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This repository has been archived by the owner on Dec 15, 2021. It is now read-only.


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⚠️ Archived ⚠️

This repo is no longer being used. Development is actively underway on and any future exploration will take place on that repo as well.


⚠️ This Repository is for Experimentation Only ⚠️

This repo contains WIP spike work done as part of our Cloud Foundry Custom Resources exploration. It is not intended for external consumption nor are these the final definitions. This is just a sandbox for exploring how the V3 Cloud Foundry APIs might be backed by Kubernetes Custom Resources instead of CCDB.

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Trying it out

Setup using the install-hack script

Run the hack script to install prerequisites, CF-CRDs and app-validation webhook.

Below PATH_TO_GCR_JSON is a path to the file containing your registry credentials where buildpack can push built images.

hack/ -g "$PATH_TO_GCR_JSON"

It requires the following environment variables to complete installation:

  • REGISTRY_TAG_BASE: Where buildpack built images should be published.
  • PACKAGE_REGISTRY_TAG_BASE: The app converts packages into single layer OCI images. This is the where these images should be published.
  • REGISTRY_SECRET: K8s secret for accessing the push/pull from package registry.
# Example:
export REGISTRY_SECRET="app-registry-credentials"

To run locally against a targeted K8s cluster, jump to Running locally section

To run on a cluster, jump to Run on Cluster section

Cluster Pre-requisites

The below requirements can be installed with the ./hack/ script. It takes a flag to a gcr json key with a -g or --gcr-service-account-json flag, which specifies the file location of a gcr json key.

  • Eirini Controller installed (instructions)
  • Kpack installed (instructions)
    • Follow the kpack tutorial for more information on how to set it up
    • Sample kpack resources are available in config/samples/kpack


Clone this repo:

cd ~/workspace
git clone [email protected]:cloudfoundry/cf-crd-explorations.git
cd cf-crd-explorations/

Deploy CRDs to K8s in current Kubernetes context

make install

Install prerequisites, kpack & eirini, as well as the validating webhook for cf apps:

  • If on Mac, you should confirm that your openssl version is > 3.0 with openssl version
    • To install the latest openssl version on Mac run:
      brew install libressl
      echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/libressl/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
      export PATH="/usr/local/opt/libressl/bin:$PATH"

Running the API and controllers

Running locally

Run controllers locally against a targeting (via kubeconfig) K8s cluster

The spike code converts Apps, Processes, and Droplets into kubernetes resources, including Eirini LRP resources which require the Eirini LRP controller (see cluster pre-requisites above for information on how to install it).

It also produces staged Droplets from Packages and Builds using kpack.

To start the controller locally, run:

make run

Apply sample instances of the resources.

kubectl apply -f config/samples/cf-crds/. --recursive
kubectl apply -f config/samples/supporting-objects/app_env_secret.yaml

Note: If you want the sample app to be routable you must update the sample Route CR (config/samples/sample_app_route.yaml) to point to the configured apps domain for your environment. Since we're leveraging cf-for-k8s for its Eirini installation the easiest way to make the app routable is by using the existing cf-for-k8s RouteController and Route CR.

Run on Cluster

The deployment spec for the controller will need to have the REGISTRY_TAG_BASE env var set in order for the controller to understand where to publish images. See:

As when deploying locally, kpack and Eirini will need to be configured and deployed.

If code changes are made, the controller manager image will also need to be built and pushed to a registry via the make commands.

make docker-build
make docker-push

To deploy to the controller manager to the cluster, run:

make deploy

In order to access the API shim, you need to configure a service such as config/supporting-objects/service.yaml. Once configured, you can curl the available endpoints.

For example:

curl LB_IP/v3/apps/

Manually update the ImageRef on the sample Droplet

Since we do not have a spike implementation of staging or a Droplets Controller at this time (we expect to do this in #6), we have to manually set the image on the sample Droplet. To do this you must

  1. kubectl proxy &

curl -k -s -X PATCH -H "Accept: application/json, */*" \
-H "Content-Type: application/merge-patch+json" \$NAMESPACE/droplets/$DROPLET_NAME/status \
--data '{"status":{"image": {"reference": "relintdockerhubpushbot/dora", "pullSecretName": ""}, "conditions": []}}'

Interacting with the API

To experiment with the CF API shim, you can access the following endpoints and actions.

GET / POST /v3/apps
GET / PUT /v3/apps/:guid
POST /v3/packages
GET /v3/packages/:guid
POST /v3/packages/:guid/upload
GET /v3/builds
GET /v3/builds/:guid
PATCH /v3/apps/:guid/relationships/current_droplet
POST /v3/apps/:guid/actions/<start/stop>

For example, you can get a list of applications by running curl http://localhost:9000/v3/apps | jq .

Filtering Results

The /v3/apps endpoint allows filtering.

$ curl http://localhost:9000/v3/apps?lifecycle_type=buildpack
$ curl http://localhost:9000/v3/apps?names=my-app-name,<new>

Note: non-existent filter fields will not restrict results. In the case of a bogus filter, all results will be returned. We should discuss what our intended behavior is in the future.

Creating or Updating Apps

curl "http://localhost:9000/v3/apps" \
  -X POST \
  -d '{"name":"my-app","relationships":{"space":{"data":{"guid":"cf-workloads"}}}}'
curl "http://localhost:9000/v3/apps/9f924342-472a-43a1-9db9-54beba5401e2" \
  -X PUT \
  -d '{"name":"my-app","lifecycle":{"type":"buildpack","data":{"buildpacks":["java_buildpack","ruby"],"stack":"cflinuxfs3"}}}'

Creating Packages and Uploading Bits Package

In order to create a docker Package, the associated App must be created first.

curl "http://localhost:9000/v3/packages" \
  -X POST \
  -d '{"type":"docker","relationships":{"app":{"data":{"guid":"9f924342-472a-43a1-9db9-54beba5401e2"}}},"data":{"image":"registry/your-image:latest","username":"dockerusername","password":"dockerpassword"}}'

To create a bits package and then upload source code via the following:

curl "http://localhost:9000/v3/packages" \
  -X POST \
  -d '{"type": "bits","relationships":{"app":{"data":{"guid":"9f924342-472a-43a1-9db9-54beba5401e2"}}}}'

  -X POST \
  -F bits=@"<path to zip>"

Creating Builds

curl "http://localhost:9000/v3/builds" \
  -X POST \
  -d '{"package": {"guid": "11c5d0ae-3bc6-441d-ac79-2ebd53b421c9"}}'

Adding the Current Droplet to the App

Update the App to set the current droplet.

curl "http://localhost:9000/v3/apps/9f924342-472a-43a1-9db9-54beba5401e2/relationships/current_droplet" \
  -X PATCH \
  -d '{"data":{"guid": "3874fb78-a0da-414a-ad6f-b2c18e904e57"}}'

Starting/Stopping the App

To start or stop the App

curl "http://localhost:9000/v3/apps/9f924342-472a-43a1-9db9-54beba5401e2/actions/start" \
curl "http://localhost:9000/v3/apps/9f924342-472a-43a1-9db9-54beba5401e2/actions/stop" \


Making Changes to the CRDs

  • Golang CR Definitions live in api/v1alpha1/
  • Apply Changes to re-generate K8s CR Manifests
make manifests


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