- Revert "fix: add custom highlights with catppuccin" (6b7584c)
- markdown plugin can't install (f794510)
- remove vim-quickrun plugin (433cec1)
- Neovim 0.10 introduced built-in commenting support (fcf2946)
- update CopilotChat branch to main (2dda344)
- guard: refactor guard setup and keymap (3f61bf2)
- Update plugin setup and diagnostic config (8d09fde)
- Update gitsigns and lspsaga configurations (1c53209)
- dap-ui: Simplify dap-ui setup and change debugger adapter (a233ba1)
- Update Node.js version and improve Copilot UI (5757da3)
- upgrade Node.js version in GitHub workflow (f1fb089)
- plugin: bufferline change version for suppoting neovim 0.10 (5f86966)