This is a debug container that is used by cofidectl
to discover the SPIFFE SVID and trust bundle issued to a workload, as part of the cofidectl workload status
command. It helps to debug a running workload in a cluster and ensure it's identity is as intended.
Cofide provide a ready-made container image used by cofidectl
but you may wish to build your own.
Building a cofidectl-debug-container
binary requires:
- Go 1.22 toolchain
as a command runnerko
to build container images
To run the unit tests and build the cofidectl-debug-container
just build-release
With cofidectl
, this container is executed in-cluster as a Kubernetes ephemeral container. The Go application interfaces with the SPIFFE Workload API to obtain the SPIFFE SVID and trust bundle issued to a workload. cofidectl
prints this to the console - for example:
./cofidectl workload status foo --namespace demo --pod-name ping-pong-client-f6f6495b5-zb9bd --trust-zone cofide-a
✅ Complete: Successfully executed emphemeral container in ping-pong-client-f6f6495b5-zb9bd
Trust bundles received
* spiffe://cofide-a.test
Certificate "22:FA:3D:F3:D5:B7:FC:47:5E:AA:A1:7A:66:A6:03:2D:B0:90:E3:30:A7:7C:9F:3C:F0:33:18:78:3A:41:62:EB"
is a CA certificate
valid from "2024-11-22T04:15:53Z" to "2024-11-22T16:16:03Z"
Subject: SERIALNUMBER=134874419949172333976462662483560844916,,O=Example,C=ARPA
DNS names: spiffe://cofide-a.test
Signature algorithm: SHA256-RSA
Issuer: SERIALNUMBER=134874419949172333976462662483560844916,,O=Example,C=ARPA
SVIDs received
* spiffe://cofide-a.test/ns/demo/sa/ping-pong-client
Certificate "4D:FA:5B:56:EC:B4:73:FF:24:9C:2D:E6:DE:AC:41:3B:0B:BE:42:B8:2F:E9:2C:71:87:FF:BD:E0:C3:C8:9D:E4"
valid from "2024-11-22T09:10:10Z" to "2024-11-22T13:10:20Z"
Subject: O=SPIRE,C=US
DNS names: spiffe://cofide-a.test/ns/demo/sa/ping-pong-client
Signature algorithm: SHA256-RSA
Issuer: SERIALNUMBER=134874419949172333976462662483560844916,,O=Example,C=ARPA
SVID verified against trust bundle