6.0 Architectural Design Document
6.1 Introduction
This document presents the architecture for the software for the Safe Place for Youth (SPY) database as described in the Requirements Specification. The SPY Database will allow users to store and retrieve data over the Internet from any platform, be it a desktop computer, tablet, or smartphone.
6.1.1 System Objectives
This system will be uniquely customized to suit the needs of Safe Place for Youth, a nonprofit organization that serves homeless youth, and will allow SPY staff to securely store and retrieve client information for each youth enrolled in their programs. Thus, at the heart of this system lives the youth profile, which contains a youth’s important health, legal, and participation information. Additionally, the SPY staff will have user profiles, and each of SPY’s programs will have a “program profile.”
The SPY Database system architecture is comprised of a client-side, browser-based interface (frontend), a cloud-hosted server (backend), and the database itself that will store, send, and query data. The frontend will consist of various web-pages that will allow users to easily input, request, and query information stored in the database. The server backend and database will be configured to optimize concurrent access as well as comply with HIPAA security rules to protect confidential client information.
6.1.2 Hardware, Software, and Human Interfaces
Interface Type | Interface Description |
Human Interface | Mouse & Keyboard |
Human Interface | Monitor |
Software Interface | Threaded database |
Software Interface | Non threaded server |
Software Interface | Socket Interface |
Hardware Interface | Wireless networking |
6.2 CSCI Descriptions
- Front Page CSC
- Navbar
- Initial Page
- Front Desk Home Page
- Activities Table
- Client Profile Table
- Check-in Table
- Add Dropin
- View Dropin History
- Add Client
- Clients Home Page
- Add Client
- Client Profile Table
- View Client
- Edit Client
- Add Documents
- Add Client
- Data Browser
- Select Resource
- Query Resource
- Results Table
- Details Pane
- Settings Page
- Change Password
- Notifications Settings
- Statuses Settings
- Flags Settings
- Create New Activity
- Import Data
- Server CSC -- Passes data between frontend and database
- Queries
- Create / Get / Edit / Delete Case Manager(s)
- Create / Get / Edit / Delete Client(s)
- Create / Get / Edit / Delete Drop In(s)
- Create / Get / Edit / Delete Program(s)
- Create / Get / Edit / Delete Subprogram(s)
- Create / Get / Edit / Delete Activities
- Create / Get / Edit / Delete Appointment(s)
- Create / Get / Edit / Delete Drop In & Activity Match
- Create / Get / User Activity
- Custom queries based on user input
- Queries
- Routes
- API Routes
- View Routes
- Database CSC -- Data is stored and accessed via queries
- Tables
- Case Manager
- Client
- Documents
- Prescreen
- Background
- Housing History
- Natural Connection
- Pregnant and Parenting
- Substance Abuse
- Mental Health
- Referral
- Additional Info
- Forms
- Program
- Subprogram
- Activity
- Drop In
- Match Drop In Activity
- Match Drop In Client
- Monthly Statistics
- Appointment
- Activity Log
- Tables
6.2.1 Concept of Execution
Spfy application has a lot of linked use cases. There are five important use cases within this application. The five are Add Client, Data Browser, Drop In, Case Management and Front Desk. The main use case would be Add Client, the user of this application would be able to add clients information when first meeting them. This information would then be stored in the database. The Data Browser is an interface for the database so that the user would be able to search client and retrieve detailed client information. Everything works around the Case Management system, in this system the user would be able to schedule appointments for the client, add/client information, add case notes and upload image files and documents. SPFY has different programs and activities on certain days, Drop In enables the users to add drop in, edit drop in and view the history of the drop in. Lastly, Front Desk is a homepage where the user, after adding the new clients information to the system would then be able to locate checked in clients for the day and add clients to activities and programs.
6.2.2 Interface Design
The following section provides details of the different interfaces between segments of the SPY Database. The figures below give a detailed outline of the modules and functions that comprise the interfaces of each segment. Interface Identification and Diagrams Project Interactions
The three primary aspects of the project are the frontend, the server, and the database. When navigating to a certain portion of the web app, the server returns the appropriate html page to render. When necessary, the front end utilizes ajax calls to pass JSON data to the server, which retrieves the payload data and utilizes it for API calls. During API calls, the server initializes a connection to the database and executes a query string along the established connection. The database retrieves the queried data and passes it back to the server, which converts it to JSON. From there, the server passes the necessary JSON data, along with a response code, back to the front end to be displayed in the page. For example, when the user navigates to the add client page, the server sends a response and provides the add client page. When the user hits the page’s submit button, an ajax call containing the input data is passed to the server. From there, the server executes the addClient function, which uses the established database connection to execute an INSERT query containing the user input data. The database returns a success response, which the server passes back to the frontend to relay to the user.
6.3 Preliminary User Manual
Initialize Webpage
Navigate to http://spfy-test.herokuapp.com/. By scrolling down, text prompts, “What would you like to do?” From here, there are four options that will navigate to different locations and that satisfy different use cases. The five include:
Front Desk - Navigates to the front desk home page, useful for the front desk manager. Easy access to search check-in, search client profiles, add new client, and current drop-in activity menu. More information on these individual tasks is explained below.
Clients - Navigates to the case management page, designed for case managers. Provides access to focused alerts, daily activities, status tasks, and client search.
Case Notes - Navigates to create new case note, helpful to Case Managers
Add a Client - Should navigate to front desk homepage, and initiate the pop-up
Getting to the Front Desk:
Click on “Front Desk” as listed on the navbar
Front Desk Info:
Directly underneath the “Front Desk” title, are KPIs, namely Total Youth Checked-in and New Youth
Directly underneath is the list of checked in youth, including notes with color coded tags
This list is searchable with the search bar at the top of the module
Upon clicking an entry in the list, a modal or tooltip for displaying more info about a client, including specifics on the tags and notes mentioned in the list.
Below that is a collection of modules that will allow for client searching, enrolling, checking-in, activity searching, and more.
Another tab in this area will present the user with the means for searching and extracting details from past drop-in sessions.
Getting to Case Management:
Click on “Clients” as listed on the navbar
Adding a Client:
Click the button labeled “Add Client” that will redirect to the Add client page. Additionally, select "Add Client" on the Front Desk Homepage.
Querying the Database
Select "Data Browser" in the Navbar. Choose a table and column to query.
Alter settings
Select the Profile dropdown on the Navbar, then select settings