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daveray edited this page May 17, 2011 · 31 revisions


See tests and src/seesaw/examples. Seriously, there are a lot of tests and they're pretty descriptive of how things work.

Let's create a JFrame:

(frame :title "Hello" :content "Hi there")

This will create a JFrame with title "Hello" and a single label "Hi there". The :content property expects something that can be turned into a widget and uses it as the content pane of the frame. Any place where a widget is expected, one will be created depending on the argument (see Widget Coercion below) ...

There are several examples at the moment. They're all in the src/seesaw/examples and can be run with lein like this:

$ lein deps
$ lein run -m seesaw.examples.<name-of-example>

To run the tests:

$ java -cp "src:test:classes:lib/*:lib/dev/*" src test 

Hopefully you see a nice wall of green.

Native Look and Feel

Call the (native!) function early in your program (like before any other Swing or Seesaw function is called) to get a more "native" behavior. This includes correct menu bar placement in OSX, etc.

A Note on Threading

As noted [here] ( Swing is single threaded nearly all UI operations should be executed on the Swing UI dispatch thread. To facilitate this, Seesaw includes the (invoke-now) and (invoke-later) macros. The former executes forms on the UI thread and waits for their completion, while the latter simply schedules the forms for execution sometime in the future.

A typical use for (invoke-later) is to get things going in an app:

(defn -main [& args]
    (frame :title "Hello" :content (button :text "Push me"))))
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