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Gregor Weckbecker edited this page Jul 1, 2014 · 8 revisions

This document describes the (arguably) easiest steps to start Pageflow on a development machine.

Disclaimer: The setup described here is in no way fit to be used in production.

Pageflow is a "Rails Engine" which means it is designed to be a part of a bigger Ruby on Rails application.

A Rails App with Pageflow requires a couple of additional applications and services:

  • A Database to store the presentations and user-accounts (MySQL).
  • Storage that will hold the Images, Videos and Audios used in the presentations (Amazon S3).
  • A Service to convert the Video and Audio-File in multiple formats for different devices and browsers (Zencoder).
  • A messaging system that allows these components to communicate (Redis + Resque).

Please, note that using Zencoder and AWS will result in fees. Right now there are no alternatives to using S3 and Zencoder with Pageflow without strongly reducing the feature-set.

Get the requirements

Install Pageflow

Start a new rails app

Now create a new rails application that will contain Pageflow. The name pretty_reports can be substituted by another name. (Just don`t use "Pageflow" -> Troubleshooting#do-not-call-your-generated-application-pageflow). Pageflow will be the only component in this example-application.

# rails new --database=mysql pretty_reports
# cd pretty_reports
  • Set up Pageflow as described in the readme.

Configure Pageflow

  • Setup up a database user for Pageflow: Create a user using a database tool or by using mysql from the command-line. Here we're calling the database pretty_reports_development and the user myuser:
# mysql
mysql> create database pretty_reports_development;
mysql> grant all privileges on pretty_reports_development.*
to 'myuser'@'localhost' identified by 'myPassword11';
mysql> EXIT;
  • Configure the database in config/database.yml The part marked with development should look like this:
  adapter: mysql2
  database: pretty_reports_development
  username: myuser
  password: myPassword11
  host: localhost

Start Pageflow

Now, Pageflow should be ready to run on you development machine.

Make sure Redis is running

See the output of:

# ps aux | grep redis

If necessary start a Redis server:

# redis-server

This will start the redis-server on localhost port 6379. This should be configured accordingly in config/initializers/resque.rb

Start Resque

# rake resque:scheduler

Start a single resque worker to handle all background tasks:

# QUEUE=* rake resque:work

Start Rails

Start a Webserver running rails.

# rails s

Go to http://localhost:3000/admin/login and sign-in using the username [email protected] and the password !Pass123.