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Releases: cloudfoundry/capi-release

CAPI 1.158.0

18 Aug 17:32
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⚠️ Regressions ⚠️

  • The capi-release contains a db migration which may fail if the landscape is under high load. This issue will be fixed with PRs cloudfoundry/cloud_controller_ng#3428 and cloudfoundry/cloud_controller_ng#3424. The PR should be integrated in capi-release >= v1.161.0. If you want to be on the safe side, you should skip this version of cf-deployment and use a later version with the fixed migration.

Support for readiness health check (cloudfoundry/cloud_controller_ng#3351, rfc)

CC API Version: 2.209.0 and 3.144.0

Service Broker API Version: 2.15

CAPI Release

  • Remove deprecated UAA client (#326)

Dependency Bumps

  • Bump rubocop-rspec from 2.23.1 to 2.23.2
  • Bump Redis from 7.0.12 to 7.2.0

Cloud Controller

Dependency Bumps

  • Bump fog-google from 1.21.1 to 1.22.0
  • Bump nokogiri from 1.15.3 to 1.15.4
  • Bump timecop from 0.9.6 to 0.9.8
  • Bump newrelic_rpm from 9.3.1 to 9.4.1
  • Bump oj from 3.15.1 to 3.16.0


Dependency Bumps

  • Bump from 1.27.9 to 1.27.10
  • Bump from 1.30.0 to 1.31.0


Dependency Bumps

  • Bump from 1.27.9 to 1.27.10
  • Bump from 1.28.1 to 1.31.0

Cloud Controller Database Migrations

Pull Requests and Issues

CAPI 1.157.0

10 Aug 08:05
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⚠️ Regressions ⚠️

  • The capi-release contains a db migration which may fail if the landscape is under high load. This issue will be fixed with PRs cloudfoundry/cloud_controller_ng#3428 and cloudfoundry/cloud_controller_ng#3424. The PR should be integrated in capi-release >= v1.161.0. If you want to be on the safe side, you should skip this version of cf-deployment and use a later version with the fixed migration.


  • Improve SQL performance by eliminating redundant ORDER BY
  • More aggressive cleanup of failed delayed jobs

CC API Version: 2.208.0 and 3.143.0

Service Broker API Version: 2.15

CAPI Release

  • Extract Redis tar more resilient (#335)
  • The failed_jobs cleanup job should run more often than once per day to ensure db is not overloaded (#332)

Dependency Bumps

  • Bump Redis to 7.0.12
  • Bump Golang to go1.20.7
  • Bump rubocop from 1.55.1 to 1.56.0
  • Bump rubocop-rspec from 2.22.0 to 2.23.1

Cloud Controller

Cloud Controller Database Migrations

Dependency Bumps

  • Bump redis from 5.0.6 to 5.0.7
  • Bump mock_redis from 0.36.0 to 0.37.0
  • Bump sinatra from 3.0.6 to 3.1.0
  • Bump azure-storage-blob from d4737cd to 1.1.0
  • Bump fog-azure-rm from 379e352 to 0.4.7
  • Bump sinatra-contrib from 3.0.6 to 3.1.0
  • Bump spork from 224df49 to 1.0.0rc4
  • Bump vcap-concurrency from 2a5b017 to 0.1.0
  • Bump prometheus-client from 4.2.0 to 4.2.1
  • Bump mime-types from 3.4.1 to 3.5.0
  • Bump addressable from 2.8.4 to 2.8.5
  • Bump sequel from 5.70.0 to 5.71.0
  • Bump net-ssh from 7.1.0 to 7.2.0
  • Bump prometheus-client from 4.1.0 to 4.2.0
  • Bump oj from 3.15.0 to 3.15.1
  • Bump rubocop from 1.55.0 to 1.56.0


@FloThinksPi, @johha, @kathap

CAPI 1.156.0

28 Jul 09:04
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CC API Version: 2.207.0 and 3.142.0

Service Broker API Version: 2.15

CAPI Release

@moleske removed unused sources. PR #325
@philippthun added redis job. PR #322

Dependency Updates

Bump rubocop from 1.54.1 to 1.55.0 PR: #330
Bump from 1.27.8 to 1.27.9 Commit: fb50097

Cloud Controller

@FloThinksPi, @johha - Limit max pagination depth, cloudfoundry/cloud_controller_ng#3353
@philippthun, @dimivel, @johha - Add delayed_jobs_reserve_where index back cloudfoundry/cloud_controller_ng#3358
@sethboyles - Remove v3/docs from dependabot config, cloudfoundry/cloud_controller_ng#3350
@moleske - Remove kubernetes, cloudfoundry/cloud_controller_ng#3140
@geofffranks, @dsabeti - Adds run_rootfs_image and build_rootfs_image stack properties to API output, cloudfoundry/cloud_controller_ng#3330
@moleske, @philippthun - Fix rubocop issues

Dependency Updates

Bump newrelic_rpm from 9.3.0 to 9.3.1, PR cloudfoundry/cloud_controller_ng#3347
Bump rubocop from 1.54.2 to 1.55.0 PR cloudfoundry/cloud_controller_ng#3360

Cloud Controller Database Migrations

Pull Requests and Issues

CAPI 1.155.0

12 Jul 12:57
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CC API Version: 2.206.0 and 3.141.0

Service Broker API Version: 2.15

CAPI Release

@moleske removed unused sources. PR #325
@philippthun added redis job. PR #322

Dependency Updates

Bumped rubocop from 1.53.1 to 1.54.1. PR: #324
Bumped Golang to go1.20.6

Cloud Controller

Philipp Thun (@philippthun) added a helper script to benchmark rate limiting. Philipp's PR: cloudfoundry/cloud_controller_ng#3326
Greg Cobb (@Gerg) added a linter for syntax errors in the v3 docs examples. Greg's PR: cloudfoundry/cloud_controller_ng#3336
Seth Boyles (@sethboyles) clarified that process stats returns one stats object per instance. Seth's PR: cloudfoundry/cloud_controller_ng#3316
Philipp Thun (@philippthun) implemented Redis for rate limiters. Philipp's PR: cloudfoundry/cloud_controller_ng#3290
Florian Braun (@FloThinksPi) fixed performance issues with delayed_jobs by extending index. Florian's PR: cloudfoundry/cloud_controller_ng#3324
Philipp Thun (@philippthun) added validation for resource match mode. Philipp's PR: cloudfoundry/cloud_controller_ng#3329
David Sabeti (@dsabeti ) allowed use of different rootfs images for building and running. David's PR: cloudfoundry/cloud_controller_ng#3328
Greg Cobb (@Gerg) exposed process version on the v3 API. Greg's PR: cloudfoundry/cloud_controller_ng#3327

Dependency Updates

Bumped the version of public_suffix from 5.0.1 to 5.0.3. PR: cloudfoundry/cloud_controller_ng#3345
Bumped the version of redis from 5.0.5 to 5.0.6. PR: cloudfoundry/cloud_controller_ng#3342
Bumped the version of mock_redis from 0.34.0 to 0.36.0. PR: cloudfoundry/cloud_controller_ng#3343
Bumped the version of nokogiri from 1.15.2 to 1.15.3 in /docs/v3. PR: cloudfoundry/cloud_controller_ng#3339
Bumped the version of nokogiri from 1.15.2 to 1.15.3. PR: cloudfoundry/cloud_controller_ng#3340
Bumped the version of grpc from 1.52.0 to 1.56.0. PR: cloudfoundry/cloud_controller_ng#3338
Bumped the development dependency version of rubocop from 1.53.1 to 1.54.1. PR: cloudfoundry/cloud_controller_ng#3337
Bumped the version of sequel from 5.69.0 to 5.70.0. PR: cloudfoundry/cloud_controller_ng#3334
Bumped actionpack from to PR: cloudfoundry/cloud_controller_ng#3331
Bumped newrelic_rpm from 9.2.2 to 9.3.0. PR: cloudfoundry/cloud_controller_ng#3323

Cloud Controller Database Migrations

Pull Requests and Issues

CAPI 1.154.0

27 Jun 21:41
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CC API Version: 2.205.0 and 3.140.0

Service Broker API Version: 2.15

CAPI Release

Cloud Controller

Remove awesome_print as it is flagging cve scanners

Dependency Bumps

Bump rubocop from 1.52.0 to 1.53.1
Bump fog-google from 1.20.0 to 1.21.1

Cloud Controller Database Migrations



Set go 1.20 as the minimum version. see full change

Notable Dependency Bumps

Bump from 1.0.0 to 1.1.0
Bump from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2
Bump from 1.10.7 to 1.10.9
Bump from 1.18.1 to 1.27.6
Bump from 2.9.2 to 2.11.0

Pull Requests and Issues

CAPI 1.153.0

09 Jun 18:07
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CC API Version: 2.204.0 and 3.139.0

Service Broker API Version: 2.15

CAPI Release

  • Remove cflinuxfs3 and change defaults to cflinuxfs4 (#310)
  • Remove unused shared_job_templates (#315)

Cloud Controller

Dependency Bumps

  • Bump rubocop from 1.50.2 to 1.52.0
  • Bump Golang from go1.20.3 to go1.20.5
  • Bump rubocop-rspec from 2.20.0 to 2.22.0
  • Bump pg from 1.5.2 to 1.5.3
  • Bump newrelic_rpm from 9.2.0 to 9.2.2
  • Bump sequel from 5.67.0 to 5.69.0
  • Bump rspec-rails from 6.0.1 to 6.0.3
  • Bump fog-google from 1.19.0 to 1.20.0
  • Bump cf-uaa-lib from 4.0.1 to 4.0.2
  • Bump nokogiri from 1.14.3 to 1.15.2
  • Bump parallel_tests from 4.2.0 to 4.2.1
  • Bump fog-aws from 3.18.0 to 3.19.0
  • Bump mini_racer from 0.6.3 to 0.8.0
  • Bump oj from 3.14.3 to 3.15.0

Cloud Controller Database Migrations


Pull Requests and Issues

CAPI 1.152.0

03 May 17:26
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CC API Version: 2.203.0 and 3.138.0

Service Broker API Version: 2.15

CAPI Release

  • Adapt description of the log_response_fields configuration #312

Cloud Controller

Dependency Bumps

  • bump sequel from 5.66.0 to 5.67.0

Cloud Controller Database Migrations


CAPI 1.151.0

25 Apr 21:28
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CC API Version: 2.202.0 and 3.137.0

Service Broker API Version: 2.15

CAPI Release

  • Add cflinuxfs4 to default configuration for job specs #280
  • Add broker_client_response_parser logging config #293
  • Allow BBR post unlock to proceed if CC api is remotely available #311
  • Use link for cloud_controller_clock stacks.yml #304

Cloud Controller

Dependency Bumps

  • bump addressable from 2.8.3 to 2.8.4
  • bump sinatra from 3.0.5 to 3.0.6
  • bump oj from 3.14.2 to 3.14.3
  • bump rails components to
  • bump bundler to 2.4.10 in docs/v3
  • bump newrelic_rpm from 9.1.0 to 9.2.0
  • bump json-schema from 2.8.0 to 4.0.0

Cloud Controller Database Migrations


CAPI 1.150.0

13 Apr 22:44
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Upgrade to Ruby 3.2

CC API Version: 2.201.0 and 3.136.0

Service Broker API Version: 2.15

CAPI Release

Dependency Bumps

Bump Ruby to 3.2.2

Cloud Controller

Dependency Bumps

Bump Ruby to 3.2.2

Cloud Controller Database Migrations


Full Changelog: 1.149.0...1.150.0

CAPI 1.149.0

13 Apr 19:08
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CC API Version: 2.200.0 and 3.135.0

Service Broker API Version: 2.15

CAPI Release

  • Ensure Post Backup Unlock always restarts local workers #289
  • Use bosh link for cloud_controller_worker stacks #299

Dependency Bumps

  • bump rubocop from 1.48.1 to 1.49.0 in /spec
  • bump Golang to go1.20.3

Cloud Controller

Dependency Bumps

  • bump rubocop from 1.48.0 to 1.49.0
  • bump net-ssh from 7.0.1 to 7.1.0
  • bump rack from to
  • bump rack-test from 2.0.2 to 2.1.0
  • bump activesupport from to in /docs/v3
  • bump prometheus-client from 4.0.0 to 4.1.0
  • bump psych from 4.0.6 to 5.1.0
  • bump thin from 1.8.1 to 1.8.2
  • bump newrelic_rpm from 8.16.0 to 9.1.0
  • bump addressable from 2.8.1 to 2.8.3
  • bump nokogiri from 1.14.2 to 1.14.3
  • bump y18n from 3.2.1 to 3.2.2 in /docs/v3

Cloud Controller Database Migrations

Full Changelog: 1.148.0...1.149.0