File (pryst::io)
- Constructor
- readToString
- writeAll
- close
Error (pryst::core)
- Constructor with message and code
- toString method
- getCode method
- getMessage method
String (pryst::core)
- length
- substring
- indexOf
- lastIndexOf
- replace
- split
- trim
Array (pryst::core)
- length
- push
- pop
- shift
- unshift
- indexOf
- slice
- join
Map (pryst::core)
- set
- get
- has
- delete
- clear
- keys
- values
- size
- print (pryst::io)
- println (pryst::io)
- readLine (pryst::io)
- getChar (pryst::io)
Server (pryst::web)
- Constructor
- listen
- get
- post
- put
- delete
- use
Request (pryst::web)
- getPath
- getMethod
- getHeaders
- getBody
- getQuery
- getParams
Response (pryst::web)
- setStatus
- setHeader
- send
- json
- html
- abs
- ceil
- floor
- round
- max
- min
- pow
- sqrt
- random
- exit
- getEnv
- setEnv
- sleep
- time
- clock
Each builtin needs to be implemented as a proper class or function in the runtime system with:
- LLVM IR generation
- Extern "C" bindings
- Registration in RuntimeRegistry
- Proper error handling
- Type safety
- Memory management
- Documentation