We use Jenkins Job DSL to create the different Kogito jobs
We identify 3 different parts for the job generation:
- Seed API
This is the seed repository containing the common API to generate jobs - Config files
Yaml files which setup the configuration for the jobs generation (repositories, branches, ...) - Repositories' jobs definition This is where each repository decide which job(s) to generate
The seed structure is as follow:
├── dsl # main folder for seed job generation and configuration of Kogito jobs
│ ├── seed # contains all information and configuration of the seed job
| │ └── jenkinsfiles
| │ │ ├── scripts # common script for seed generation
| | │ │ ├── utils.groovy # common script used by seed pipelines
| | │ │ └── ...
| │ │ ├── Jenkinsfile.seed.branch # pipeline for the branch seed job
| │ │ ├── Jenkinsfile.seed.main # pipeline for the main seed job
| │ └── jobs
| │ │ ├── seed_job_branch.groovy # generate a branch seed job
| │ │ ├── seed_job_main.groovy # generate a main seed job
| │ │ └── seed_job_repo.groovy # generate a repo seed job
│ │ ├── src
| │ │ ├── main/* # common classes which can be reused into the different groovy scripts for jobs generation
| │ │ └── test/* # test classes to check groovy script are well formed
The entry point is the main seed job 0-seed-job
. It configuration can be found in the main dsl groovy file.
This job will read the main config file (see below) and will generate a folder for each defined branch. In each of those folders, it will generate a 0-seed-job
based on the branch dsl groovy file which will generate the repositories jobs based on the branch config file (see below). It also generates trigger jobs which will listen to modifications on specific paths.
Next to that it will generate root jobs defined into the root jobs dsl groovy file.
Config files can be defined anywhere. The seed jobs will know how to retrieve from:
- The parameters for the main 0-seed-job
- The main config file for the branch 0-seed-job
The seed main config file will be given to the 0-seed-job
as a parameter.
# Ecosystem contains all different projects concerned by this configuration
# It is used by the seed jobs and the prepare release job
main_project: kogito
- name: kogito
- kogito.*
# This part describes all branches which need generation
# For each branch, you can also define specific `seed_config_file` information
# which will override the default defined below
- name: improve_dsl_generation_test
- name: main
main_branch: true
# This can be overriden for each defined git branches
# This gives the branch config information (see below for branch configuration)
config_file: # main branch seed config file
repository: kogito-pipelines
name: radtriste
credentials_id: radtriste
branch: branch_config_file # Used only for main branch checkout. Else it should be defined for each branch at git.branches level. By default, this value will be overriden by the branch name.
path: .ci/jenkins/config/branch.yaml
# For any notification
email_creds_id: KOGITO_CI_EMAIL_TO_PERSO
The branch config file is given to the seed job via the configuration into the main config file (see above).
All values from this config file will be available to job generation as env variables.
# Specific generation config behaviors
missing_environment: fail # Accept `fail` (will fail on any environment missing) or `ignore` (will not generate the job on missing environment). Other values will be considered as "continue"
# Allow to disable job types
# This is useful in testing to avoid to generate all jobs
# Current jobtype can be found in ../dsl/seed/src/main/groovy/org/kie/jenkins/jobdsl/model/JobType.groovy
# job_types:
# setup-branch:
# disabled: true
# nightly:
# disabled: true
# other:
# disabled: true
# pullrequest:
# disabled: true
# release:
# disabled: true
# tools:
# disabled: true
# Define the different environments
enabled: # true if not specified
auto_generation: # if the environment should be auto generated for PR and Nightly jobs. true if not specified.
pull_request_default_check: # if the environment PR check should be launched by default. false if not specified.
envKey: envValue
- List of ids identifying the environment
# Used to force the disabling of triggers
# Useful when a branch is no more maintained but you still want to keep job history
triggers: true
- name: kogito-pipelines
branch: any_branch
- name: kogito-apps
branch: any_branch
# Main Git configuration
# This information can be overriden in any of the repositories above
name: radtriste
credentials_id: radtriste
token_credentials_id: radtriste-gh-token
jenkins_config_path: .ci/jenkins
# Full repository Example
# repositories:
# - name: NAME
# branch: branch_name
# disabled: false
# author:
# name: another_gh_author
# credentials_id: another_gh_author_creds
# token_credentials_id: another_gh_author_creds_token
# jenkins_config_path: .ci/jenkins/
settings_file_id: 2bd418aa-56fa-4403-9232-8c77a50fc528
release_url: https://repository.apache.org/
release_repository: apache-releases-repository
staging_profile_url: https://repository.apache.org/service/local/staging/deploy/maven2/
staging_profile_id: 2161b7b8da0080
build_promotion_profile_id: 1966c60aff37d
artifacts_repository: http://nexus3-tradisso-nexus.apps.kogito-cloud.hosted.psi.rdu2.redhat.com/repository/kogito-test/
#artifacts_repository: ''
registry_credentials_nightly: tradisso_registry_token
registry_credentials_release: tradisso_registry_token
registry: quay.io
namespace: tradisso
latest_git_branch: main
email_creds_id: KOGITO_CI_EMAIL_TO_PERSO
jdk: jdk_11_latest
maven: maven_3.8.6
Each repository which want its job to be generated should be registered into the branch config file (see above) and should contain this folder structure at its root folder:
├── .ci/jenkins
│ ├── dsl
│ │ ├── jobs.groovy # contains the jobs for the current branch to be generated
│ └── tests # (optional) tests for Jenkinsfiles
NOTE: The main folder, aka .ci/jenkins
can be changed but must be specified into the branch config file
Here is an example of the generated job hierarchy:
├── 0-seed-job # main seed job to create other branch & repo jobs.
├── 0-prepare-release-branch # prepare new release branch
├── main # all main jobs
├── 0-seed-job # branch seed job to create other branch & repo jobs.
│ ├── nightly # all related nightly jobs
│ ├── other # some other jobs
│ ├── pullrequest # all related pr jobs
│ └── tools # tools jobs
├── {RELEASE BRANCH} # all release branch specific jobs
│ ├── nightly # all related nightly jobs
│ ├── other # some other jobs
│ ├── pullrequest # all related pr jobs
│ ├── release # release jobs
│ └── tools # tools jobs
└── z-seed-trigger-job # Trigger job which listen to change on kgoito-pipelines
Local testing will make sure your code is correctly handled by the framework.
$ cd dsl/seed && ./gradlew test
As shown in .ci/jenkins
folder, groovy scripts to generate jobs should be in .ci/jenkins/dsl/jobs
Then, you can also add a small .ci/jenkins/dsl/test.sh
to test your groovy script:
#!/bin/bash -e
# For more usage of the script, use ./test.sh -h
curl -o ${file} https://raw.githubusercontent.com/apache/incubator-kie-kogito-pipelines/main/dsl/seed/scripts/seed_test.sh
chmod u+x ${file}
${file} $@
The script clones the kogito-pipelines
repository and then call the seed_test.sh
which should copy the jobs and run the tests.
Then you can call the script:
$ chmod u+x .ci/jenkins/dsl/test.sh
$ .ci/jenkins/dsl/test.sh .ci/jenkins/dsl
The best way to test your changes is to copy the /KIE/kogito/0-seed-job
into your custom folder, create a test branch and generate jobs from this test branch. You can then in that config file setup the repositories you want to generate to avoid useless generation.
If you don't have access to the Kogito 0-seed-job
, you can also create one based its dsl job groovy file.
You should never used the production seed job for testing as you may overwrite some production configuration by doing so ...
You need to have a special branch on a fork with your own branch seed configuration, because you will need specific Jenkins credentials (Git, Registry), Maven repository (see annex), Container registry namespace, so that you are not altering the production artifacts/images. An example of a branch with a special configuration can be found here: https://github.com/radtriste/kogito-pipelines/tree/test-config
- Setup your main config file to have only the testing branch.
- Setup your branch config file with test repositories and credentials/author.
- Copy the create the
and point the parameters of the job to the main config file you created.
Depending on what you changed and need to test, you may have different parameters to update:- Setup
parameters correctly to the author/branch you pushed your test modifications. This is always required. - Change the
parameters only if you did some changes in the Kogito Pipelinesdsl/seed
folder. Else you can use the default, akaapache/incubator-kie-main
- Setup
- Launch the
and it should create all the needed jobs
Again, please make sure that you setup your own configuration !
For deploying runtimes and examples artifacts, and to avoid any conflict with main repository on snapshot artifacts, you will need to provide a nexus repository to deploy the artifacts.
If don't have one already, you can create one with the nexus-operator.
IMPORTANT: We don't support yet specific user's credentials. Anonymous user needs to have push rights to it.