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Jonti Olds edited this page Aug 8, 2015 · 1 revision

#Math Support

CuteMarkEd uses MathJax for its ability to enter formula. Formulas are written as they are in LaTeX.

To enable math support in CuteMarkEd tick "Math Support" from the "Extras" menu bar.

For simple formulas such as x^2 can be typed as x^2 without any delimiters. For more complicated formulas such as {complicated formula} requires delimiters.

The two types of formulas are displayed and inline.

This is a displayed formula; it is large and centered

{complicated formula}

While this formula here {complicated formula} is an inline formula; it is small and inline with the text.

The displayed delimiters are $$ and $$ while the inline delimiters are \\( and \\). Displayed delimiters need to be on a paragraph all by themselves while inline formulas can be placed within paragraphs. For example ...





{complicated formula}


This formula here \\(y=a\sum_{k=1}^{\infty}\frac{1}{k^{2}}\\) is a test.


This formula here {complicated formula} is a test.

WYSIWYG programs such as Lyx can be used, and indeed was by me when creating these examples. In this case the latex output can be copied and pasted from Lyx to CuteMarkEd finally adding the delimiters manually.

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