This process is meant to run AFTER the upgrade and before the system is release for consumer access. It will work against the metastore DB directly, which is much faster than running the previous HiveSQL scripts for each table. You can run this against the older Hive versions, but it may render some tables in a state that is NOT compatible with Hive 1/2.
We suggest running this process against a 'copy' of the metastore db to understand the timings for upgrade planning.
Upgrade to CDP can run this process instead of the 'full' HSMM process run during the upgrade. See the Hive Expedited Upgrade. If you run this u3e
process, most of the work will be done already. Create an empty includes file for HSMM and add it to the configuration as directed in the link above. This will ensure any 'database' changes are also applied.
At this time, this process is ONLY available to MySQL/MariaDB backend metastore DB's.
After running the u3
process to review the extent of the changes, you can run this script AFTER the upgrade to Hive 3 to make the changes that cover:
- Legacy Managed Non-Transactional (non-acid) Conversions to EXTERNAL/PURGE
- Will convert all LEGACY MANAGED tables to EXTERNAL/PURGE
- ACID Table bucketing version update
- Adds the correct bucket version property to ACID tables.
- Legacy Contrib Serde2 Replacement
- Handles the conversions of:
- Other Serdes identified in the
process will need to be independently addressed.
- Handles the conversions of:
These scripts will execute directly against the METASTORE DB, skipping the HiveSQL interface. This process is considerably faster than processing these requests through the HiveSQL interface 1 at a time.
- Kudu Serde / Table Upgrades. See:
- Legacy Decimal (Hive 0.12) issues. Refer to description of these in the
The output of the u3 -hdp2|-cdh
process creates an output file called
that contains a list of all the existing partitions that have no matching directory on the filesystem. In the report, there are several options available to correct these inconsistencies. You can create empty directories that match the partition definitions, or remove the partitions via HiveSQL.
Of these two options, dropping the partitions in Hive is preferred. But a large number of these inconsistencies can take a lot of time to run via HiveSQL. An alternative is available that builds a list of the partition ids and then build out the MYSQL
scripts to drop them from the metastore directly. This process is much faster than running the HiveSQL scripts.
Run the u3
process as normal to generate the
file. Installed in the path is a script called
, which should be on the path (in same directory as the hive-sre
Recommend starting small with a test hive database first.
cd <report_output_directory>
file is).- run:
. In the output directory this generates anmysql
script file calledmysql_missing_parts.sql
. - run the
script through your favorite MYSQL cli application against that metastore RDBMS. - rerun the
process to confirm the partition discrepancies are gone.