Puppet Plugins for managing in the cloud.
This module requires Puppet 2.7.0 or later.
- guid (tested with 0.1.1)
- fog (0.7.2)
A good image to get started with is ami-90f607f9 named "RightImage_CentOS_5.4_i386_v5.6.8.1"
The Puppet Module Tool may be used to build an installable package of this Puppet Module.
$ puppet-module build
Building /Users/jeff/src/modules/cloudpack for release
Done. Built: pkg/puppetlabs-cloudpack-0.0.1.tar.gz
To install the packaged module:
$ cd <modulepath> (usually /etc/puppet/modules)
$ puppet-module install ~/src/modules/cloudpack/pkg/puppetlabs-cloudpack-0.0.1.tar.gz
Installed "puppetlabs-cloudpack-0.0.1" into directory: cloudpack