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encodings guide
Church encoding encodes values by encoding flow control. Applied operations and values are automatically applied to nested values. Short-circuiting is enabled by laziness, but is limited.
For non-recursive datatypes, this coincides ( up to argument ordering ) with Scott encoding.
zero = \ f x . x
succ = \ n . \ f x . f (n f x)
The resulting value is not just a number, it is an iterator ( for
loop ). Applying an operation and a value results in the operation being applied n
times to the value.
Eg. n tail xs
can be interpreted directly as drop n xs
, without intermediately decreasing the number and checking if it is zero
or not.
In practice, pred
is an expensive operation, but add
, mul
and pow
are inexpensive ( full evaluation is still O(n)
True = \ true _false . true
False = \ _true false . false
Church booleans choose between two options. By convention, Church booleans name their True
value first.
p x y
can be interpreted directly as if p then x else y
, where the whole expression has the type of either x
or y
( x
and y
having different types makes for complicated control flow ).
Pair = \ x y fn . fn x y
fst = \ xy . xy \ x _y . x
snd = \ xy . xy \ _x y . y
uncurry = \ fn xy . xy fn
A curried function can be applied to a pair postfix directly, but rewriting the expression for prefix application makes composition simpler.
nil = \ _cons nil . nil
cons = \ x xs . \ cons nil . cons x (xs cons nil)
null = \ xs . xs ( \ _head _tail . False ) True
Church lists are represented by their right fold.
In practice, tail
is an expensive operation, but snoc
, append
and concat
are inexpensive ( full evaluation is still O(n)
Scott encoding, rather than encoding flow control, encodes values directly by encoding pattern matching. For every data constructor, there is a corresponding function argument of the same arity in the lambda calculus constructor function.
Scott encoding allows applying different operations and values at different levels of recursive nesting. Wrapper operators have to be written to pass operations down the recursion, and thus encoding flow control.
zero = \ zero _succ . zero
succ = \ n . \ _zero succ . succ n
This encodes Number = Zero | Succ Number
False = \ false _true . false
True = \ _false true . true
This coincides with Church encoding, being an enumerated, non-recursive type ( Boolean = False | True
), but ordering is according to False < True
Pair = \ x y fn . fn x y
This coincides with Church encoding, being a non-recursive type ( (,) a b = (,) a b
, or (a,b) = (a,b)
with syntactic sugar ).
nil = \ nil _cons . nil
cons = \ x xs . \ _nil cons . cons x xs
head = \ xs . xs () \ x _xs . x
tail = \ xs . xs () \ _x xs . xs
This encodes [] a = Nil | Cons a ([] a)
, or, with syntactic sugar, [a] = [] | a : [a]
. Again, note how arguments are ordered according to [] < [_]
Destructuring is natural because operations do not flow down the recursion.
LT = \ lt _eq _gt . lt
EQ = \ _lt eq _gt . eq
GT = \ _lt _eq gt . gt
This implements Ordering = LT | EQ | GT
, and coincides with a Church encoding.
Nothing = \ nothing _just . nothing
Just = \ x . \ _nothing just . just x
# maybe :: z -> (a -> z) -> Maybe a -> z
maybe = \ nothing just maybeX . maybeX nothing just
This implements Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
. Note how Nothing
is a nullary function but Just
is unary. Ordering of arguments is according to Nothing < Just _
The standard library names this Option a = None | Some a
( and option
A Church encoding would coincide ( but probably reorder arguments to \ just nothing .
. sigh ).
Left = \ x . \ left _right . left x
Right = \ x . \ _left right . right x
# either :: (a -> z) -> (b -> z) -> Either a b -> z
either = \ left right eitherX . eitherX left right
This implements Either a b = Left a | Right b
. Note how both constructors are unary. A Church encoding would coincide.
The conceptual datatype for this is Number = NoMoreBits | UnsetBit SmallerNumber | SetBit SmallerNumber
, with constructors ordered for easy comparisons.
The implementation uses Little-Endian ordering of an arbitrary number of bits, and maintains an invariant that the most significant bit, if present, is set.
An unset bit means an even number ( from that point to the right ); a set bit means an odd number; the portion to the right is the encoded number integer-divided by 2
Because encoding is Little-Endian, a shift right ( and shifting in a bit on the left ) is a multiplication of a number, adding either 0
or 1
onto the doubling.
The invariant can be intermediarily broken ( trailing zero bits, cf. leading zeroes in Big-Endian representations, do not affect the encoded value ), but comparisons of denormal numbers require normalisation first. A normal zero
is represented by the empty string, without a mathematically spurious zero bit for display-to-human purposes.
zero = \ end _even _odd . end
shiftR0 = \ n . \ _end even _odd . even n
shiftR1 = \ n . \ _end _even odd . odd n
Implementing shift-left
, which does not use recursion. Note that a shift left is a division of a number in Little-Endian.
# shiftL :: Number -> Number
shiftL = \ n . n zero I I
# alternatively
shiftL = \ n . n n I I
Flow control ( for
, or times
) is implemented similar to a right fold over a list ( foldr = \ fn z xs . xs z \ x xs . fn x (foldr fn z xs)
; argument ordering is reversed ), with one initial value ( end
) but two functions acting on even
and odd
numbers, performing some doubling and some doubling-plus-one, respectively. even
and odd
get the accumulator as an argument but not the actual bit, which is implicit. All arguments are explicitly applied to for
# for :: Number -> z -> (z -> z) -> (z -> z) -> z
for = \ n . \ end even odd . n end ( \ z . even (for z end even odd) ) ( \ z . odd (for z end even odd) )
Implementing to-Int
with for
. Note how recursion is implicit.
# to-Int :: Number -> Int
to-Int = \ n . for n 0 ( \ n-div-2 . 2 * n-div-2 ) ( \ n-div-2 . 1 + 2 * n-div-2 )
Short-circuiting the recursion in for
is possible, so a predicate is-even
can be written using for
# is-even :: Number -> Boolean
is-even = \ n . for n True (K True) (K False)
but inlining for
gives a simpler result.
# is-even :: Number -> Boolean
is-even = \ n . n True (K True) (K False)