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352 lines (281 loc) · 9.95 KB

File metadata and controls

352 lines (281 loc) · 9.95 KB android sdk

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The android library for broadcast.

This library is unstable on Android 5.0+ (Lollipop). We apologize for the inconvenience. If you fix it before we do, we love pull requests.


Add the following to your build.gradle.

dependencies {
  compile 'io.cine:cineio-broadcast-android-sdk:0.0.15'

Ensure Maven central is included in your build.gradle. This should happen by default when building a project with Google's recommended Android IDE, Android Studio.

apply plugin: 'android'
buildscript {
  repositories {
repositories {

Download cineio-broadcast-android-sdk to your application with ./gradlew build.

Then we need to let your application know about the BroadcastActivity.

Add the following to permissions your AndroidManifest.xml

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" />

<uses-feature android:glEsVersion="0x00020000" android:required="true" />

Add the following Activity your AndroidManifest.xml within the <application> tag.

  android:label="CineIOBroadcastActivity" >

For a complete example checkout our example application AndroidManifest.xml.

Now you're all set up!




// Some other potential imports:
// import org.json.JSONException;
// import org.json.JSONObject;
// import java.util.ArrayList;
CineIoConfig config = new CineIoConfig();
// config.setMasterKey(MASTER_KEY);
CineIoClient client = new CineIoClient(config);

Broadcast a live stream

Broadcasting a live stream will launch the BroadcastActivity. If users pause your Application during a live stream and return to it, they will be placed back into the BroadcastActivity. They can return to the parent Activity by pressing the back button.

String streamId = "STREAM_ID";
client.broadcast(streamId, this);
// `this` is a Context, such as your instance of an Activity.
// To use a custom width, height, and orientation

String streamId = "STREAM_ID";
BroadcastConfig config = new BroadcastConfig();
config.lockOrientation("landscape"); //values are "landscape" and "portrait". Not setting the value will allow the view to switch depending on device orientation
config.selectCamera("back"); //values are "back" and "front". Not setting the value will default to front facing
config.setBroadcastActivityLayout(R.layout.my_activity_broadcast_capture); // change the layout used for the broadcast activity

client.broadcast(streamId, config, this);
// `this` is a Context, such as your instance of an Activity.


Playing a live stream will launch the default Video Player a user has configured, or ask the user which application to launch for playing a live video. Most android phones come with a default video player.

String streamId = "STREAM_ID";, this);
// this is a Context, such as your instance of an Activity.

If you wish to build your own video player, here is some sample code to get the HLS url.

client.getStream(id, new StreamResponseHandler(){
  public void onSuccess(Stream stream) {
    String hlsUrl = stream.getHLSUrl();
    // start your video player here with the hlsUrl

Play a stream Recording

Playing a stream recording will launch the default Video Player a user has configured, or ask the user which application to launch for playing a recorded video. Most android phones come with a default video player.

// With a recordingName
String streamId = "STREAM_ID";
String recordingName = "recordingName";
client.playRecording(streamId, recordingName, this);
// this is a Context, such as your instance of an Activity.
// With a stringRecording object (such as returned from getStreamRecordings)
String streamId = "STREAM_ID";
StreamRecording streamRecording;
client.playRecording(streamId, streamRecording, this);
// this is a Context, such as your instance of an Activity.

If you wish to build your own video player, here is some sample code to get the MP4 url.

String streamId = "STREAM_ID";
client.getStreamRecordings(streamId, new StreamRecordingsResponseHandler(){
  public void onSuccess(ArrayList<StreamRecording> streamRecordings) {
    if (streamRecordings.size() == 0){
      //TODO handle no recording
    String url = streamRecordings.get(0).getUrl(); //defaulting to the first recording
    //TODO start your video player here with the mp4Url

API calls


To get data about your projects:

client.getProjects(new ProjectsResponseHandler(){
  public void onSuccess(ArrayList<Project> projects) {
      //TODO handle projects

To get data about your project:

client.getProject(new ProjectResponseHandler(){
  public void onSuccess(Project project) {
      //TODO handle project

To update your project attributes:

JSONObject params = new JSONObject();
try {
  params.put("name", "new name");
} catch (JSONException e) {}

client.updateProject(params, new ProjectResponseHandler(){
  public void onSuccess(Project project) {
      //TODO handle project


To get all your streams:

client.getStreams(new StreamsResponseHandler(){
  public void onSuccess(ArrayList<Stream> streams) {
    //TODO handle streams

To get all your streams by name:

JSONObject params = new JSONObject();
try {
  params.put("name", "a stream name");
} catch (JSONException e) {}

client.getStreams(params, new StreamsResponseHandler(){
  public void onSuccess(ArrayList<Stream> streams) {
    //TODO handle streams

To get a specific stream:

String streamId = "STREAM_ID";

client.getStream(streamId, new StreamResponseHandler(){
  public void onSuccess(Stream stream) {
    //TODO handle stream

To create a new stream:

client.createStream(new StreamResponseHandler(){
  public void onSuccess(Stream stream) {
    //TODO handle stream
// can optionally take params
// params:
//  name: 'an optional stream name'
//  record: true|false (default false). record: true will save recordings of all streaming sessions
JSONObject params = new JSONObject();
try {
  params.put("name", "a new stream");
  params.put("record", true);
} catch (JSONException e) {}

client.createStream(params, new StreamResponseHandler(){
  public void onSuccess(Stream stream) {
    //TODO handle stream

To update a stream:

// params:
//  name: 'a new stream name'
//  record: true|false (updating a stream from true to false will not delete old stream recordings)
String streamId = "STREAM_ID";
JSONObject params = new JSONObject();
try {
  params.put("name", "new name");
  params.put("record", true);
} catch (JSONException e) {}

client.updateStream(streamId, params, new StreamResponseHandler(){
  public void onSuccess(Stream stream) {
    //TODO handle stream

To delete a stream:

String streamId = "STREAM_ID";
client.deleteStream(streamId, new StreamResponseHandler(){
  public void onSuccess(Stream stream) {
    //TODO handle stream

Stream Recordings

To get all the recordings for a stream:

String streamId = "STREAM_ID";
client.getStreamRecordings(streamId, new StreamsRecordingsResponseHandler(){
  public void onSuccess(ArrayList<StreamRecording> streamRecordings) {
    //TODO handle streamRecordings

To delete a stream recording:

String streamId = "STREAM_ID";
String recordingName = "recording-name";
client.deleteStreamRecording(streamId, recordingName, new StreamRecordingResponseHandler(){
  public void onSuccess(StreamRecording streamRecording) {
    //TODO handle deleted stream recording



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  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request