append(response)
- except Exception as e:
- e = c.detailed_error(e)
- c.print(f'Could not add {e} to {network} modules. {e}', color='red')
- responses.append({'success': False, 'msg': f'Could not add {server} to {network} modules. {e}'})
- return responses
def infos(cls, search=None, network=network, servers=None, features=['key', 'address', 'name'], update:str=True, batch_size = 10, timeout=20, hardware=True, namespace=True, schema=True) -> List[str]:
path = f'infos/{network}'
@@ -284,10 +229,6 @@ def infos(cls, search=None, network=network, servers=None, features=['key', 'add
infos = [{k:v for k,v in s.items() if k in features} for s in infos]
return infos
- @classmethod
- def server2info(cls, *args, **kwargs):
- return {m['name']:m for m in cls.infos(*args, **kwargs)}
def rm_server(cls, name, network:str = 'local', **kwargs):
namespace = cls.namespace(network=network)
@@ -307,7 +248,6 @@ def rm_server(cls, name, network:str = 'local', **kwargs):
return {'success': False, 'msg': f'{name} does not exist'}
def servers(cls, search=None, network:str = 'local', **kwargs):
namespace = cls.namespace(search=search, network=network, **kwargs)
@@ -360,7 +300,6 @@ def server_exists(cls, name:str, network:str = None, prefix_match:bool=False, *
server_exists = bool(name in servers)
return server_exists
def clean(cls, network='local'):
@@ -377,21 +316,6 @@ def clean(cls, network='local'):
namespace = {v:k for k,v in address2name.items()}
return namespace
- @classmethod
- def port2module(cls, *args, **kwargs):
- namespace = c.namespace(*args, **kwargs)
- port2module = {}
- for name, address in namespace.items():
- port = int(address.split(':')[1])
- port2module[port] = name
- return port2module
- port2name = port2module
- @classmethod
- def module2port(cls, *args, **kwargs):
- port2module = cls.port2module(*args, **kwargs)
- return {v:k for k,v in port2module.items()}
- name2port = m2p = module2port
diff --git a/commune/server/server.py b/commune/server/server.py
index 27c43a3e..1ec880b0 100644
--- a/commune/server/server.py
+++ b/commune/server/server.py
@@ -5,11 +5,9 @@
from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware
import uvicorn
from .middleware import ServerMiddleware
-from .manager import ServerManager
from sse_starlette.sse import EventSourceResponse
-class Server(ServerManager, c.Module):
+class Server(c.Module):
def __init__(
module: Union[c.Module, object] = None,
@@ -156,4 +154,365 @@ def __del__(self):
+ @classmethod
+ def kill(cls,
+ module,
+ mode:str = 'pm2',
+ verbose:bool = False,
+ update : bool = True,
+ prefix_match = False,
+ network = 'local', # local, dev, test, main
+ **kwargs):
+ kill_fn = getattr(cls, f'{mode}_kill')
+ delete_modules = []
+ try:
+ killed_module =kill_fn(module, verbose=verbose,prefix_match=prefix_match, **kwargs)
+ except Exception as e:
+ return {'error':str(e)}
+ if isinstance(killed_module, list):
+ delete_modules.extend(killed_module)
+ elif isinstance(killed_module, str):
+ delete_modules.append(killed_module)
+ else:
+ delete_modules.append(killed_module)
+ # update modules
+ c.deregister_server(module, network=network)
+ assert c.server_exists(module, network=network) == False, f'module {module} still exists'
+ servers = c.servers()
+ for m in delete_modules:
+ if m in servers:
+ c.deregister_server(m, network=network)
+ return {'server_killed': delete_modules, 'update': update}
+ @classmethod
+ def kill_prefix(cls, prefix:str, **kwargs):
+ servers = c.servers(network='local')
+ killed_servers = []
+ for s in servers:
+ if s.startswith(prefix):
+ c.kill(s, **kwargs)
+ killed_servers.append(s)
+ return {'success':True, 'message':f'Killed servers with prefix {prefix}'}
+ @classmethod
+ def kill_many(cls, servers, search:str = None, network='local', timeout=10, **kwargs):
+ servers = c.servers(network=network)
+ servers = [s for s in servers if search in s]
+ futures = []
+ for s in servers:
+ c.print(f'Killing {s}', color='red')
+ future = c.submit(c.kill, kwargs={'module':s, **kwargs}, imeout=timeout)
+ futures.append(future)
+ results = []
+ for r in c.as_completed(futures, timeout=timeout):
+ results += [r.result()]
+ c.print(f'Killed {len(results)} servers', color='red')
+ return results
+ @classmethod
+ def fleet(cls, module, n=5, timeout=10):
+ futures = []
+ if '::' not in module:
+ module = f'{module}::'
+ for i in range(n):
+ module_name = f'{module}{i}'
+ future = c.submit(cls.serve, kwargs=dict(module=module_name), timeout=timeout)
+ futures.append(future)
+ results = []
+ for future in c.as_completed(futures, timeout=timeout):
+ result = future.result()
+ results.append(result)
+ return results
+ @classmethod
+ def serve_many(cls, modules:list, **kwargs):
+ if isinstance(modules[0], list):
+ modules = modules[0]
+ futures = []
+ for module in modules:
+ future = c.submit(c.serve, kwargs={'module': module, **kwargs})
+ futures.append(future)
+ results = []
+ for future in c.as_completed(futures):
+ result = future.result()
+ results.append(result)
+ return results
+ serve_batch = serve_many
+ @classmethod
+ def wait_for_server(cls,
+ name: str ,
+ network: str = 'local',
+ timeout:int = 600,
+ sleep_interval: int = 1,
+ verbose:bool = False) -> bool :
+ time_waiting = 0
+ while time_waiting < timeout:
+ namespace = c.namespace(network=network)
+ if name in namespace:
+ c.print(f'{name} is ready', color='green')
+ return True
+ time_waiting += sleep_interval
+ c.print(f'Waiting for {name} for {time_waiting} seconds', color='red')
+ c.sleep(sleep_interval)
+ raise TimeoutError(f'Waited for {timeout} seconds for {name} to start')
+ @staticmethod
+ def kill_all_servers( *args, **kwargs):
+ '''
+ Kill all of the servers
+ '''
+ for module in c.servers(*args, **kwargs):
+ c.kill(module)
+ # c.update(network='local')
+ @classmethod
+ def kill_all(cls, network='local', timeout=20, verbose=True):
+ futures = []
+ servers = c.servers(network=network)
+ n = len(servers)
+ progress = c.tqdm(n)
+ for s in servers:
+ c.print(f'Killing {s}', color='red')
+ futures += [c.submit(c.kill, kwargs={'module':s, 'update': False}, return_future=True)]
+ results_list = []
+ for f in c.as_completed(futures, timeout=timeout):
+ result = f.result()
+ print(result)
+ progress.update(1)
+ results_list += [result]
+ namespace = c.namespace(network=network, update=True)
+ new_n = len(servers)
+ c.print(f'Killed {n - new_n} servers, with {n} remaining {servers}', color='red')
+ return {'success':True, 'old_n':n, 'new_n':new_n, 'servers':servers, 'namespace':namespace}
+ @classmethod
+ def serve(cls,
+ module:Any = None,
+ kwargs:dict = None, # kwargs for the module
+ params = None, # kwargs for the module
+ tag:str=None,
+ server_network = 'local', # network to run the server
+ port :int = None, # name of the server if None, it will be the module name
+ server_name:str=None, # name of the server if None, it will be the module name
+ name = None, # name of the server if None, it will be the module name
+ refresh:bool = True, # refreshes the server's key
+ remote:bool = True, # runs the server remotely (pm2, ray)
+ tag_seperator:str='::',
+ max_workers:int = None,
+ free: bool = False,
+ mnemonic = None, # mnemonic for the server
+ key = None,
+ **extra_kwargs
+ ):
+ module = module or c.module_name()
+ if module.endswith('.py'):
+ module = module[:-3]
+ if tag_seperator in str(module):
+ module, tag = module.split(tag_seperator)
+ kwargs = {**(params or kwargs or {}), **extra_kwargs}
+ name = name or server_name or module
+ if tag_seperator in name:
+ module, tag = name.split(tag_seperator)
+ else:
+ if tag != None:
+ name = f'{name}{tag_seperator}{tag}'
+ if port == None:
+ # now if we have the server_name, we can repeat the server
+ address = c.get_address(name, network=server_network)
+ try:
+ port = int(address.split(':')[-1])
+ if c.port_used(port):
+ c.kill_port(port)
+ except Exception as e:
+ port = c.free_port()
+ if remote:
+ remote_kwargs = c.locals2kwargs(locals()) # GET THE LOCAL KWARGS FOR SENDING TO THE REMOTE
+ remote_kwargs['remote'] = False # SET THIS TO FALSE TO AVOID RECURSION
+ for _ in ['extra_kwargs', 'address']:
+ remote_kwargs.pop(_, None) # WE INTRODUCED THE ADDRES
+ response = cls.remote_fn('serve', name=name, kwargs=remote_kwargs)
+ if response['success'] == False:
+ return response
+ return {'success':True,
+ 'name': name,
+ 'address':c.ip() + ':' + str(remote_kwargs['port']),
+ 'kwargs':kwargs,
+ 'module':module
+ }
+ module_class = c.module(module)
+ kwargs.update(extra_kwargs)
+ module = module_class(**kwargs)
+ cls(module=module,
+ name=name,
+ port=port,
+ network=server_network,
+ max_workers=max_workers,
+ mnemonic = mnemonic,
+ free=free,
+ key=key)
+ return {'success':True,
+ 'address': f'{c.default_ip}:{port}' ,
+ 'name':name,
+ 'kwargs': kwargs,
+ 'module':module}
+ @classmethod
+ def launch(cls,
+ module:str = None,
+ fn: str = 'serve',
+ name:Optional[str]=None,
+ tag : str = None,
+ args : list = None,
+ kwargs: dict = None,
+ device:str=None,
+ interpreter:str='python3',
+ autorestart: bool = True,
+ verbose: bool = False ,
+ force:bool = True,
+ meta_fn: str = 'module_fn',
+ tag_seperator:str = '::',
+ cwd = None,
+ refresh:bool=True ):
+ import commune as c
+ if hasattr(module, 'module_name'):
+ module = module.module_name()
+ # avoid these references fucking shit up
+ args = args if args else []
+ kwargs = kwargs if kwargs else {}
+ # convert args and kwargs to json strings
+ kwargs = {
+ 'module': module ,
+ 'fn': fn,
+ 'args': args,
+ 'kwargs': kwargs
+ }
+ kwargs_str = json.dumps(kwargs).replace('"', "'")
+ name = name or module
+ if refresh:
+ cls.pm2_kill(name)
+ module = c.module()
+ # build command to run pm2
+ filepath = c.filepath()
+ cwd = cwd or module.dirpath()
+ command = f"pm2 start {filepath} --name {name} --interpreter {interpreter}"
+ if not autorestart:
+ command += ' --no-autorestart'
+ if force:
+ command += ' -f '
+ command = command + f' -- --fn {meta_fn} --kwargs "{kwargs_str}"'
+ env = {}
+ if device != None:
+ if isinstance(device, int):
+ env['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES']=str(device)
+ if isinstance(device, list):
+ env['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES']=','.join(list(map(str, device)))
+ if refresh:
+ cls.pm2_kill(name)
+ cwd = cwd or module.dirpath()
+ stdout = c.cmd(command, env=env, verbose=verbose, cwd=cwd)
+ return {'success':True, 'message':f'Launched {module}', 'command': command, 'stdout':stdout}
+ @classmethod
+ def remote_fn(cls,
+ fn: str='train',
+ module: str = None,
+ args : list = None,
+ kwargs : dict = None,
+ name : str =None,
+ tag: str = None,
+ refresh : bool =True,
+ mode = 'pm2',
+ tag_seperator : str = '::',
+ cwd = None,
+ **extra_launch_kwargs
+ ):
+ import commune as c
+ kwargs = c.locals2kwargs(kwargs)
+ if 'remote' in kwargs:
+ kwargs['remote'] = False
+ if len(fn.split('.'))>1:
+ module = '.'.join(fn.split('.')[:-1])
+ fn = fn.split('.')[-1]
+ kwargs = kwargs if kwargs else {}
+ args = args if args else []
+ if 'remote' in kwargs:
+ kwargs['remote'] = False
+ cwd = cwd or cls.dirpath()
+ kwargs = kwargs or {}
+ args = args or []
+ module = cls.resolve_object(module)
+ # resolve the name
+ if name == None:
+ # if the module has a module_path function, use that as the name
+ if hasattr(module, 'module_path'):
+ name = module.module_name()
+ else:
+ name = module.__name__.lower()
+ c.print(f'[bold cyan]Launching --> <<[/bold cyan][bold yellow]class:{module.__name__}[/bold yellow] [bold white]name[/bold white]:{name} [bold white]fn[/bold white]:{fn} [bold white]mode[/bold white]:{mode}>>', color='green')
+ launch_kwargs = dict(
+ module=module,
+ fn = fn,
+ name=name,
+ tag=tag,
+ args = args,
+ kwargs = kwargs,
+ refresh=refresh,
+ **extra_launch_kwargs
+ )
+ assert fn != None, 'fn must be specified for pm2 launch'
+ return cls.launch(**launch_kwargs)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/commune/subspace/client.py b/commune/subspace/client.py
index ae1420aa..cef14fc6 100644
--- a/commune/subspace/client.py
+++ b/commune/subspace/client.py
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
from substrateinterface.storage import StorageKey # type: ignore
from commune.subspace.utils import transform_stake_dmap
-from commune.errors import ChainTransactionError, NetworkQueryError
-from commune.types import NetworkParams, Ss58Address, SubnetParams
+from commune.utils.errors import ChainTransactionError, NetworkQueryError
+from commune.utils.types import NetworkParams, Ss58Address, SubnetParams
# TODO: InsufficientBalanceError, MismatchedLengthError etc
diff --git a/commune/subspace/global.py b/commune/subspace/global.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
diff --git a/commune/subspace/subnet.py b/commune/subspace/subnet.py
deleted file mode 100644
index da5f034d..00000000
--- a/commune/subspace/subnet.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1056 +0,0 @@
-from typing import *
-import commune as c
-import requests
-class SubspaceSubnet:
- subnet_param_features = [
- "ImmunityPeriod",
- "MinAllowedWeights",
- "MaxAllowedWeights",
- "Tempo",
- "MaxAllowedUids",
- "Founder",
- "FounderShare",
- "IncentiveRatio",
- "TrustRatio",
- "SubnetNames",
- "MaxWeightAge",
- "BondsMovingAverage",
- "MaximumSetWeightCallsPerEpoch",
- "MinValidatorStake",
- "MaxAllowedValidators",
- "ModuleBurnConfig",
- "SubnetMetadata",
- 'SubnetGovernanceConfig'
- ]
- def stake_to(self, block=None, max_age=1000, update=False, fmt='nano', **kwargs):
- stake_to = self.query_map('StakeTo', block=block, max_age=max_age, update=update, **kwargs)
- format_value = lambda v: {v_k: self.format_amount(v_v, fmt=fmt) for v_k, v_v in v.items()}
- stake_to = {k: format_value(v) for k,v in stake_to.items()}
- return stake_to
- def netuid2founder(self, fmt='j', **kwargs):
- netuid2founder = self.query_map('Founder', **kwargs)
- return netuid2founder
- def stake_from(self,
- block=None,
- update=False,
- max_age=10000,
- fmt='nano',
- **kwargs) -> List[Dict[str, Union[str, int]]]:
- stake_from = self.query_map('StakeFrom', block=block, update=update, max_age=max_age )
- format_value = lambda v: {v_k: self.format_amount(v_v, fmt=fmt) for v_k, v_v in v.items()}
- stake_from = {k: format_value(v) for k,v in stake_from.items()}
- return stake_from
- """ Returns network Tempo hyper parameter """
- def stakes(self, fmt:str='j', max_age = 100, update=False, stake_from=None, **kwargs) -> int:
- stake_from = stake_from or self.stake_from( update=update, max_age=max_age, fmt=fmt)
- stakes = {k: sum(v.values()) for k,v in stake_from.items()}
- return stakes
- def leaderboard(self, netuid = 0, block=None, update=False, columns = ['emission', 'name', 'incentive', 'dividends'], **kwargs):
- modules = self.get_modules(netuid=netuid, block=block, update=update, **kwargs)
- return c.df(modules)[columns]
- def min_stake(self, netuid: int = 0, fmt:str='j', **kwargs) -> int:
- min_stake = self.query('MinStake', netuid=netuid, **kwargs)
- return self.format_amount(min_stake, fmt=fmt)
- def regblock(self, netuid: int = 0, block: Optional[int] = None, update=False ) -> Optional[float]:
- regblock = self.query_map('RegistrationBlock',block=block, update=update )
- if isinstance(netuid, int):
- regblock = regblock[netuid]
- return regblock
- def emissions(self, netuid = None, block=None, update=False, fmt = 'nanos', **kwargs):
- netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
- emissions = self.query_vector('Emission', netuid=netuid, block=block, update=update, **kwargs)
- if netuid == 'all':
- for netuid, netuid_emissions in emissions.items():
- emissions[netuid] = [self.format_amount(e, fmt=fmt) for e in netuid_emissions]
- else:
- emissions = [self.format_amount(e, fmt=fmt) for e in emissions]
- return emissions
- emission = emissions
- def total_emission( self, netuid: int = 0, block: Optional[int] = None, fmt:str = 'j', **kwargs ) -> Optional[float]:
- total_emission = sum(self.emission(netuid=netuid, block=block, **kwargs))
- return self.format_amount(total_emission, fmt=fmt)
- def addresses(self, netuid: int = 0, update=False, **kwargs) -> List[str]:
- netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
- addresses = self.query_map('Address',netuid=netuid, update=update, **kwargs)
- if isinstance(netuid, int):
- addresses = list(addresses.values())
- else:
- for k,v in addresses.items():
- addresses[k] = list(v.values())
- return addresses
- def namespace(self, search=None, netuid: int = 0, update:bool = False, timeout=30, local=False, max_age=1000, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, str]:
- namespace = {}
- results = {
- 'names': None,
- 'addresses': None
- }
- netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
- while any([v == None for v in results.values()]):
- future2key = {}
- for k,v in results.items():
- if v == None:
- f = c.submit(getattr(self, k), kwargs=dict(netuid=netuid, update=update, max_age=max_age, **kwargs))
- future2key[f] = k
- for future in c.as_completed(list(future2key.keys()), timeout=timeout):
- key = future2key.pop(future)
- r = future.result()
- if not c.is_error(r) and r != None:
- results[key] = r
- if netuid == 'all':
- netuid2subnet = self.netuid2subnet()
- namespace = {}
- for netuid, netuid_addresses in results['addresses'].items():
- for uid,address in enumerate(netuid_addresses):
- name = results['names'][netuid][uid]
- subnet = netuid2subnet[netuid]
- namespace[f'{subnet}/{name}'] = address
- else:
- namespace = {k:v for k,v in zip(results['names'], results['addresses'])}
- if search != None:
- namespace = {k:v for k,v in namespace.items() if search in str(k)}
- if local:
- ip = c.ip()
- namespace = {k:v for k,v in namespace.items() if ip in str(v)}
- return namespace
- def emissions(self, netuid = None, network = "main", block=None, update=False, **kwargs):
- netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
- return self.query_vector('Emission', network=network, netuid=netuid, block=block, update=update, **kwargs)
- def key2name(self, key: str = None, netuid: int = 0) -> str:
- modules = self.keys(netuid=netuid)
- key2name = { m['key']: m['name']for m in modules}
- if key != None:
- return key2name[key]
- def uid2name(self, netuid: int = 0, update=False, **kwargs) -> List[str]:
- netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
- names = self.query_map('Name', netuid=netuid, update=update,**kwargs)
- return names
- def is_registered(self, key: str, netuid: int = 0, update=False, **kwargs) -> bool:
- key_address = self.resolve_key_ss58(key)
- try:
- uid = self.get_uid(key_address, netuid=netuid, update=update, **kwargs)
- if isinstance(uid, int):
- return True
- except Exception as e:
- return False
- def keys(self,
- netuid = None,
- update=False,
- max_age=1000,
- **kwargs) -> List[str]:
- netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
- keys = self.query_map('Keys', netuid=netuid, update=update, max_age=max_age, **kwargs)
- if netuid == 'all':
- for netuid, netuid_keys in keys.items():
- keys[netuid] = list(netuid_keys.values())
- else:
- keys = list(keys.values())
- return keys
- def delegation_fee(self, netuid = None, block=None, update=False, fmt='j'):
- netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
- delegation_fee = self.query_map('DelegationFee', netuid=netuid, block=block ,update=update)
- return delegation_fee
- def feature2name(self, feature='MinStake'):
- translations = {
- 'subnet_names': 'name'
- }
- name = ''
- for i, ch in enumerate(feature):
- if ch.isupper():
- if i == 0:
- name += ch.lower()
- else:
- name += f'_{ch.lower()}'
- else:
- name += ch
- name = translations.get(name, name)
- return name
- def subnet_params(self,
- netuid=0,
- update = False,
- max_age = 1000,
- timeout=40,
- fmt:str='j',
- features = None,
- value_features = [],
- **kwargs
- ) -> list:
- if netuid == 'all':
- return self.all_subnet_params(update=update,
- max_age=max_age,
- timeout=timeout,
- fmt=fmt,
- features=features,
- value_features=value_features,
- **kwargs)
- default_params = {
- 'maximum_set_weight_calls_per_epoch': 30,
- 'max_allowed_validators': 50
- }
- features = features or self.subnet_param_features
- netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
- path = f'query/{self.network}/SubnetParams.{netuid}'
- subnet_params = self.get(path, max_age=max_age, update=update)
- if subnet_params == None:
- names = [self.feature2name(f) for f in features]
- future2name = {}
- for name, feature in dict(zip(names, features)).items():
- query_kwargs = dict(name=feature, netuid=netuid,block=None, max_age=max_age, update=update)
- if name in ['SubnetGovernanceConfig']:
- fn = self.query_map
- else:
- fn = self.query
- f = c.submit(fn, kwargs=query_kwargs, timeout=timeout)
- future2name[f] = name
- subnet_params = {}
- for f in c.as_completed(future2name, timeout=timeout):
- result = f.result()
- subnet_params[future2name.pop(f)] = result
- for k in subnet_params.keys():
- v = subnet_params[k]
- if v == None:
- v = default_params.get(k, v)
- if k in value_features:
- v = self.format_amount(v, fmt=fmt)
- subnet_params[k] = v
- self.put(path, subnet_params)
- subnet_params.update(subnet_params.pop('subnet_governance_config'))
- translation = {
- 'subnet_names': 'name',
- 'bonds_moving_average': 'bonds_ma'
- }
- for k,v in translation.items():
- if k in subnet_params:
- subnet_params[v] = subnet_params.pop(k)
- return subnet_params
- def all_subnet_params(self,
- update = False,
- max_age = 1000,
- features = None,
- **kwargs
- ) -> list:
- features = features or self.subnet_param_features
- netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
- path = f'query/{self.network}/SubnetParams.all'
- all_subnet_params = self.get(path, max_age=max_age, update=update)
- if all_subnet_params == None:
- all_subnet_params = {}
- for netuid in self.netuids(update=update):
- all_subnet_params[netuid] = self.subnet_params(netuid=netuid, update=update, max_age=max_age, **kwargs)
- return all_subnet_params
- def pending_deregistrations(self, netuid = None, update=False, **kwargs):
- netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
- pending_deregistrations = self.query_map('PendingDeregisterUids',update=update,**kwargs)[netuid]
- return pending_deregistrations
- def num_pending_deregistrations(self, netuid = 0, **kwargs):
- pending_deregistrations = self.pending_deregistrations(netuid=netuid, **kwargs)
- return len(pending_deregistrations)
- def subnet_names(self , search=None, update=False, block=None, max_age=60, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, str]:
- records = self.query_map('SubnetNames', update=update, block=block, max_age=max_age, **kwargs)
- subnet_names = sorted(list(map(lambda x: str(x), records.values())))
- if search != None:
- subnet_names = [s for s in subnet_names if search in s]
- return subnet_names
- def subnets(self, **kwargs) -> Dict[int, str]:
- return self.subnet_names(**kwargs)
- def num_subnets(self, **kwargs) -> int:
- return len(self.subnets(**kwargs))
- def subnet2stake(self, fmt='j'):
- netuid2subnet = self.netuid2subnet()
- netuid2stake = self.netuid2stake(fmt=fmt)
- subnet2stake = {}
- for netuid, subnet in netuid2subnet.items():
- subnet2stake[subnet] = netuid2stake[netuid]
- return subnet2stake
- def netuid2stake(self, fmt='j', **kwargs):
- netuid2stake = self.query_map('TotalStake', **kwargs)
- for netuid, stake in netuid2stake.items():
- netuid2stake[netuid] = self.format_amount(stake, fmt=fmt)
- return netuid2stake
- def netuid2n(self, fmt='j', **kwargs):
- netuid2n = self.query_map('N', **kwargs)
- return netuid2n
- def trust(self,
- netuid = 0,
- block=None,
- update:bool = False,
- **kwargs):
- return self.query_vector('Trust', netuid=netuid, block=block, update=update, **kwargs)
- def incentives(self,
- netuid = 0,
- block=None,
- update:bool = False,
- **kwargs):
- return self.query_vector('Incentive', netuid=netuid, block=block, update=update, **kwargs)
- incentive = incentives
- def last_update(self, netuid = 0, update=False, **kwargs):
- return self.query_vector('LastUpdate', netuid=netuid, update=update, **kwargs)
- def dividends(self, netuid = 0, update=False, **kwargs):
- return self.query_vector('Dividends', netuid=netuid, update=update, **kwargs)
- dividend = dividends
- def names(self,
- netuid: int = 0,
- update=False,
- **kwargs) -> List[str]:
- netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
- names = self.query_map('Name', update=update, netuid=netuid,**kwargs)
- if netuid == 'all':
- for netuid, netuid_names in names.items():
- names[netuid] = list(netuid_names.values())
- else:
- names = list(names.values())
- return names
- def uids(self,
- netuid = 0,
- update=False,
- max_age=1000,
- **kwargs) -> List[str]:
- netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
- keys = self.query_map('Keys', netuid=netuid, update=update, max_age=max_age, **kwargs)
- if netuid == 'all':
- for netuid, netuid_keys in keys.items():
- keys[netuid] = list(netuid_keys.keys ())
- else:
- keys = list(keys.keys())
- return keys
- def subnet2n(self, fmt='j', **kwargs):
- netuid2n = self.netuid2n(fmt=fmt, **kwargs)
- netuid2subnet = self.netuid2subnet()
- subnet2n = {}
- for netuid, subnet in netuid2subnet.items():
- subnet2n[subnet] = netuid2n[netuid]
- return subnet2n
- def subnet2stakes(self, block=None, update=False, fmt='j', **kwargs):
- subnet2stakes = {}
- for netuid in self.netuids( update=update):
- subnet2stakes[netuid] = self.stakes(netuid=netuid, block=block, update=update, fmt=fmt, **kwargs)
- return subnet2stakes
- def subnet_state(self, netuid='all', block=None, update=False, fmt='j', **kwargs):
- subnet_state = {
- 'params': self.subnet_params(netuid=netuid, block=block, update=update, fmt=fmt, **kwargs),
- 'modules': self.modules(netuid=netuid, block=block, update=update, fmt=fmt, **kwargs),
- }
- return subnet_state
- def subnet2emission(self, fmt='j', **kwargs):
- subnet2params = self.subnet_params(netuid='all')
- netuid2emission = self.netuid2emission(fmt=fmt, **kwargs)
- netuid2subnet = self.netuid2subnet()
- subnet2emission = {}
- for netuid, subnet in netuid2subnet.items():
- subnet2emission[subnet] = netuid2emission[netuid]
- # sort by emission
- subnet2emission = dict(sorted(subnet2emission.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True))
- return subnet2emission
- def uid2key(self, uid=None,
- netuid = 0,
- update=False,
- max_age= 1000,
- **kwargs):
- netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
- uid2key = self.query_map('Keys', netuid=netuid, update=update, max_age=max_age, **kwargs)
- # sort by uid
- if uid != None:
- return uid2key[uid]
- return uid2key
- def key2uid(self, key = None, netuid: int = 0, update=False, netuids=None , **kwargs):
- uid2key = self.uid2key( netuid=netuid, update=update, **kwargs)
- reverse_map = lambda x: {v: k for k,v in x.items()}
- if netuid == 'all':
- key2uid = {netuid: reverse_map(_key2uid) for netuid, _key2uid in uid2key.items() if netuids == None or netuid in netuids }
- else:
- key2uid = reverse_map(uid2key)
- if key != None:
- key_ss58 = self.resolve_key_ss58(key)
- return key2uid[key_ss58]
- return key2uid
- """ Returns network SubnetN hyper parameter """
- def n(self, netuid: int = 0,block: Optional[int] = None, max_age=100, update=False, **kwargs ) -> int:
- if netuid == 'all':
- return sum(self.query_map('N', block=block , update=update, max_age=max_age, **kwargs).values())
- else:
- return self.query( 'N', params=[netuid], block=block , update=update, **kwargs)
- def subnet_exists(self, subnet:str) -> bool:
- subnets = self.subnets()
- return bool(subnet in subnets)
- def subnet_emission(self, netuid:str = 0, block=None, update=False, **kwargs):
- emissions = self.emission(block=block, update=update, netuid=netuid, **kwargs)
- if isinstance(emissions[0], list):
- emissions = [sum(e) for e in emissions]
- return sum(emissions)
- def get_modules(self,
- keys : list = None,
- netuid=None,
- timeout=30,
- min_emission=0,
- max_age = 1000,
- update=False,
- **kwargs):
- netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
- modules = None
- path = None
- if keys == None :
- path = f'subnet/{self.network}/{netuid}/modules'
- modules = self.get(path, None, max_age=max_age, update=update)
- keys = self.keys(netuid=netuid)
- n = len(keys)
- if modules == None:
- modules = []
- print(f'Getting modules {n}')
- futures = [c.submit(self.get_module, kwargs=dict(module=k, netuid=netuid, **kwargs)) for k in keys]
- progress = c.tqdm(n)
- modules = []
- should_pass = lambda x: isinstance(x, dict) \
- and 'name' in x \
- and len(x['name']) > 0 \
- and x['emission'] >= min_emission
- for future in c.as_completed(futures, timeout=timeout):
- module = future.result()
- if should_pass(module):
- modules += [module]
- progress.update(1)
- if path != None:
- self.put(path, modules)
- return modules
- module_param_features = [
- 'key',
- 'name',
- 'address',
- 'emission',
- 'incentive',
- 'dividends',
- 'last_update',
- 'stake_from',
- 'delegation_fee'
- ]
- def get_module(self,
- module=None,
- netuid=None,
- trials = 4,
- fmt='j',
- mode = 'http',
- block = None,
- max_age = None,
- lite = False,
- update = False,
- **kwargs ) -> 'ModuleInfo':
- U16_MAX = 2**16 - 1
- netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
- if module == None:
- module = self.keys(netuid=netuid, update=update, max_age=max_age)[0]
- c.print(f'No module specified, using {module}')
- module = c.key2address().get(module, module)
- url = self.resolve_url( mode=mode)
- module_key = module
- is_valid_key = c.valid_ss58_address(module)
- if not is_valid_key:
- module_key = self.name2key(name=module, netuid=netuid, **kwargs)
- netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
- json={'id':1, 'jsonrpc':'2.0', 'method': 'subspace_getModuleInfo', 'params': [module_key, netuid]}
- module = None
- for i in range(trials):
- try:
- module = requests.post(url, json=json).json()
- break
- except Exception as e:
- c.print(e)
- continue
- assert module != None, f"Failed to get module {module_key} after {trials} trials"
- if not 'result' in module:
- return module
- module = {**module['result']['stats'], **module['result']['params']}
- # convert list of u8 into a string Vector to a string
- module['name'] = self.vec82str(module['name'])
- module['address'] = self.vec82str(module['address'])
- module['dividends'] = module['dividends'] / (U16_MAX)
- module['incentive'] = module['incentive'] / (U16_MAX)
- module['stake_from'] = {k:self.format_amount(v, fmt=fmt) for k,v in module['stake_from']}
- module['stake'] = sum([v for k,v in module['stake_from'].items() ])
- module['emission'] = self.format_amount(module['emission'], fmt=fmt)
- module['key'] = module.pop('controller', None)
- module['metadata'] = module.pop('metadata', {})
- module['vote_staleness'] = (block or self.block) - module['last_update']
- if lite :
- features = self.module_param_features + ['stake', 'vote_staleness']
- module = {f: module[f] for f in features}
- assert module['key'] == module_key, f"Key mismatch {module['key']} != {module_key}"
- return module
- def root_valis(self, search=None, netuid = 0, update=False, **kwargs):
- root_valis = []
- for module in self.get_modules(netuid=netuid, update=update, **kwargs):
- if search != None:
- if search not in module['name']:
- continue
- module.pop('stake_from')
- root_valis += [module ]
- return c.df(root_valis)[['name', 'key', 'stake']]
- def root_keys(self, netuid = 0, update=False, **kwargs):
- return self.keys(netuid=netuid, update=update, **kwargs)
- def registration_block(self, netuid: int = 0, update=False, **kwargs):
- registration_blocks = self.query_map('RegistrationBlock', netuid=netuid, update=update, **kwargs)
- return registration_blocks
- regblocks = registration_blocks = registration_block
- def key2name(self, key=None, netuid: int = None, update=False) -> Dict[str, str]:
- key2name = {v:k for k,v in self.name2key(netuid=netuid, update=update).items()}
- if key != None:
- return key2name[key]
- return key2name
- def name2key(self, name:str=None,
- max_age=1000,
- timeout=30,
- netuid: int = 0,
- update=False,
- trials=3,
- **kwargs ) -> Dict[str, str]:
- # netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
- netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
- names = c.submit(self.names, kwargs={'feature': 'names', 'netuid':netuid, 'update':update, 'max_age':max_age, 'network': self.network})
- keys = c.submit(self.keys, kwargs={'feature': 'keys', 'netuid':netuid, 'update':update, 'max_age':max_age, 'network': self.network})
- names, keys = c.wait([names, keys], timeout=timeout)
- name2key = dict(zip(names, keys))
- if name != None:
- if name in name2key:
- return name2key[name]
- else:
- trials -= 1
- if trials == 0:
- return None
- else:
- return self.name2key(name=name,
- timeout=timeout, netuid=netuid, update=True,
- trials=trials, **kwargs)
- return name2key
- def name2uid(self, name = None, netuid: int = 0, search=None) -> int:
- netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
- uid2name = self.uid2name(netuid=netuid)
- if netuid == 'all':
- netuid2name2uid = {}
- for netuid, netuid_uid2name in uid2name.items():
- name2uid = self.search_dict(netuid_uid2name)
- if name != None:
- name2uid = name2uid[name]
- netuid2name2uid[netuid] = name2uid
- return netuid2name2uid
- else:
- name2uid = {v:k for k,v in uid2name.items()}
- if search != None:
- name2uid = self.search_dict(name2uid, search=search)
- if name != None:
- return name2uid[name]
- return name2uid
- def netuids(self, update=False, block=None) -> Dict[int, str]:
- return list(self.netuid2subnet( update=update, block=block).keys())
- def netuid2subnet(self, netuid=None, update=False, block=None, **kwargs ) -> Dict[str, str]:
- netuid2subnet = self.query_map('SubnetNames', update=update, block=block, **kwargs)
- netuid2subnet = dict(sorted(netuid2subnet.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]))
- if netuid != None:
- return netuid2subnet[netuid]
- return netuid2subnet
- netuid2name = netuid2subnet
- def subnet2netuid(self, subnet=None, update=False, **kwargs ) -> Dict[str, str]:
- subnet2netuid = {v:k for k,v in self.netuid2subnet( update=update, **kwargs).items()}
- # sort by subnet
- if subnet != None:
- return subnet2netuid[subnet] if subnet in subnet2netuid else len(subnet2netuid)
- return subnet2netuid
- name2netuid = subnet2netuid
- def get_uid( self, key: str, netuid: int = 0, block: Optional[int] = None, update=False, **kwargs) -> int:
- return self.query( 'Uids', block=block, params=[ netuid, key ] , update=update, **kwargs)
- def weights(self, netuid = 0, update=False, **kwargs) -> list:
- weights = self.query_map('Weights',netuid=netuid, update=update, **kwargs)
- tuples2list = lambda x: [list(v) for v in x]
- if netuid == 'all':
- for netuid, netuid_weights in weights.items():
- weights[netuid] = {k: tuples2list(v) for k,v in netuid_weights.items()}
- else:
- weights = {k: tuples2list(v) for k,v in weights.items()}
- return weights
- def resolve_uid(self, uid=None, netuid=None, **kwargs) -> int:
- netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
- if isinstance(uid, int):
- return uid
- elif isinstance(uid, str):
- if c.key_exists(uid):
- # for key
- uid = self.resolve_key_ss58(uid)
- uid = self.key2uid(netuid=netuid,**kwargs)[uid]
- else:
- # resolve name
- uid = self.name2uid(name=uid, netuid=netuid, **kwargs)
- return uid
- def get_weights(self, key=None, netuid = 0, update=False, **kwargs) -> list:
- uid = self.resolve_uid(key, netuid=netuid)
- weights = self.query('Weights', params=[netuid, uid], update=update, **kwargs)
- return weights
- def total_emissions(self, netuid = 9, block=None, update=False, fmt = 'j', **kwargs):
- emissions = self.query_vector('Emission', netuid=netuid, block=block, update=update, **kwargs)
- if netuid == 'all':
- for netuid, netuid_emissions in emissions.items():
- emissions[netuid] = [self.format_amount(e, fmt=fmt) for e in netuid_emissions]
- else:
- emissions = [self.format_amount(e, fmt=fmt) for e in emissions]
- return sum(emissions)
- # def state(self, block=None, netuid='all', update=False, max_age=10000, fmt='j', **kwargs):
- # subnet_params = self.subnet_params(block=block, netuid=netuid, max_age=max_age, **kwargs)
- # subnet2emissions = self.emissions(netuid=netuid, max_age=max_age, block=block, **kwargs)
- # subnet2staketo = self.stake_to(netuid=netuid, block=block, update=update, fmt=fmt, **kwargs)
- # subnet2incentives = self.incentives(netuid=netuid, block=block, update=update, fmt=fmt, **kwargs)
- # subnet2trust = self.trust(netuid=netuid, block=block, update=update, fmt=fmt, **kwargs)
- # subnet2keys = self.keys(netuid=netuid, block=block, update=update, **kwargs)
- # subnet2state = {}
- # for netuid, params in subnet_params.items():
- # subnet_state = {
- # 'params': params,
- # 'incentives': subnet2incentives[netuid],
- # 'emissions': subnet2emissions[netuid],
- # ''
- # 'stake_to': subnet2staketo[netuid],
- # 'keys': subnet2keys[netuid],
- # }
- # subnet_state[netuid] = subnet_state
- # return subnet2state
- def netuid2emission(self, fmt='j', period='day', names=None, **kwargs):
- netuid2emission = {}
- netuid2tempo = None
- emissions = self.query_vector('Emission', netuid='all', **kwargs)
- for netuid, netuid_emissions in emissions.items():
- if period == 'day':
- if netuid2tempo == None:
- netuid2tempo = self.query_map('Tempo', netuid='all', **kwargs)
- tempo = netuid2tempo.get(netuid, 100)
- multiplier = self.blocks_per_day() / tempo
- else:
- multiplier = 1
- netuid2emission[netuid] = self.format_amount(sum(netuid_emissions), fmt=fmt) * multiplier
- netuid2emission = {k: v for k,v in netuid2emission.items()}
- if names:
- netuid2emission = {self.netuid2name(netuid=k): v for k,v in netuid2emission.items()}
- return netuid2emission
- def subnet2emission(self, fmt='j', period='day', **kwargs):
- return self.netuid2emission(fmt=fmt, period=period, names=1, **kwargs)
- def global_emissions(self, **kwargs):
- return sum(list(self.subnet2emissions( **kwargs).values()))
- def subnet2params( self, block: Optional[int] = None ) -> Optional[float]:
- netuids = self.netuids()
- subnet2params = {}
- netuid2subnet = self.netuid2subnet()
- for netuid in netuids:
- subnet = netuid2subnet[netuid]
- subnet2params[subnet] = self.subnet_params(netuid=netuid, block=block)
- return subnet2params
- #################
- #### UPDATE SUBNET ####
- #################
- def update_subnet(
- self,
- params: dict= None,
- netuid: int = 0,
- key: str = None,
- nonce = None,
- update= True,
- **extra_params,
- ) -> bool:
- params = {**(params or {}), **extra_params}
- netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
- subnet_params = self.subnet_params( netuid=netuid , update=update, fmt='nanos')
- # infer the key if you have it
- for k in ['min_immunity_stake']:
- if k in params:
- params[k] = params[k] * 1e9
- if key == None:
- key2address = c.address2key()
- if subnet_params['founder'] not in key2address:
- return {'success': False, 'message': f"Subnet {netuid} not found in local namespace, please deploy it "}
- key = c.get_key(key2address.get(subnet_params['founder']))
- c.print(f'Using key: {key}')
- # remove the params that are the same as the module info
- params = {**subnet_params, **params}
- for k in ['name']:
- params[k] = params[k].encode('utf-8')
- params['netuid'] = netuid
- return self.compose_call(fn='update_subnet', params=params, key=key, nonce=nonce)
- #################
- #### Serving ####
- #################
- def propose_subnet_update(
- self,
- netuid: int = None,
- key: str = None,
- nonce = None,
- **params,
- ) -> bool:
- netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
- c.print(f'Adding proposal to subnet {netuid}')
- subnet_params = self.subnet_params( netuid=netuid , update=True)
- # remove the params that are the same as the module info
- params = {**subnet_params, **params}
- for k in ['name', 'vote_mode']:
- params[k] = params[k].encode('utf-8')
- params['netuid'] = netuid
- response = self.compose_call(fn='add_subnet_proposal',
- params=params,
- key=key,
- nonce=nonce)
- return response
- def get_stake( self, key_ss58: str, block: Optional[int] = None, netuid:int = None , fmt='j', update=True ) -> Optional['Balance']:
- key_ss58 = self.resolve_key_ss58( key_ss58)
- netuid = self.resolve_netuid( netuid )
- stake = self.query( 'Stake',params=[netuid, key_ss58], block=block , update=update)
- return self.format_amount(stake, fmt=fmt)
- def min_register_stake(self, netuid: int = 0, fmt='j', **kwargs) -> float:
- netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
- min_burn = self.min_burn( fmt=fmt)
- min_stake = self.min_stake(netuid=netuid, fmt=fmt)
- return min_stake + min_burn
- def resolve_netuid(self, netuid: int = None) -> int:
- '''
- Resolves a netuid to a subnet name.
- '''
- if netuid == 'all':
- return netuid
- if netuid == None :
- # If the netuid is not specified, use the default.
- return self.netuid
- if isinstance(netuid, str):
- subnet2netuid = self.subnet2netuid()
- if netuid not in subnet2netuid: # if still not found, try lower case
- subnet2netuid =self.subnet2netuid(update=True)
- assert netuid in subnet2netuid, f"Subnet {netuid} not found in {subnet2netuid}"
- return subnet2netuid[netuid]
- elif isinstance(netuid, int):
- if netuid == 0:
- return netuid
- # If the netuid is an integer, ensure it is valid.
- assert isinstance(netuid, int), "netuid must be an integer"
- return netuid
- def blocks_until_vote(self, netuid=None, **kwargs):
- netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
- tempo = self.subnet_params(netuid=netuid, **kwargs)['tempo']
- block = self.block
- return tempo - ((block + netuid) % tempo)
- def emission_per_epoch(self, netuid=None):
- return self.subnet(netuid=netuid)['emission']*self.epoch_time(netuid=netuid)
- def get_stake_to( self,
- key: str = None,
- module_key=None,
- block: Optional[int] = None,
- fmt='j' , update=False,
- max_age = 60,
- timeout = 10,
- **kwargs) -> Optional['Balance']:
- key_address = self.resolve_key_ss58( key )
- stake_to = self.query_map( 'StakeTo', params=[ key_address], block=block, update=update, max_age=max_age)
- stake_to = {k: self.format_amount(v, fmt=fmt) for k, v in stake_to.items()}
- return stake_to
- def get_stake_from( self, key: str, block: Optional[int] = None, fmt='j', update=True ) -> Optional['Balance']:
- key = self.resolve_key_ss58( key )
- stake_from = self.query_map( 'StakeFrom', params=[key], block=block, update=update )
- stake_from = {k: self.format_amount(v, fmt=fmt) for k, v in stake_from.items()}
- return stake_from
- def epoch_time(self, netuid=None, update=False, **kwargs):
- netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
- return self.subnet_params(netuid=netuid, update=update, **kwargs)['tempo']*self.block_time
- def seconds_per_day(self ):
- return 24*60*60
- def epochs_per_day(self, netuid=None):
- netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
- return self.seconds_per_day()/self.epoch_time(netuid=netuid)
- def seconds_per_epoch(self, netuid=0):
- netuid =self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
- return self.block_time * self.subnet_params(netuid=netuid)['tempo']
- def format_module(self, module: 'ModuleInfo', fmt:str='j') -> 'ModuleInfo':
- U16_MAX = 2**16 - 1
- for k in ['emission']:
- module[k] = self.format_amount(module[k], fmt=fmt)
- for k in ['incentive', 'dividends']:
- module[k] = module[k] / (U16_MAX)
- module['stake_from'] = {k: self.format_amount(v, fmt=fmt) for k, v in module['stake_from']}
- return module
- def netuid2module(self, update=False, fmt:str='j', **kwargs) -> 'ModuleInfo':
- netuids = self.netuids(update=update)
- future2netuid = {}
- for netuid in netuids:
- f = c.submit(self.get_module, dict(netuid=netuid, update=update, fmt=fmt, **kwargs))
- future2netuid[f] = netuid
- netuid2module = {}
- progress = c.tqdm(len(netuids))
- for future in c.as_completed(future2netuid):
- netuid = future2netuid.pop(future)
- module = future.result()
- if not c.is_error(module):
- netuid2module[netuid] = module
- progress.update(1)
- return netuid2module
- def netuid2uid(self, key=None, update=False, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, str]:
- key = self.resolve_key_ss58(key)
- netuids = self.netuids(update=update)
- netuid2uid = {}
- progress = c.tqdm(len(netuids))
- future2netuid = {}
- for netuid in netuids:
- f = c.submit(self.get_uid, kwargs=dict(key=key, netuid=netuid, **kwargs))
- future2netuid[f] = netuid
- for future in c.as_completed(future2netuid):
- netuid = future2netuid.pop(future)
- uid = future.result()
- if uid != None:
- netuid2uid[netuid] = uid
- progress.update(1)
- # sort by netuid key
- netuid2uid = dict(sorted(netuid2uid.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]))
- return netuid2uid
- def subnet_state(self, netuid=0, update=False, **kwargs):
- modules = self.get_modules(netuid=netuid, update=update, **kwargs)
- return {
- 'params': self.subnet_params(netuid=netuid,
- update=update,
- fmt='nanos'),
- 'modules': modules
- }
- def register_subnet(self, key: 'Keypair', name: str, metadata: str | None = None) -> 'c':
- """
- Registers a new subnet in the network.
- Args:
- key (Keypair): The keypair used for registering the subnet.
- name (str): The name of the subnet to be registered.
- metadata (str | None, optional): Additional metadata for the subnet. Defaults to None.
- Returns:
- ExtrinsicReceipt: A receipt of the subnet registration transaction.
- Raises:
- ChainTransactionError: If the transaction fails.
- """
- params = {
- "name": name,
- "metadata": metadata,
- }
- response = self.compose_call("register_subnet", params=params, key=key)
- return response
diff --git a/commune/subspace/subspace.py b/commune/subspace/subspace.py
index cc6c2535..18449ce1 100644
--- a/commune/subspace/subspace.py
+++ b/commune/subspace/subspace.py
@@ -5,11 +5,9 @@
import os
import commune as c
import requests
-from .subnet import SubspaceSubnet
-from .wallet import SubspaceWallet
from substrateinterface import SubstrateInterface
-class Subspace( SubspaceSubnet, SubspaceWallet, c.Module):
+class Subspace(c.Module):
Handles interactions with the subspace chain.
@@ -38,9 +36,6 @@ def __init__(self,
sync_loop = False,
self.config = self.set_config(locals())
self.url_path = self.dirpath() + '/urls.yaml'
# merge the config with the subspace config
@@ -913,5 +908,2218 @@ def sync_loop(self,max_age=None):
c.print('Synced all subnets, sleeping')
+ ##################
+ #### Transfer ####
+ ##################
+ def transfer(
+ self,
+ dest: str,
+ amount: float ,
+ key: str = None,
+ nonce= None,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> bool:
+ # this is a bit of a hack to allow for the amount to be a string for c send 500 0x1234 instead of c send 0x1234 500
+ if type(dest) in [int, float]:
+ assert isinstance(amount, str), f"Amount must be a string"
+ new_amount = int(dest)
+ dest = amount
+ amount = new_amount
+ key = self.resolve_key(key)
+ dest = self.resolve_key_ss58(dest)
+ amount = self.to_nanos(amount) # convert to nano (10^9 nanos = 1 token)
+ response = self.compose_call(
+ module='Balances',
+ fn='transfer_keep_alive',
+ params={
+ 'dest': dest,
+ 'value': amount
+ },
+ key=key,
+ nonce = nonce,
+ **kwargs
+ )
+ return response
+ def add_profit_shares(
+ self,
+ keys: List[str], # the keys to add profit shares to
+ shares: List[float] = None , # the shares to add to the keys
+ key: str = None,
+ netuid : int = 0,
+ ) -> bool:
+ key = self.resolve_key(key)
+ assert len(keys) > 0, f"Must provide at least one key"
+ key2address = c.key2address()
+ keys = [key2address.get(k, k) for k in keys]
+ assert all([c.valid_ss58_address(k) for k in keys]), f"All keys must be valid ss58 addresses"
+ shares = shares or [1 for _ in keys]
+ assert len(keys) == len(shares), f"Length of keys {len(keys)} must be equal to length of shares {len(shares)}"
+ response = self.compose_call(
+ module='SubspaceModule',
+ fn='add_profit_shares',
+ params={
+ 'keys': keys,
+ 'shares': shares,
+ 'netuid': netuid
+ },
+ key=key
+ )
+ return response
+ def stake_many( self,
+ modules:List[str] = None,
+ amounts:Union[List[str], float, int] = None,
+ key: str = None,
+ netuid:int = 0,
+ min_balance = 100_000_000_000,
+ n:str = 100) -> Optional['Balance']:
+ netuid = self.resolve_netuid( netuid )
+ key = self.resolve_key( key )
+ if modules == None:
+ my_modules = self.my_modules(netuid=netuid, update=False)
+ modules = [m['key'] for m in my_modules if 'vali' in m['name']]
+ modules = modules[:n] # only stake to the first n modules
+ assert len(modules) > 0, f"No modules found with name {modules}"
+ module_keys = modules
+ if amounts == None:
+ balance = self.get_balance(key=key, fmt='nanos') - min_balance
+ amounts = [(balance // len(modules))] * len(modules)
+ assert sum(amounts) < balance, f'The total amount is {sum(amounts)} > {balance}'
+ else:
+ if isinstance(amounts, (float, int)):
+ amounts = [amounts] * len(modules)
+ for i, amount in enumerate(amounts):
+ amounts[i] = self.to_nanos(amount)
+ assert len(modules) == len(amounts), f"Length of modules and amounts must be the same. Got {len(modules)} and {len(amounts)}."
+ params = {
+ "module_keys": module_keys,
+ "amounts": amounts
+ }
+ response = self.compose_call('add_stake_multiple', params=params, key=key)
+ return response
+ def transfer_multiple( self,
+ destinations:List[str],
+ amounts:Union[List[str], float, int],
+ key: str = None,
+ n:str = 10) -> Optional['Balance']:
+ key2address = c.key2address()
+ key = self.resolve_key( key )
+ balance = self.get_balance(key=key, fmt='j')
+ for i, destination in enumerate(destinations):
+ if not c.valid_ss58_address(destination):
+ if destination in key2address:
+ destinations[i] = key2address[destination]
+ else:
+ raise Exception(f"Invalid destination address {destination}")
+ if type(amounts) in [float, int]:
+ amounts = [amounts] * len(destinations)
+ assert len(set(destinations)) == len(destinations), f"Duplicate destinations found"
+ assert len(destinations) == len(amounts), f"Length of modules and amounts must be the same. Got {len(destinations)} and {len(amounts)}."
+ assert all([c.valid_ss58_address(d) for d in destinations]), f"Invalid destination address {destinations}"
+ total_amount = sum(amounts)
+ assert total_amount < balance, f'The total amount is {total_amount} > {balance}'
+ # convert the amounts to their interger amount (1e9)
+ amounts = [a*(10**9) for a in amounts]
+ params = {
+ "destinations": destinations,
+ "amounts": amounts
+ }
+ return self.compose_call('transfer_multiple', params=params, key=key)
+ transfer_many = transfer_multiple
+ def my_modules(self,
+ modules : list = None,
+ netuid=0,
+ timeout=30,
+ **kwargs):
+ if modules == None:
+ modules = self.my_keys(netuid=netuid)
+ futures = [c.submit(self.get_module, kwargs=dict(module=module, netuid=netuid, **kwargs)) for module in modules]
+ for future in c.as_completed(futures, timeout=timeout):
+ module = future.result()
+ print(module)
+ if not c.is_error(module):
+ modules += [module]
+ return modules
+ def unstake_many( self,
+ modules:Union[List[str], str] = None,
+ amounts:Union[List[str], float, int] = None,
+ key: str = None,
+ netuid=0,
+ update=True,
+ ) -> Optional['Balance']:
+ key = self.resolve_key( key )
+ name2key = {}
+ module_keys = []
+ for i, module in enumerate(modules):
+ if c.valid_ss58_address(module):
+ module_keys += [module]
+ else:
+ if name2key == {}:
+ name2key = self.name2key(netuid=netuid, update=update)
+ assert module in name2key, f"Invalid module {module} not found in SubNetwork {netuid}"
+ module_keys += [name2key[module]]
+ if amounts == None:
+ stake_to = self.get_stake_to(key=key, names=False, update=update, fmt='j') # name to amounts
+ amounts = [stake_to[m] for m in module_keys]
+ if isinstance(amounts, (float, int)):
+ amounts = [amounts] * len(module_keys)
+ for i, amount in enumerate(amounts):
+ amounts[i] = self.to_nanos(amount)
+ assert len(module_keys) == len(amounts), f"Length of modules and amounts must be the same. Got {len(module_keys)} and {len(amounts)}."
+ params = {
+ "netuid": netuid,
+ "module_keys": module_keys,
+ "amounts": amounts
+ }
+ response = self.compose_call('remove_stake_multiple', params=params, key=key)
+ return response
+ def update_module(
+ self,
+ module: str, # the module you want to change
+ address: str = None, # the address of the new module
+ name: str = None, # the name of the new module
+ delegation_fee: float = None, # the delegation fee of the new module
+ metadata = None, # the metadata of the new module
+ fee : float = None, # the fee of the new module
+ netuid: int = 0, # the netuid of the new module
+ nonce = None, # the nonce of the new module
+ tip: int = 0, # the tip of the new module
+ params = None
+ ) -> bool:
+ key = self.resolve_key(module)
+ netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
+ assert self.is_registered(key.ss58_address, netuid=netuid), f"Module {module} is not registered in SubNetwork {netuid}"
+ if params == None:
+ params = {
+ 'name': name , # defaults to module.tage
+ 'address': address , # defaults to module.tage
+ 'delegation_fee': fee or delegation_fee, # defaults to module.delegate_fee
+ 'metadata': c.python2str(metadata or {}), # defaults to module.metadata
+ }
+ should_update_module = False
+ module_info = self.get_module(key.ss58_address, netuid=netuid)
+ for k,v in params.items():
+ if params[k] == None:
+ params[k] = module_info[k]
+ if k in module_info and params[k] != module_info[k]:
+ should_update_module = True
+ if not should_update_module:
+ return {'success': False, 'message': f"Module {module} is already up to date"}
+ c.print('Updating with', params, color='cyan')
+ params['netuid'] = netuid
+ reponse = self.compose_call('update_module', params=params, key=key, nonce=nonce, tip=tip)
+ return reponse
+ update = update_server = update_module
+ def stake_transfer(
+ self,
+ module_key: str ,
+ new_module_key: str ,
+ amount: Union[int, float] = None,
+ key: str = None,
+ ) -> bool:
+ key = c.get_key(key)
+ netuid = 0
+ module_key = self.resolve_module_key(module_key, netuid=netuid)
+ new_module_key = self.resolve_module_key(new_module_key, netuid=netuid)
+ assert module_key != new_module_key, f"Module key {module_key} is the same as new_module_key {new_module_key}"
+ if amount == None:
+ amount = self.get_stake_to( key=key , fmt='j', max_age=0).get(module_key, 0)
+ # Get current stake
+ params={
+ 'amount': int(amount * 10**9),
+ 'module_key': module_key,
+ 'new_module_key': new_module_key
+ }
+ return self.compose_call('transfer_stake',params=params, key=key)
+ def unstake(
+ self,
+ module : str = None, # defaults to most staked module
+ amount: float =None, # defaults to all of the amount
+ key : 'c.Key' = None, # defaults to first key
+ netuid=0,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> dict:
+ """
+ description:
+ Unstakes the specified amount from the module.
+ If no amount is specified, it unstakes all of the amount.
+ If no module is specified, it unstakes from the most staked module.
+ params:
+ amount: float = None, # defaults to all
+ module : str = None, # defaults to most staked module
+ key : 'c.Key' = None, # defaults to first key
+ netuid : Union[str, int] = 0, # defaults to module.netuid
+ network: str= main, # defaults to main
+ return:
+ response: dict
+ """
+ key = c.get_key(key)
+ # get most stake from the module
+ if isinstance(module, int):
+ module = amount
+ amount = module
+ assert module != None or amount != None, f"Must provide a module or an amount"
+ key2address = c.key2address()
+ if module in key2address:
+ module_key = key2address[module]
+ else:
+ name2key = self.name2key(netuid=netuid)
+ if module in name2key:
+ module_key = name2key[module]
+ else:
+ module_key = module
+ assert self.is_registered(module_key, netuid=netuid), f"Module {module} is not registered in SubNetwork {netuid}"
+ if amount == None:
+ stake_to = self.get_stake_to(names = False, fmt='nano', key=module_key)
+ amount = stake_to[module_key] - 100000
+ else:
+ amount = int(self.to_nanos(amount))
+ # convert to nanos
+ params={
+ 'amount': amount ,
+ 'module_key': module_key
+ }
+ response = self.compose_call(fn='remove_stake',params=params, key=key, **kwargs)
+ return response
+ def my_servers(self, search=None, **kwargs):
+ servers = [m['name'] for m in self.my_modules(**kwargs)]
+ if search != None:
+ servers = [s for s in servers if search in s]
+ return servers
+ def my_modules_names(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ my_modules = self.my_modules(*args, **kwargs)
+ return [m['name'] for m in my_modules]
+ def my_module_keys(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ modules = self.my_modules(*args, **kwargs)
+ return [m['key'] for m in modules]
+ def my_key2uid(self, *args, netuid=0, update=False, **kwargs):
+ key2uid = self.key2uid(*args, netuid=netuid, **kwargs)
+ key2address = c.key2address(update=update )
+ key_addresses = list(key2address.values())
+ if netuid == 'all':
+ for netuid, netuid_keys in key2uid.items():
+ key2uid[netuid] = {k: v for k,v in netuid_keys.items() if k in key_addresses}
+ my_key2uid = { k: v for k,v in key2uid.items() if k in key_addresses}
+ return my_key2uid
+ def my_keys(self,
+ netuid=0,
+ search=None,
+ max_age=None,
+ names = False,
+ update=False, **kwargs):
+ netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
+ keys = self.keys(netuid=netuid, max_age=max_age, update=update, **kwargs)
+ key2address = c.key2address(search=search, max_age=max_age, update=update)
+ if search != None:
+ key2address = {k: v for k,v in key2address.items() if search in k}
+ address2key = {v:k for k,v in key2address.items()}
+ addresses = list(key2address.values())
+ convert_fn = lambda x : address2key.get(x, x) if names else x
+ if netuid == 'all':
+ my_keys = {}
+ for netuid, netuid_keys in keys.items():
+ my_netuid_keys = [convert_fn(k) for k in netuid_keys if k in addresses]
+ if len(my_netuid_keys) > 0:
+ my_keys[netuid] = my_netuid_keys
+ else:
+ my_keys = [convert_fn(k) for k in keys if k in addresses]
+ return my_keys
+ def my_value( self, *args, **kwargs ):
+ return sum(list(self.key2value( *args, **kwargs).values()))
+ def my_total_stake(self, netuid='all', fmt='j', update=False):
+ my_stake_to = self.my_stake_to(netuid=netuid, fmt=fmt, update=update)
+ return sum([sum(list(v.values())) for k,v in my_stake_to.items()])
+ def my_staked_module_keys(self, netuid = 0, **kwargs):
+ my_stake_to = self.my_stake_to(netuid=netuid, **kwargs)
+ module_keys = {} if netuid == 'all' else []
+ for subnet_netuid, stake_to_key in my_stake_to.items():
+ if netuid == 'all':
+ for _netuid, stake_to_subnet in stake_to_key.items():
+ module_keys[_netuid] = list(stake_to_subnet.keys()) + module_keys.get(_netuid, [])
+ else:
+ module_keys += list(stake_to_key.keys())
+ return module_keys
+ def my_stake_to(self, fmt='j', **kwargs):
+ stake_to = self.stake_to(fmt=fmt, **kwargs)
+ key2address = c.key2address()
+ my_stake_to = {}
+ for key, address in key2address.items():
+ my_stake_to[address] = {k:v for k,v in stake_to.get(address, {}).items()}
+ stake_to_keys = list(my_stake_to.keys())
+ for key in stake_to_keys:
+ if len(my_stake_to[key]) == 0:
+ del my_stake_to[key]
+ return my_stake_to
+ def my_stake_from(self, netuid = 0, block=None, update=False, fmt='j', max_age=1000 , **kwargs):
+ stake_from_tuples = self.stake_from(netuid=netuid,
+ block=block,
+ update=update,
+ tuples = True,
+ fmt=fmt, max_age=max_age, **kwargs)
+ address2key = c.address2key()
+ stake_from_total = {}
+ if netuid == 'all':
+ for netuid, stake_from_tuples_subnet in stake_from_tuples.items():
+ for module_key,staker_tuples in stake_from_tuples_subnet.items():
+ for staker_key, stake in staker_tuples:
+ if module_key in address2key:
+ stake_from_total[staker_key] = stake_from_total.get(staker_key, 0) + stake
+ else:
+ for module_key,staker_tuples in stake_from_tuples.items():
+ for staker_key, stake in staker_tuples:
+ if module_key in address2key:
+ stake_from_total[staker_key] = stake_from_total.get(staker_key, 0) + stake
+ for staker_address in address2key.keys():
+ if staker_address in stake_from_total:
+ stake_from_total[staker_address] = self.format_amount(stake_from_total[staker_address], fmt=fmt)
+ return stake_from_total
+ def my_total_stake_to( self,
+ key: str = None,
+ block: Optional[int] = None,
+ timeout=20,
+ names = False,
+ fmt='j' ,
+ update=False,
+ max_age = 1000,
+ **kwargs) -> Optional['Balance']:
+ return sum(list(self.get_stake_to(key=key, block=block, timeout=timeout, names=names, fmt=fmt,
+ update=update,
+ max_age=max_age, **kwargs).values()))
+ def my_modules(self, search=None, netuid=0, generator=False, **kwargs):
+ keys = self.my_keys(netuid=netuid, search=search)
+ if netuid == 'all':
+ modules = {}
+ all_keys = keys
+ for netuid, keys in enumerate(all_keys):
+ try:
+ modules[netuid]= self.get_modules(keys=keys, netuid=netuid, **kwargs)
+ except Exception as e:
+ c.print(e)
+ modules = {k: v for k,v in modules.items() if len(v) > 0 }
+ return modules
+ modules = self.get_modules(keys=keys, netuid=netuid, **kwargs)
+ return modules
+ def stats(self,
+ search = None,
+ netuid=0,
+ df:bool=True,
+ update:bool = False ,
+ features : list = ['name', 'emission','incentive', 'dividends', 'stake', 'vote_staleness', 'serving', 'address'],
+ sort_features = ['emission', 'stake'],
+ fmt : str = 'j',
+ modules = None,
+ servers = None,
+ **kwargs
+ ):
+ if isinstance(netuid, str):
+ netuid = self.subnet2netuid(netuid)
+ if search == 'all':
+ netuid = search
+ search = None
+ if netuid == 'all':
+ all_modules = self.my_modules(netuid=netuid, update=update, fmt=fmt, search=search)
+ servers = c.servers()
+ stats = {}
+ netuid2subnet = self.netuid2subnet(update=update)
+ for netuid, modules in all_modules.items():
+ subnet_name = netuid2subnet[netuid]
+ stats[netuid] = self.stats(modules=modules, netuid=netuid, servers=servers)
+ color = c.random_color()
+ c.print(f'\n {subnet_name.upper()} :: (netuid:{netuid})\n', color=color)
+ c.print(stats[netuid], color=color)
+ modules = modules or self.my_modules(netuid=netuid, update=update, fmt=fmt, search=search)
+ stats = []
+ local_key_addresses = list(c.key2address().values())
+ servers = servers or c.servers()
+ for i, m in enumerate(modules):
+ if m['key'] not in local_key_addresses :
+ continue
+ # sum the stake_from
+ # we want to round these values to make them look nice
+ for k in ['emission', 'dividends', 'incentive']:
+ m[k] = c.round(m[k], sig=4)
+ m['serving'] = bool(m['name'] in servers)
+ m['stake'] = int(m['stake'])
+ stats.append(m)
+ df_stats = c.df(stats)
+ if len(stats) > 0:
+ df_stats = df_stats[features]
+ if 'emission' in features:
+ epochs_per_day = self.epochs_per_day(netuid=netuid)
+ df_stats['emission'] = df_stats['emission'] * epochs_per_day
+ sort_features = [c for c in sort_features if c in df_stats.columns]
+ df_stats.sort_values(by=sort_features, ascending=False, inplace=True)
+ if search is not None:
+ df_stats = df_stats[df_stats['name'].str.contains(search, case=True)]
+ if not df:
+ return df_stats.to_dict('records')
+ else:
+ return df_stats
+ def update_modules(self, search=None,
+ timeout=60,
+ netuid=0,
+ **kwargs) -> List[str]:
+ netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
+ my_modules = self.my_modules(search=search, netuid=netuid, **kwargs)
+ self.keys()
+ futures = []
+ namespace = c.namespace()
+ for m in my_modules:
+ name = m['name']
+ if name in namespace:
+ address = namespace[name]
+ else:
+ address = c.serve(name)['address']
+ if m['address'] == address and m['name'] == name:
+ c.print(f"Module {m['name']} already up to date")
+ f = c.submit(c.update_module, kwargs={'module': name,
+ 'name': name,
+ 'netuid': netuid,
+ 'address': address,
+ **kwargs}, timeout=timeout)
+ futures+= [f]
+ results = []
+ for future in c.as_completed(futures, timeout=timeout):
+ results += [future.result()]
+ c.print(future.result())
+ return results
+ def stake(
+ self,
+ module: Optional[str] = None, # defaults to key if not provided
+ amount: Union['Balance', float] = None,
+ key: str = None, # defaults to first key
+ existential_deposit: float = 0,
+ netuid=0,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> bool:
+ """
+ description:
+ Unstakes the specified amount from the module.
+ If no amount is specified, it unstakes all of the amount.
+ If no module is specified, it unstakes from the most staked module.
+ params:
+ amount: float = None, # defaults to all
+ module : str = None, # defaults to most staked module
+ key : 'c.Key' = None, # defaults to first key
+ netuid : Union[str, int] = 0, # defaults to module.netuid
+ network: str= main, # defaults to main
+ return:
+ response: dict
+ """
+ key = c.get_key(key)
+ if c.valid_ss58_address(module):
+ module_key = module
+ else:
+ module_key = self.name2key(netuid=netuid).get(module)
+ # Flag to indicate if we are using the wallet's own hotkey.
+ if amount == None:
+ amount = self.get_balance( key.ss58_address , fmt='nano') - existential_deposit*10**9
+ else:
+ amount = int(self.to_nanos(amount - existential_deposit))
+ assert amount > 0, f"Amount must be greater than 0 and greater than existential deposit {existential_deposit}"
+ # Get current stake
+ params={
+ 'amount': amount,
+ 'module_key': module_key
+ }
+ return self.compose_call('add_stake',params=params, key=key)
+ def key_info(self, key:str = None, netuid='all', detail=0, timeout=10, update=False, **kwargs):
+ key_info = {
+ 'balance': self.get_balance(key=key, **kwargs),
+ 'stake_to': self.get_stake_to(key=key, **kwargs),
+ }
+ if detail:
+ pass
+ else:
+ for netuid, stake_to in key_info['stake_to'].items():
+ key_info['stake_to'][netuid] = sum(stake_to.values())
+ return key_info
+ def subnet2modules(self, **kwargs):
+ subnet2modules = {}
+ for netuid in self.netuids():
+ c.print(f'Getting modules for SubNetwork {netuid}')
+ subnet2modules[netuid] = self.my_modules(netuid=netuid, **kwargs)
+ return subnet2modules
+ def staking_rewards( self,
+ key: str = None,
+ module_key=None,
+ block: Optional[int] = None,
+ timeout=20,
+ period = 100,
+ names = False,
+ fmt='j' , update=False,
+ max_age = 1000,
+ **kwargs) -> Optional['Balance']:
+ block = int(block or self.block)
+ block_yesterday = int(block - period)
+ day_before_stake = self.my_total_stake_to(key=key, module_key=module_key, block=block_yesterday, timeout=timeout, names=names, fmt=fmt, update=update, max_age=max_age, **kwargs)
+ day_after_stake = self.my_total_stake_to(key=key, module_key=module_key, block=block, timeout=timeout, names=names, fmt=fmt, update=update, max_age=max_age, **kwargs)
+ return (day_after_stake - day_before_stake)
+ def registered_servers(self, netuid = 0, **kwargs):
+ netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
+ servers = c.servers()
+ keys = self.keys(netuid=netuid)
+ registered_keys = []
+ key2address = c.key2address()
+ for s in servers:
+ key_address = key2address[s]
+ if key_address in keys:
+ registered_keys += [s]
+ return registered_keys
+ def key2balance(self, search=None,
+ batch_size = 64,
+ timeout = 10,
+ max_age = 1000,
+ fmt = 'j',
+ update=False,
+ names = False,
+ min_value=0.0001,
+ **kwargs):
+ input_hash = c.hash(c.locals2kwargs(locals()))
+ path = f'key2balance/{input_hash}'
+ key2balance = self.get(path, max_age=max_age, update=update)
+ if key2balance == None:
+ key2balance = self.get_balances(search=search,
+ batch_size=batch_size,
+ timeout=timeout,
+ fmt = 'nanos',
+ update=1,
+ min_value=min_value,
+ **kwargs)
+ self.put(path, key2balance)
+ for k,v in key2balance.items():
+ key2balance[k] = self.format_amount(v, fmt=fmt)
+ key2balance = sorted(key2balance.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
+ key2balance = {k: v for k,v in key2balance if v > min_value}
+ if names:
+ address2key = c.address2key()
+ key2balance = {address2key[k]: v for k,v in key2balance.items()}
+ return key2balance
+ def empty_keys(self, block=None, update=False, max_age=1000, fmt='j'):
+ key2address = c.key2address()
+ key2value = self.key2value( block=block, update=update, max_age=max_age, fmt=fmt)
+ empty_keys = []
+ for key,key_address in key2address.items():
+ key_value = key2value.get(key_address, 0)
+ if key_value == 0:
+ empty_keys.append(key)
+ return empty_keys
+ def profit_shares(self, key=None, **kwargs) -> List[Dict[str, Union[str, int]]]:
+ key = self.resolve_module_key(key)
+ return self.query_map('ProfitShares', **kwargs)
+ def key2stake(self,
+ block=None,
+ update=False,
+ names = True,
+ max_age = 1000,fmt='j'):
+ stake_to = self.stake_to(
+ block=block,
+ max_age=max_age,
+ update=update,
+ fmt=fmt)
+ address2key = c.address2key()
+ stake_to_total = {}
+ for staker_address in address2key.keys():
+ if staker_address in stake_to:
+ stake_to_total[staker_address] = sum(stake_to.get(staker_address, {}).values())
+ # sort the dictionary by value
+ stake_to_total = dict(sorted(stake_to_total.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True))
+ if names:
+ stake_to_total = {address2key.get(k, k): v for k,v in stake_to_total.items()}
+ return stake_to_total
+ def key2value(self, block=None, update=False, max_age=1000, fmt='j', min_value=0, **kwargs):
+ key2balance = self.key2balance(block=block, update=update, max_age=max_age, fmt=fmt)
+ key2stake = self.key2stake( block=block, update=update, max_age=max_age, fmt=fmt)
+ key2value = {}
+ keys = set(list(key2balance.keys()) + list(key2stake.keys()))
+ for key in keys:
+ key2value[key] = key2balance.get(key, 0) + key2stake.get(key, 0)
+ key2value = {k:v for k,v in key2value.items()}
+ key2value = dict(sorted(key2value.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True))
+ return key2value
+ def resolve_module_key(self, x, netuid=0, max_age=60):
+ if not c.valid_ss58_address(x):
+ name2key = self.name2key(netuid=netuid, max_age=max_age)
+ x = name2key.get(x)
+ assert c.valid_ss58_address(x), f"Module key {x} is not a valid ss58 address"
+ return x
+ def global_params(self,
+ update = False,
+ max_age = 1000,
+ timeout=30,
+ fmt:str='j',
+ features = None,
+ value_features = [],
+ path = f'global_params',
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> list:
+ features = features or self.global_param_features
+ subnet_params = self.get(path, None, max_age=max_age, update=update)
+ names = [self.feature2name(f) for f in features]
+ future2name = {}
+ name2feature = dict(zip(names, features))
+ for name, feature in name2feature.items():
+ c.print(f'Getting {name} for {feature}')
+ query_kwargs = dict(name=feature, params=[], block=None, max_age=max_age, update=update)
+ f = c.submit(self.query, kwargs=query_kwargs, timeout=timeout)
+ future2name[f] = name
+ subnet_params = {}
+ for f in c.as_completed(future2name):
+ result = f.result()
+ subnet_params[future2name.pop(f)] = result
+ for k in value_features:
+ subnet_params[k] = self.format_amount(subnet_params[k], fmt=fmt)
+ return subnet_params
+ def get_balance(self,
+ key: str = None ,
+ block: int = None,
+ fmt='j',
+ max_age=0,
+ update=False) -> Optional['Balance']:
+ r""" Returns the token balance for the passed ss58_address address
+ Args:
+ address (Substrate address format, default = 42):
+ ss58 chain address.
+ Return:
+ balance (bittensor.utils.balance.Balance):
+ account balance
+ """
+ key_ss58 = self.resolve_key_ss58( key )
+ result = self.query(
+ module='System',
+ name='Account',
+ params=[key_ss58],
+ block = block,
+ update=update,
+ max_age=max_age
+ )
+ return self.format_amount(result['data']['free'] , fmt=fmt)
+ balance = get_balance
+ def accounts(self, key = None, update=True, block=None, max_age=100000, **kwargs):
+ key = self.resolve_key_ss58(key)
+ accounts = self.query_map(
+ module='System',
+ name='Account',
+ update=update,
+ block = block,
+ max_age=max_age,
+ **kwargs
+ )
+ return accounts
+ def balances(self,fmt:str = 'n', block: int = None, n = None, update=False , **kwargs) -> Dict[str, 'Balance']:
+ accounts = self.accounts( update=update, block=block)
+ balances = {k:v['data']['free'] for k,v in accounts.items()}
+ balances = {k: self.format_amount(v, fmt=fmt) for k,v in balances.items()}
+ return balances
+ def blocks_per_day(self):
+ return 24*60*60/self.block_time
+ def min_burn(self, block=None, update=False, fmt='j'):
+ min_burn = self.query('MinBurn', block=block, update=update)
+ return self.format_amount(min_burn, fmt=fmt)
+ def get_balances(self,
+ keys=None,
+ search=None,
+ batch_size = 128,
+ fmt = 'j',
+ n = 100,
+ max_trials = 3,
+ names = False,
+ **kwargs):
+ key2balance = {}
+ key2address = c.key2address(search=search)
+ if keys == None:
+ keys = list(key2address.keys())
+ if len(keys) > n:
+ c.print(f'Getting balances for {len(keys)} keys > {n} keys, using batch_size {batch_size}')
+ balances = self.balances(**kwargs)
+ key2balance = {}
+ for k,a in key2address.items():
+ if a in balances:
+ key2balance[k] = balances[a]
+ else:
+ future2key = {}
+ for key in keys:
+ f = c.submit(self.get_balance, kwargs=dict(key=key, fmt=fmt, **kwargs))
+ future2key[f] = key
+ for f in c.as_completed(future2key):
+ key = future2key.pop(f)
+ key2balance[key] = f.result()
+ for k,v in key2balance.items():
+ key2balance[k] = self.format_amount(v, fmt=fmt)
+ if names:
+ address2key = c.address2key()
+ key2balance = {address2key[k]: v for k,v in key2balance.items()}
+ return key2balance
+ def total_balance(self, **kwargs):
+ balances = self.balances(**kwargs)
+ return sum(balances.values())
+ def num_holders(self, **kwargs):
+ balances = self.balances(**kwargs)
+ return len(balances)
+ def proposals(self, block=None, nonzero:bool=False, update:bool = False, **kwargs):
+ proposals = [v for v in self.query_map('Proposals', block=block, update=update, **kwargs)]
+ return proposals
+ def registrations_per_block(self,**kwargs) -> int:
+ return self.query('RegistrationsPerBlock', params=[], **kwargs)
+ regsperblock = registrations_per_block
+ def max_registrations_per_block(self, **kwargs) -> int:
+ return self.query('MaxRegistrationsPerBlock', params=[], **kwargs)
+ #################
+ #### Serving ####
+ #################
+ def update_global(
+ self,
+ key: str = None,
+ network : str = 'main',
+ sudo: bool = True,
+ **params,
+ ) -> bool:
+ key = self.resolve_key(key)
+ network = self.resolve_network(network)
+ global_params = self.global_params(fmt='nanos')
+ global_params.update(params)
+ params = global_params
+ for k,v in params.items():
+ if isinstance(v, str):
+ params[k] = v.encode('utf-8')
+ # this is a sudo call
+ return self.compose_call(fn='update_global',
+ params=params,
+ key=key,
+ sudo=sudo)
+ #################
+ #### Serving ####
+ #################
+ def vote_proposal(
+ self,
+ proposal_id: int = None,
+ key: str = None,
+ network = 'main',
+ nonce = None,
+ netuid = 0,
+ **params,
+ ) -> bool:
+ self.resolve_network(network)
+ # remove the params that are the same as the module info
+ params = {
+ 'proposal_id': proposal_id,
+ 'netuid': netuid,
+ }
+ response = self.compose_call(fn='add_subnet_proposal',
+ params=params,
+ key=key,
+ nonce=nonce)
+ return response
+ def register(
+ self,
+ name: str , # defaults to module.tage
+ address : str = None,
+ stake : float = None,
+ netuid = 0,
+ network_name : str = None,
+ key : str = None,
+ module_key : str = None,
+ wait_for_inclusion: bool = True,
+ wait_for_finalization: bool = True,
+ max_address_characters = 32,
+ metadata = None,
+ network = None,
+ nonce=None,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> bool:
+ module_key = c.get_key(module_key or name).ss58_address
+ netuid2subnet = self.netuid2subnet(update=False)
+ subnet2netuid = {v:k for k,v in netuid2subnet.items()}
+ if network_name == None and netuid != 0:
+ network_name = netuid2subnet[netuid]
+ else:
+ assert isinstance(network_name, str), f"Subnet must be a string"
+ if not network_name in subnet2netuid:
+ subnet2netuid = self.subnet2netuid(update=True)
+ if network_name not in subnet2netuid:
+ subnet2netuid[network_name] = len(subnet2netuid)
+ response = input(f"Do you want to create a new subnet ({network_name}) (yes or y or dope): ")
+ if response.lower() not in ["yes", 'y', 'dope']:
+ return {'success': False, 'msg': 'Subnet not found and not created'}
+ # require prompt to create new subnet
+ stake = (stake or 0) * 1e9
+ if c.server_exists(name):
+ address = c.namespace().get(name)
+ else:
+ address = address or 'NA'
+ params = {
+ 'network_name': network_name.encode('utf-8'),
+ 'address': address[-max_address_characters:].replace('', c.ip()).encode('utf-8'),
+ 'name': name.encode('utf-8'),
+ 'stake': stake,
+ 'module_key': module_key,
+ 'metadata': json.dumps(metadata or {}).encode('utf-8'),
+ }
+ # create extrinsic call
+ response = self.compose_call('register', params=params, key=key, wait_for_inclusion=wait_for_inclusion, wait_for_finalization=wait_for_finalization, nonce=nonce)
+ return response
+ def resolve_uids(self, uids: Union['torch.LongTensor', list], netuid: int = 0, update=False) -> None:
+ name2uid = None
+ key2uid = None
+ for i, uid in enumerate(uids):
+ if isinstance(uid, str):
+ if name2uid == None:
+ name2uid = self.name2uid(netuid=netuid, update=update)
+ if uid in name2uid:
+ uids[i] = name2uid[uid]
+ else:
+ if key2uid == None:
+ key2uid = self.key2uid(netuid=netuid, update=update)
+ if uid in key2uid:
+ uids[i] = key2uid[uid]
+ return uids
+ def set_weights(
+ self,
+ uids: Union['torch.LongTensor', list] ,
+ weights: Union['torch.FloatTensor', list] ,
+ netuid: int = 0,
+ key: 'c.key' = None,
+ update=False,
+ modules = None,
+ vector_length = 2**16 - 1,
+ nonce=None,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> bool:
+ import torch
+ netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
+ key = self.resolve_key(key)
+ uids = self.resolve_uids(modules or uids, netuid=netuid, update=update)
+ weights = weights or [1] * len(uids)
+ assert len(uids) == len(weights), f"Length of uids {len(uids)} must be equal to length of weights {len(weights)}"
+ weights = torch.tensor(weights)
+ weights = (weights / weights.sum()) * vector_length # normalize the weights between 0 and 1
+ weights = torch.clamp(weights, 0, vector_length) # min_value and max_value are between 0 and 1
+ params = {'uids': list(map(int, uids)),
+ 'weights': list(map(int, weights.tolist())),
+ 'netuid': netuid}
+ return self.compose_call('set_weights',params = params , key=key, nonce=nonce, **kwargs)
+ vote = set_weights
+ def unstake_all( self,
+ key: str = None,
+ existential_deposit = 1,
+ min_stake = 0.5,
+ ) -> Optional['Balance']:
+ key = self.resolve_key( key )
+ key_stake_to = self.get_stake_to(key=key, names=False, update=True, fmt='nanos') # name to amount
+ min_stake = min_stake * 1e9
+ key_stake_to = {k:v for k,v in key_stake_to.items() if v > min_stake }
+ params = {
+ "module_keys": list(key_stake_to.keys()),
+ "amounts": list(key_stake_to.values())
+ }
+ response = {}
+ if len(key_stake_to) > 0:
+ c.print(f'Unstaking all of {len(key_stake_to)} modules')
+ response['stake'] = self.compose_call('remove_stake_multiple', params=params, key=key)
+ total_stake = (sum(key_stake_to.values())) / 1e9
+ else:
+ c.print(f'No modules found to unstake')
+ total_stake = self.get_balance(key)
+ total_stake = total_stake - existential_deposit
+ return response
+ def registered_keys(self, netuid='all'):
+ key2address = c.key2address()
+ address2key = {v:k for k,v in key2address.items()}
+ if netuid == 'all':
+ registered_keys = {}
+ netuid2keys = self.keys(netuid=netuid)
+ for netuid, keys in netuid2keys.items():
+ registered_keys[netuid] = []
+ for k in keys:
+ if k in address2key:
+ registered_keys[netuid].append(k)
+ else:
+ registered_keys = [k for k in self.keys(netuid=netuid) if k in address2key]
+ return registered_keys
+ subnet_param_features = [
+ "ImmunityPeriod",
+ "MinAllowedWeights",
+ "MaxAllowedWeights",
+ "Tempo",
+ "MaxAllowedUids",
+ "Founder",
+ "FounderShare",
+ "IncentiveRatio",
+ "TrustRatio",
+ "SubnetNames",
+ "MaxWeightAge",
+ "BondsMovingAverage",
+ "MaximumSetWeightCallsPerEpoch",
+ "MinValidatorStake",
+ "MaxAllowedValidators",
+ "ModuleBurnConfig",
+ "SubnetMetadata",
+ 'SubnetGovernanceConfig'
+ ]
+ def stake_to(self, block=None, max_age=1000, update=False, fmt='nano', **kwargs):
+ stake_to = self.query_map('StakeTo', block=block, max_age=max_age, update=update, **kwargs)
+ format_value = lambda v: {v_k: self.format_amount(v_v, fmt=fmt) for v_k, v_v in v.items()}
+ stake_to = {k: format_value(v) for k,v in stake_to.items()}
+ return stake_to
+ def netuid2founder(self, fmt='j', **kwargs):
+ netuid2founder = self.query_map('Founder', **kwargs)
+ return netuid2founder
+ def stake_from(self,
+ block=None,
+ update=False,
+ max_age=10000,
+ fmt='nano',
+ **kwargs) -> List[Dict[str, Union[str, int]]]:
+ stake_from = self.query_map('StakeFrom', block=block, update=update, max_age=max_age )
+ format_value = lambda v: {v_k: self.format_amount(v_v, fmt=fmt) for v_k, v_v in v.items()}
+ stake_from = {k: format_value(v) for k,v in stake_from.items()}
+ return stake_from
+ """ Returns network Tempo hyper parameter """
+ def stakes(self, fmt:str='j', max_age = 100, update=False, stake_from=None, **kwargs) -> int:
+ stake_from = stake_from or self.stake_from( update=update, max_age=max_age, fmt=fmt)
+ stakes = {k: sum(v.values()) for k,v in stake_from.items()}
+ return stakes
+ def leaderboard(self, netuid = 0, block=None, update=False, columns = ['emission', 'name', 'incentive', 'dividends'], **kwargs):
+ modules = self.get_modules(netuid=netuid, block=block, update=update, **kwargs)
+ return c.df(modules)[columns]
+ def min_stake(self, netuid: int = 0, fmt:str='j', **kwargs) -> int:
+ min_stake = self.query('MinStake', netuid=netuid, **kwargs)
+ return self.format_amount(min_stake, fmt=fmt)
+ def regblock(self, netuid: int = 0, block: Optional[int] = None, update=False ) -> Optional[float]:
+ regblock = self.query_map('RegistrationBlock',block=block, update=update )
+ if isinstance(netuid, int):
+ regblock = regblock[netuid]
+ return regblock
+ def emissions(self, netuid = None, block=None, update=False, fmt = 'nanos', **kwargs):
+ netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
+ emissions = self.query_vector('Emission', netuid=netuid, block=block, update=update, **kwargs)
+ if netuid == 'all':
+ for netuid, netuid_emissions in emissions.items():
+ emissions[netuid] = [self.format_amount(e, fmt=fmt) for e in netuid_emissions]
+ else:
+ emissions = [self.format_amount(e, fmt=fmt) for e in emissions]
+ return emissions
+ emission = emissions
+ def total_emission( self, netuid: int = 0, block: Optional[int] = None, fmt:str = 'j', **kwargs ) -> Optional[float]:
+ total_emission = sum(self.emission(netuid=netuid, block=block, **kwargs))
+ return self.format_amount(total_emission, fmt=fmt)
+ def addresses(self, netuid: int = 0, update=False, **kwargs) -> List[str]:
+ netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
+ addresses = self.query_map('Address',netuid=netuid, update=update, **kwargs)
+ if isinstance(netuid, int):
+ addresses = list(addresses.values())
+ else:
+ for k,v in addresses.items():
+ addresses[k] = list(v.values())
+ return addresses
+ def namespace(self, search=None, netuid: int = 0, update:bool = False, timeout=30, local=False, max_age=1000, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, str]:
+ namespace = {}
+ results = {
+ 'names': None,
+ 'addresses': None
+ }
+ netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
+ while any([v == None for v in results.values()]):
+ future2key = {}
+ for k,v in results.items():
+ if v == None:
+ f = c.submit(getattr(self, k), kwargs=dict(netuid=netuid, update=update, max_age=max_age, **kwargs))
+ future2key[f] = k
+ for future in c.as_completed(list(future2key.keys()), timeout=timeout):
+ key = future2key.pop(future)
+ r = future.result()
+ if not c.is_error(r) and r != None:
+ results[key] = r
+ if netuid == 'all':
+ netuid2subnet = self.netuid2subnet()
+ namespace = {}
+ for netuid, netuid_addresses in results['addresses'].items():
+ for uid,address in enumerate(netuid_addresses):
+ name = results['names'][netuid][uid]
+ subnet = netuid2subnet[netuid]
+ namespace[f'{subnet}/{name}'] = address
+ else:
+ namespace = {k:v for k,v in zip(results['names'], results['addresses'])}
+ if search != None:
+ namespace = {k:v for k,v in namespace.items() if search in str(k)}
+ if local:
+ ip = c.ip()
+ namespace = {k:v for k,v in namespace.items() if ip in str(v)}
+ return namespace
+ def emissions(self, netuid = None, network = "main", block=None, update=False, **kwargs):
+ netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
+ return self.query_vector('Emission', network=network, netuid=netuid, block=block, update=update, **kwargs)
+ def key2name(self, key: str = None, netuid: int = 0) -> str:
+ modules = self.keys(netuid=netuid)
+ key2name = { m['key']: m['name']for m in modules}
+ if key != None:
+ return key2name[key]
+ def uid2name(self, netuid: int = 0, update=False, **kwargs) -> List[str]:
+ netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
+ names = self.query_map('Name', netuid=netuid, update=update,**kwargs)
+ return names
+ def is_registered(self, key: str, netuid: int = 0, update=False, **kwargs) -> bool:
+ key_address = self.resolve_key_ss58(key)
+ try:
+ uid = self.get_uid(key_address, netuid=netuid, update=update, **kwargs)
+ if isinstance(uid, int):
+ return True
+ except Exception as e:
+ return False
+ def keys(self,
+ netuid = None,
+ update=False,
+ max_age=1000,
+ **kwargs) -> List[str]:
+ netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
+ keys = self.query_map('Keys', netuid=netuid, update=update, max_age=max_age, **kwargs)
+ if netuid == 'all':
+ for netuid, netuid_keys in keys.items():
+ keys[netuid] = list(netuid_keys.values())
+ else:
+ keys = list(keys.values())
+ return keys
+ def delegation_fee(self, netuid = None, block=None, update=False, fmt='j'):
+ netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
+ delegation_fee = self.query_map('DelegationFee', netuid=netuid, block=block ,update=update)
+ return delegation_fee
+ def feature2name(self, feature='MinStake'):
+ translations = {
+ 'subnet_names': 'name'
+ }
+ name = ''
+ for i, ch in enumerate(feature):
+ if ch.isupper():
+ if i == 0:
+ name += ch.lower()
+ else:
+ name += f'_{ch.lower()}'
+ else:
+ name += ch
+ name = translations.get(name, name)
+ return name
+ def subnet_params(self,
+ netuid=0,
+ update = False,
+ max_age = 1000,
+ timeout=40,
+ fmt:str='j',
+ features = None,
+ value_features = [],
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> list:
+ if netuid == 'all':
+ return self.all_subnet_params(update=update,
+ max_age=max_age,
+ timeout=timeout,
+ fmt=fmt,
+ features=features,
+ value_features=value_features,
+ **kwargs)
+ default_params = {
+ 'maximum_set_weight_calls_per_epoch': 30,
+ 'max_allowed_validators': 50
+ }
+ features = features or self.subnet_param_features
+ netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
+ path = f'query/{self.network}/SubnetParams.{netuid}'
+ subnet_params = self.get(path, max_age=max_age, update=update)
+ if subnet_params == None:
+ names = [self.feature2name(f) for f in features]
+ future2name = {}
+ for name, feature in dict(zip(names, features)).items():
+ query_kwargs = dict(name=feature, netuid=netuid,block=None, max_age=max_age, update=update)
+ if name in ['SubnetGovernanceConfig']:
+ fn = self.query_map
+ else:
+ fn = self.query
+ f = c.submit(fn, kwargs=query_kwargs, timeout=timeout)
+ future2name[f] = name
+ subnet_params = {}
+ for f in c.as_completed(future2name, timeout=timeout):
+ result = f.result()
+ subnet_params[future2name.pop(f)] = result
+ for k in subnet_params.keys():
+ v = subnet_params[k]
+ if v == None:
+ v = default_params.get(k, v)
+ if k in value_features:
+ v = self.format_amount(v, fmt=fmt)
+ subnet_params[k] = v
+ self.put(path, subnet_params)
+ subnet_params.update(subnet_params.pop('subnet_governance_config'))
+ translation = {
+ 'subnet_names': 'name',
+ 'bonds_moving_average': 'bonds_ma'
+ }
+ for k,v in translation.items():
+ if k in subnet_params:
+ subnet_params[v] = subnet_params.pop(k)
+ return subnet_params
+ def all_subnet_params(self,
+ update = False,
+ max_age = 1000,
+ features = None,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> list:
+ features = features or self.subnet_param_features
+ netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
+ path = f'query/{self.network}/SubnetParams.all'
+ all_subnet_params = self.get(path, max_age=max_age, update=update)
+ if all_subnet_params == None:
+ all_subnet_params = {}
+ for netuid in self.netuids(update=update):
+ all_subnet_params[netuid] = self.subnet_params(netuid=netuid, update=update, max_age=max_age, **kwargs)
+ return all_subnet_params
+ def pending_deregistrations(self, netuid = None, update=False, **kwargs):
+ netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
+ pending_deregistrations = self.query_map('PendingDeregisterUids',update=update,**kwargs)[netuid]
+ return pending_deregistrations
+ def num_pending_deregistrations(self, netuid = 0, **kwargs):
+ pending_deregistrations = self.pending_deregistrations(netuid=netuid, **kwargs)
+ return len(pending_deregistrations)
+ def subnet_names(self , search=None, update=False, block=None, max_age=60, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, str]:
+ records = self.query_map('SubnetNames', update=update, block=block, max_age=max_age, **kwargs)
+ subnet_names = sorted(list(map(lambda x: str(x), records.values())))
+ if search != None:
+ subnet_names = [s for s in subnet_names if search in s]
+ return subnet_names
+ def subnets(self, **kwargs) -> Dict[int, str]:
+ return self.subnet_names(**kwargs)
+ def num_subnets(self, **kwargs) -> int:
+ return len(self.subnets(**kwargs))
+ def subnet2stake(self, fmt='j'):
+ netuid2subnet = self.netuid2subnet()
+ netuid2stake = self.netuid2stake(fmt=fmt)
+ subnet2stake = {}
+ for netuid, subnet in netuid2subnet.items():
+ subnet2stake[subnet] = netuid2stake[netuid]
+ return subnet2stake
+ def netuid2stake(self, fmt='j', **kwargs):
+ netuid2stake = self.query_map('TotalStake', **kwargs)
+ for netuid, stake in netuid2stake.items():
+ netuid2stake[netuid] = self.format_amount(stake, fmt=fmt)
+ return netuid2stake
+ def netuid2n(self, fmt='j', **kwargs):
+ netuid2n = self.query_map('N', **kwargs)
+ return netuid2n
+ def trust(self,
+ netuid = 0,
+ block=None,
+ update:bool = False,
+ **kwargs):
+ return self.query_vector('Trust', netuid=netuid, block=block, update=update, **kwargs)
+ def incentives(self,
+ netuid = 0,
+ block=None,
+ update:bool = False,
+ **kwargs):
+ return self.query_vector('Incentive', netuid=netuid, block=block, update=update, **kwargs)
+ incentive = incentives
+ def last_update(self, netuid = 0, update=False, **kwargs):
+ return self.query_vector('LastUpdate', netuid=netuid, update=update, **kwargs)
+ def dividends(self, netuid = 0, update=False, **kwargs):
+ return self.query_vector('Dividends', netuid=netuid, update=update, **kwargs)
+ dividend = dividends
+ def names(self,
+ netuid: int = 0,
+ update=False,
+ **kwargs) -> List[str]:
+ netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
+ names = self.query_map('Name', update=update, netuid=netuid,**kwargs)
+ if netuid == 'all':
+ for netuid, netuid_names in names.items():
+ names[netuid] = list(netuid_names.values())
+ else:
+ names = list(names.values())
+ return names
+ def uids(self,
+ netuid = 0,
+ update=False,
+ max_age=1000,
+ **kwargs) -> List[str]:
+ netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
+ keys = self.query_map('Keys', netuid=netuid, update=update, max_age=max_age, **kwargs)
+ if netuid == 'all':
+ for netuid, netuid_keys in keys.items():
+ keys[netuid] = list(netuid_keys.keys ())
+ else:
+ keys = list(keys.keys())
+ return keys
+ def subnet2n(self, fmt='j', **kwargs):
+ netuid2n = self.netuid2n(fmt=fmt, **kwargs)
+ netuid2subnet = self.netuid2subnet()
+ subnet2n = {}
+ for netuid, subnet in netuid2subnet.items():
+ subnet2n[subnet] = netuid2n[netuid]
+ return subnet2n
+ def subnet2stakes(self, block=None, update=False, fmt='j', **kwargs):
+ subnet2stakes = {}
+ for netuid in self.netuids( update=update):
+ subnet2stakes[netuid] = self.stakes(netuid=netuid, block=block, update=update, fmt=fmt, **kwargs)
+ return subnet2stakes
+ def subnet_state(self, netuid='all', block=None, update=False, fmt='j', **kwargs):
+ subnet_state = {
+ 'params': self.subnet_params(netuid=netuid, block=block, update=update, fmt=fmt, **kwargs),
+ 'modules': self.modules(netuid=netuid, block=block, update=update, fmt=fmt, **kwargs),
+ }
+ return subnet_state
+ def subnet2emission(self, fmt='j', **kwargs):
+ subnet2params = self.subnet_params(netuid='all')
+ netuid2emission = self.netuid2emission(fmt=fmt, **kwargs)
+ netuid2subnet = self.netuid2subnet()
+ subnet2emission = {}
+ for netuid, subnet in netuid2subnet.items():
+ subnet2emission[subnet] = netuid2emission[netuid]
+ # sort by emission
+ subnet2emission = dict(sorted(subnet2emission.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True))
+ return subnet2emission
+ def uid2key(self, uid=None,
+ netuid = 0,
+ update=False,
+ max_age= 1000,
+ **kwargs):
+ netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
+ uid2key = self.query_map('Keys', netuid=netuid, update=update, max_age=max_age, **kwargs)
+ # sort by uid
+ if uid != None:
+ return uid2key[uid]
+ return uid2key
+ def key2uid(self, key = None, netuid: int = 0, update=False, netuids=None , **kwargs):
+ uid2key = self.uid2key( netuid=netuid, update=update, **kwargs)
+ reverse_map = lambda x: {v: k for k,v in x.items()}
+ if netuid == 'all':
+ key2uid = {netuid: reverse_map(_key2uid) for netuid, _key2uid in uid2key.items() if netuids == None or netuid in netuids }
+ else:
+ key2uid = reverse_map(uid2key)
+ if key != None:
+ key_ss58 = self.resolve_key_ss58(key)
+ return key2uid[key_ss58]
+ return key2uid
+ """ Returns network SubnetN hyper parameter """
+ def n(self, netuid: int = 0,block: Optional[int] = None, max_age=100, update=False, **kwargs ) -> int:
+ if netuid == 'all':
+ return sum(self.query_map('N', block=block , update=update, max_age=max_age, **kwargs).values())
+ else:
+ return self.query( 'N', params=[netuid], block=block , update=update, **kwargs)
+ def subnet_exists(self, subnet:str) -> bool:
+ subnets = self.subnets()
+ return bool(subnet in subnets)
+ def subnet_emission(self, netuid:str = 0, block=None, update=False, **kwargs):
+ emissions = self.emission(block=block, update=update, netuid=netuid, **kwargs)
+ if isinstance(emissions[0], list):
+ emissions = [sum(e) for e in emissions]
+ return sum(emissions)
+ def get_modules(self,
+ keys : list = None,
+ netuid=None,
+ timeout=30,
+ min_emission=0,
+ max_age = 1000,
+ update=False,
+ **kwargs):
+ netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
+ modules = None
+ path = None
+ if keys == None :
+ path = f'subnet/{self.network}/{netuid}/modules'
+ modules = self.get(path, None, max_age=max_age, update=update)
+ keys = self.keys(netuid=netuid)
+ n = len(keys)
+ if modules == None:
+ modules = []
+ print(f'Getting modules {n}')
+ futures = [c.submit(self.get_module, kwargs=dict(module=k, netuid=netuid, **kwargs)) for k in keys]
+ progress = c.tqdm(n)
+ modules = []
+ should_pass = lambda x: isinstance(x, dict) \
+ and 'name' in x \
+ and len(x['name']) > 0 \
+ and x['emission'] >= min_emission
+ for future in c.as_completed(futures, timeout=timeout):
+ module = future.result()
+ if should_pass(module):
+ modules += [module]
+ progress.update(1)
+ if path != None:
+ self.put(path, modules)
+ return modules
+ module_param_features = [
+ 'key',
+ 'name',
+ 'address',
+ 'emission',
+ 'incentive',
+ 'dividends',
+ 'last_update',
+ 'stake_from',
+ 'delegation_fee'
+ ]
+ def get_module(self,
+ module=None,
+ netuid=None,
+ trials = 4,
+ fmt='j',
+ mode = 'http',
+ block = None,
+ max_age = None,
+ lite = False,
+ update = False,
+ **kwargs ) -> 'ModuleInfo':
+ U16_MAX = 2**16 - 1
+ netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
+ if module == None:
+ module = self.keys(netuid=netuid, update=update, max_age=max_age)[0]
+ c.print(f'No module specified, using {module}')
+ module = c.key2address().get(module, module)
+ url = self.resolve_url( mode=mode)
+ module_key = module
+ is_valid_key = c.valid_ss58_address(module)
+ if not is_valid_key:
+ module_key = self.name2key(name=module, netuid=netuid, **kwargs)
+ netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
+ json={'id':1, 'jsonrpc':'2.0', 'method': 'subspace_getModuleInfo', 'params': [module_key, netuid]}
+ module = None
+ for i in range(trials):
+ try:
+ module = requests.post(url, json=json).json()
+ break
+ except Exception as e:
+ c.print(e)
+ continue
+ assert module != None, f"Failed to get module {module_key} after {trials} trials"
+ if not 'result' in module:
+ return module
+ module = {**module['result']['stats'], **module['result']['params']}
+ # convert list of u8 into a string Vector to a string
+ module['name'] = self.vec82str(module['name'])
+ module['address'] = self.vec82str(module['address'])
+ module['dividends'] = module['dividends'] / (U16_MAX)
+ module['incentive'] = module['incentive'] / (U16_MAX)
+ module['stake_from'] = {k:self.format_amount(v, fmt=fmt) for k,v in module['stake_from']}
+ module['stake'] = sum([v for k,v in module['stake_from'].items() ])
+ module['emission'] = self.format_amount(module['emission'], fmt=fmt)
+ module['key'] = module.pop('controller', None)
+ module['metadata'] = module.pop('metadata', {})
+ module['vote_staleness'] = (block or self.block) - module['last_update']
+ if lite :
+ features = self.module_param_features + ['stake', 'vote_staleness']
+ module = {f: module[f] for f in features}
+ assert module['key'] == module_key, f"Key mismatch {module['key']} != {module_key}"
+ return module
+ def root_valis(self, search=None, netuid = 0, update=False, **kwargs):
+ root_valis = []
+ for module in self.get_modules(netuid=netuid, update=update, **kwargs):
+ if search != None:
+ if search not in module['name']:
+ continue
+ module.pop('stake_from')
+ root_valis += [module ]
+ return c.df(root_valis)[['name', 'key', 'stake']]
+ def root_keys(self, netuid = 0, update=False, **kwargs):
+ return self.keys(netuid=netuid, update=update, **kwargs)
+ def registration_block(self, netuid: int = 0, update=False, **kwargs):
+ registration_blocks = self.query_map('RegistrationBlock', netuid=netuid, update=update, **kwargs)
+ return registration_blocks
+ regblocks = registration_blocks = registration_block
+ def key2name(self, key=None, netuid: int = None, update=False) -> Dict[str, str]:
+ key2name = {v:k for k,v in self.name2key(netuid=netuid, update=update).items()}
+ if key != None:
+ return key2name[key]
+ return key2name
+ def name2key(self, name:str=None,
+ max_age=1000,
+ timeout=30,
+ netuid: int = 0,
+ update=False,
+ trials=3,
+ **kwargs ) -> Dict[str, str]:
+ # netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
+ netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
+ names = c.submit(self.names, kwargs={'feature': 'names', 'netuid':netuid, 'update':update, 'max_age':max_age, 'network': self.network})
+ keys = c.submit(self.keys, kwargs={'feature': 'keys', 'netuid':netuid, 'update':update, 'max_age':max_age, 'network': self.network})
+ names, keys = c.wait([names, keys], timeout=timeout)
+ name2key = dict(zip(names, keys))
+ if name != None:
+ if name in name2key:
+ return name2key[name]
+ else:
+ trials -= 1
+ if trials == 0:
+ return None
+ else:
+ return self.name2key(name=name,
+ timeout=timeout, netuid=netuid, update=True,
+ trials=trials, **kwargs)
+ return name2key
+ def name2uid(self, name = None, netuid: int = 0, search=None) -> int:
+ netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
+ uid2name = self.uid2name(netuid=netuid)
+ if netuid == 'all':
+ netuid2name2uid = {}
+ for netuid, netuid_uid2name in uid2name.items():
+ name2uid = self.search_dict(netuid_uid2name)
+ if name != None:
+ name2uid = name2uid[name]
+ netuid2name2uid[netuid] = name2uid
+ return netuid2name2uid
+ else:
+ name2uid = {v:k for k,v in uid2name.items()}
+ if search != None:
+ name2uid = self.search_dict(name2uid, search=search)
+ if name != None:
+ return name2uid[name]
+ return name2uid
+ def netuids(self, update=False, block=None) -> Dict[int, str]:
+ return list(self.netuid2subnet( update=update, block=block).keys())
+ def netuid2subnet(self, netuid=None, update=False, block=None, **kwargs ) -> Dict[str, str]:
+ netuid2subnet = self.query_map('SubnetNames', update=update, block=block, **kwargs)
+ netuid2subnet = dict(sorted(netuid2subnet.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]))
+ if netuid != None:
+ return netuid2subnet[netuid]
+ return netuid2subnet
+ netuid2name = netuid2subnet
+ def subnet2netuid(self, subnet=None, update=False, **kwargs ) -> Dict[str, str]:
+ subnet2netuid = {v:k for k,v in self.netuid2subnet( update=update, **kwargs).items()}
+ # sort by subnet
+ if subnet != None:
+ return subnet2netuid[subnet] if subnet in subnet2netuid else len(subnet2netuid)
+ return subnet2netuid
+ name2netuid = subnet2netuid
+ def get_uid( self, key: str, netuid: int = 0, block: Optional[int] = None, update=False, **kwargs) -> int:
+ return self.query( 'Uids', block=block, params=[ netuid, key ] , update=update, **kwargs)
+ def weights(self, netuid = 0, update=False, **kwargs) -> list:
+ weights = self.query_map('Weights',netuid=netuid, update=update, **kwargs)
+ tuples2list = lambda x: [list(v) for v in x]
+ if netuid == 'all':
+ for netuid, netuid_weights in weights.items():
+ weights[netuid] = {k: tuples2list(v) for k,v in netuid_weights.items()}
+ else:
+ weights = {k: tuples2list(v) for k,v in weights.items()}
+ return weights
+ def resolve_uid(self, uid=None, netuid=None, **kwargs) -> int:
+ netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
+ if isinstance(uid, int):
+ return uid
+ elif isinstance(uid, str):
+ if c.key_exists(uid):
+ # for key
+ uid = self.resolve_key_ss58(uid)
+ uid = self.key2uid(netuid=netuid,**kwargs)[uid]
+ else:
+ # resolve name
+ uid = self.name2uid(name=uid, netuid=netuid, **kwargs)
+ return uid
+ def get_weights(self, key=None, netuid = 0, update=False, **kwargs) -> list:
+ uid = self.resolve_uid(key, netuid=netuid)
+ weights = self.query('Weights', params=[netuid, uid], update=update, **kwargs)
+ return weights
+ def total_emissions(self, netuid = 9, block=None, update=False, fmt = 'j', **kwargs):
+ emissions = self.query_vector('Emission', netuid=netuid, block=block, update=update, **kwargs)
+ if netuid == 'all':
+ for netuid, netuid_emissions in emissions.items():
+ emissions[netuid] = [self.format_amount(e, fmt=fmt) for e in netuid_emissions]
+ else:
+ emissions = [self.format_amount(e, fmt=fmt) for e in emissions]
+ return sum(emissions)
+ # def state(self, block=None, netuid='all', update=False, max_age=10000, fmt='j', **kwargs):
+ # subnet_params = self.subnet_params(block=block, netuid=netuid, max_age=max_age, **kwargs)
+ # subnet2emissions = self.emissions(netuid=netuid, max_age=max_age, block=block, **kwargs)
+ # subnet2staketo = self.stake_to(netuid=netuid, block=block, update=update, fmt=fmt, **kwargs)
+ # subnet2incentives = self.incentives(netuid=netuid, block=block, update=update, fmt=fmt, **kwargs)
+ # subnet2trust = self.trust(netuid=netuid, block=block, update=update, fmt=fmt, **kwargs)
+ # subnet2keys = self.keys(netuid=netuid, block=block, update=update, **kwargs)
+ # subnet2state = {}
+ # for netuid, params in subnet_params.items():
+ # subnet_state = {
+ # 'params': params,
+ # 'incentives': subnet2incentives[netuid],
+ # 'emissions': subnet2emissions[netuid],
+ # ''
+ # 'stake_to': subnet2staketo[netuid],
+ # 'keys': subnet2keys[netuid],
+ # }
+ # subnet_state[netuid] = subnet_state
+ # return subnet2state
+ def netuid2emission(self, fmt='j', period='day', names=None, **kwargs):
+ netuid2emission = {}
+ netuid2tempo = None
+ emissions = self.query_vector('Emission', netuid='all', **kwargs)
+ for netuid, netuid_emissions in emissions.items():
+ if period == 'day':
+ if netuid2tempo == None:
+ netuid2tempo = self.query_map('Tempo', netuid='all', **kwargs)
+ tempo = netuid2tempo.get(netuid, 100)
+ multiplier = self.blocks_per_day() / tempo
+ else:
+ multiplier = 1
+ netuid2emission[netuid] = self.format_amount(sum(netuid_emissions), fmt=fmt) * multiplier
+ netuid2emission = {k: v for k,v in netuid2emission.items()}
+ if names:
+ netuid2emission = {self.netuid2name(netuid=k): v for k,v in netuid2emission.items()}
+ return netuid2emission
+ def subnet2emission(self, fmt='j', period='day', **kwargs):
+ return self.netuid2emission(fmt=fmt, period=period, names=1, **kwargs)
+ def global_emissions(self, **kwargs):
+ return sum(list(self.subnet2emissions( **kwargs).values()))
+ def subnet2params( self, block: Optional[int] = None ) -> Optional[float]:
+ netuids = self.netuids()
+ subnet2params = {}
+ netuid2subnet = self.netuid2subnet()
+ for netuid in netuids:
+ subnet = netuid2subnet[netuid]
+ subnet2params[subnet] = self.subnet_params(netuid=netuid, block=block)
+ return subnet2params
+ #################
+ #### UPDATE SUBNET ####
+ #################
+ def update_subnet(
+ self,
+ params: dict= None,
+ netuid: int = 0,
+ key: str = None,
+ nonce = None,
+ update= True,
+ **extra_params,
+ ) -> bool:
+ params = {**(params or {}), **extra_params}
+ netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
+ subnet_params = self.subnet_params( netuid=netuid , update=update, fmt='nanos')
+ # infer the key if you have it
+ for k in ['min_immunity_stake']:
+ if k in params:
+ params[k] = params[k] * 1e9
+ if key == None:
+ key2address = c.address2key()
+ if subnet_params['founder'] not in key2address:
+ return {'success': False, 'message': f"Subnet {netuid} not found in local namespace, please deploy it "}
+ key = c.get_key(key2address.get(subnet_params['founder']))
+ c.print(f'Using key: {key}')
+ # remove the params that are the same as the module info
+ params = {**subnet_params, **params}
+ for k in ['name']:
+ params[k] = params[k].encode('utf-8')
+ params['netuid'] = netuid
+ return self.compose_call(fn='update_subnet', params=params, key=key, nonce=nonce)
+ #################
+ #### Serving ####
+ #################
+ def propose_subnet_update(
+ self,
+ netuid: int = None,
+ key: str = None,
+ nonce = None,
+ **params,
+ ) -> bool:
+ netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
+ c.print(f'Adding proposal to subnet {netuid}')
+ subnet_params = self.subnet_params( netuid=netuid , update=True)
+ # remove the params that are the same as the module info
+ params = {**subnet_params, **params}
+ for k in ['name', 'vote_mode']:
+ params[k] = params[k].encode('utf-8')
+ params['netuid'] = netuid
+ response = self.compose_call(fn='add_subnet_proposal',
+ params=params,
+ key=key,
+ nonce=nonce)
+ return response
+ def get_stake( self, key_ss58: str, block: Optional[int] = None, netuid:int = None , fmt='j', update=True ) -> Optional['Balance']:
+ key_ss58 = self.resolve_key_ss58( key_ss58)
+ netuid = self.resolve_netuid( netuid )
+ stake = self.query( 'Stake',params=[netuid, key_ss58], block=block , update=update)
+ return self.format_amount(stake, fmt=fmt)
+ def min_register_stake(self, netuid: int = 0, fmt='j', **kwargs) -> float:
+ netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
+ min_burn = self.min_burn( fmt=fmt)
+ min_stake = self.min_stake(netuid=netuid, fmt=fmt)
+ return min_stake + min_burn
+ def resolve_netuid(self, netuid: int = None) -> int:
+ '''
+ Resolves a netuid to a subnet name.
+ '''
+ if netuid == 'all':
+ return netuid
+ if netuid == None :
+ # If the netuid is not specified, use the default.
+ return self.netuid
+ if isinstance(netuid, str):
+ subnet2netuid = self.subnet2netuid()
+ if netuid not in subnet2netuid: # if still not found, try lower case
+ subnet2netuid =self.subnet2netuid(update=True)
+ assert netuid in subnet2netuid, f"Subnet {netuid} not found in {subnet2netuid}"
+ return subnet2netuid[netuid]
+ elif isinstance(netuid, int):
+ if netuid == 0:
+ return netuid
+ # If the netuid is an integer, ensure it is valid.
+ assert isinstance(netuid, int), "netuid must be an integer"
+ return netuid
+ def blocks_until_vote(self, netuid=None, **kwargs):
+ netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
+ tempo = self.subnet_params(netuid=netuid, **kwargs)['tempo']
+ block = self.block
+ return tempo - ((block + netuid) % tempo)
+ def emission_per_epoch(self, netuid=None):
+ return self.subnet(netuid=netuid)['emission']*self.epoch_time(netuid=netuid)
+ def get_stake_to( self,
+ key: str = None,
+ module_key=None,
+ block: Optional[int] = None,
+ fmt='j' , update=False,
+ max_age = 60,
+ timeout = 10,
+ **kwargs) -> Optional['Balance']:
+ key_address = self.resolve_key_ss58( key )
+ stake_to = self.query_map( 'StakeTo', params=[ key_address], block=block, update=update, max_age=max_age)
+ stake_to = {k: self.format_amount(v, fmt=fmt) for k, v in stake_to.items()}
+ return stake_to
+ def get_stake_from( self, key: str, block: Optional[int] = None, fmt='j', update=True ) -> Optional['Balance']:
+ key = self.resolve_key_ss58( key )
+ stake_from = self.query_map( 'StakeFrom', params=[key], block=block, update=update )
+ stake_from = {k: self.format_amount(v, fmt=fmt) for k, v in stake_from.items()}
+ return stake_from
+ def epoch_time(self, netuid=None, update=False, **kwargs):
+ netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
+ return self.subnet_params(netuid=netuid, update=update, **kwargs)['tempo']*self.block_time
+ def seconds_per_day(self ):
+ return 24*60*60
+ def epochs_per_day(self, netuid=None):
+ netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
+ return self.seconds_per_day()/self.epoch_time(netuid=netuid)
+ def seconds_per_epoch(self, netuid=0):
+ netuid =self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
+ return self.block_time * self.subnet_params(netuid=netuid)['tempo']
+ def format_module(self, module: 'ModuleInfo', fmt:str='j') -> 'ModuleInfo':
+ U16_MAX = 2**16 - 1
+ for k in ['emission']:
+ module[k] = self.format_amount(module[k], fmt=fmt)
+ for k in ['incentive', 'dividends']:
+ module[k] = module[k] / (U16_MAX)
+ module['stake_from'] = {k: self.format_amount(v, fmt=fmt) for k, v in module['stake_from']}
+ return module
+ def netuid2module(self, update=False, fmt:str='j', **kwargs) -> 'ModuleInfo':
+ netuids = self.netuids(update=update)
+ future2netuid = {}
+ for netuid in netuids:
+ f = c.submit(self.get_module, dict(netuid=netuid, update=update, fmt=fmt, **kwargs))
+ future2netuid[f] = netuid
+ netuid2module = {}
+ progress = c.tqdm(len(netuids))
+ for future in c.as_completed(future2netuid):
+ netuid = future2netuid.pop(future)
+ module = future.result()
+ if not c.is_error(module):
+ netuid2module[netuid] = module
+ progress.update(1)
+ return netuid2module
+ def netuid2uid(self, key=None, update=False, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, str]:
+ key = self.resolve_key_ss58(key)
+ netuids = self.netuids(update=update)
+ netuid2uid = {}
+ progress = c.tqdm(len(netuids))
+ future2netuid = {}
+ for netuid in netuids:
+ f = c.submit(self.get_uid, kwargs=dict(key=key, netuid=netuid, **kwargs))
+ future2netuid[f] = netuid
+ for future in c.as_completed(future2netuid):
+ netuid = future2netuid.pop(future)
+ uid = future.result()
+ if uid != None:
+ netuid2uid[netuid] = uid
+ progress.update(1)
+ # sort by netuid key
+ netuid2uid = dict(sorted(netuid2uid.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]))
+ return netuid2uid
+ def subnet_state(self, netuid=0, update=False, **kwargs):
+ modules = self.get_modules(netuid=netuid, update=update, **kwargs)
+ return {
+ 'params': self.subnet_params(netuid=netuid,
+ update=update,
+ fmt='nanos'),
+ 'modules': modules
+ }
+ def register_subnet(self, key: 'Keypair', name: str, metadata: str | None = None) -> 'c':
+ """
+ Registers a new subnet in the network.
+ Args:
+ key (Keypair): The keypair used for registering the subnet.
+ name (str): The name of the subnet to be registered.
+ metadata (str | None, optional): Additional metadata for the subnet. Defaults to None.
+ Returns:
+ ExtrinsicReceipt: A receipt of the subnet registration transaction.
+ Raises:
+ ChainTransactionError: If the transaction fails.
+ """
+ params = {
+ "name": name,
+ "metadata": metadata,
+ }
+ response = self.compose_call("register_subnet", params=params, key=key)
+ return response
diff --git a/commune/subspace/wallet.py b/commune/subspace/wallet.py
index 6bef7022..7ce13a0c 100644
--- a/commune/subspace/wallet.py
+++ b/commune/subspace/wallet.py
@@ -5,1243 +5,4 @@
class SubspaceWallet:
- ##################
- #### Transfer ####
- ##################
- def transfer(
- self,
- dest: str,
- amount: float ,
- key: str = None,
- nonce= None,
- **kwargs
- ) -> bool:
- # this is a bit of a hack to allow for the amount to be a string for c send 500 0x1234 instead of c send 0x1234 500
- if type(dest) in [int, float]:
- assert isinstance(amount, str), f"Amount must be a string"
- new_amount = int(dest)
- dest = amount
- amount = new_amount
- key = self.resolve_key(key)
- dest = self.resolve_key_ss58(dest)
- amount = self.to_nanos(amount) # convert to nano (10^9 nanos = 1 token)
- response = self.compose_call(
- module='Balances',
- fn='transfer_keep_alive',
- params={
- 'dest': dest,
- 'value': amount
- },
- key=key,
- nonce = nonce,
- **kwargs
- )
- return response
- def add_profit_shares(
- self,
- keys: List[str], # the keys to add profit shares to
- shares: List[float] = None , # the shares to add to the keys
- key: str = None,
- netuid : int = 0,
- ) -> bool:
- key = self.resolve_key(key)
- assert len(keys) > 0, f"Must provide at least one key"
- key2address = c.key2address()
- keys = [key2address.get(k, k) for k in keys]
- assert all([c.valid_ss58_address(k) for k in keys]), f"All keys must be valid ss58 addresses"
- shares = shares or [1 for _ in keys]
- assert len(keys) == len(shares), f"Length of keys {len(keys)} must be equal to length of shares {len(shares)}"
- response = self.compose_call(
- module='SubspaceModule',
- fn='add_profit_shares',
- params={
- 'keys': keys,
- 'shares': shares,
- 'netuid': netuid
- },
- key=key
- )
- return response
- def stake_many( self,
- modules:List[str] = None,
- amounts:Union[List[str], float, int] = None,
- key: str = None,
- netuid:int = 0,
- min_balance = 100_000_000_000,
- n:str = 100) -> Optional['Balance']:
- netuid = self.resolve_netuid( netuid )
- key = self.resolve_key( key )
- if modules == None:
- my_modules = self.my_modules(netuid=netuid, update=False)
- modules = [m['key'] for m in my_modules if 'vali' in m['name']]
- modules = modules[:n] # only stake to the first n modules
- assert len(modules) > 0, f"No modules found with name {modules}"
- module_keys = modules
- if amounts == None:
- balance = self.get_balance(key=key, fmt='nanos') - min_balance
- amounts = [(balance // len(modules))] * len(modules)
- assert sum(amounts) < balance, f'The total amount is {sum(amounts)} > {balance}'
- else:
- if isinstance(amounts, (float, int)):
- amounts = [amounts] * len(modules)
- for i, amount in enumerate(amounts):
- amounts[i] = self.to_nanos(amount)
- assert len(modules) == len(amounts), f"Length of modules and amounts must be the same. Got {len(modules)} and {len(amounts)}."
- params = {
- "module_keys": module_keys,
- "amounts": amounts
- }
- response = self.compose_call('add_stake_multiple', params=params, key=key)
- return response
- def transfer_multiple( self,
- destinations:List[str],
- amounts:Union[List[str], float, int],
- key: str = None,
- n:str = 10) -> Optional['Balance']:
- key2address = c.key2address()
- key = self.resolve_key( key )
- balance = self.get_balance(key=key, fmt='j')
- for i, destination in enumerate(destinations):
- if not c.valid_ss58_address(destination):
- if destination in key2address:
- destinations[i] = key2address[destination]
- else:
- raise Exception(f"Invalid destination address {destination}")
- if type(amounts) in [float, int]:
- amounts = [amounts] * len(destinations)
- assert len(set(destinations)) == len(destinations), f"Duplicate destinations found"
- assert len(destinations) == len(amounts), f"Length of modules and amounts must be the same. Got {len(destinations)} and {len(amounts)}."
- assert all([c.valid_ss58_address(d) for d in destinations]), f"Invalid destination address {destinations}"
- total_amount = sum(amounts)
- assert total_amount < balance, f'The total amount is {total_amount} > {balance}'
- # convert the amounts to their interger amount (1e9)
- amounts = [a*(10**9) for a in amounts]
- params = {
- "destinations": destinations,
- "amounts": amounts
- }
- return self.compose_call('transfer_multiple', params=params, key=key)
- transfer_many = transfer_multiple
- def my_modules(self,
- modules : list = None,
- netuid=0,
- timeout=30,
- **kwargs):
- if modules == None:
- modules = self.my_keys(netuid=netuid)
- futures = [c.submit(self.get_module, kwargs=dict(module=module, netuid=netuid, **kwargs)) for module in modules]
- for future in c.as_completed(futures, timeout=timeout):
- module = future.result()
- print(module)
- if not c.is_error(module):
- modules += [module]
- return modules
- def unstake_many( self,
- modules:Union[List[str], str] = None,
- amounts:Union[List[str], float, int] = None,
- key: str = None,
- netuid=0,
- update=True,
- ) -> Optional['Balance']:
- key = self.resolve_key( key )
- name2key = {}
- module_keys = []
- for i, module in enumerate(modules):
- if c.valid_ss58_address(module):
- module_keys += [module]
- else:
- if name2key == {}:
- name2key = self.name2key(netuid=netuid, update=update)
- assert module in name2key, f"Invalid module {module} not found in SubNetwork {netuid}"
- module_keys += [name2key[module]]
- if amounts == None:
- stake_to = self.get_stake_to(key=key, names=False, update=update, fmt='j') # name to amounts
- amounts = [stake_to[m] for m in module_keys]
- if isinstance(amounts, (float, int)):
- amounts = [amounts] * len(module_keys)
- for i, amount in enumerate(amounts):
- amounts[i] = self.to_nanos(amount)
- assert len(module_keys) == len(amounts), f"Length of modules and amounts must be the same. Got {len(module_keys)} and {len(amounts)}."
- params = {
- "netuid": netuid,
- "module_keys": module_keys,
- "amounts": amounts
- }
- response = self.compose_call('remove_stake_multiple', params=params, key=key)
- return response
- def update_module(
- self,
- module: str, # the module you want to change
- address: str = None, # the address of the new module
- name: str = None, # the name of the new module
- delegation_fee: float = None, # the delegation fee of the new module
- metadata = None, # the metadata of the new module
- fee : float = None, # the fee of the new module
- netuid: int = 0, # the netuid of the new module
- nonce = None, # the nonce of the new module
- tip: int = 0, # the tip of the new module
- params = None
- ) -> bool:
- key = self.resolve_key(module)
- netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
- assert self.is_registered(key.ss58_address, netuid=netuid), f"Module {module} is not registered in SubNetwork {netuid}"
- if params == None:
- params = {
- 'name': name , # defaults to module.tage
- 'address': address , # defaults to module.tage
- 'delegation_fee': fee or delegation_fee, # defaults to module.delegate_fee
- 'metadata': c.python2str(metadata or {}), # defaults to module.metadata
- }
- should_update_module = False
- module_info = self.get_module(key.ss58_address, netuid=netuid)
- for k,v in params.items():
- if params[k] == None:
- params[k] = module_info[k]
- if k in module_info and params[k] != module_info[k]:
- should_update_module = True
- if not should_update_module:
- return {'success': False, 'message': f"Module {module} is already up to date"}
- c.print('Updating with', params, color='cyan')
- params['netuid'] = netuid
- reponse = self.compose_call('update_module', params=params, key=key, nonce=nonce, tip=tip)
- return reponse
- update = update_server = update_module
- def stake_transfer(
- self,
- module_key: str ,
- new_module_key: str ,
- amount: Union[int, float] = None,
- key: str = None,
- ) -> bool:
- key = c.get_key(key)
- netuid = 0
- module_key = self.resolve_module_key(module_key, netuid=netuid)
- new_module_key = self.resolve_module_key(new_module_key, netuid=netuid)
- assert module_key != new_module_key, f"Module key {module_key} is the same as new_module_key {new_module_key}"
- if amount == None:
- amount = self.get_stake_to( key=key , fmt='j', max_age=0).get(module_key, 0)
- # Get current stake
- params={
- 'amount': int(amount * 10**9),
- 'module_key': module_key,
- 'new_module_key': new_module_key
- }
- return self.compose_call('transfer_stake',params=params, key=key)
- def unstake(
- self,
- module : str = None, # defaults to most staked module
- amount: float =None, # defaults to all of the amount
- key : 'c.Key' = None, # defaults to first key
- netuid=0,
- **kwargs
- ) -> dict:
- """
- description:
- Unstakes the specified amount from the module.
- If no amount is specified, it unstakes all of the amount.
- If no module is specified, it unstakes from the most staked module.
- params:
- amount: float = None, # defaults to all
- module : str = None, # defaults to most staked module
- key : 'c.Key' = None, # defaults to first key
- netuid : Union[str, int] = 0, # defaults to module.netuid
- network: str= main, # defaults to main
- return:
- response: dict
- """
- key = c.get_key(key)
- # get most stake from the module
- if isinstance(module, int):
- module = amount
- amount = module
- assert module != None or amount != None, f"Must provide a module or an amount"
- key2address = c.key2address()
- if module in key2address:
- module_key = key2address[module]
- else:
- name2key = self.name2key(netuid=netuid)
- if module in name2key:
- module_key = name2key[module]
- else:
- module_key = module
- assert self.is_registered(module_key, netuid=netuid), f"Module {module} is not registered in SubNetwork {netuid}"
- if amount == None:
- stake_to = self.get_stake_to(names = False, fmt='nano', key=module_key)
- amount = stake_to[module_key] - 100000
- else:
- amount = int(self.to_nanos(amount))
- # convert to nanos
- params={
- 'amount': amount ,
- 'module_key': module_key
- }
- response = self.compose_call(fn='remove_stake',params=params, key=key, **kwargs)
- return response
- def my_servers(self, search=None, **kwargs):
- servers = [m['name'] for m in self.my_modules(**kwargs)]
- if search != None:
- servers = [s for s in servers if search in s]
- return servers
- def my_modules_names(self, *args, **kwargs):
- my_modules = self.my_modules(*args, **kwargs)
- return [m['name'] for m in my_modules]
- def my_module_keys(self, *args, **kwargs):
- modules = self.my_modules(*args, **kwargs)
- return [m['key'] for m in modules]
- def my_key2uid(self, *args, netuid=0, update=False, **kwargs):
- key2uid = self.key2uid(*args, netuid=netuid, **kwargs)
- key2address = c.key2address(update=update )
- key_addresses = list(key2address.values())
- if netuid == 'all':
- for netuid, netuid_keys in key2uid.items():
- key2uid[netuid] = {k: v for k,v in netuid_keys.items() if k in key_addresses}
- my_key2uid = { k: v for k,v in key2uid.items() if k in key_addresses}
- return my_key2uid
- def my_keys(self,
- netuid=0,
- search=None,
- max_age=None,
- names = False,
- update=False, **kwargs):
- netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
- keys = self.keys(netuid=netuid, max_age=max_age, update=update, **kwargs)
- key2address = c.key2address(search=search, max_age=max_age, update=update)
- if search != None:
- key2address = {k: v for k,v in key2address.items() if search in k}
- address2key = {v:k for k,v in key2address.items()}
- addresses = list(key2address.values())
- convert_fn = lambda x : address2key.get(x, x) if names else x
- if netuid == 'all':
- my_keys = {}
- for netuid, netuid_keys in keys.items():
- my_netuid_keys = [convert_fn(k) for k in netuid_keys if k in addresses]
- if len(my_netuid_keys) > 0:
- my_keys[netuid] = my_netuid_keys
- else:
- my_keys = [convert_fn(k) for k in keys if k in addresses]
- return my_keys
- def register_servers(self,
- search=None,
- infos=None,
- netuid = 0,
- timeout=60,
- max_age=None,
- key=None, update=False,
- parallel = True,
- **kwargs):
- '''
- key2address : dict
- A dictionary of module names to their keys
- timeout : int
- The timeout for each registration
- netuid : int
- The netuid of the modules
- '''
- keys = c.submit(self.keys, dict(netuid=netuid, update=update, max_age=max_age))
- names = c.submit(self.names, dict(netuid=netuid, update=update, max_age=max_age))
- keys, names = c.wait([keys, names], timeout=timeout)
- if infos==None:
- infos = c.infos(search=search, **kwargs)
- should_register_fn = lambda x: x['key'] not in keys and x['name'] not in names
- infos = [i for i in infos if should_register_fn(i)]
- c.print(f'Found {infos} modules to register')
- if parallel:
- launcher2balance = c.key2balance()
- min_stake = self.min_register_stake(netuid=netuid)
- launcher2balance = {k: v for k,v in launcher2balance.items() if v > min_stake}
- launcher_keys = list(launcher2balance.keys())
- futures = []
- for i, info in enumerate(infos):
- if info['key'] in keys:
- continue
- launcher_key = launcher_keys[i % len(launcher_keys)]
- c.print(f"Registering {info['name']} with module_key {info['key']} using launcher {launcher_key}")
- f = c.submit(c.register, kwargs=dict(name=info['name'],
- address= info['address'],
- netuid = netuid,
- module_key=info['key'],
- key=launcher_key), timeout=timeout)
- futures+= [f]
- if len(futures) == len(launcher_keys):
- for future in c.as_completed(futures, timeout=timeout):
- r = future.result()
- c.print(r, color='green')
- futures.remove(future)
- break
- for future in c.as_completed(futures, timeout=timeout):
- r = future.result()
- c.print(r, color='green')
- futures.remove(future)
- return infos
- else:
- for info in infos:
- r = c.register(name=info['name'],
- address= info['address'],
- module_key=info['key'],
- key=key)
- c.print(r, color='green')
- return {'success': True, 'message': 'All modules registered'}
- def unregistered_servers(self, search=None, netuid = 0, key=None, max_age=None, update=False, transfer_multiple=True,**kwargs):
- netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
- servers = c.servers(search=search)
- key2address = c.key2address(update=update)
- keys = self.keys(netuid=netuid, max_age=max_age, update=update)
- unregister_servers = []
- for s in servers:
- if key2address[s] not in keys:
- unregister_servers += [s]
- return unregister_servers
- def my_value( self, *args, **kwargs ):
- return sum(list(self.key2value( *args, **kwargs).values()))
- def my_total_stake(self, netuid='all', fmt='j', update=False):
- my_stake_to = self.my_stake_to(netuid=netuid, fmt=fmt, update=update)
- return sum([sum(list(v.values())) for k,v in my_stake_to.items()])
- def my_staked_module_keys(self, netuid = 0, **kwargs):
- my_stake_to = self.my_stake_to(netuid=netuid, **kwargs)
- module_keys = {} if netuid == 'all' else []
- for subnet_netuid, stake_to_key in my_stake_to.items():
- if netuid == 'all':
- for _netuid, stake_to_subnet in stake_to_key.items():
- module_keys[_netuid] = list(stake_to_subnet.keys()) + module_keys.get(_netuid, [])
- else:
- module_keys += list(stake_to_key.keys())
- return module_keys
- def my_stake_to(self, fmt='j', **kwargs):
- stake_to = self.stake_to(fmt=fmt, **kwargs)
- key2address = c.key2address()
- my_stake_to = {}
- for key, address in key2address.items():
- my_stake_to[address] = {k:v for k,v in stake_to.get(address, {}).items()}
- stake_to_keys = list(my_stake_to.keys())
- for key in stake_to_keys:
- if len(my_stake_to[key]) == 0:
- del my_stake_to[key]
- return my_stake_to
- def my_stake_from(self, netuid = 0, block=None, update=False, fmt='j', max_age=1000 , **kwargs):
- stake_from_tuples = self.stake_from(netuid=netuid,
- block=block,
- update=update,
- tuples = True,
- fmt=fmt, max_age=max_age, **kwargs)
- address2key = c.address2key()
- stake_from_total = {}
- if netuid == 'all':
- for netuid, stake_from_tuples_subnet in stake_from_tuples.items():
- for module_key,staker_tuples in stake_from_tuples_subnet.items():
- for staker_key, stake in staker_tuples:
- if module_key in address2key:
- stake_from_total[staker_key] = stake_from_total.get(staker_key, 0) + stake
- else:
- for module_key,staker_tuples in stake_from_tuples.items():
- for staker_key, stake in staker_tuples:
- if module_key in address2key:
- stake_from_total[staker_key] = stake_from_total.get(staker_key, 0) + stake
- for staker_address in address2key.keys():
- if staker_address in stake_from_total:
- stake_from_total[staker_address] = self.format_amount(stake_from_total[staker_address], fmt=fmt)
- return stake_from_total
- def my_total_stake_to( self,
- key: str = None,
- block: Optional[int] = None,
- timeout=20,
- names = False,
- fmt='j' ,
- update=False,
- max_age = 1000,
- **kwargs) -> Optional['Balance']:
- return sum(list(self.get_stake_to(key=key, block=block, timeout=timeout, names=names, fmt=fmt,
- update=update,
- max_age=max_age, **kwargs).values()))
- def my_modules(self, search=None, netuid=0, generator=False, **kwargs):
- keys = self.my_keys(netuid=netuid, search=search)
- if netuid == 'all':
- modules = {}
- all_keys = keys
- for netuid, keys in enumerate(all_keys):
- try:
- modules[netuid]= self.get_modules(keys=keys, netuid=netuid, **kwargs)
- except Exception as e:
- c.print(e)
- modules = {k: v for k,v in modules.items() if len(v) > 0 }
- return modules
- modules = self.get_modules(keys=keys, netuid=netuid, **kwargs)
- return modules
- def stats(self,
- search = None,
- netuid=0,
- df:bool=True,
- update:bool = False ,
- features : list = ['name', 'emission','incentive', 'dividends', 'stake', 'vote_staleness', 'serving', 'address'],
- sort_features = ['emission', 'stake'],
- fmt : str = 'j',
- modules = None,
- servers = None,
- **kwargs
- ):
- if isinstance(netuid, str):
- netuid = self.subnet2netuid(netuid)
- if search == 'all':
- netuid = search
- search = None
- if netuid == 'all':
- all_modules = self.my_modules(netuid=netuid, update=update, fmt=fmt, search=search)
- servers = c.servers()
- stats = {}
- netuid2subnet = self.netuid2subnet(update=update)
- for netuid, modules in all_modules.items():
- subnet_name = netuid2subnet[netuid]
- stats[netuid] = self.stats(modules=modules, netuid=netuid, servers=servers)
- color = c.random_color()
- c.print(f'\n {subnet_name.upper()} :: (netuid:{netuid})\n', color=color)
- c.print(stats[netuid], color=color)
- modules = modules or self.my_modules(netuid=netuid, update=update, fmt=fmt, search=search)
- stats = []
- local_key_addresses = list(c.key2address().values())
- servers = servers or c.servers()
- for i, m in enumerate(modules):
- if m['key'] not in local_key_addresses :
- continue
- # sum the stake_from
- # we want to round these values to make them look nice
- for k in ['emission', 'dividends', 'incentive']:
- m[k] = c.round(m[k], sig=4)
- m['serving'] = bool(m['name'] in servers)
- m['stake'] = int(m['stake'])
- stats.append(m)
- df_stats = c.df(stats)
- if len(stats) > 0:
- df_stats = df_stats[features]
- if 'emission' in features:
- epochs_per_day = self.epochs_per_day(netuid=netuid)
- df_stats['emission'] = df_stats['emission'] * epochs_per_day
- sort_features = [c for c in sort_features if c in df_stats.columns]
- df_stats.sort_values(by=sort_features, ascending=False, inplace=True)
- if search is not None:
- df_stats = df_stats[df_stats['name'].str.contains(search, case=True)]
- if not df:
- return df_stats.to_dict('records')
- else:
- return df_stats
- def update_modules(self, search=None,
- timeout=60,
- netuid=0,
- **kwargs) -> List[str]:
- netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
- my_modules = self.my_modules(search=search, netuid=netuid, **kwargs)
- self.keys()
- futures = []
- namespace = c.namespace()
- for m in my_modules:
- name = m['name']
- if name in namespace:
- address = namespace[name]
- else:
- address = c.serve(name)['address']
- if m['address'] == address and m['name'] == name:
- c.print(f"Module {m['name']} already up to date")
- f = c.submit(c.update_module, kwargs={'module': name,
- 'name': name,
- 'netuid': netuid,
- 'address': address,
- **kwargs}, timeout=timeout)
- futures+= [f]
- results = []
- for future in c.as_completed(futures, timeout=timeout):
- results += [future.result()]
- c.print(future.result())
- return results
- def stake(
- self,
- module: Optional[str] = None, # defaults to key if not provided
- amount: Union['Balance', float] = None,
- key: str = None, # defaults to first key
- existential_deposit: float = 0,
- netuid=0,
- **kwargs
- ) -> bool:
- """
- description:
- Unstakes the specified amount from the module.
- If no amount is specified, it unstakes all of the amount.
- If no module is specified, it unstakes from the most staked module.
- params:
- amount: float = None, # defaults to all
- module : str = None, # defaults to most staked module
- key : 'c.Key' = None, # defaults to first key
- netuid : Union[str, int] = 0, # defaults to module.netuid
- network: str= main, # defaults to main
- return:
- response: dict
- """
- key = c.get_key(key)
- if c.valid_ss58_address(module):
- module_key = module
- else:
- module_key = self.name2key(netuid=netuid).get(module)
- # Flag to indicate if we are using the wallet's own hotkey.
- if amount == None:
- amount = self.get_balance( key.ss58_address , fmt='nano') - existential_deposit*10**9
- else:
- amount = int(self.to_nanos(amount - existential_deposit))
- assert amount > 0, f"Amount must be greater than 0 and greater than existential deposit {existential_deposit}"
- # Get current stake
- params={
- 'amount': amount,
- 'module_key': module_key
- }
- return self.compose_call('add_stake',params=params, key=key)
- def key_info(self, key:str = None, netuid='all', detail=0, timeout=10, update=False, **kwargs):
- key_info = {
- 'balance': self.get_balance(key=key, **kwargs),
- 'stake_to': self.get_stake_to(key=key, **kwargs),
- }
- if detail:
- pass
- else:
- for netuid, stake_to in key_info['stake_to'].items():
- key_info['stake_to'][netuid] = sum(stake_to.values())
- return key_info
- def subnet2modules(self, **kwargs):
- subnet2modules = {}
- for netuid in self.netuids():
- c.print(f'Getting modules for SubNetwork {netuid}')
- subnet2modules[netuid] = self.my_modules(netuid=netuid, **kwargs)
- return subnet2modules
- def staking_rewards( self,
- key: str = None,
- module_key=None,
- block: Optional[int] = None,
- timeout=20,
- period = 100,
- names = False,
- fmt='j' , update=False,
- max_age = 1000,
- **kwargs) -> Optional['Balance']:
- block = int(block or self.block)
- block_yesterday = int(block - period)
- day_before_stake = self.my_total_stake_to(key=key, module_key=module_key, block=block_yesterday, timeout=timeout, names=names, fmt=fmt, update=update, max_age=max_age, **kwargs)
- day_after_stake = self.my_total_stake_to(key=key, module_key=module_key, block=block, timeout=timeout, names=names, fmt=fmt, update=update, max_age=max_age, **kwargs)
- return (day_after_stake - day_before_stake)
- def registered_servers(self, netuid = 0, **kwargs):
- netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
- servers = c.servers()
- keys = self.keys(netuid=netuid)
- registered_keys = []
- key2address = c.key2address()
- for s in servers:
- key_address = key2address[s]
- if key_address in keys:
- registered_keys += [s]
- return registered_keys
- def key2balance(self, search=None,
- batch_size = 64,
- timeout = 10,
- max_age = 1000,
- fmt = 'j',
- update=False,
- names = False,
- min_value=0.0001,
- **kwargs):
- input_hash = c.hash(c.locals2kwargs(locals()))
- path = f'key2balance/{input_hash}'
- key2balance = self.get(path, max_age=max_age, update=update)
- if key2balance == None:
- key2balance = self.get_balances(search=search,
- batch_size=batch_size,
- timeout=timeout,
- fmt = 'nanos',
- update=1,
- min_value=min_value,
- **kwargs)
- self.put(path, key2balance)
- for k,v in key2balance.items():
- key2balance[k] = self.format_amount(v, fmt=fmt)
- key2balance = sorted(key2balance.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
- key2balance = {k: v for k,v in key2balance if v > min_value}
- if names:
- address2key = c.address2key()
- key2balance = {address2key[k]: v for k,v in key2balance.items()}
- return key2balance
- def empty_keys(self, block=None, update=False, max_age=1000, fmt='j'):
- key2address = c.key2address()
- key2value = self.key2value( block=block, update=update, max_age=max_age, fmt=fmt)
- empty_keys = []
- for key,key_address in key2address.items():
- key_value = key2value.get(key_address, 0)
- if key_value == 0:
- empty_keys.append(key)
- return empty_keys
- def profit_shares(self, key=None, **kwargs) -> List[Dict[str, Union[str, int]]]:
- key = self.resolve_module_key(key)
- return self.query_map('ProfitShares', **kwargs)
- def key2stake(self,
- block=None,
- update=False,
- names = True,
- max_age = 1000,fmt='j'):
- stake_to = self.stake_to(
- block=block,
- max_age=max_age,
- update=update,
- fmt=fmt)
- address2key = c.address2key()
- stake_to_total = {}
- for staker_address in address2key.keys():
- if staker_address in stake_to:
- stake_to_total[staker_address] = sum(stake_to.get(staker_address, {}).values())
- # sort the dictionary by value
- stake_to_total = dict(sorted(stake_to_total.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True))
- if names:
- stake_to_total = {address2key.get(k, k): v for k,v in stake_to_total.items()}
- return stake_to_total
- def key2value(self, block=None, update=False, max_age=1000, fmt='j', min_value=0, **kwargs):
- key2balance = self.key2balance(block=block, update=update, max_age=max_age, fmt=fmt)
- key2stake = self.key2stake( block=block, update=update, max_age=max_age, fmt=fmt)
- key2value = {}
- keys = set(list(key2balance.keys()) + list(key2stake.keys()))
- for key in keys:
- key2value[key] = key2balance.get(key, 0) + key2stake.get(key, 0)
- key2value = {k:v for k,v in key2value.items()}
- key2value = dict(sorted(key2value.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True))
- return key2value
- def resolve_module_key(self, x, netuid=0, max_age=60):
- if not c.valid_ss58_address(x):
- name2key = self.name2key(netuid=netuid, max_age=max_age)
- x = name2key.get(x)
- assert c.valid_ss58_address(x), f"Module key {x} is not a valid ss58 address"
- return x
- def global_params(self,
- update = False,
- max_age = 1000,
- timeout=30,
- fmt:str='j',
- features = None,
- value_features = [],
- path = f'global_params',
- **kwargs
- ) -> list:
- features = features or self.config.global_features
- subnet_params = self.get(path, None, max_age=max_age, update=update)
- names = [self.feature2name(f) for f in features]
- future2name = {}
- name2feature = dict(zip(names, features))
- for name, feature in name2feature.items():
- c.print(f'Getting {name} for {feature}')
- query_kwargs = dict(name=feature, params=[], block=None, max_age=max_age, update=update)
- f = c.submit(self.query, kwargs=query_kwargs, timeout=timeout)
- future2name[f] = name
- subnet_params = {}
- for f in c.as_completed(future2name):
- result = f.result()
- subnet_params[future2name.pop(f)] = result
- for k in value_features:
- subnet_params[k] = self.format_amount(subnet_params[k], fmt=fmt)
- return subnet_params
- def get_balance(self,
- key: str = None ,
- block: int = None,
- fmt='j',
- max_age=0,
- update=False) -> Optional['Balance']:
- r""" Returns the token balance for the passed ss58_address address
- Args:
- address (Substrate address format, default = 42):
- ss58 chain address.
- Return:
- balance (bittensor.utils.balance.Balance):
- account balance
- """
- key_ss58 = self.resolve_key_ss58( key )
- result = self.query(
- module='System',
- name='Account',
- params=[key_ss58],
- block = block,
- update=update,
- max_age=max_age
- )
- return self.format_amount(result['data']['free'] , fmt=fmt)
- balance = get_balance
- def accounts(self, key = None, update=True, block=None, max_age=100000, **kwargs):
- key = self.resolve_key_ss58(key)
- accounts = self.query_map(
- module='System',
- name='Account',
- update=update,
- block = block,
- max_age=max_age,
- **kwargs
- )
- return accounts
- def balances(self,fmt:str = 'n', block: int = None, n = None, update=False , **kwargs) -> Dict[str, 'Balance']:
- accounts = self.accounts( update=update, block=block)
- balances = {k:v['data']['free'] for k,v in accounts.items()}
- balances = {k: self.format_amount(v, fmt=fmt) for k,v in balances.items()}
- return balances
- def blocks_per_day(self):
- return 24*60*60/self.block_time
- def min_burn(self, block=None, update=False, fmt='j'):
- min_burn = self.query('MinBurn', block=block, update=update)
- return self.format_amount(min_burn, fmt=fmt)
- def get_balances(self,
- keys=None,
- search=None,
- batch_size = 128,
- fmt = 'j',
- n = 100,
- max_trials = 3,
- names = False,
- **kwargs):
- key2balance = {}
- key2address = c.key2address(search=search)
- if keys == None:
- keys = list(key2address.keys())
- if len(keys) > n:
- c.print(f'Getting balances for {len(keys)} keys > {n} keys, using batch_size {batch_size}')
- balances = self.balances(**kwargs)
- key2balance = {}
- for k,a in key2address.items():
- if a in balances:
- key2balance[k] = balances[a]
- else:
- future2key = {}
- for key in keys:
- f = c.submit(self.get_balance, kwargs=dict(key=key, fmt=fmt, **kwargs))
- future2key[f] = key
- for f in c.as_completed(future2key):
- key = future2key.pop(f)
- key2balance[key] = f.result()
- for k,v in key2balance.items():
- key2balance[k] = self.format_amount(v, fmt=fmt)
- if names:
- address2key = c.address2key()
- key2balance = {address2key[k]: v for k,v in key2balance.items()}
- return key2balance
- def total_balance(self, **kwargs):
- balances = self.balances(**kwargs)
- return sum(balances.values())
- def num_holders(self, **kwargs):
- balances = self.balances(**kwargs)
- return len(balances)
- def proposals(self, block=None, nonzero:bool=False, update:bool = False, **kwargs):
- proposals = [v for v in self.query_map('Proposals', block=block, update=update, **kwargs)]
- return proposals
- def registrations_per_block(self,**kwargs) -> int:
- return self.query('RegistrationsPerBlock', params=[], **kwargs)
- regsperblock = registrations_per_block
- def max_registrations_per_block(self, **kwargs) -> int:
- return self.query('MaxRegistrationsPerBlock', params=[], **kwargs)
- #################
- #### Serving ####
- #################
- def update_global(
- self,
- key: str = None,
- network : str = 'main',
- sudo: bool = True,
- **params,
- ) -> bool:
- key = self.resolve_key(key)
- network = self.resolve_network(network)
- global_params = self.global_params(fmt='nanos')
- global_params.update(params)
- params = global_params
- for k,v in params.items():
- if isinstance(v, str):
- params[k] = v.encode('utf-8')
- # this is a sudo call
- return self.compose_call(fn='update_global',
- params=params,
- key=key,
- sudo=sudo)
- #################
- #### Serving ####
- #################
- def vote_proposal(
- self,
- proposal_id: int = None,
- key: str = None,
- network = 'main',
- nonce = None,
- netuid = 0,
- **params,
- ) -> bool:
- self.resolve_network(network)
- # remove the params that are the same as the module info
- params = {
- 'proposal_id': proposal_id,
- 'netuid': netuid,
- }
- response = self.compose_call(fn='add_subnet_proposal',
- params=params,
- key=key,
- nonce=nonce)
- return response
- def register(
- self,
- name: str , # defaults to module.tage
- address : str = None,
- stake : float = None,
- netuid = 0,
- network_name : str = None,
- key : str = None,
- module_key : str = None,
- wait_for_inclusion: bool = True,
- wait_for_finalization: bool = True,
- max_address_characters = 32,
- metadata = None,
- network = None,
- nonce=None,
- **kwargs
- ) -> bool:
- module_key = c.get_key(module_key or name).ss58_address
- netuid2subnet = self.netuid2subnet(update=False)
- subnet2netuid = {v:k for k,v in netuid2subnet.items()}
- if network_name == None and netuid != 0:
- network_name = netuid2subnet[netuid]
- else:
- assert isinstance(network_name, str), f"Subnet must be a string"
- if not network_name in subnet2netuid:
- subnet2netuid = self.subnet2netuid(update=True)
- if network_name not in subnet2netuid:
- subnet2netuid[network_name] = len(subnet2netuid)
- response = input(f"Do you want to create a new subnet ({network_name}) (yes or y or dope): ")
- if response.lower() not in ["yes", 'y', 'dope']:
- return {'success': False, 'msg': 'Subnet not found and not created'}
- # require prompt to create new subnet
- stake = (stake or 0) * 1e9
- if c.server_exists(name):
- address = c.namespace().get(name)
- else:
- address = address or 'NA'
- params = {
- 'network_name': network_name.encode('utf-8'),
- 'address': address[-max_address_characters:].replace('', c.ip()).encode('utf-8'),
- 'name': name.encode('utf-8'),
- 'stake': stake,
- 'module_key': module_key,
- 'metadata': json.dumps(metadata or {}).encode('utf-8'),
- }
- # create extrinsic call
- response = self.compose_call('register', params=params, key=key, wait_for_inclusion=wait_for_inclusion, wait_for_finalization=wait_for_finalization, nonce=nonce)
- return response
- def resolve_uids(self, uids: Union['torch.LongTensor', list], netuid: int = 0, update=False) -> None:
- name2uid = None
- key2uid = None
- for i, uid in enumerate(uids):
- if isinstance(uid, str):
- if name2uid == None:
- name2uid = self.name2uid(netuid=netuid, update=update)
- if uid in name2uid:
- uids[i] = name2uid[uid]
- else:
- if key2uid == None:
- key2uid = self.key2uid(netuid=netuid, update=update)
- if uid in key2uid:
- uids[i] = key2uid[uid]
- return uids
- def set_weights(
- self,
- uids: Union['torch.LongTensor', list] ,
- weights: Union['torch.FloatTensor', list] ,
- netuid: int = 0,
- key: 'c.key' = None,
- update=False,
- modules = None,
- vector_length = 2**16 - 1,
- nonce=None,
- **kwargs
- ) -> bool:
- import torch
- netuid = self.resolve_netuid(netuid)
- key = self.resolve_key(key)
- uids = self.resolve_uids(modules or uids, netuid=netuid, update=update)
- weights = weights or [1] * len(uids)
- assert len(uids) == len(weights), f"Length of uids {len(uids)} must be equal to length of weights {len(weights)}"
- weights = torch.tensor(weights)
- weights = (weights / weights.sum()) * vector_length # normalize the weights between 0 and 1
- weights = torch.clamp(weights, 0, vector_length) # min_value and max_value are between 0 and 1
- params = {'uids': list(map(int, uids)),
- 'weights': list(map(int, weights.tolist())),
- 'netuid': netuid}
- return self.compose_call('set_weights',params = params , key=key, nonce=nonce, **kwargs)
- vote = set_weights
- def unstake_all( self,
- key: str = None,
- existential_deposit = 1,
- min_stake = 0.5,
- ) -> Optional['Balance']:
- key = self.resolve_key( key )
- key_stake_to = self.get_stake_to(key=key, names=False, update=True, fmt='nanos') # name to amount
- min_stake = min_stake * 1e9
- key_stake_to = {k:v for k,v in key_stake_to.items() if v > min_stake }
- params = {
- "module_keys": list(key_stake_to.keys()),
- "amounts": list(key_stake_to.values())
- }
- response = {}
- if len(key_stake_to) > 0:
- c.print(f'Unstaking all of {len(key_stake_to)} modules')
- response['stake'] = self.compose_call('remove_stake_multiple', params=params, key=key)
- total_stake = (sum(key_stake_to.values())) / 1e9
- else:
- c.print(f'No modules found to unstake')
- total_stake = self.get_balance(key)
- total_stake = total_stake - existential_deposit
- return response
- def registered_keys(self, netuid='all'):
- key2address = c.key2address()
- address2key = {v:k for k,v in key2address.items()}
- if netuid == 'all':
- registered_keys = {}
- netuid2keys = self.keys(netuid=netuid)
- for netuid, keys in netuid2keys.items():
- registered_keys[netuid] = []
- for k in keys:
- if k in address2key:
- registered_keys[netuid].append(k)
- else:
- registered_keys = [k for k in self.keys(netuid=netuid) if k in address2key]
- return registered_keys
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/commune/user/user.py b/commune/user/user.py
index d8fb5294..352c7a7e 100644
--- a/commune/user/user.py
+++ b/commune/user/user.py
@@ -164,6 +164,6 @@ def app(self):
response = getattr(self, f'rm_user')(add_user_address)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ User.run()
diff --git a/commune/errors.py b/commune/utils/errors.py
similarity index 100%
rename from commune/errors.py
rename to commune/utils/errors.py
diff --git a/commune/utils/misc.py b/commune/utils/misc.py
index 57fb0c5e..3b16cf55 100644
--- a/commune/utils/misc.py
+++ b/commune/utils/misc.py
@@ -966,31 +966,17 @@ def path2text(cls, path:str, relative=False):
def root_key(cls):
return cls.get_key()
def root_key_address(cls) -> str:
return cls.root_key().ss58_address
def is_root_key(cls, address:str)-> str:
return address == cls.root_key().ss58_address
-def repo2module( repo, module = None):
- if module == None:
- module = os.path.basename(repo).replace('.git','').replace(' ','_').replace('-','_').lower()
- cls.new_module(module=module, repo=repo)
- return {'module':module, 'repo':repo, 'status':'success'}
# time within the context
def context_timer(cls, *args, **kwargs):
return cls.timer(*args, **kwargs)
def folder_structure(cls, path:str='./', search='py', max_depth:int=5, depth:int=0)-> dict:
import glob
files = cls.glob(path + '/**')
diff --git a/commune/types.py b/commune/utils/types.py
similarity index 100%
rename from commune/types.py
rename to commune/utils/types.py
diff --git a/commune/subspace/README.md b/docs/8_avoiding_recursion.md
similarity index 100%
rename from commune/subspace/README.md
rename to docs/8_avoiding_recursion.md