diff --git a/data/tutorials/longexercise/diffNuisances.py b/data/tutorials/longexercise/diffNuisances.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8161579db4e..00000000000
--- a/data/tutorials/longexercise/diffNuisances.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,582 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
-import datetime
-import re
-from optparse import OptionParser
-from sys import argv, exit, stderr, stdout
-from six.moves import range
-import HiggsAnalysis.CombinedLimit.calculate_pulls as CP
-import ROOT
-# tool to compare fitted nuisance parameters to prefit values.
-# Also used to check for potential problems in RooFit workspaces to be used with combine
-# (see https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/CMS/HiggsWG/HiggsPAGPreapprovalChecks)
-# import ROOT with a fix to get batch mode (http://root.cern.ch/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?t=3198)
-hasHelp = False
-for X in ("-h", "-?", "--help"):
- if X in argv:
- hasHelp = True
- argv.remove(X)
-# ROOT.gSystem.Load("libHiggsAnalysisCombinedLimit")
-if hasHelp:
- argv.append("-h")
-parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options] in.root \nrun with --help to get list of options")
- "--vtol",
- "--val-tolerance",
- dest="vtol",
- default=0.30,
- type="float",
- help="Report nuisances whose value changes by more than this amount of sigmas",
- "--stol",
- "--sig-tolerance",
- dest="stol",
- default=0.10,
- type="float",
- help="Report nuisances whose sigma changes by more than this amount",
- "--vtol2",
- "--val-tolerance2",
- dest="vtol2",
- default=2.0,
- type="float",
- help="Report severely nuisances whose value changes by more than this amount of sigmas",
- "--stol2",
- "--sig-tolerance2",
- dest="stol2",
- default=0.50,
- type="float",
- help="Report severely nuisances whose sigma changes by more than this amount",
- "-a",
- "--all",
- dest="show_all_parameters",
- default=False,
- action="store_true",
- help="Print all nuisances, even the ones which are unchanged w.r.t. pre-fit values.",
- "-A",
- "--abs",
- dest="absolute_values",
- default=False,
- action="store_true",
- help="Report also absolute values of nuisance values and errors, not only the ones normalized to the input sigma",
- "-p",
- "--poi",
- dest="poi",
- default="r",
- type="string",
- help="Name of signal strength parameter (default is 'r' as per text2workspace.py)",
- "-f",
- "--format",
- dest="format",
- default="text",
- type="string",
- help="Output format ('text', 'latex', 'twiki'",
- "-g",
- "--histogram",
- dest="plotfile",
- default=None,
- type="string",
- help="If true, plot the pulls of the nuisances to the given file.",
- "",
- "--pullDef",
- dest="pullDef",
- default="",
- type="string",
- help="Choose the definition of the pull, see python/calculate_pulls.py for options",
-(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
-if len(args) == 0:
- parser.print_usage()
- exit(1)
-if options.pullDef != "" and options.pullDef not in CP.allowed_methods():
- exit("Method %s not allowed, choose one of [%s]" % (options.pullDef, ",".join(CP.allowed_methods())))
-if options.pullDef and options.absolute_values:
- print("Pulls are always defined as absolute, will modify --absolute_values to False for you")
- options.absolute_values = False
-if options.pullDef:
- options.show_all_parameters = True
-setUpString = "diffNuisances run on %s, at %s with the following options ... " % (
- args[0],
- datetime.datetime.utcnow(),
-) + str(options)
-file = ROOT.TFile(args[0])
-if file == None:
- raise RuntimeError("Cannot open file %s" % args[0])
-fit_s = file.Get("fit_s")
-fit_b = file.Get("fit_b")
-prefit = file.Get("nuisances_prefit")
-if fit_s == None or fit_s.ClassName() != "RooFitResult":
- raise RuntimeError("File %s does not contain the output of the signal fit 'fit_s'" % args[0])
-if fit_b == None or fit_b.ClassName() != "RooFitResult":
- raise RuntimeError("File %s does not contain the output of the background fit 'fit_b'" % args[0])
-if prefit == None or prefit.ClassName() != "RooArgSet":
- raise RuntimeError("File %s does not contain the prefit nuisances 'nuisances_prefit'" % args[0])
-isFlagged = {}
-# maps from nuisance parameter name to the row to be printed in the table
-table = {}
-# get the fitted parameters
-fpf_b = fit_b.floatParsFinal()
-fpf_s = fit_s.floatParsFinal()
-pulls = []
-nuis_p_i = 0
-title = "pull" if options.pullDef else "#theta"
-def getGraph(hist,shift):
- gr = ROOT.TGraphAsymErrors()
- gr.SetName(hist.GetName())
- for i in range(hist.GetNbinsX()):
- x = hist.GetBinCenter(i+1)+shift
- y = hist.GetBinContent(i+1)
- e = hist.GetBinError(i+1)
- gr.SetPoint(i,x,y)
- gr.SetPointError(i,float(abs(shift))*0.8,e)
- return gr
-# Also make histograms for pull distributions:
-hist_fit_b = ROOT.TH1F("fit_b", "B-only fit Nuisances;;%s " % title, prefit.getSize(), 0, prefit.getSize())
-hist_fit_s = ROOT.TH1F("fit_s", "S+B fit Nuisances ;;%s " % title, prefit.getSize(), 0, prefit.getSize())
-hist_prefit = ROOT.TH1F(
- "prefit_nuisancs",
- "Prefit Nuisances ;;%s " % title,
- prefit.getSize(),
- 0,
- prefit.getSize(),
-# Store also the *asymmetric* uncertainties
-gr_fit_b = ROOT.TGraphAsymmErrors()
-gr_fit_s = ROOT.TGraphAsymmErrors()
-# loop over all fitted parameters
-for i in range(fpf_s.getSize()):
- nuis_s = fpf_s.at(i)
- name = nuis_s.GetName()
- nuis_b = fpf_b.find(name)
- nuis_p = prefit.find(name)
- # keeps information to be printed about the nuisance parameter
- row = []
- flag = False
- mean_p, sigma_p, sigma_pu, sigma_pd = 0, 0, 0, 0
- if nuis_p == None:
- # nuisance parameter NOT present in the prefit result
- if not options.absolute_values and not (options.pullDef == "unconstPullAsym"):
- continue
- row += ["[%.2f, %.2f]" % (nuis_s.getMin(), nuis_s.getMax())]
- else:
- # get best-fit value and uncertainty at prefit for this
- # nuisance parameter
- if nuis_p.getErrorLo() == 0:
- nuis_p.setError(nuis_p.getErrorHi())
- mean_p, sigma_p, sigma_pu, sigma_pd = (
- nuis_p.getVal(),
- nuis_p.getError(),
- nuis_p.getErrorHi(),
- nuis_p.getErrorLo(),
- )
- if not sigma_p > 0:
- sigma_p = (nuis_p.getMax() - nuis_p.getMin()) / 2
- nuisIsSymm = abs(abs(nuis_p.getErrorLo()) - abs(nuis_p.getErrorHi())) < 0.01 or nuis_p.getErrorLo() == 0
- if options.absolute_values:
- if nuisIsSymm:
- row += ["%.6f +/- %.6f" % (nuis_p.getVal(), nuis_p.getError())]
- else:
- row += ["%.6f +%.6f %.6f" % (nuis_p.getVal(), nuis_p.getErrorHi(), nuis_p.getErrorLo())]
- for fit_name, nuis_x in [("b", nuis_b), ("s", nuis_s)]:
- if nuis_x == None:
- row += [" n/a "]
- else:
- nuisIsSymm = abs(abs(nuis_x.getErrorLo()) - abs(nuis_x.getErrorHi())) < 0.01 or nuis_x.getErrorLo() == 0
- if nuisIsSymm:
- nuis_x.setError(nuis_x.getErrorHi())
- nuiselo = abs(nuis_x.getErrorLo()) if nuis_x.getErrorLo() > 0 else nuis_x.getError()
- nuisehi = nuis_x.getErrorHi()
- if options.pullDef and nuis_p != None:
- nx, ned, neu = CP.returnPullAsym(
- options.pullDef,
- nuis_x.getVal(),
- mean_p,
- nuisehi,
- sigma_pu,
- abs(nuiselo),
- abs(sigma_pd),
- )
- else:
- nx, ned, neu = nuis_x.getVal(), nuiselo, nuisehi
- if nuisIsSymm:
- row += ["%+.2f +/- %.2f" % (nx, (abs(ned) + abs(neu)) / 2)]
- else:
- row += ["%+.2f +%.2f %.2f" % (nx, neu, ned)]
- if nuis_p != None:
- if options.plotfile:
- if fit_name == "b":
- nuis_p_i += 1
- if options.pullDef and nuis_p != None:
- # nx,ned,neu = CP.returnPullAsym(options.pullDef,nuis_x.getVal(),mean_p,nuis_x.getErrorHi(),sigma_pu,abs(nuis_x.getErrorLo()),abs(sigma_pd))
- gr_fit_b.SetPoint(nuis_p_i - 1, nuis_p_i - 0.5 + 0.1, nx)
- gr_fit_b.SetPointError(nuis_p_i - 1, 0, 0, ned, neu)
- else:
- gr_fit_b.SetPoint(nuis_p_i - 1, nuis_p_i - 0.5 + 0.1, nuis_x.getVal())
- gr_fit_b.SetPointError(
- nuis_p_i - 1,
- 0,
- 0,
- abs(nuis_x.getErrorLo()),
- nuis_x.getErrorHi(),
- )
- hist_fit_b.SetBinContent(nuis_p_i, nuis_x.getVal())
- hist_fit_b.SetBinError(nuis_p_i, nuis_x.getError())
- hist_fit_b.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(nuis_p_i, name)
- gr_fit_b.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(nuis_p_i, name)
- if fit_name == "s":
- if options.pullDef and nuis_p != None:
- # nx,ned,neu = CP.returnPullAsym(options.pullDef,nuis_x.getVal(),mean_p,nuis_x.getErrorHi(),sigma_pu,abs(nuis_x.getErrorLo()),abs(sigma_pd))
- gr_fit_s.SetPoint(nuis_p_i - 1, nuis_p_i - 0.5 - 0.1, nx)
- gr_fit_s.SetPointError(nuis_p_i - 1, 0, 0, ned, neu)
- else:
- gr_fit_s.SetPoint(nuis_p_i - 1, nuis_p_i - 0.5 - 0.1, nuis_x.getVal())
- gr_fit_s.SetPointError(
- nuis_p_i - 1,
- 0,
- 0,
- abs(nuis_x.getErrorLo()),
- nuis_x.getErrorHi(),
- )
- hist_fit_s.SetBinContent(nuis_p_i, nuis_x.getVal())
- hist_fit_s.SetBinError(nuis_p_i, nuis_x.getError())
- hist_fit_s.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(nuis_p_i, name)
- gr_fit_s.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(nuis_p_i, name)
- hist_prefit.SetBinContent(nuis_p_i, mean_p)
- hist_prefit.SetBinError(nuis_p_i, sigma_p)
- hist_prefit.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(nuis_p_i, name)
- if sigma_p > 0:
- if options.pullDef:
- valShift = nx
- sigShift = 1
- else:
- # calculate the difference of the nuisance parameter
- # w.r.t to the prefit value in terms of the uncertainty
- # on the prefit value
- valShift = (nuis_x.getVal() - mean_p) / sigma_p
- # ratio of the nuisance parameter's uncertainty
- # w.r.t the prefit uncertainty
- sigShift = nuis_x.getError() / sigma_p
- else:
- # print "No definition for prefit uncertainty %s. Printing absolute shifts"%(nuis_p.GetName())
- valShift = nuis_x.getVal() - mean_p
- sigShift = nuis_x.getError()
- if options.pullDef:
- row[-1] += ""
- elif options.absolute_values:
- row[-1] += " (%+4.2fsig, %4.2f)" % (valShift, sigShift)
- else:
- row[-1] = " %+4.2f, %4.2f" % (valShift, sigShift)
- if fit_name == "b":
- pulls.append(valShift)
- if abs(valShift) > options.vtol2 or abs(sigShift - 1) > options.stol2:
- # severely report this nuisance:
- #
- # the best fit moved by more than 2.0 sigma or the uncertainty (sigma)
- # changed by more than 50% (default thresholds) w.r.t the prefit values
- isFlagged[(name, fit_name)] = 2
- flag = True
- elif abs(valShift) > options.vtol or abs(sigShift - 1) > options.stol:
- # report this nuisance:
- #
- # the best fit moved by more than 0.3 sigma or the uncertainty (sigma)
- # changed by more than 10% (default thresholds) w.r.t the prefit values
- if options.show_all_parameters:
- isFlagged[(name, fit_name)] = 1
- flag = True
- elif options.show_all_parameters:
- flag = True
- # end of loop over s and b
- row += ["%+4.2f" % fit_s.correlation(name, options.poi)]
- if flag or options.show_all_parameters:
- table[name] = row
-# end of loop over all fitted parameters
-# ----------
-# print the results
-# ----------
-# print details
-fmtstring = "%-40s %15s %15s %10s"
-highlight = "*%s*"
-morelight = "!%s!"
-pmsub, sigsub = None, None
-if options.format == "text":
- if options.pullDef:
- fmtstring = "%-40s %30s %30s %10s"
- print(fmtstring % ("name", "b-only fit pull", "s+b fit pull", "rho"))
- elif options.absolute_values:
- fmtstring = "%-40s %15s %30s %30s %10s"
- print(fmtstring % ("name", "pre fit", "b-only fit", "s+b fit", "rho"))
- else:
- print(fmtstring % ("name", "b-only fit", "s+b fit", "rho"))
-elif options.format == "latex":
- pmsub = (r"(\S+) \+/- (\S+)", r"$\1 \\pm \2$")
- sigsub = ("sig", r"$\\sigma$")
- highlight = "\\textbf{%s}"
- morelight = "{{\\color{red}\\textbf{%s}}}"
- if options.pullDef:
- fmtstring = "%-40s & %30s & %30s & %6s \\\\"
- print("\\begin{tabular}{|l|r|r|r|} \\hline ")
- print(
- (
- fmtstring
- % (
- "name",
- "$b$-only fit pull",
- "$s+b$ fit pull",
- r"$\rho(\theta, \mu)$",
- )
- ),
- " \\hline",
- )
- elif options.absolute_values:
- fmtstring = "%-40s & %15s & %30s & %30s & %6s \\\\"
- print("\\begin{tabular}{|l|r|r|r|r|} \\hline ")
- print(
- (
- fmtstring
- % (
- "name",
- "pre fit",
- "$b$-only fit",
- "$s+b$ fit",
- r"$\rho(\theta, \mu)$",
- )
- ),
- " \\hline",
- )
- else:
- fmtstring = "%-40s & %15s & %15s & %6s \\\\"
- print("\\begin{tabular}{|l|r|r|r|} \\hline ")
- # what = r"$(x_\text{out} - x_\text{in})/\sigma_{\text{in}}$, $\sigma_{\text{out}}/\sigma_{\text{in}}$"
- what = r"\Delta x/\sigma_{\text{in}}$, $\sigma_{\text{out}}/\sigma_{\text{in}}$"
- print(fmtstring % ("", "$b$-only fit", "$s+b$ fit", ""))
- print((fmtstring % ("name", what, what, r"$\rho(\theta, \mu)$")), " \\hline")
-elif options.format == "twiki":
- pmsub = (r"(\S+) \+/- (\S+)", r"\1 ± \2")
- sigsub = ("sig", r"σ")
- highlight = "%s"
- morelight = "%s"
- if options.pullDef:
- fmtstring = "| %-40s | %-30s | %-30s | %-15s |"
- print("| *name* | *b-only fit pull* | *s+b fit pull* | ")
- elif options.absolute_values:
- fmtstring = "| %-40s | %-15s | %-30s | %-30s | %-15s |"
- print("| *name* | *pre fit* | *b-only fit* | *s+b fit* | ")
- else:
- fmtstring = "| %-40s | %-15s | %-15s | %-15s |"
- print("| *name* | *b-only fit* | *s+b fit* | *corr.* |")
-elif options.format == "html":
- pmsub = (r"(\S+) \+/- (\S+)", r"\1 ± \2")
- sigsub = ("sig", r"σ")
- highlight = "%s"
- morelight = "%s"
- print(
- """
Comparison of nuisances
-Comparison of nuisances
- )
- if options.pullDef:
- print("nuisance | background fit pull | signal fit pull | correlation |
- fmtstring = "%-40s | %-30s | %-30s | %-15s |
- elif options.absolute_values:
- print("nuisance | pre fit | background fit | signal fit | correlation |
- fmtstring = "%-40s | %-15s | %-30s | %-30s | %-15s |
- else:
- what = "Δx/σin, σout/σin"
- print("nuisance | background fit %s | signal fit %s | ρ(μ, θ) |
" % (what, what))
- fmtstring = "%-40s | %-15s | %-15s | %-15s |
-names = list(table.keys())
-highlighters = {1: highlight, 2: morelight}
-for n in names:
- v = table[n]
- if options.format == "latex":
- n = n.replace(r"_", r"\_")
- if pmsub != None:
- v = [re.sub(pmsub[0], pmsub[1], i) for i in v]
- if sigsub != None:
- v = [re.sub(sigsub[0], sigsub[1], i) for i in v]
- if (n, "b") in isFlagged:
- v[-3] = highlighters[isFlagged[(n, "b")]] % v[-3]
- if (n, "s") in isFlagged:
- v[-2] = highlighters[isFlagged[(n, "s")]] % v[-2]
- if options.absolute_values:
- print(fmtstring % (n, v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3]))
- else:
- print(fmtstring % (n, v[0], v[1], v[2]))
-if options.format == "latex":
- print(" \\hline\n\\end{tabular}")
-elif options.format == "html":
- print("
-if options.plotfile:
- import ROOT
- fout = ROOT.TFile(options.plotfile, "RECREATE")
- ROOT.gROOT.SetStyle("Plain")
- ROOT.gStyle.SetOptFit(1)
- histogram = ROOT.TH1F("pulls", "Pulls", 60, -3, 3)
- for pull in pulls:
- histogram.Fill(pull)
- canvas = ROOT.TCanvas("asdf", "asdf", 800, 800)
- if options.pullDef:
- histogram.GetXaxis().SetTitle("pull")
- else:
- histogram.GetXaxis().SetTitle("(#theta-#theta_{0})/#sigma_{pre-fit}")
- histogram.SetTitle("Post-fit nuisance pull distribution")
- histogram.SetMarkerStyle(20)
- histogram.SetMarkerSize(2)
- histogram.Draw("pe")
- fout.WriteTObject(canvas)
- canvas_nuis = ROOT.TCanvas("nuisances", "nuisances", 900, 600)
- hist_fit_e_s = hist_fit_s.Clone("errors_s")
- hist_fit_e_b = hist_fit_b.Clone("errors_b")
- # gr_fit_s = getGraph(hist_fit_s,-0.1)
- # gr_fit_b = getGraph(hist_fit_b, 0.1)
- gr_fit_s.SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed)
- gr_fit_s.SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kRed)
- gr_fit_b.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlue)
- gr_fit_b.SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kBlue)
- gr_fit_b.SetMarkerStyle(20)
- gr_fit_s.SetMarkerStyle(20)
- gr_fit_b.SetMarkerSize(1.0)
- gr_fit_s.SetMarkerSize(1.0)
- gr_fit_b.SetLineWidth(2)
- gr_fit_s.SetLineWidth(2)
- hist_prefit.SetLineWidth(2)
- hist_prefit.SetTitle("Nuisance Paramaeters")
- hist_prefit.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlack)
- hist_prefit.SetFillColor(ROOT.kGray)
- hist_prefit.SetMaximum(3)
- hist_prefit.SetMinimum(-3)
- hist_prefit.Draw("E2")
- hist_prefit.Draw("histsame")
- gr_fit_b.Draw("EPsame")
- gr_fit_s.Draw("EPsame")
- canvas_nuis.SetGridx()
- canvas_nuis.RedrawAxis()
- canvas_nuis.RedrawAxis("g")
- leg = ROOT.TLegend(0.6, 0.7, 0.89, 0.89)
- leg.SetFillColor(0)
- leg.SetTextFont(42)
- leg.AddEntry(hist_prefit, "Prefit", "FL")
- leg.AddEntry(gr_fit_b, "B-only fit", "EPL")
- leg.AddEntry(gr_fit_s, "S+B fit", "EPL")
- leg.Draw()
- fout.WriteTObject(canvas_nuis)
- canvas_pferrs = ROOT.TCanvas("post_fit_errs", "post_fit_errs", 900, 600)
- for b in range(1, hist_fit_e_s.GetNbinsX() + 1):
- hist_fit_e_s.SetBinContent(b, hist_fit_s.GetBinError(b) / hist_prefit.GetBinError(b))
- hist_fit_e_b.SetBinContent(b, hist_fit_b.GetBinError(b) / hist_prefit.GetBinError(b))
- hist_fit_e_s.SetBinError(b, 0)
- hist_fit_e_b.SetBinError(b, 0)
- hist_fit_e_s.SetFillColor(ROOT.kRed)
- hist_fit_e_b.SetFillColor(ROOT.kBlue)
- hist_fit_e_s.SetBarWidth(0.4)
- hist_fit_e_b.SetBarWidth(0.4)
- hist_fit_e_b.SetBarOffset(0.45)
- hist_fit_e_b.GetYaxis().SetTitle("#sigma_{#theta}/(#sigma_{#theta} prefit)")
- hist_fit_e_b.SetTitle("Nuisance Parameter Uncertainty Reduction")
- hist_fit_e_b.SetMaximum(1.5)
- hist_fit_e_b.SetMinimum(0)
- hist_fit_e_b.Draw("bar")
- hist_fit_e_s.Draw("barsame")
- leg_rat = ROOT.TLegend(0.6, 0.7, 0.89, 0.89)
- leg_rat.SetFillColor(0)
- leg_rat.SetTextFont(42)
- leg_rat.AddEntry(hist_fit_e_b, "B-only fit", "F")
- leg_rat.AddEntry(hist_fit_e_s, "S+B fit", "F")
- leg_rat.Draw()
- line_one = ROOT.TLine(0, 1, hist_fit_e_s.GetXaxis().GetXmax(), 1)
- line_one.SetLineColor(1)
- line_one.SetLineStyle(2)
- line_one.SetLineWidth(2)
- line_one.Draw()
- canvas_pferrs.RedrawAxis()
- fout.WriteTObject(canvas_pferrs)
diff --git a/docs/part5/longexercise.md b/docs/part5/longexercise.md
index 3549809b404..f3ab9415045 100644
--- a/docs/part5/longexercise.md
+++ b/docs/part5/longexercise.md
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ Underneath this the best-fit values ($\theta$) and symmetrised uncertainties for
A more useful way of looking at this is to compare the pre- and post-fit values of the parameters, to see how much the fit to data has shifted and constrained these parameters with respect to the input uncertainty. The script `diffNuisances.py` can be used for this:
-python diffNuisances.py fitDiagnosticsTest.root --all
+diffNuisances.py fitDiagnosticsTest.root --all
Show output
diff --git a/test/diffNuisances.py b/scripts/diffNuisances.py
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
similarity index 55%
rename from test/diffNuisances.py
rename to scripts/diffNuisances.py
index b667706960d..aa88db28b1e
--- a/test/diffNuisances.py
+++ b/scripts/diffNuisances.py
@@ -143,6 +143,22 @@
help="Include only nuisance parameters that passes the following regex filter",
+ "-w",
+ "--workspace",
+ dest="workspace",
+ default="",
+ type="string",
+ help="Workspace to use for evaluating NLL differences. If no workspace is passed, NLL differences won't be calculated.",
+ "",
+ "--max-nuis",
+ dest="max_nuis",
+ default=65,
+ type="int",
+ help="Maximum nuisances for a single plot. If more than the specified number of nuisance parameters exist they will be split across multiple plots.",
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if len(args) == 0:
@@ -159,8 +175,10 @@
if options.pullDef:
options.show_all_parameters = True
-if options.sortBy not in ["correlation", "impact"]:
- exit("choose one of [ %s ] for --sortBy" % (",".join()["correlation", "impact"]))
+if options.sortBy not in ["correlation", "impact", "dnll"]:
+ exit("choose one of [ %s ] for --sortBy" % (",".join()["correlation", "impact", "dnll"]))
+elif options.sortBy == "dnll" and (not options.workspace):
+ exit("can only sort by deltaNLL if a workspace is provided, otherwise no dnll can be calcualted")
if options.regex != ".*":
print("Including only nuisance parameters following this regex query:")
@@ -184,6 +202,11 @@
if prefit == None or prefit.ClassName() != "RooArgSet":
raise RuntimeError("File %s does not contain the prefit nuisances 'nuisances_prefit'" % args[0])
+workspace = None
+if options.workspace:
+ workspace_file = ROOT.TFile(options.workspace, "READ")
+ workspace = workspace_file.Get("w")
isFlagged = {}
# maps from nuisance parameter name to the row to be printed in the table
@@ -194,6 +217,7 @@
fpf_s = fit_s.floatParsFinal()
pulls = []
+dnlls = []
nuis_p_i = 0
title = "pull" if options.pullDef else "#theta"
@@ -219,18 +243,47 @@ def getGraph(hist,shift):
for i in range(fpf_s.getSize()):
nuis_s = fpf_s.at(i)
name = nuis_s.GetName()
+ nuis_p = prefit.find(name)
+ if nuis_p == None:
+ if not options.absolute_values and not (options.pullDef == "unconstPullAsym"):
+ continue
if bool(regex_NP_obj.match(name)):
np_count += 1
-# Also make histograms for pull distributions:
-hist_fit_b = ROOT.TH1F("fit_b", "B-only fit Nuisances;;%s " % title, np_count, 0, np_count)
-hist_fit_s = ROOT.TH1F("fit_s", "S+B fit Nuisances ;;%s " % title, np_count, 0, np_count)
-hist_prefit = ROOT.TH1F("prefit_nuisancs", "Prefit Nuisances ;;%s " % title, np_count, 0, np_count)
-# Store also the *asymmetric* uncertainties
-gr_fit_b = ROOT.TGraphAsymmErrors()
-gr_fit_s = ROOT.TGraphAsymmErrors()
+n_hists = np_count // options.max_nuis
+if np_count % options.max_nuis == 0:
+ n_hists -= 1
+hist_fit_b = []
+hist_fit_s = []
+hist_prefit = []
+gr_fit_b = []
+gr_fit_s = []
+hist_dnll = []
+hist_cdnll = []
+for idx in range(((np_count - 1) // options.max_nuis) + 1):
+ # Also make histograms for pull distributions:
+ nbins = min(np_count, options.max_nuis, np_count - (options.max_nuis * idx))
+ hist_fit_b += [ROOT.TH1F("fit_b %s" % idx, "B-only fit Nuisances;;%s %s" % (title, idx), nbins, 0, nbins)]
+ hist_fit_s += [ROOT.TH1F("fit_s %s" % idx, "S+B fit Nuisances ;;%s %s" % (title, idx), nbins, 0, nbins)]
+ hist_prefit += [
+ "prefit_nuisancs %s" % idx,
+ "Prefit Nuisances ;;%s %s" % (title, idx),
+ nbins,
+ 0,
+ nbins,
+ )
+ ]
+ # Store also the *asymmetric* uncertainties
+ gr_fit_b += [ROOT.TGraphAsymmErrors()]
+ gr_fit_b[idx].SetTitle("fit_b_g % s" % idx)
+ gr_fit_s += [ROOT.TGraphAsymmErrors()]
+ gr_fit_s[idx].SetTitle("fit_b_s % s" % idx)
+ hist_dnll += [ROOT.TH1F("dnll %s" % idx, "delta log-likelihoods ;;%s %s" % (title, idx), nbins, 0, nbins)]
+ hist_cdnll += [ROOT.TH1F("cdnll %s" % idx, "cumulative delta log-likelihoods ;;%s %s" % (title, idx), nbins, 0, nbins)]
error_poi = fpf_s.find(options.poi).getError()
@@ -307,48 +360,64 @@ def getGraph(hist,shift):
row += ["%+.2f +%.2f %.2f" % (nx, neu, ned)]
+ if options.workspace:
+ if fit_name == "b":
+ pdf = workspace.pdf(name + "_Pdf")
+ var = workspace.var(name)
+ var_val = var.getVal()
+ var.setVal(nuis_x.getVal())
+ bfit_nll = -pdf.getLogVal(ROOT.RooArgSet(var))
+ var.setVal(var_val)
+ if options.workspace:
+ var.setVal(nuis_x.getVal())
+ sfit_nll = -pdf.getLogVal(ROOT.RooArgSet(var))
+ var.setVal(var_val)
if nuis_p != None:
if options.plotfile:
if fit_name == "b":
nuis_p_i += 1
+ hist_idx = (nuis_p_i - 1) // options.max_nuis
+ bin_idx = ((nuis_p_i - 1) % options.max_nuis) + 1
if options.pullDef and nuis_p != None:
# nx,ned,neu = CP.returnPullAsym(options.pullDef,nuis_x.getVal(),mean_p,nuis_x.getErrorHi(),sigma_pu,abs(nuis_x.getErrorLo()),abs(sigma_pd))
- gr_fit_b.SetPoint(nuis_p_i - 1, nuis_p_i - 0.5 + 0.1, nx)
- gr_fit_b.SetPointError(nuis_p_i - 1, 0, 0, ned, neu)
+ gr_fit_b[hist_idx].SetPoint(bin_idx - 1, bin_idx - 0.5 + 0.1, nx)
+ gr_fit_b[hist_idx].SetPointError(bin_idx - 1, 0, 0, ned, neu)
- gr_fit_b.SetPoint(nuis_p_i - 1, nuis_p_i - 0.5 + 0.1, nuis_x.getVal())
- gr_fit_b.SetPointError(
- nuis_p_i - 1,
+ gr_fit_b[hist_idx].SetPoint(bin_idx - 1, bin_idx - 0.5 + 0.1, nuis_x.getVal())
+ gr_fit_b[hist_idx].SetPointError(
+ bin_idx - 1,
- hist_fit_b.SetBinContent(nuis_p_i, nuis_x.getVal())
- hist_fit_b.SetBinError(nuis_p_i, nuis_x.getError())
- hist_fit_b.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(nuis_p_i, name)
- gr_fit_b.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(nuis_p_i, name)
+ hist_fit_b[hist_idx].SetBinContent(bin_idx, nuis_x.getVal())
+ hist_fit_b[hist_idx].SetBinError(bin_idx, nuis_x.getError())
+ hist_fit_b[hist_idx].GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(bin_idx, name)
+ gr_fit_b[hist_idx].GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(bin_idx, name)
if fit_name == "s":
if options.pullDef and nuis_p != None:
# nx,ned,neu = CP.returnPullAsym(options.pullDef,nuis_x.getVal(),mean_p,nuis_x.getErrorHi(),sigma_pu,abs(nuis_x.getErrorLo()),abs(sigma_pd))
- gr_fit_s.SetPoint(nuis_p_i - 1, nuis_p_i - 0.5 - 0.1, nx)
- gr_fit_s.SetPointError(nuis_p_i - 1, 0, 0, ned, neu)
+ gr_fit_s[hist_idx].SetPoint(bin_idx - 1, bin_idx - 0.5 - 0.1, nx)
+ gr_fit_s[hist_idx].SetPointError(bin_idx - 1, 0, 0, ned, neu)
- gr_fit_s.SetPoint(nuis_p_i - 1, nuis_p_i - 0.5 - 0.1, nuis_x.getVal())
- gr_fit_s.SetPointError(
- nuis_p_i - 1,
+ gr_fit_s[hist_idx].SetPoint(bin_idx - 1, bin_idx - 0.5 - 0.1, nuis_x.getVal())
+ gr_fit_s[hist_idx].SetPointError(
+ bin_idx - 1,
- hist_fit_s.SetBinContent(nuis_p_i, nuis_x.getVal())
- hist_fit_s.SetBinError(nuis_p_i, nuis_x.getError())
- hist_fit_s.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(nuis_p_i, name)
- gr_fit_s.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(nuis_p_i, name)
- hist_prefit.SetBinContent(nuis_p_i, mean_p)
- hist_prefit.SetBinError(nuis_p_i, sigma_p)
- hist_prefit.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(nuis_p_i, name)
+ hist_fit_s[hist_idx].SetBinContent(bin_idx, nuis_x.getVal())
+ hist_fit_s[hist_idx].SetBinError(bin_idx, nuis_x.getError())
+ hist_fit_s[hist_idx].GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(bin_idx, name)
+ gr_fit_s[hist_idx].GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(bin_idx, name)
+ hist_prefit[hist_idx].SetBinContent(bin_idx, mean_p)
+ hist_prefit[hist_idx].SetBinError(bin_idx, sigma_p)
+ hist_prefit[hist_idx].GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(bin_idx, name)
if sigma_p > 0:
if options.pullDef:
@@ -370,9 +439,9 @@ def getGraph(hist,shift):
sigShift = nuis_x.getError()
if options.pullDef:
- row[-1] += ""
+ row[-1] = ""
elif options.absolute_values:
- row[-1] += " (%+4.2fsig, %4.2f)" % (valShift, sigShift)
+ row[-1] = " (%+4.2fsig, %4.2f)" % (valShift, sigShift)
row[-1] = " %+4.2f, %4.2f" % (valShift, sigShift)
@@ -407,11 +476,34 @@ def getGraph(hist,shift):
row += ["%+4.2f" % fit_s.correlation(name, options.poi)]
row += ["%+4.3f" % (nuis_x.getError() * fit_s.correlation(name, options.poi) * error_poi)]
+ if options.workspace:
+ dnll = bfit_nll - sfit_nll
+ dnlls.append((name, dnll))
+ row += ["%.4f" % dnll]
if flag or options.show_all_parameters:
table[name] = row
# end of loop over all fitted parameters
+# fill dnll and cumulative dnll plots
+if options.plotfile and options.workspace:
+ len_dnll = len(dnlls)
+ hist_dnll = []
+ hist_cdnll = []
+ for hist_idx in range(((len_dnll - 1) // options.max_nuis) + 1):
+ nbins = min(len_dnll, options.max_nuis, len_dnll - options.max_nuis * hist_idx)
+ hist_dnll += [ROOT.TH1F("dnll %s" % hist_idx, "delta log-likelihoods ;;%s %s" % (title, hist_idx), nbins, 0, nbins)]
+ hist_cdnll += [ROOT.TH1F("cdnll %s" % hist_idx, "cumulative delta log-likelihoods ;;%s %s" % (title, hist_idx), nbins, 0, nbins)]
+ dnlls.sort(key=lambda x: -x[1])
+ cdnll = 0
+ for idx, (nm, val) in enumerate(dnlls):
+ hist_idx = idx // options.max_nuis
+ bin_idx = idx % options.max_nuis
+ hist_dnll[hist_idx].SetBinContent(bin_idx + 1, val)
+ hist_dnll[hist_idx].GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(bin_idx + 1, nm)
+ cdnll += val
+ hist_cdnll[hist_idx].SetBinContent(bin_idx + 1, cdnll)
# ----------
# print the results
# ----------
@@ -431,64 +523,54 @@ def getGraph(hist,shift):
print(" option '--skipFitB' set true. b-only Fit is just a copy of the s+b fit")
if options.pullDef:
fmtstring = "%-40s %30s %30s %10s %10s"
- print(fmtstring % ("name", "b-only fit pull", "s+b fit pull", "rho", "approx impact"))
+ headers = ["name", "b-only fit pull", "s+b fit pull", "rho", "approx impact"]
elif options.absolute_values:
fmtstring = "%-40s %15s %30s %30s %10s %10s"
- print(fmtstring % ("name", "pre fit", "b-only fit", "s+b fit", "rho", "approx impact"))
+ headers = ["name", "pre fit", "b-only fit", "s+b fit", "rho", "approx impact"]
- print(fmtstring % ("name", "b-only fit", "s+b fit", "rho", "approx impact"))
+ headers = ["name", "b-only fit", "s+b fit", "rho", "approx impact"]
+ if options.workspace:
+ fmtstring = fmtstring + " %10s"
+ headers += ["dnll"]
+ print(fmtstring % tuple(headers))
elif options.format == "latex":
pmsub = (r"(\S+) \+/- (\S+)", r"$\1 \\pm \2$")
sigsub = ("sig", r"$\\sigma$")
highlight = "\\textbf{%s}"
morelight = "{{\\color{red}\\textbf{%s}}}"
+ headers_first = None
if options.skipFitS:
print(" option '--skipFitS' set true. $s+b$ Fit is just a copy of the $b$-only fit")
if options.skipFitB:
print(" option '--skipFitB' set true. $b$-only Fit is just a copy of the $s+b$ fit")
if options.pullDef:
- fmtstring = "%-40s & %30s & %30s & %6s & %6s \\\\"
- print("\\begin{tabular}{|l|r|r|r|r|} \\hline ")
- print(
- (
- fmtstring
- % (
- "name",
- "$b$-only fit pull",
- "$s+b$ fit pull",
- r"$\rho(\theta, \mu)$",
- r"I(\theta, \mu)",
- )
- ),
- " \\hline",
- )
+ fmtstring = "%-40s & %30s & %30s & %6s & %6s "
+ tab_header = "\\begin{tabular}{|l|r|r|r|r|"
+ headers = ["name", "$b$-only fit pull", "$s+b$ fit pull", r"$\rho(\theta, \mu)$", r"I(\theta, \mu)"]
elif options.absolute_values:
- fmtstring = "%-40s & %15s & %30s & %30s & %6s & %6s \\\\"
- print("\\begin{tabular}{|l|r|r|r|r|r|} \\hline ")
- print(
- (
- fmtstring
- % (
- "name",
- "pre fit",
- "$b$-only fit",
- "$s+b$ fit",
- r"$\rho(\theta, \mu)$",
- r"I(\theta, \mu)",
- )
- ),
- " \\hline",
- )
+ fmtstring = "%-40s & %15s & %30s & %30s & %6s & %6s "
+ tab_header = "\\begin{tabular}{|l|r|r|r|r|r|"
+ headers = ["name", "pre fit", "$b$-only fit pull", "$s+b$ fit pull", r"$\rho(\theta, \mu)$", r"I(\theta, \mu)"]
- fmtstring = "%-40s & %15s & %15s & %6s & %6s \\\\"
- print("\\begin{tabular}{|l|r|r|r|r|} \\hline ")
+ fmtstring = "%-40s & %15s & %15s & %6s & %6s "
+ tab_header = "\\begin{tabular}{|l|r|r|r|r|"
# what = r"$(x_\text{out} - x_\text{in})/\sigma_{\text{in}}$, $\sigma_{\text{out}}/\sigma_{\text{in}}$"
what = r"\Delta x/\sigma_{\text{in}}$, $\sigma_{\text{out}}/\sigma_{\text{in}}$"
- print(fmtstring % ("", "$b$-only fit", "$s+b$ fit", "", ""))
- print(
- (fmtstring % ("name", what, what, r"$\rho(\theta, \mu)$", r"I(\theta, \mu)")),
- " \\hline",
- )
+ headers_first = ["", "$b$-only fit", "$s+b$ fit", "", ""]
+ headers = ["name", what, what, r"$\rho(\theta, \mu)$", r"I(\theta, \mu)"]
+ if options.workspace:
+ tab_header += "r|"
+ fmtstring += " & %6s "
+ if headers_first is not None:
+ headers_first += [""]
+ headers += [r"\Delta NLL"]
+ fmtstring += " \\\\"
+ print(tab_header + "} \\hline ")
+ if headers_first is not None:
+ print(fmtstring % tuple(headers_first))
+ print(fmtstring % tuple(headers), " \\hline")
elif options.format == "twiki":
pmsub = (r"(\S+) \+/- (\S+)", r"\1 ± \2")
sigsub = ("sig", r"σ")
@@ -500,13 +582,18 @@ def getGraph(hist,shift):
print(" option '--skipFitB' set true. $b$-only Fit is just a copy of the $s+b$ fit")
if options.pullDef:
fmtstring = "| %-40s | %-30s | %-30s | %-15s | %-15s | %-15s |"
- print("| *name* | *b-only fit pull* | *s+b fit pull* | *corr.* | *approx. impact* |")
+ header = "| *name* | *b-only fit pull* | *s+b fit pull* | *corr.* | *approx. impact* |"
elif options.absolute_values:
fmtstring = "| %-40s | %-15s | %-30s | %-30s | %-15s | %-15s |"
- print("| *name* | *pre fit* | *b-only fit* | *s+b fit* | *corr.* | *approx. impact* |")
+ header = "| *name* | *pre fit* | *b-only fit* | *s+b fit* | *corr.* | *approx. impact* |"
fmtstring = "| %-40s | %-15s | %-15s | %-15s | %-15s |"
- print("| *name* | *b-only fit* | *s+b fit* | *corr.* | *approx. impact* |")
+ header = "| *name* | *b-only fit* | *s+b fit* | *corr.* | *approx. impact* |"
+ if options.workspace:
+ fmtstring += " %-15s |"
+ header += " *delta nll* |"
+ print(header)
elif options.format == "html":
pmsub = (r"(\S+) \+/- (\S+)", r"\1 ± \2")
sigsub = ("sig", r"σ")
@@ -525,33 +612,48 @@ def getGraph(hist,shift):
if options.pullDef:
- print("nuisance | background fit pull | signal fit pull | ρ(μ, θ) | I(μ, θ) |
+ header = "nuisance | background fit pull | signal fit pull | ρ(μ, θ) | I(μ, θ) | "
fmtstring = "
%-40s | %-30s | %-30s | %-15s | %-15s |
elif options.absolute_values:
- print("nuisance | pre fit | background fit | signal fit | correlation |
- fmtstring = "%-40s | %-15s | %-30s | %-30s | %-15s | %-15s |
+ header = "nuisance | pre fit | background fit | signal fit | correlation | "
+ fmtstring = "
%-40s | %-15s | %-30s | %-30s | %-15s | %-15s | "
what = "Δx/σin, σout/σin"
- print(
- "
nuisance | background fit %s | signal fit %s | ρ(μ, θ) | I(μ, θ) |
- % (what, what)
+ header = "nuisance | background fit %s | signal fit %s | ρ(μ, θ) | I(μ, θ) | " % (
+ what,
+ what,
- fmtstring = "
%-40s | %-15s | %-15s | %-15s | %-15s |
+ fmtstring = "%-40s | %-15s | %-15s | %-15s | %-15s | "
+ if options.workspace:
+ header += "ΔNLL |
+ fmtstring += " %-15s | "
+ header += ""
+ print(header)
+ fmtstring += ""
names = list(table.keys())
+rho_idx = -2 if not options.workspace else -3
+imp_idx = -1 if not options.workspace else -2
if options.sortBy == "correlation":
- names = [[abs(float(table[t][-2])), t] for t in table.keys()]
+ names = [[abs(float(table[t][rho_idx])), t] for t in table.keys()]
names = [n[1] for n in names]
elif options.sortBy == "impact":
- names = [[abs(float(table[t][-1])), t] for t in table.keys()]
+ names = [[abs(float(table[t][imp_idx])), t] for t in table.keys()]
+ names.sort()
+ names.reverse()
+ names = [n[1] for n in names]
+elif options.sortBy == "dnll":
+ names = [[float(table[t][-1]), t] for t in table.keys()]
names = [n[1] for n in names]
highlighters = {1: highlight, 2: morelight}
+fl_b_idx = -4 if not options.workspace else -5
+fl_s_idx = -3 if not options.workspace else -4
for n in names:
v = table[n]
if pmsub != None:
@@ -559,15 +661,14 @@ def getGraph(hist,shift):
if sigsub != None:
v = [re.sub(sigsub[0], sigsub[1], i) for i in v]
if (n, "b") in isFlagged:
- v[-3] = highlighters[isFlagged[(n, "b")]] % v[-3]
+ v[fl_b_idx] = highlighters[isFlagged[(n, "b")]] % v[fl_b_idx]
if (n, "s") in isFlagged:
- v[-2] = highlighters[isFlagged[(n, "s")]] % v[-2]
+ v[fl_s_idx] = highlighters[isFlagged[(n, "s")]] % v[fl_s_idx]
if options.format == "latex":
n = n.replace(r"_", r"\_")
- if options.absolute_values:
- print(fmtstring % (n, v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3], v[4]))
- else:
- print(fmtstring % (n, v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3]))
+ j = [n] + v
+ print(fmtstring % tuple(j))
if options.format == "latex":
print(" \\hline\n\\end{tabular}")
@@ -581,6 +682,7 @@ def getGraph(hist,shift):
fout = ROOT.TFile(options.plotfile, "RECREATE")
+ ROOT.gStyle.SetPadBottomMargin(0.3)
histogram = ROOT.TH1F("pulls", "Pulls", 60, -3, 3)
for pull in pulls:
@@ -595,76 +697,101 @@ def getGraph(hist,shift):
- canvas_nuis = ROOT.TCanvas("nuisances", "nuisances", 900, 600)
- hist_fit_e_s = hist_fit_s.Clone("errors_s")
- hist_fit_e_b = hist_fit_b.Clone("errors_b")
- # gr_fit_s = getGraph(hist_fit_s,-0.1)
- # gr_fit_b = getGraph(hist_fit_b, 0.1)
- gr_fit_s.SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed)
- gr_fit_s.SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kRed)
- gr_fit_b.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlue)
- gr_fit_b.SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kBlue)
- gr_fit_b.SetMarkerStyle(20)
- gr_fit_s.SetMarkerStyle(20)
- gr_fit_b.SetMarkerSize(1.0)
- gr_fit_s.SetMarkerSize(1.0)
- gr_fit_b.SetLineWidth(2)
- gr_fit_s.SetLineWidth(2)
- hist_prefit.SetLineWidth(2)
- hist_prefit.SetTitle("Nuisance Parameters")
- hist_prefit.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlack)
- hist_prefit.SetFillColor(ROOT.kGray)
- hist_prefit.SetMaximum(3)
- hist_prefit.SetMinimum(-3)
- hist_prefit.Draw("E2")
- hist_prefit.Draw("histsame")
- if not options.skipFitB:
- gr_fit_b.Draw("EPsame")
- if not options.skipFitS:
- gr_fit_s.Draw("EPsame")
- canvas_nuis.SetGridx()
- canvas_nuis.RedrawAxis()
- canvas_nuis.RedrawAxis("g")
- leg = ROOT.TLegend(0.6, 0.7, 0.89, 0.89)
- leg.SetFillColor(0)
- leg.SetTextFont(42)
- leg.AddEntry(hist_prefit, "Prefit", "FL")
- if not options.skipFitB:
- leg.AddEntry(gr_fit_b, "B-only fit", "EPL")
- if not options.skipFitS:
- leg.AddEntry(gr_fit_s, "S+B fit", "EPL")
- leg.Draw()
- fout.WriteTObject(canvas_nuis)
- canvas_pferrs = ROOT.TCanvas("post_fit_errs", "post_fit_errs", 900, 600)
- for b in range(1, hist_fit_e_s.GetNbinsX() + 1):
- if hist_prefit.GetBinError(b) < 0.000001:
- continue
- hist_fit_e_s.SetBinContent(b, hist_fit_s.GetBinError(b) / hist_prefit.GetBinError(b))
- hist_fit_e_b.SetBinContent(b, hist_fit_b.GetBinError(b) / hist_prefit.GetBinError(b))
- hist_fit_e_s.SetBinError(b, 0)
- hist_fit_e_b.SetBinError(b, 0)
- hist_fit_e_s.SetFillColor(ROOT.kRed)
- hist_fit_e_b.SetFillColor(ROOT.kBlue)
- hist_fit_e_s.SetBarWidth(0.4)
- hist_fit_e_b.SetBarWidth(0.4)
- hist_fit_e_b.SetBarOffset(0.45)
- hist_fit_e_b.GetYaxis().SetTitle("#sigma_{#theta}/(#sigma_{#theta} prefit)")
- hist_fit_e_b.SetTitle("Nuisance Parameter Uncertainty Reduction")
- hist_fit_e_b.SetMaximum(1.5)
- hist_fit_e_b.SetMinimum(0)
- hist_fit_e_b.Draw("bar")
- hist_fit_e_s.Draw("barsame")
- leg_rat = ROOT.TLegend(0.6, 0.7, 0.89, 0.89)
- leg_rat.SetFillColor(0)
- leg_rat.SetTextFont(42)
- leg_rat.AddEntry(hist_fit_e_b, "B-only fit", "F")
- leg_rat.AddEntry(hist_fit_e_s, "S+B fit", "F")
- leg_rat.Draw()
- line_one = ROOT.TLine(0, 1, hist_fit_e_s.GetXaxis().GetXmax(), 1)
- line_one.SetLineColor(1)
- line_one.SetLineStyle(2)
- line_one.SetLineWidth(2)
- line_one.Draw()
- canvas_pferrs.RedrawAxis()
- fout.WriteTObject(canvas_pferrs)
+ for idx in range(len(hist_fit_s)):
+ canvas_nuis = ROOT.TCanvas("nuisances_%s" % idx, "nuisances_%s" % idx, 900, 600)
+ hist_fit_e_s = hist_fit_s[idx].Clone("errors_s %s" % idx)
+ hist_fit_e_b = hist_fit_b[idx].Clone("errors_b %s" % idx)
+ # gr_fit_s = getGraph(hist_fit_s,-0.1)
+ # gr_fit_b = getGraph(hist_fit_b, 0.1)
+ gr_fit_s[idx].SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed)
+ gr_fit_s[idx].SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kRed)
+ gr_fit_b[idx].SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlue)
+ gr_fit_b[idx].SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kBlue)
+ gr_fit_b[idx].SetMarkerStyle(20)
+ gr_fit_s[idx].SetMarkerStyle(20)
+ gr_fit_b[idx].SetMarkerSize(1.0)
+ gr_fit_s[idx].SetMarkerSize(1.0)
+ gr_fit_b[idx].SetLineWidth(2)
+ gr_fit_s[idx].SetLineWidth(2)
+ hist_prefit[idx].SetLineWidth(2)
+ hist_prefit[idx].SetTitle("Nuisance Paramaeters")
+ hist_prefit[idx].SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlack)
+ hist_prefit[idx].SetFillColor(ROOT.kGray)
+ hist_prefit[idx].SetMaximum(3)
+ hist_prefit[idx].SetMinimum(-3)
+ hist_prefit[idx].Draw("E2")
+ hist_prefit[idx].Draw("histsame")
+ gr_fit_b[idx].Draw("EPsame")
+ gr_fit_s[idx].Draw("EPsame")
+ canvas_nuis.SetGridx()
+ canvas_nuis.RedrawAxis()
+ canvas_nuis.RedrawAxis("g")
+ leg = ROOT.TLegend(0.6, 0.7, 0.89, 0.89)
+ leg.SetFillColor(0)
+ leg.SetTextFont(42)
+ leg.AddEntry(hist_prefit[idx], "Prefit", "FL")
+ leg.AddEntry(gr_fit_b[idx], "B-only fit", "EPL")
+ leg.AddEntry(gr_fit_s[idx], "S+B fit", "EPL")
+ leg.Draw()
+ fout.WriteTObject(canvas_nuis)
+ canvas_pferrs = ROOT.TCanvas("post_fit_errs_%s" % idx, "post_fit_errs_%s" % idx, 900, 600)
+ for b in range(1, hist_fit_e_s.GetNbinsX() + 1):
+ hist_fit_e_s.SetBinContent(b, hist_fit_s[idx].GetBinError(b) / hist_prefit[idx].GetBinError(b))
+ hist_fit_e_b.SetBinContent(b, hist_fit_b[idx].GetBinError(b) / hist_prefit[idx].GetBinError(b))
+ hist_fit_e_s.SetBinError(b, 0)
+ hist_fit_e_b.SetBinError(b, 0)
+ hist_fit_e_s.SetFillColor(ROOT.kRed)
+ hist_fit_e_b.SetFillColor(ROOT.kBlue)
+ hist_fit_e_s.SetBarWidth(0.4)
+ hist_fit_e_b.SetBarWidth(0.4)
+ hist_fit_e_b.SetBarOffset(0.45)
+ hist_fit_e_b.GetYaxis().SetTitle("#sigma_{#theta}/(#sigma_{#theta} prefit)")
+ hist_fit_e_b.SetTitle("Nuisance Parameter Uncertainty Reduction")
+ hist_fit_e_b.SetMaximum(1.5)
+ hist_fit_e_b.SetMinimum(0)
+ hist_fit_e_b.Draw("bar")
+ hist_fit_e_s.Draw("barsame")
+ leg_rat = ROOT.TLegend(0.6, 0.7, 0.89, 0.89)
+ leg_rat.SetFillColor(0)
+ leg_rat.SetTextFont(42)
+ leg_rat.AddEntry(hist_fit_e_b, "B-only fit", "F")
+ leg_rat.AddEntry(hist_fit_e_s, "S+B fit", "F")
+ leg_rat.Draw()
+ line_one = ROOT.TLine(0, 1, hist_fit_e_s.GetXaxis().GetXmax(), 1)
+ line_one.SetLineColor(1)
+ line_one.SetLineStyle(2)
+ line_one.SetLineWidth(2)
+ line_one.Draw()
+ canvas_pferrs.RedrawAxis()
+ fout.WriteTObject(canvas_pferrs)
+ if options.workspace:
+ canvas_dnll = ROOT.TCanvas("dnlls_%s" % idx, "dnlls_%s" % idx, 900, 600)
+ hist_dnll[idx].SetStats(0)
+ hist_dnll[idx].SetLineWidth(2)
+ hist_dnll[idx].SetTitle("Nuisance Parameters")
+ hist_dnll[idx].SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlack)
+ hist_dnll[idx].SetFillColor(ROOT.kGray)
+ hist_dnll[idx].SetMaximum(2)
+ hist_dnll[idx].SetMinimum(-1)
+ hist_dnll[idx].GetYaxis().SetTitle("NLL(fit_{b}) - NLL(fit_{s+b})")
+ hist_dnll[idx].Draw()
+ hist_cdnll[idx].SetLineWidth(2)
+ hist_cdnll[idx].SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlue)
+ hist_cdnll[idx].Draw("same")
+ canvas_dnll.SetGridx()
+ canvas_dnll.RedrawAxis()
+ canvas_dnll.RedrawAxis("g")
+ leg = ROOT.TLegend(0.6, 0.7, 0.89, 0.89)
+ leg.SetFillColor(0)
+ leg.SetTextFont(42)
+ leg.AddEntry(hist_dnll[idx], "individual nuisance", "FL")
+ leg.AddEntry(hist_cdnll[idx], "cumulative", "FL")
+ leg.Draw()
+ latex = ROOT.TLatex()
+ posx = 4 if hist_dnll[idx].GetNbinsX() > 10 else 0.5
+ latex.DrawLatex(posx, 1.5, "Total #Delta NLL %.3f" % (cdnll))
+ fout.WriteTObject(canvas_dnll)