This is my first hackathon project, in which is have made 2 password generators, one is cli based and the other one is gui based. In the world now a days, there are a lot of news of hacking accounts because the users do not make their passwords strong in the sense like the make their passwords like- 12345678, qwerty@1, abcdefgh, 0000000, 111111, password, etc... Users make their passwords like these passwords which they can remember easiliy they do not make passwords for security purpose they take these things so casually not seriously. The hackers had a complete big file of the common passwords which the users use. Then the hacker hacks them after then they get depressed, sad, etc... So I have made this password generator. The major problem for the user is to remember the password. I have done solution of it, the password which is made with it's all information like email, date, time, company name, website name and along all the things the password is saved in file named 'password.txt'. So to save the normal peoples to not get hacked by using simple easy passwords, I have made this password generator. THANK YOU....